Story of the Killing as the Meager Facts Reveal It

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta Georgian Monday, April 28th, 1913 A new turn was given the mystery to-day when strands of blood-matted hair were found in a lathing machine on the second floor of the factory. The discovery made it certain that the crime was committed in the factory Continue Reading →

Body Dragged by Deadly Cord After Terrific Fight

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta Georgian Monday, April 28th, 1913 Stretched full length, face downward on the floor of the basement at the rear of the plant, the body was found. A length of heavy cord or wrapping twine, which had been used by the slayer to strangle the Continue Reading →

Police Question Factory Superintendent

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. STRAND OF HAIR CLEW IN KILLING OF PHAGAN GIRL Atlanta Georgian Monday, April 28th, 1913 Body of Mary Phagan Is Found in Basement of Old Granite Hotel in Forsyth Street—Mute Evidence of Terrible Battle Victim Made for Life WHITE YOUTH AND NEGRO ARE HELD BY Continue Reading →

Girl’s Grandfather Vows Vengeance

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta Georgian Monday, April 28th, 1913 Standing with bared head in the doorway of his Marietta home, with tears falling unheeded down his furrowed cheeks, W. J. Phagan cried to heaven for vengeance for the murder of his granddaughter, fourteen-year-old Mary Phagan, and vowed that Continue Reading →

Pinkertons Take Up Hunt for Slayer

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta Georgian Monday, April 28th, 1913 Investigate Story of Wife of Employee That She Saw Strange Negro Around Factory. The Pinkerton Detective Agency was brought into the Phagan murder mystery this afternoon when Leo Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil Company’s factory, called upon the Continue Reading →

Playful Girl With Not a Bad Thought

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta Georgian Monday, April 28th, 1913 “She was just a little, playful girl, without a bad thought in her mind, and she has been made the victim of the blackest crime that can be perpetuated,” was the bitter denunciation of the assailant of Mary Phagan Continue Reading →

12-Year-Old Girl Sobs Her Love for Slain Child

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta Georgian Monday, April 28th, 1913 “I’d help lynch the man that killed poor Mary. If they’d let me, I’d like to hold the rope that choked him to death. That’s all he deserves. I was playing with Mary only a few days ago. She Continue Reading →

Neighbors of Slain Girl Cry for Vengeance

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta Georgian Monday, April 28th, 1913 Slaying of Mary Phagan Arouses Friends of Family to Threats of Violence. “I wouldn’t have liked to be held responsible for the fate of the murderer of little Mary Phagan if the men in this neighborhood had got hold Continue Reading →

Announcement: Original 1913 Newspaper Transcriptions of Mary Phagan Murder Exclusive to! (now

EXCLUSIVE to [url now changed to], original and careful transcriptions of articles from the three major Atlanta newspapers in 1913, concerning the murder case of Mary Phagan, will be appearing periodically on this website. Thanks to complete transcription and hand re-typing, readers can now peruse and search the newspapers of the day (Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta Journal and Atlanta Constitution) in improved clarity and Continue Reading →

New Audio Book: The Murder of Little Mary Phagan

A NEW authorized audio book version of The Murder of Little Mary Phagan by Mary Phagan Kean has just been recorded for The American Mercury. The Leo Frank Case Research Library is proud to offer it to our readers on this, the 103rd anniversary of the tragic death of Mary Phagan. You can download the audio book, free of charge, Continue Reading →

August 18, 2015: The Official Five-Year Anniversary of Leo Frank Research Library

Staff from the Leo Frank Research Library was present all day long at the Mount Carmel Cemetery in Glendale Queens, New York City, NY, for the Monday, August 17, 2015 centennial commemoration of Leo Frank’s lynching, and we also celebrated later that evening with a pre-party for the official five-year anniversary of our own official archive launch date (August 18, 2010 – August 18, Continue Reading →

Leo Frank’s Deposition to Atlanta Police Detectives at the Stationhouse on Monday Morning, April 28, 1913

Below is the transcribed statement Leo Frank made to police at the beginning of the work week following the April 27, 1913 discovery of Mary Phagan’s dead body on that shocking Sunday morning by Newt Lee. The Monday morning, April 28, 1913 interrogation of Leo Frank at Atlanta’s Stationhouse later became State’s Exhibit B at his trial for the murder Continue Reading →

What’s New? Leo M. Frank Library Addendum and New Additions

The following elusive items were added to the Leo Frank Case and Trial Research Library and Archive:2017, Website Completed! All independently written articles on the web site turned into Audiobooks. 2016, Centennial Publishing: The case of Pinkerton Detective Agency verses National Pencil Company, February 1916. Case Related Newspaper Articles All Transcribed so people can search and mine them for Continue Reading →

Jewish Supremacism and Racist Anti-Gentilism Prevails at New Georgia Encyclopedia

Dear New Students of the Frank-Phagan Case, The New Georgia Encyclopedia (NGE) with a disingenuous mask of academic legitimacy, openly falsifies the facts surrounding the principals and events associated with the 1913 murder of Mary Phagan and trial of Leo Frank. Their efforts appear to be part of a much broader Jewish Evolutionary Strategy (JES) propaganda campaign brought against European-Americans Continue Reading →

Book Review: Steve Oney, ‘And The Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank’ (2003)

Steve Oney, Holding an Atlanta Constitution Newspaper, August 18, 1915 Issue   And The Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank (742 pages) by Steve Oney, published in 2003, through Pantheon Books in New York. The book is available from, and (including many other popular online stores). Background Information on Steve Oney Continue Reading →

Murder of Mary Phagan 101 Years Ago Today, April 26, 2014: The Aborted Apotheosis of Leo Frank, part 1 and part 2

Published by admin, on April 26th, 2014 American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 26, 2014 Listen to the broadcast Download 23:12 by Kevin Alfred Strom LEO FRANK was a Jewish sex killer who was president of Atlanta’s B’nai B’rith — and who was re-elected to that post even after his conviction. Frank was tried and found guilty of the strangulation Continue Reading →

Jewish Educational Programs Poisoning Children’s Minds in American Middle Schools with racist anti-Gentile propaganda against European-American Southerners..

He who controls the present, controls the past and he who controls the past, controls the future. -George Orwell The historical narrative of the well organized Jewish community is one that states in effect, “We Jews are under siege by non-Jews and when we Jews are not under siege by Gentiles, we might be soon, so watch out”. In a Continue Reading →

August 18, *2013*, This Day in Jewish History, One Hundred Years Ago Today on August 18, *1913*: Climax of the Epic Southern Trial of 20th Century in Atlanta, Georgia, Leo Frank Mounted the Witness Stand and Made an Admission that was Delicious Irony!

Leo Max Frank, Twice President of the B’nai B’rith Chapter of Atlanta, Georgia, First Term: September, 1912 – September, 1913. Second Term: September, 1913 – September, 1914. 21st Century Time Travelers of the Imagination Presents: The Leo Frank Trial Transcript from Official Legal Records and Atlanta Newspaper Accounts in 1913 Today on August 18th *2013*, one hundred years ago today Continue Reading →

Matt Lebovic, Journalist for the Times of Israel and the Big Lies about the Leo Frank Case

Dear Matt Lebovic, The article you have written, ‘The ADL and KKK, born of the same murder, 100 years ago” and published at the Times of Israel Dot Com, perpetuates the 100 year old, Jewish pathological BIG LIE about the Leo Frank trial, what amounts to an anti-Gentile blood libel and racist hate crime hoax, that people outside were shouting Continue Reading →

The Coroner’s Inquest of the Mary Phagan Murder Mystery

 — PART 1: INTRODUCTION — FOR THE FIRST TIME in history, we now have a full, unexpurgated digital record of all the contemporary reports about the Coroner’s Inquest which took place in the wake of the murder of Mary Phagan. Thanks to the hard work of Penelope Lee of the American Mercury, who typed every word by hand, these articles Continue Reading →