Jewish Reaction to the Guilt of Leo Frank, April 26, 2013

A special program on the 100th anniversary of the rape/murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan (pictured right) on April 26, 1913 in Atlanta, Ga. Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager put the emphasis on the Jewish agenda to “overturn the verdict” against Leo Frank in the minds of Americans and people everywhere, and explain how Jewry goes about it. From regular appeals Continue Reading →

Negro Perspective

BORN IN BlOOD AND BIGOTRY: The Anti-Black Roots Of The ADL, Anti-Defamation League, 1913 to 2013. By Alexander Baron, [An Afro-British Investigative Journalist in London, unlocks a century of hatecrime hoaxes perpetuated against the Black community, and the African-American Janitor of Atlanta’s National Pencil Company, known as James “Jim” Conley (1886 – 1950). Jim Conley finally came forward after three Continue Reading →

The Alonzo Mann Affair

In 1982, Alonzo Mann dropped what appeared to be the biggest bombshell imaginable into the Leo Frank case — though it was sixty-nine years after the fact. Mann, who’d been Leo Frank’s fourteen-year-old office boy in 1913, stated that he had kept a secret all these years: He had returned–he claimed–to the National Pencil Company office around noon on the Continue Reading →

Kevin MacDonald on the Jewish Evolutionary Strategy, Algorithms and Equations of the Leo Frank Case

An Introduction: In the Matter of Leo Frank, Part I Kevin MacDonald January 15, 2010 In 1913 Mary Phagan, a 13-year old girl, was murdered. The absolutely barebones account of the fascinating story behind this event and all that followed is that Leo Frank, a Jewish businessman who managed the factory in Atlanta where Mary worked, was convicted of Continue Reading →

Donald E. Wilkes, Jr. Professor of Law, University of Georgia School of Law, Reviews: Leonard Dinnerstein’s Book, ‘The Leo Frank Case’ (1968, 1987, 1999) and Steve Oney’s Book (2003) ‘And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and Lynching of Leo Frank.

POLITICS, PREJUDICE, AND PERJURY Published in Flagpole Magazine, p. 9 (March 1, 2000). Author: Donald E. Wilkes, Jr., Professor of Law, University of Georgia School of Law. The Leo Frank Case Leonard Dinnerstein University of Georgia Press, 1987, 1999 248 pp., paperback, $15.95 The case of Leo M. Frank, the most important Georgia criminal proceeding of the 20th century, has Continue Reading →

Within the Four-Hour Long Unsworn Leo Max Frank Murder Trial Statement, Delivered on Monday Afternoon, August 18, 1913, Was a Newfangled Admission that Amounted to a Murder Trial Confession; The Revelation Was Made Sometime Between 2:15 PM and 6:00 PM, Maybe 2:45 PM, in the Fulton County Superior Court House of Atlanta, Georgia, During the Month-Long Capital Murder Trial of Leo M. Frank, Charged with Having Strangled Thirteen-Year-Old Little Mary Anne Phagan on Saturday, April 26, 1913

Leo Frank posing for Collier’s Weekly. The photo would later become the front cover for the book The Truth About the Frank Case by C. P. Connolly. In the picture, the finger tips of Leo Frank’s left hand are firmly clasped around the base of his cigar, vertically projecting upward from his groin region. The significance of Leo Frank’s left Continue Reading →

The National Pencil Company, 37-41 South Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Georgia, 1908 to 1915

  The Corporate Standard of the National Pencil Company, Atlanta, Georgia, Circa 1913 The National Pencil Company, 37-41 South Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Georgia  In the Southern progressive era and the years thereafter, Atlanta was in many ways the unofficial capital of the New South, because it became the biggest focal point for trade, innovative business development, manufacturing industry, and rapid Continue Reading →

Parade: The Leo Frank Broadway Musical

  A thespian music video by Jo Jo Brown, who sings “It’s Hard to Speak My Heart” from the Leo Frank musical ‘Parade’ (Broadway should hire him, he’s a perfect typecast to perform as Leo Max Frank), JoJo Brown is not affiliated with the Leo Frank Research Library.   Even the ADL Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith promoted showings of Continue Reading →

American State Trials Volume X 1918 By John D. Lawson LLD

American State Trials Volume 10 (1918) by John D. Lawson, LL.D. Beginning on page 182, an interpretation of the Leo M. Frank case by John D. Lawson is featured and then it is followed by an abridged version of the 1913 Leo Frank trial testimony (July 28, 1913 to August 26, 1913) for the murder of little Mary Phagan on Continue Reading →

Leo Frank Documentary and Film Review: People v. Leo Frank, Directed by Ben Loeterman and Chief Consultant Steve Oney

People v. Leo Frank (2009) directed by Ben Loeterman and Steve Oney (senior consultant). Please watch, transcribe, and fact-check each segment of this 84 minute, 2009 published docudrama by using the 1913 – 1915 primary sources of the Leo Frank case (legal records and Atlanta newspaper reports) to determine what is fact or fiction. When you have completed this task, Continue Reading →

Introduction to Leo Frank (1884 to 1915)

Leo Max Frank (April 17, 1884 – August 17, 1915), also stylized as Leo M. Frank, or Leo Frank. Introduction: Leo Frank’s Life Summarized and Distilled to the Essentials Leo M. Frank was a Jewish-American industrialist, raised and educated during his most formative years in Brooklyn, New York City. In the fall of 1902, Frank matriculated into Cornell University in Continue Reading →

Instauration, The Rehabilitation of Leo Frank, 1986

The Right Wing Perspective on the Leo Frank Pardon This review is written to present the christian right winger view on the Leo Frank Pardon, as opposed to the Frankite (Jewish Community and Leo Frank partisan) view on the Pardon. This review offers a unique and controversial view on the Leo Frank pardon that rarely is given a voice, but Continue Reading →

LiveLeak on the Leo Frank Case

Taking the side of Leo Frank, LiveLeak published an interesting article on the case based on some of the intimate experiences of family members concerning the case. Embed Code from (report if problem) Murder case and the “Leo Frank lynching” live on… Turn back time, more than 90 years, to a cold case that won’t gather dust. It’s a Continue Reading →

Wikipedia Biased on Behalf of Leo Frank

Leo Frank Research Library Disclaimer: Accusations by Christians, Political Conservatives and non-Jews, claiming Wikipedia is biased, have been widely and vociferously made across the Internet. We will present these conclusions here, but it is up to the reader to decide if these accusations have merit or not, by doing their own research and testing on Wikipedia. Try the wikipedia test. Continue Reading →


affidavit Anti-Defamation League anti-Semitism appeal atrocity bias commute (the sentence) chief executive defense attorney due process industrialism lynching pardon petition populist propaganda prosecutor scapegoat(ing) Solicitor General symbolism

Leonard Dinnerstein, The Leo Frank Case PhD Dissertation, 1966, Leo Frank Case Book (1968 to 2008)

From the scholarly article, “Leo Frank and the American Jewish Community,” published in the prestigious American Jewish Archive Journal, 1968, volume 20, number 2, by Leonard Dinnerstein author of The Leo Frank Case editions 1968 through 2008. Link: Dinnerstein, Leonard. “Leo M. Frank and the American Jewish Community.” American Jewish Archive Journal, November 1968, Volume 20, Number 2. Leonard Dinnerstein’s Continue Reading →

Mary Phagan: Mary Phagan-Kean (b. June 5, 1954), Namesake and Grandniece of Little Mary Phagan (June 1, 1899 – April 26, 1913)

Mary Phagan Kean Question: What would Mary Anne Phagan (June 1, 1899 – April 26, 1913) approximately look like in her mid to late fifties if she had lived to see this age? Answer: Mary Phagan-Kean (b. June 5, 1954), her grandniece and namesake. Mary Phagan-Kean, a self-proclaimed “military brat,” was born in the Southern State of Georgia. Phagan-Kean is Continue Reading →

Chronology of Events in the Leo Max Frank Epic Saga

After reading the Leo M. Frank chronology of events, you may want to read the period Leo Frank case newspaper articles from 1913 to 1915 (and beyond), and be sure to also review the Leo Frank Images Archive, which has recently exceeded two hundred images. —- The Leo Frank Case Chronology, based on the compilation originally created by Charles Pou, Continue Reading →

Jewish-Gentile Media Culture Wars: Videos, Films, Movies, Broadway Plays, Music, and Docudramas About or Based on the Leo Frank Conviction for the Murder of Mary Phagan

1913: The Grave of little Mary Phagan (1899 to 1913) by Fiddlin’ John Carson, April 28, 1913. The Grave of Little Mary Phagan, 1913   Early Film: Thou Shalt Not Kill (1915) Thou Shalt Not Kill: Just four months after Frank’s lynching, Hal Reid, the father of the silent-movie star Wallace Reid, produced Thou Shalt Not Kill, a film based Continue Reading →