Enright Archives Added to Leo Frank Case Research Library

LEOFRANK.INFO is pleased to announce that the full book, text, and newspaper archives formerly housed at Jack Enright’s Leo Frank Library site have been added to this, the online Leo Frank Case Research Library. We are deeply grateful for Mr. Enright’s assembling and saving this valuable material. Some of the documents from his site were not previously available here, and Continue Reading →

Conley is Unwittingly Friend of Frank, Says Old Police Reporter

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta Georgian Sunday, June 1st, 1913 By AN OLD POLICE REPORTER. Developments came thick and fast during the past week, and one is able to approach consideration of the Phagan case to-day with more assurance and ease of mind than heretofore. Distinctly have the clouds Continue Reading →

100 Reasons Leo Frank Is Guilty

Proving That Anti-Semitism Had Nothing to Do With His Conviction — and Proving That His Defenders Have Used Frauds and Hoaxes for 100 Years by Bradford L. Huie originally published at The American Mercury MARY PHAGAN was just thirteen years old. She was a sweatshop laborer for Atlanta, Georgia’s National Pencil Company. A little over 100 years ago — Saturday, Continue Reading →

The Leo Frank Trial: Closing Arguments of Hooper, Arnold, and Rosser

Originally published by the American Mercury on the 100th anniversary of the Leo Frank trial. The American Mercury continues its centenary coverage of the trial of Leo Frank for the slaying of Mary Phagan with the closing arguments presented by the prosecution and defense. by Bradford L. Huie IT’S A LONG READ — but an essential one for everyone who wants to Continue Reading →

Three Strangling Deaths: Why I Chose to Write About the Leo Frank Case

by Scott Aaron IT MAY WELL BE the greatest murder mystery of all time. Some assert that the Mary Phagan murder case is solved, but those who so assert are of two different and mutually exclusive camps. And those two camps still stand diametrically opposed to this day, four generations later. The case aroused the outrage and ire and vengeance Continue Reading →

Christianity, Anti-Semitism, and the American South: Background to the Leo Frank Case

by Scott Aaron and the editors of LeoFrank.info GEORGIA, as a part of the South, is a place where, though freethinkers are certainly not unknown, the vast majority of the population is deeply committed to Christianity — largely Protestant, fundamentalist Christianity. One’s personal “walk with Jesus” is taken very seriously here, and the religion informs almost every aspect of private, Continue Reading →

Leo Frank: Guilty of Murder, part 3

American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 29, 2015 Listen to the broadcast by Kevin Alfred Strom IT WAS a century ago that Leo Frank, the president of Atlanta’s B’nai B’rith, met his death. His arrest and eventual conviction and execution for the grisly sex murder of little Mary Phagan set off a huge national campaign by the Jewish power structure, Continue Reading →

Leo Frank: Guilty of Murder, part 2

American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 22, 2015 Listen to the broadcast by Kevin Alfred Strom MORE THAN 100 YEARS AGO, Leo Max Frank — a Jewish employer of child labor — was executed for the sex murder of his 13-year-old employee Mary Phagan. The controlled media have published literally hundreds of articles, dramas, and documentaries on the case in Continue Reading →

The Leo Frank Case: A Pseudo-History

by Elliot Dashfield a review of The Leo Frank Case by Leonard Dinnerstein, University of Georgia Press IN 1963, nearly a half century after the sensational trial and lynching of Leo Frank become a national cause célèbre, a graduate student named Leonard Dinnerstein (pictured) decided to make the Frank case the subject of his PhD thesis. Three years later, Dinnerstein Continue Reading →

The Troubling Testimony of Alonzo Mann in the Murder of Little Mary Phagan

by Lawson Wellborn WITH THE recent centennial of the death by lynching of Leo Max Frank, public attention has been fixed once again on the remarkable dual murders of Mary Phagan and Leo Frank. As is fairly well-known at this point, 13-year-old Mary Phagan was murdered in the National Pencil Factory in Atlanta on April 26, 1913. Leo Frank, her Continue Reading →

Burns, Called in as Last Resort, Faces ‘Cold Trail’ in Baffling Phagan Case

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 18th, 1913 World’s Most Famous Detective Must Disregard All Theories Advanced Thus Far and Must Evolve His Own Solution of the Mysterious Slaying. By AN OLD POLICE REPORTER. Can William J. Burns solve the Phagan mystery? I certainly hope so, as Continue Reading →

New Audio Book: The Murder of Little Mary Phagan

A NEW authorized audio book version of The Murder of Little Mary Phagan by Mary Phagan Kean has just been recorded for The American Mercury. The Leo Frank Case Research Library is proud to offer it to our readers on this, the 103rd anniversary of the tragic death of Mary Phagan. You can download the audio book, free of charge, Continue Reading →

30 Years Later: The No-Pardon Pardon of Leo Frank

Today, March 11, 2016, is the 30th anniversary of the granting of a limited pardon to Leo Frank. by John Pierson and Vanessa Neubauer IN 1983 — 70 years after the conviction of sex killer and Atlanta B’nai B’rith president Leo Max Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan — lawyers associated with the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Atlanta Jewish Continue Reading →

September 2015 Centennial Audiobook: Tom Watson’s “The Official Record in the Case of Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert” Originally Published September, 1915 in Watson’s Magazine.

John de Nugent Presents: The 2015 created centennial audiobook of a 1915 magazine article written and published in 1915 by then future U.S. Senator from Georgia (1920-1922), Tom Watson (September 5, 1856 – September 26, 1922), called “The Official Record in the Case of Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert” originally published in Watson’s Magazine, September 1915, less than 2 weeks after the Continue Reading →

August 2015 Centennial Audiobook: The Celebrated Case of The State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank. Watson’s Magazine, Volume 21 Number 4, August 1915

August 2015, John de Nugent audiobook series segment 3 of Tom Watson’s five part, monthly updates of Leo Frank Case analysis from Watson’s Magazine, August 1915. Click to play here:  Download audio file ____________________________________________ National Vanguard audiobook series by Vanessa Neubauer on the centennial publishing (August 2015) of The Celebrated Case of The State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank originally Continue Reading →

Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith likens Leo Frank case to the Jewish “Holocaust”

By Carolyn Yeager Leo Max Frank … definitely of a different constituency. Denial of Leo Frank’s innocence is equivalent to Holocaust denial … so goes the reasoning of the Anti-Defamation League. Well, with Jews, everything leads to the Holocaust, does it not? In a memo* sent to the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles in 1982, a League official stated: Continue Reading →

Georgia Judge says Leo Frank Posthumous Pardon is Not Legal

 The letter written by retired judge Randall Evans Jr. was listed for sale at Ebay on Jul-29-2015. 7.25″ by 10.5″ typed letterhead, with ink corrections, March 18, 1986, one week after the pardon, signed Randall Evans, Judge (retired), Court of Appeals, State of Georgia. Purchased at Ebay on Aug-05-2015 Enlarge By Carolyn Yeager On May 15, 1983, retired Georgia Appeals Court Judge Randall Evans Continue Reading →

Carolyn Yeager: For 100 years Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL since 1986) has worked to reverse justice in the murder of little Mary Phagan

Jews won’t rest until the murderer Leo Frank is declared innocent     Abraham Foxman (left) was paid handsomely by the ADL to protect and defend Jew criminals and perverts like Leo Frank (right).   by Carolyn Yeager   On July 20, 2015, Abe Foxman ended his “50 years of service” to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), twenty-eight of them spent Continue Reading →

June 2015, the Centennial Honoring of Dishonor, Corruption and Treachery: Governor John Slaton and the Leo Frank Case

by Kevin Alfred Strom 2015 IS THE YEAR of Jewish failure to contain and control the Leo Frank narrative, a narrative they very much want to control in this, the 100th year after Frank’s death. For in the case of Leo Frank we find century-old confirmation of a pattern — a pattern of Jewish sexual license, Jewish racial solidarity even Continue Reading →

Insolent Chutzpah and Atlanta Georgia’s Gubernatorial Political Corruption Honored 100 Years Later: The 60th Governor of Georgia John M. Slaton (Law Partner of Frank’s Lead Trial Attorney Luther Rosser) Commutes the Death Sentence of His Own Law Firm’s Client, Leo M. Frank, to Life in Prison!

[Editor’s Note: Over one hundred years of relentless media demoralization efforts, anti-Southern deracination, “us verses them” agitation, and wildly over-the-top anti-Gentilism by the hyper-ethnocentric and well-organized Jewish community against African-American and European-Americans continues unabated with this latest disgusting outrage: the centennial clemency decision honoring with a prominent sign-post historical marker erected for the 60th Governor of Georgia John Marshall Slaton (1866-1955) Continue Reading →