Carolyn Yeager: For 100 years Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL since 1986) has worked to reverse justice in the murder of little Mary Phagan

Jews won’t rest until the murderer Leo Frank is declared innocent     Abraham Foxman (left) was paid handsomely by the ADL to protect and defend Jew criminals and perverts like Leo Frank (right).   by Carolyn Yeager   On July 20, 2015, Abe Foxman ended his “50 years of service” to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), twenty-eight of them spent Continue Reading →

June 2015, the Centennial Honoring of Dishonor, Corruption and Treachery: Governor John Slaton and the Leo Frank Case

by Kevin Alfred Strom 2015 IS THE YEAR of Jewish failure to contain and control the Leo Frank narrative, a narrative they very much want to control in this, the 100th year after Frank’s death. For in the case of Leo Frank we find century-old confirmation of a pattern — a pattern of Jewish sexual license, Jewish racial solidarity even Continue Reading →

Insolent Chutzpah and Atlanta Georgia’s Gubernatorial Political Corruption Honored 100 Years Later: The 60th Governor of Georgia John M. Slaton (Law Partner of Frank’s Lead Trial Attorney Luther Rosser) Commutes the Death Sentence of His Own Law Firm’s Client, Leo M. Frank, to Life in Prison!

[Editor’s Note: Over one hundred years of relentless media demoralization efforts, anti-Southern deracination, “us verses them” agitation, and wildly over-the-top anti-Gentilism by the hyper-ethnocentric and well-organized Jewish community against African-American and European-Americans continues unabated with this latest disgusting outrage: the centennial clemency decision honoring with a prominent sign-post historical marker erected for the 60th Governor of Georgia John Marshall Slaton (1866-1955) Continue Reading →

What’s New? Leo M. Frank Library Addendum and New Additions

The following elusive items were added to the Leo Frank Case and Trial Research Library and Archive:2017, Website Completed! All independently written articles on the web site turned into Audiobooks. 2016, Centennial Publishing: The case of Pinkerton Detective Agency verses National Pencil Company, February 1916. Case Related Newspaper Articles All Transcribed so people can search and mine them for Continue Reading →

Jewish Supremacism and Racist Anti-Gentilism Prevails at New Georgia Encyclopedia

Dear New Students of the Frank-Phagan Case, The New Georgia Encyclopedia (NGE) with a disingenuous mask of academic legitimacy, openly falsifies the facts surrounding the principals and events associated with the 1913 murder of Mary Phagan and trial of Leo Frank. Their efforts appear to be part of a much broader Jewish Evolutionary Strategy (JES) propaganda campaign brought against European-Americans Continue Reading →

Book Review: Steve Oney, ‘And The Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank’ (2003)

Steve Oney, Holding an Atlanta Constitution Newspaper, August 18, 1915 Issue   And The Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank (742 pages) by Steve Oney, published in 2003, through Pantheon Books in New York. The book is available from, and (including many other popular online stores). Background Information on Steve Oney Continue Reading →

New York Times

New York Times fought hard to not get seen as the Jewish Newspaper that works to subvert Western Civilization and falsify historical events on behalf of Jews. However in 1913, Adolph Ochs using his press organ The New York Times, took on the Leo Frank Case as his own personal crusade against anti-Semitism.   1913 May 2, 1913: Troops on Continue Reading →

Jeffersonian Weekly

Tom Watson’s weekly newspaper articles about the Frank-Phagan case or its associated principals.    1913 May 8, 1913: How Atlanta Cleaned Up (Jeffersonian)   1914 March 19, 1914: The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried? (Jeffersonian) April 2, 1914: What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of “The Frank Case” (Jeffersonian) April 9, 1914: The Leo Continue Reading →

Atlanta Constitution

Atlanta Constitution Newspapers about the Frank-Phagan case will be listed here.   1913 April 28, 1913: Girl is Assaulted and then Murdered in Heart of Town (Atlanta Constitution) April 28, 1913: Pretty Young Victim of Sunday’s Atrocious Crime and the Building in Which She Met Her Death (Atlanta Constitution) April 29, 1913: $1,000 Reward (Atlanta Constitution) April 29, 1913: Held on Murder Charge Continue Reading →

Boycott: Sun Sentinel Newspaper, A Bastion of Racist Jewish Extremism

Journalist, David A. Schwartz, at the Sun Sentinel, is falsifying the legal history of the the Leo Frank trial, that occurred long ago in Atlanta, during the summer of 1913. Schwartz published pathological lies from ADL member, Lonny Wilk, who spoke about the case during a talk-back session after a showing of the disingenuous and subversive musical ‘Parade’. ADL’s Lonny Continue Reading →

Matt Lebovic, Journalist for the Times of Israel and the Big Lies about the Leo Frank Case

Dear Matt Lebovic, The article you have written, ‘The ADL and KKK, born of the same murder, 100 years ago” and published at the Times of Israel Dot Com, perpetuates the 100 year old, Jewish pathological BIG LIE about the Leo Frank trial, what amounts to an anti-Gentile blood libel and racist hate crime hoax, that people outside were shouting Continue Reading →

Jewish Reaction to the Guilt of Leo Frank, April 26, 2013

A special program on the 100th anniversary of the rape/murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan (pictured right) on April 26, 1913 in Atlanta, Ga. Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager put the emphasis on the Jewish agenda to “overturn the verdict” against Leo Frank in the minds of Americans and people everywhere, and explain how Jewry goes about it. From regular appeals Continue Reading →

Seeking Justice for Mary Anne Phagan (June 1, 1899 – April 26, 1913) Against the Anti-Defamation League’s Racist, Anti-Gentile Campaign, of Perpetuating the Century-Long, Leo M. Frank Trial, Anti-Semitic Hatecrime Hoax, from 1913 to 2013

Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL), Patron Father and Martyr of Anti-Semitism: Leo Frank, Atlanta B’nai B’rith President Serial rapist-pedophile and convicted child killer, Leo Max Frank, violently assaulted, raped, and garroted 13-year-old little Mary Anne Phagan (born Thursday, June 1, 1899) at minutes past twelve-noon, on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913. Phagan was viciously murdered, inside the Continue Reading →

Leo Frank and Other Associated Principals in the Early Print Media of Newspapers and Magazines During the 20th Century, Including the Notable March 9, 1914, Atlanta Constitution, Leo Max Frank Jailhouse Interview Admission Amounting to Leo Frank Murder Confession Number Four.

Clark Howell (September 21, 1863 – November 14, 1936) was a Pulitzer Prize winning American newspaper man and politician from the state of Georgia.  According to Wikipedia: Howell was born on September 21, 1863 in Atlanta, Georgia. During the American Civil War his mother was in South Carolina, while his father, Captain Evan Howell, served in the infantry and commanded Continue Reading →

The Alonzo Mann Affair

In 1982, Alonzo Mann dropped what appeared to be the biggest bombshell imaginable into the Leo Frank case — though it was sixty-nine years after the fact. Mann, who’d been Leo Frank’s fourteen-year-old office boy in 1913, stated that he had kept a secret all these years: He had returned–he claimed–to the National Pencil Company office around noon on the Continue Reading →

Kevin MacDonald on the Jewish Evolutionary Strategy, Algorithms and Equations of the Leo Frank Case

An Introduction: In the Matter of Leo Frank, Part I Kevin MacDonald January 15, 2010 In 1913 Mary Phagan, a 13-year old girl, was murdered. The absolutely barebones account of the fascinating story behind this event and all that followed is that Leo Frank, a Jewish businessman who managed the factory in Atlanta where Mary worked, was convicted of Continue Reading →

Donald E. Wilkes, Jr. Professor of Law, University of Georgia School of Law, Reviews: Leonard Dinnerstein’s Book, ‘The Leo Frank Case’ (1968, 1987, 1999) and Steve Oney’s Book (2003) ‘And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and Lynching of Leo Frank.

POLITICS, PREJUDICE, AND PERJURY Published in Flagpole Magazine, p. 9 (March 1, 2000). Author: Donald E. Wilkes, Jr., Professor of Law, University of Georgia School of Law. The Leo Frank Case Leonard Dinnerstein University of Georgia Press, 1987, 1999 248 pp., paperback, $15.95 The case of Leo M. Frank, the most important Georgia criminal proceeding of the 20th century, has Continue Reading →

Within the Four-Hour Long Unsworn Leo Max Frank Murder Trial Statement, Delivered on Monday Afternoon, August 18, 1913, Was a Newfangled Admission that Amounted to a Murder Trial Confession; The Revelation Was Made Sometime Between 2:15 PM and 6:00 PM, Maybe 2:45 PM, in the Fulton County Superior Court House of Atlanta, Georgia, During the Month-Long Capital Murder Trial of Leo M. Frank, Charged with Having Strangled Thirteen-Year-Old Little Mary Anne Phagan on Saturday, April 26, 1913

Leo Frank posing for Collier’s Weekly. The photo would later become the front cover for the book The Truth About the Frank Case by C. P. Connolly. In the picture, the finger tips of Leo Frank’s left hand are firmly clasped around the base of his cigar, vertically projecting upward from his groin region. The significance of Leo Frank’s left Continue Reading →