New Audio Book: The American Mercury on Leo Frank – Dorsey’s Closing Arguments, part 3

THIS WEEK’S audio book presentation on the 1913 Leo Frank case is the third (of six) parts of prosecutor Hugh Dorsey’s closing arguments. His arguments, along with the evidence in this case, were ultimately successful — and Jewish pencil factory superintendent Leo Frank was convicted of murdering 13-year-old Mary Phagan, his sweatshop employee. Frank was the president of the Atlanta, Continue Reading →

New Audio Book: The American Mercury on Leo Frank – Dorsey’s Closing Arguments, part 2

THIS WEEK WE present the second part of the closing arguments of Solicitor Hugh Dorsey (pictured in a  contemporary newspaper illustration), the prosecutor in the 1913 murder trial of Leo Frank for the slaying of his sweatshop employee Mary Phagan. This prosecution has been presented in the major media as a case of “anti-Semitism” — but a reading of the Continue Reading →

New Audio Book: The American Mercury on Leo Frank – Dorsey’s Closing Arguments, part 1

TODAY WE present the closing arguments of Solicitor Hugh Dorsey (pictured), which were the very last arguments heard by the jury, in the 1913 murder trial of Leo Max Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan. These powerful, successful, and historic arguments span some six hours, and they will be presented here over the next six weeks beginning today. They Continue Reading →

New Audio Book: The American Mercury on Leo Frank – Rosser’s Closing Arguments, part 2

THIS WEEK in our audio book series we present part 2, the final part, of the powerful, skillful closing arguments of Luther Z. Rosser for the defense of Leo Frank (pictured) in his trial for the murder of Mary Phagan, read by Vanessa Neubauer. Rosser, possibly the most feared lawyer in Atlanta in his day, was a mouthpiece and “fixer” Continue Reading →

New Audio Book: The American Mercury on Leo Frank – Rosser’s Closing Arguments, part 1

THIS WEEK in our audio book series we present part 1 of the powerful, skillful closing arguments of Luther Z. Rosser (pictured) for the defense of Leo Frank in his trial for the murder of Mary Phagan, read by Vanessa Neubauer. Rosser was respected — and feared — as one of the best attorneys of his generation. He was the Continue Reading →

New Audio Book: The American Mercury on Leo Frank – Arnold’s Closing Arguments, part 2

REUBEN ARNOLD’S closing arguments (part 2) for the defense of Leo Frank — on the charge of murdering his sweatshop employee Mary Phagan — are our presentation this week in our new audio book series, read by Vanessa Neubauer. This series encompasses the American Mercury’s coverage of the 1913 trial and conviction of Jewish sex killer Leo Frank — a case Continue Reading →

1961: National States Rights Party Weighs in on the Leo Frank Case

This article is transcribed from the February, 1961 issue of The Thunderbolt, the official newspaper of the White racialist and anti-Jewish National States Rights Party. Its editor was, and is today, Dr. Edward R. Fields. In the 1980s, Dr. Fields organized a Ku Klux Klan (KKK) march to Mary Phagan’s grave in remembrance of her and in protest of the Jewish Continue Reading →

New Audio Book: The American Mercury on Leo Frank – Arnold’s Closing Arguments, part 1

REUBEN ARNOLD’S closing arguments (part 1) for the defense of Leo Frank — on the charge of murdering his sweatshop employee Mary Phagan — are our presentation this week in our new audio book series, read by Vanessa Neubauer. This series encompasses the American Mercury’s coverage of the 1913 trial and conviction of Jewish sex killer Leo Frank — a case Continue Reading →

New Audio Book: The American Mercury on Leo Frank – Frank’s Trial, Week Three

OUR NEW AUDIO BOOK version of the American Mercury’s centenary series on the 1913 trial and conviction of Jewish sex killer Leo Frank, recorded by Vanessa Neubauer, continues with week three of the trial. Just click on the player below to hear our latest chapter. Leo Frank was the president of the Atlanta chapter of B’nai B’rith, which became — in Continue Reading →

New Audio Book: The American Mercury on Leo Frank – Frank’s Trial, Week Two

TODAY we continue the new audio book version of the American Mercury’s centenary series on the 1913 trial and conviction of Jewish sex killer Leo Frank, recorded by Vanessa Neubauer. Many have described this as the trial of the century: Not only did it forever alter Jewish-Gentile relations in the United States, but some say it profoundly changed the attitude of Continue Reading →

Enright Archives Added to Leo Frank Case Research Library

LEOFRANK.INFO is pleased to announce that the full book, text, and newspaper archives formerly housed at Jack Enright’s Leo Frank Library site have been added to this, the online Leo Frank Case Research Library. We are deeply grateful for Mr. Enright’s assembling and saving this valuable material. Some of the documents from his site were not previously available here, and Continue Reading →

100 Reasons Leo Frank Is Guilty

Proving That Anti-Semitism Had Nothing to Do With His Conviction — and Proving That His Defenders Have Used Frauds and Hoaxes for 100 Years by Bradford L. Huie originally published at The American Mercury MARY PHAGAN was just thirteen years old. She was a sweatshop laborer for Atlanta, Georgia’s National Pencil Company. A little over 100 years ago — Saturday, Continue Reading →

100 Years Ago Today: Leo Frank Takes the Stand

Originally published by the American Mercury on the 100th anniversary of the Leo Frank trial. In a few days the Mercury will present Week Three of the trial of Leo Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan. Today, on the 100th anniversary of Leo Frank taking the stand in his own defense, we present a digest of opinion and contemporary sources on Continue Reading →

100 Years Ago Today: The Trial of Leo Frank Begins

Originally published by the American Mercury on the 100th anniversary of the Leo Frank trial. Take a journey through time with the American Mercury, and experience the trial of Leo Frank (pictured, in courtroom sketch) for the murder of Mary Phagan just as it happened as revealed in contemporary accounts. The Mercury will be covering this historic trial in capsule form from Continue Reading →

Christianity, Anti-Semitism, and the American South: Background to the Leo Frank Case

by Scott Aaron and the editors of GEORGIA, as a part of the South, is a place where, though freethinkers are certainly not unknown, the vast majority of the population is deeply committed to Christianity — largely Protestant, fundamentalist Christianity. One’s personal “walk with Jesus” is taken very seriously here, and the religion informs almost every aspect of private, Continue Reading →

Jews Use Leo Frank As Excuse to Impose New “Hate” Laws

Misnamed “Anti-Defamation League” wants harsh penalties for alleged “crimes motivated by hate” to intimidate White resistance to genocide. THE Anti-Defamation League (ADL) announced recently the formation of a new campaign to improve legal response to hate crimes across the United States. (ILLUSTRATION: Rep. John Lewis and Jonathan Greenblatt) The announcement came during an event in Atlanta, Georgia, with U.S. Rep. John Lewis, as Continue Reading →

Leo Frank: Guilty of Murder, part 3

American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 29, 2015 Listen to the broadcast by Kevin Alfred Strom IT WAS a century ago that Leo Frank, the president of Atlanta’s B’nai B’rith, met his death. His arrest and eventual conviction and execution for the grisly sex murder of little Mary Phagan set off a huge national campaign by the Jewish power structure, Continue Reading →

Leo Frank: Guilty of Murder, part 1

American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 15, 2015 Listen to the broadcast by Kevin Alfred Strom MORE THAN 100 YEARS AGO, Jewish sweatshop operator Leo Max Frank was executed by hanging for the crime of murdering a 13-year-old girl employee of his, Mary Phagan (pictured). Some have called the hanging a lynching, but was it? It was not carried out Continue Reading →

Jewish Effort to Exonerate Sex Killer Frank Continues

Death threats to jury claimed by Jews never happened; were invented by Frank partisans years later EDITOR’S NOTE: Jews are losing the debate on the Leo Frank case — the very case that sparked the creation of their “Anti-Defamation League.” Due to the efforts of the National Alliance and its allies, the truth about Frank’s guilt is all over the Continue Reading →