Jewish Group Erects Memorial for Corrupt Collaborator in Frank Case

John Marshall Slaton’s corruption was exposed by National Alliance; and even Slaton affirmed Frank’s guilty verdict and stated “anti-Semitism” was not the cause of his conviction. PLANS WERE announced this week to honor the Georgia governor known for—100 years ago—commuting the death sentence of a man widely believed to be wrongly convicted of murder. That man, Leo Frank, was later Continue Reading →

30 Years Later: The No-Pardon Pardon of Leo Frank

Today, March 11, 2016, is the 30th anniversary of the granting of a limited pardon to Leo Frank. by John Pierson and Vanessa Neubauer IN 1983 — 70 years after the conviction of sex killer and Atlanta B’nai B’rith president Leo Max Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan — lawyers associated with the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Atlanta Jewish Continue Reading →

August 18, 2015: The Official Five-Year Anniversary of Leo Frank Research Library

Staff from the Leo Frank Research Library was present all day long at the Mount Carmel Cemetery in Glendale Queens, New York City, NY, for the Monday, August 17, 2015 centennial commemoration of Leo Frank’s lynching, and we also celebrated later that evening with a pre-party for the official five-year anniversary of our own official archive launch date (August 18, 2010 – August 18, Continue Reading →

Georgia Judge says Leo Frank Posthumous Pardon is Not Legal

 The letter written by retired judge Randall Evans Jr. was listed for sale at Ebay on Jul-29-2015. 7.25″ by 10.5″ typed letterhead, with ink corrections, March 18, 1986, one week after the pardon, signed Randall Evans, Judge (retired), Court of Appeals, State of Georgia. Purchased at Ebay on Aug-05-2015 Enlarge By Carolyn Yeager On May 15, 1983, retired Georgia Appeals Court Judge Randall Evans Continue Reading →

Leo Frank’s Deposition to Atlanta Police Detectives at the Stationhouse on Monday Morning, April 28, 1913

Below is the transcribed statement Leo Frank made to police at the beginning of the work week following the April 27, 1913 discovery of Mary Phagan’s dead body on that shocking Sunday morning by Newt Lee. The Monday morning, April 28, 1913 interrogation of Leo Frank at Atlanta’s Stationhouse later became State’s Exhibit B at his trial for the murder Continue Reading →

Book Review: Steve Oney, ‘And The Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank’ (2003)

Steve Oney, Holding an Atlanta Constitution Newspaper, August 18, 1915 Issue   And The Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank (742 pages) by Steve Oney, published in 2003, through Pantheon Books in New York. The book is available from, and (including many other popular online stores). Background Information on Steve Oney Continue Reading →

Murder of Mary Phagan 101 Years Ago Today, April 26, 2014: The Aborted Apotheosis of Leo Frank, part 1 and part 2

Published by admin, on April 26th, 2014 American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 26, 2014 Listen to the broadcast Download 23:12 by Kevin Alfred Strom LEO FRANK was a Jewish sex killer who was president of Atlanta’s B’nai B’rith — and who was re-elected to that post even after his conviction. Frank was tried and found guilty of the strangulation Continue Reading →

Boycott: Sun Sentinel Newspaper, A Bastion of Racist Jewish Extremism

Journalist, David A. Schwartz, at the Sun Sentinel, is falsifying the legal history of the the Leo Frank trial, that occurred long ago in Atlanta, during the summer of 1913. Schwartz published pathological lies from ADL member, Lonny Wilk, who spoke about the case during a talk-back session after a showing of the disingenuous and subversive musical ‘Parade’. ADL’s Lonny Continue Reading →

Southern Poverty Law Center, Winter 2013 Report: Neo-Nazis Behind Leo Frank Propaganda Sites

Intelligence Report, Winter 2013, Issue Number: 152 Neo-Nazis Behind Leo Frank Propaganda Sites Just over a century ago, on Aug. 25, 1913, a Georgia jury found factory superintendent Leo Frank guilty of the horrific murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan, whose strangled corpse was found in the basement of Atlanta’s National Pencil Company, which Frank ran. Frank, who was 29 at Continue Reading →

The ADL Jewish Supremacist Culture War Against Gentile Americans: The Tom Watson Affair October 2013 and Cowardly Liar Georgia Governor Nathan Deal

  Atlanta News, Weather, Traffic, and Sports | FOX 5 Tom Watson Statue To Be Removed From Georgia State Capitol Posted on October 23, 2013 by Hunter Wallace ADL exults over the removal of the Tom Watson statue at the Georgia State Capitol ADL exults over the removal of the Tom Watson statue Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal of Georgia recently Continue Reading →

Robert Seitz Frey (1955 – ) and Nancy C. Thompson

‘The Silent and the Damned: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank’, authored by Robert Seitz Frey (born 1955) & Nancy C. Thompson (First edition published 1988, second release 2002, Kindle version 2012), is yet another pseudo-scholarly treatment of the Mary Phagan murder case, amounting to nothing more than a maudlin hagiography about the life & Continue Reading →

The People v. Leo Frank: Steve Oney, “And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank”

The People v. Leo Frank The author of the definitive book on the Frank trial and lynching explains why the case still sparks debate a century later Posted on 9/24/2013 8:00:00 AM by Steve Oney Photograph courtesy of the Kenan Research Center at the Atlanta History Center Throughout the rain-threatened spring morning, pilgrims kept arriving at the Marietta City Cemetery. Continue Reading →

August 26, 2013 is the Centennial of the Infamous Conviction of Child Sex Killer Leo Max Frank for The Aggravated Assault, Child Rape and Vicious Strangulation of Mary Phagan

Over 100 years ago on Saturday, April 26, 1913, inside a dingy, shuttered factory at the heart of Atlanta’s industrial sector, an infatuated Jewish serial rapist-pedophile viciously assaulted one of his teenage employees who rejected his sexual propositions for the last time. EXCLUSIVE ARTICLE FOR INCOG MAN READERS, By Bob Frapples Mary Anne Phagan, 13 years old in the spring Continue Reading →

Judge Leonard Roan’s Instructions to the Jury and Conviction of Leo Frank, Monday Afternoon, August 25, 1913.

The Jury were given their orders from the Judge Leonard Stickland Roan after Hugh M. Dorsey completed his closing arguments that ended at noon on Monday, August 25, 1913: Gentlemen of the jury. This bill of indictment charges Leo M. Frank with the offense of murder. The charge is that Leo M. Frank, in this county, on the 26th day of April Continue Reading →

August 18, *2013*, This Day in Jewish History, One Hundred Years Ago Today on August 18, *1913*: Climax of the Epic Southern Trial of 20th Century in Atlanta, Georgia, Leo Frank Mounted the Witness Stand and Made an Admission that was Delicious Irony!

Leo Max Frank, Twice President of the B’nai B’rith Chapter of Atlanta, Georgia, First Term: September, 1912 – September, 1913. Second Term: September, 1913 – September, 1914. 21st Century Time Travelers of the Imagination Presents: The Leo Frank Trial Transcript from Official Legal Records and Atlanta Newspaper Accounts in 1913 Today on August 18th *2013*, one hundred years ago today Continue Reading →

Matt Lebovic, Journalist for the Times of Israel and the Big Lies about the Leo Frank Case

Dear Matt Lebovic, The article you have written, ‘The ADL and KKK, born of the same murder, 100 years ago” and published at the Times of Israel Dot Com, perpetuates the 100 year old, Jewish pathological BIG LIE about the Leo Frank trial, what amounts to an anti-Gentile blood libel and racist hate crime hoax, that people outside were shouting Continue Reading →

Jewish Blood Libel: The Jewish Hate Speech Death Threat Fraud and Hate Crime Hoax: “Hang the Jews” Perpetuated by Jews Relentlessly About the Leo Frank Case

Please politely contact Yaakov Astor and ask him to stop his racist anti-Gentile smear and defamation campaign promoting Jewish hate crime hoaxes and hate speech hoaxes concerning Gentiles and the Leo Frank Trial. The anti-Semitism canard has been used by Jewish extremists for the last century as a blood libel against Gentiles. Yaakov Astor’s Blog —– The Tragic Saga Continue Reading →

B’nai B’rith’s ADL: 100 Years of Deception: Leo Frank, Abe Foxman, & Minister Farrakhan

By Tingba Muhammad, NOI Research Group | Last updated: May 6, 2013 – 12:56:20 PM What’s your opinion on this article? Printer Friendly Page   “Throughout the history of Black people, B’nai B’rith leaders are conspicuously found aiding Black enslavement—not Black freedom—and the 512-page Nation of Islam book The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2, makes this abundantly Continue Reading →

Harrell Rhome on the Case of Mary Phagan and Leo Frank

THE MURDER OF LITTLE MARY PHAGAN, A TRUE-CRIME EXPOSÉ By Dr. Harrell Rhome Editor of Gnostic Liberation Front Editing and consultation by Mark Farrell. Updated and enhanced at the advice of researchers at The Leo Frank Research Library The original article appeared in the July 2010 Nationalist Times Newspaper and as a special supplement to the CDL Report newspaper. Continue Reading →

The American Mercury: The Murder of Mary Phagan and Lynching of Leo Frank

The Finest Selection of Articles About Mary Phagan and Leo Frank Case Visit the American Mercury now and read the Leo Frank Trial Transcript Analysis: 100 Years Ago Today: The Trial of Leo Frank Begins… Leo Frank Trial Week One Leo Frank Trial Week Two One Hundred Years Ago Leo Frank Mounts the Witness Stand… Continue Reading →