Frank’s Attorneys Make No Comment

Frank's AttorneysAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

Neither L. Z. Rosser Nor Herbert Haas Had Any Statement to Make

“Not a word to say,” was Attorney Luther Z. Rosser’s comment when informed by a Journal reporter that his client, Leo M. Frank, had been indicted by the grand jury for the murder of Mary Phagan.

Mr. Rosser held in his hand a Journal extra telling of the affidavit by the negro, James Connally [sic], that on the day before the tragedy Mr. Frank called him into his (Frank’s) office and asked him to dictate two notes, and that he believes the notes he dictated are the same ones found beside the murdered girl’s body in the pencil factory basement.

Asked if he would permit The Journal to interview Mr. Frank, Mr. Rosser said he would not.

“I have no statement to make. You’d better see Mr. Rosser,” was the reply of Attorney Herbert Haas when seen a few moments later by the same reporter and informed of Mr. Frank’s indictment.

Mr. Haas is associated with Mr. Rosser in the defense.

He likewise declined to permit Mr. Frank to be interviewed.

* * *

Atlanta Journal, May 24th 1913, “Frank’s Attorneys Make No Comment,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Strangulation Charge is in Indictments

Strangulation Charge

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

True Bills Already Drawn by Solicitor Against Frank and Lee.

The Grand Jury resumed Saturday morning the Phagan murder case with indictments against Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee charging strangulation.

While nothing definite could be learned, it was confidently expected at the office of the Solicitor Saturday morning the case of Frank might be completed during the day. Only a few more witnesses were to be called. It was learned, and these could tell what they knew in a few hours.

The indictments are the first of the kind to have been drawn in Fulton County in the recollection of the oldest court officials, and for this reason the exact verbiage is being kept secret. Fearing that if the indictments are not drawn in strict conformity to law, there would of course be some question of their validity, and there being so little law on this particular form of indictment, the Solicitor would not make public the phrasing of the bill until his assistant could find some precedent in the Supreme Court records.

It became known Saturday that none of the “star” witnesses for the State would go before the Grand Jury unless at the last moment the Solicitor thought it would be necessary to introduce them to secure the bill. Those who testified Friday were the detectives who appeared before the Coroner, and similar witnesses are awaiting their turn to be called upon Saturday.

The city detectives are the principal witnesses. From their investigation and examination of witnesses they are telling the Grand Jury everything they have found out. The Solicitor was confident this form of introducing evidence would not only greatly expedite matters, but would present the case in a more concise form. Continue Reading →

Girl Strangled, Says Indictment

Girl StrangledAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

Grand Jury is Now Engaged in Conducting Investigation of the Murder of Mary Phagan.

That the state in its bills of indictment for the murder of Mary Phagan, brought separately against Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee, charges that the girl was strangled, was learned yesterday afternoon following the adjournment of the grand jury, which took up the case at 11 o’clock in the morning and went into its details until 1:45.

Shortly after the adjournment of the grand jury Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey expressed himself as well pleased with the results of the morning session.

“I am well satisfied with results to the present time,” said the solicitor when asked how the case was progressing.

“No, I can’t say how many or what witnesses I will place on the stand tomorrow,” he replied. “That depends to a great extent on the members of the grand jury and on how they feel in regard to the matter.”

Hearing Resumed Today.

The hearing will be resumed at 10 o’clock today, and according to Solicitor Hugh Dorsey, he is uncertain as to whether or not a conclusion will be reached during the day’s session, which is expected to adjourn shortly after 1 o’clock.

Six witnesses were taken before the grand jury by the solicitor in his attempt to secure indictments. The indictments were drawn separately, but were presented at the same time. Both the men held are charged with murder, that being the charge upon which the coroner’s jury bound them over to the grand jury.

Witnesses Before Jury.

The witnesses examined were Dr. J. W. Hurt, recently elected county physician, who examined the body before it was interred; Police Sergeant L. S. Dobbs, one of the officers who first found the body; R. P. Barrett, the machinist who found the evidences of blood and hair on a machine in the factory; “Boots Rogers, in whose machine the officers rode to the factory on the morning the girl was found, and City Detective J. N. Starnes, whose names appears as prosecutor on both bills of indictment. Continue Reading →

Leo M. Frank is Indicted by Grand Jury for Mary Phagan’s Death; Negro, Newt Lee Held

Solemn Frank

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

True Bills Against Pencil Factory Superintendent Returned Less Than Ten Minutes After Evidence Was Closed, at Noon, Saturday — Authority Quoted That He Will Be Tried During Third Week in June—Negro to Stay in Jail


Grand Jury’s Session Began Friday Morning — Many Witnesses Examined, but Not All That Solicitor Has Were Introduced Into Grand Jury Room—Charge Is That Frank Killed Mary Phagan by Choking Her With a Cord That He Tied

Leo M. Frank [pictured], superintendent of the National Pencil factory in the basement of which the slain body of Mary Phagan was found in the early morning of Sunday, April 27, stands formally charged with her death.

A grand jury indictment, a true bill charging that he killed Mary Phagan, was returned by the Fulton county grand jurors at 12:23 Saturday afternoon.

Less than ten minutes earlier, the jury had gone into executive session and Solicitor Dorsey, who had been conducting the examination of witnesses, had left the room. In the interval, the jury reached its verdict, and each of the jurors signed his name to the formal document upon which Frank will be arraigned on the charge of murder.


No action was taken with regard to the negro night watchman, Newt Lee, held by the coroner on a “suspicion” warrant for the grand jury.

Mr. Dorsey stated afterward that he had not asked the grand jury to take action with regard to Lee. It is probable, seemingly, that the grand jury will not return a “true” or “no” bill in Lee’s case until after the trial of Superintendent Frank. Continue Reading →

Negro Sweeper Tells Officer Frank Asked Him to Write Some Notes Day Before Tragedy

Negro Sweeper

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

He Thinks These Notes Are the Same as Those Found by the Body of the Murdered Girl, but Had Not Seen the Original Notes When He Made His Sensational Statement to the Detectives Saturday Morning


Conley Voluntarily Sent for Detectives to Make His Statement, It Is Declared — He Told the Detectives That He Wanted to Confess the Whole Truth, That Frank Called Him Into His Office and Told Him He Wanted to See His Writing

Saturday morning, James Conley, the negro sweeper formerly employed in the pencil factory where Mary Phagan was killed, and who was arrested on suspicion and has been held in jail since as a material witness for the state, sent for Detective John Black and declared that he wanted to tell the truth.

“Boss, I wrote those notes,” said he, referring to the mysterious notes found beside the dead body of Mary Phagan.

He declared that he could not identify them positively, inasmuch as he had never seen the originals, but that as they were read to him out of the papers he believed they were the ones he wrote.

On Friday, the day before the murder, said he to detectives, Leo M. Frank called him into his (Frank’s) office at the factory and said he wanted to get some samples of his handwriting, and dictated for him to write—dictating, said the negro, what he remembered as substantially the notes that afterward were read to him out of the newspapers.

The negro was taken immediately to the courthouse. Continue Reading →

Indictment of Both Lee and Frank is Asked


Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Friday, May 23rd, 1913

Great Mass of Evidence Carefully Prepared by Solicitor Submitted to Grand Jury.


Utmost Care Taken to Insure Secrecy at the Investigation, Diagram Studied.

The Phagan case is now in the process of investigation by the Fulton County Grand Jury.

Two bills for indictment of Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee, for the murder of Mary Phagan, were presented before that tribunal at its session Friday morning by Solicitor Dorsey.

A host of witnesses gave their testimony. The torn and blood-stained clothing of the slain girl also was turned over to the Grand Jury for inspection.

The Grand Jury studied carefully an elaborate diagram drawn by Bert Green, one of the Georgian’s staff artists, and setting forth in black and white the prosecutor’s theory of how the murder was probably committed. Intense interest was displayed in the drawing.

After being in session for nearly three hours, the Grand Jury adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o’clock, when the Phagan case will be taken up once more.

Woman Gives New Testimony.

Whether the sensational testimony of Mrs. Mima [sic] Famby [sic], 400 Piedmont Avenue—or Nina Famby [sic], as the woman says her name is—will be introduced at the Grand Jury probe, is a matter of doubt. Mrs. Fomby’s affidavit declaring that on the evening of the murder Frank called the affiant on the telephone and in an excited voice asked her to arrange a room for himself and a girl whose name he would not disclose, is in the hands of the Solicitor General.

Important as is the bearing which the alleged telephone conversation appears to have on the mystery of Mary Phagan’s death, doubts are already being expressed as to the part it will be permitted to play in the present hearing or any to come, owing to the chary wording of the law on such evidence. Continue Reading →

Rooming House Sought by Frank Declares Woman


Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Friday, May 23rd, 1913

Mrs. Mima Famby Swears Suspected Man Wanted a Room for Himself and a Girl on Murder Night.


Mysterious Telephone Message Caused Detectives to Interview Woman Who Conducts Rooming House.

Mrs. Mima [sic] Famby [sic], who conducts a rooming house at 400 Piedmont avenue, near Currier street, has signed an affidavit to the effect that on April 26 Leo M. Frank called her up repeatedly by telephone and endeavored to secure a room for himself and a young girl.

The affidavit was signed Monday, May 11, but had been kept a secret. Mrs. Famby attached her signature to the document in the office of Detective Chief Lanford in police headquarters, and was sworn by Recorder Nash Broyles to the presence of Probation Officer Sidney J. Coogler. The affidavit was then turned over to Solicitor Dorsey.

Detectives say this is one of the most important bite of evidence they hold. It will, in all probability, be submitted to the grand jury when it takes up the Phagan case this morning at 10 o’clock. It was gained through a mysterious telephone call which came to police headquarters only a short while after the body had been discovered.

Some one, who refused to give a name, telephoned Chief Lanford, giving this message:

“Look up Mrs. Mima Famby. She knows more than she has told.” Continue Reading →

Phagan Case Will Go to Grand Jury at 10 A. M. Friday

Phagan Case Will Go to Grand Jury

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Thursday, May 22nd, 1913

Names of Leo M. Frank and the Negro, Newt Lee, to Be Presented by State as the Accused


Improbable That Evidence Favorable to Mr. Frank Will Be Attempted—Experts Ready on Various Phases

The Phagan investigation will go to the grand jury on Friday and the state will use every effort to introduce sufficient evidence against the two suspects ordered held by the coroner’s jury to secure true bills.

Solicitor General Dorsey announced late Thursday that there had been no development which would change his plan to present the case to the twenty-three grand jurors on Friday. The names of both Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil factory, and Newt Lee, negro nightwatchman, will be presented the jury, but it is said that the state will concentrate its evidence in an effort to secure a true bill against the factory superintendent.


As to whether his expert testimony by physicians and by finger print, handwriting and blood specialists would be introduced before the grand jury, Mr. Dorsey would make no statement.

It is said, however, that the state will withhold all evidence possible without jeopardizing its chances of securing a true bill.

The grand jury session to take up the famous case has been called for 10 o’clock Friday morning, and a small army of deputy sheriffs and attaches of the solicitor’s office will be used Thursday in subpenaing [sic] the numerous witnesses in the case. Continue Reading →

Grand Jury Won’t Hear Leo Frank or Lee

Grand Jury Won't Hear

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Thursday, May 22nd, 1913

Understood That Cases Will Be Brought Separately, With One Accused as Accomplice.

Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey announced Thursday afternoon that he was prepared to go before the Grand Jury Friday morning with his strongest evidence in the case of Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee, held in connection with the murder of Mary Phagan.

Although Mr. Dorsey would not discuss the form in which the cases would be presented, it was reliably stated they would be heard separately and the charge against one would be that he was an accessory to the fact.

Neither of the defendants will go before the jury. Mr. Dorsey said that in the event any move was made to introduce evidence for the defense he was prepared to block it. He said he had looked up Supreme Court decisions on this question, because when the Grand Jury was asked to indict Dr. W. H. Gillem for beating W. H. Johnson the jury in his absence had allowed Dr. Gillem to come before it, which, he said, was contrary to all law.

Twelve to Govern Action.

The opinion of 12 of the 21 jurymen will govern the action of the body. There can be no minority, said the Solicitor. If 12 of the men indict or decline to indict, the other jurors have to sign the “true” or “no bill” with the 12. Eighteen of the 21 constitute a quorum. Continue Reading →

Tobie is Studying Mary Phagan’s Life

Tobie is Studying

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Wednesday, May 21st, 1913

Burns Operative Finds New Theory in Detailed Study of Life of Girl Who Was Murdered.

Investigation into the life of Mary Phagan from the time she was a child until the day upon which she was murdered has been the work for the past several days of C. W. Tobie, the investigator who is preceding William J. Burns in the attempt to find the perpetrator of the crime.

The detective will not reveal his specific reasons for accumulating a record of the girl’s life, but steadily he has been familiarizing himself with every detail which it has been possible to learn. When his chief reaches Atlanta he will have practically every detail in the life of the murdered girl at his finger tips. Tobie states that this is an important part of his criminal investigation.

All of Tuesday morning was spent in interviewing Mrs. James W. Coleman, mother of the dead girl, at her home, 146 Lindsay street. The grief-stricken parent broke into tears before the examination was finished. Tobie learned that on the morning of Mary’s disappearance she had arisen early to help her mother with the day’s housework.

Ironing Sunday Frock.

Up until the time she caught the trolley car for town, shortly after 11 o’clock, she had been ironing a summer frock which she intended wearing to Sunday school the following Sunday. It still lies carefully spread across the chair upon which she had folded it, a cherished memento of her bright young life. Continue Reading →

T. B. Felder Repudiates Report of Activity for Frank

TB Felder

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Wednesday, May 21st, 1913

Stories That He Was Retained by Prisoner’s Friends Silly, He Declares.

Mystery piles up upon mystery in the Phagan case.

Colonel Thomas B. Felder was asked Wednesday afternoon by The Georgian to reply to rumors circulating on the street, all making the general charge that he had been retained by friends of Leo Frank, prisoner in the Phagan case, and that his object in bringing the great detective, William J. Burns, here, was not to aid the prosecution.

Colonel Felder said:

“Any stories to that effect are silly and ridiculous—if nothing worse. Anybody who knows me or Mr. Burns knows that we would not lend ourselves to any scheme to block justice. Mr. Burns in hunting down a criminal can not be stopped. He could have made a million dollars by listening to the importunities of friends of the McNamaras in the dynamiting cases, but he is above price.”

Loath to Discuss Rumors.

Mr. Felder said that he was loath to discuss the rumors on the street because he wanted to avoid injecting into the case any issues that might impede a speedy solution of the mystery.

He stated also that he had never said he was retained by the family of the dead girl, but that a committee of citizens had been the moving spirits in getting him to take hold and using his influence to bring Burns’ talents to bear on the case. Continue Reading →

Phagan Case Goes to the Grand Jury in Present Form

Phagan Case

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Tuesday, May 20th, 1913

Solicitor and Detectives Are Ready With Evidence and Will Present Bills for Jury’s Consideration Friday


This Question Is Being Considered by Solicitor—Another Report That Mary Phagan Was Seen Saturday P. M.

The Fulton county grand jury will commence its investigation of the murder of Mary Phagan on Friday, not Thursday morning, according to an announcement from the solicitor general’s office.

Unless there is an important development before that time, and none is considered likely, the names of only two suspects, Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil factory, and Newt Lee, negro night watchman, will be presented to the grand jury by the solicitor.

The grand jury hearing may consume two or three days, although it is possible that the body will be willing to return either a true bill or a no bill in one or both cases, after hearing only the principal witnesses.

While it has never been the custom of Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey to allow defendants and witnesses for the defendant before a grand jury hearing, it is said to be probable that an effort will be made to introduce witnesses in behalf of Mr. Frank.

Solicitor Dorsey would not be quoted on the matter, but he is said to be looking up the law on the subject in order that he may be ready to combat any effort of Mr. Frank’s counsel or friends to introduce testimony favorable to him. Continue Reading →

Cases Ready Against Lee and Leo Frank

Cases Ready

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Tuesday, May 20th, 1913

Solicitor General Dorsey Declares All Evidence Will Go to the Grand Jury Friday.

Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey announced Tuesday morning that the State’s case against Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee in connection with the Phagan murder, would go to the Grand Jury Friday of this week. He said that he could anticipate no new arrest or development that would make it necessary to change this plan.

Mrs. Jane F. Carr, 251 Ponce De-Leon Avenue, in an open letter, asked every woman in Atlanta to contribute to the fund to employ the Burns detective and Mr. Burns himself to work in the Phagan investigation. She appealed to women of every walk in life to give according to their means.

“What if Mary Phagan were your child?” was the subject of her letter.

Felder Asks for Funds.

The Burns fund, after going above the $2,000 mark, slacked considerably. Colonel Thomas B. Felder said this sum would not sufficient if it became necessary for the Burns men to make an exhaustive investigation, and asked the people to contribute liberally to the end that Atlanta’s greatest mystery be satisfactorily cleared. Continue Reading →

Burns Eager to Solve Phagan Case

Burns Eager to Solve

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Monday, May 19th, 1913

Famous Detective Expected to Arrive From Europe and Start Work Before June 1.


Important Revelation Looked For To-day—Search Being Pushed With Renewed Vigor.

Colonel Thomas B. Felder announced Monday morning that he had received word from William J. Burns that he would arrive in America before June 1 and would probably be on the scene of the Phagan slaying before that date.

Colonel Felder said the great detective had taken an unusual interest in the Phagan mystery and he would not be surprised to hear from him in America any day soon.

“Burns is more interested in this case than I have known him to be in another,” said Colonel Felder. “I am advised that he will hasten his return from Europe on this account and be in America some days before June 1. He will, of course, come direct to Atlanta.

“The meantime developments since his investigator has been here are more than satisfactory. The Burns detective convinced Mr. Dorsey Sunday afternoon that he had touched upon heretofore overlooked evidence of importance, and in his report today we expect valuable information.”

Search Grows More Active.

With investigation into the mystery more active Monday than it has been at any time during the last two weeks, the Solicitor was hopeful that important developments would be made during the day. Continue Reading →

Burns Sleuth Makes Report in Phagan Case

Burns Sleuth MakesAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Sunday, May 18th, 1913

Progress of Investigation Into Girl’s Slaying Very Rapid, Declares Felder.

After 24 hours on the scene of the Phagan muder, the head of the department of criminal investigation of the Burns Detective Agency made his first report to his client, Thomas B. Felder, last night.

The report was so satisfactory that Colonel Felder announced more had been accomplished in the 24 hours than in any week of the investigation before the arrival of the Burns detective.

The fund to secure the services of William J. Burns and defray the expenses of the investigation of his first lieutenant went above the $2,000 mark yesterday.

Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey said that instead of being ready for the Grand Jury the Phagan case was still far from being in shape to be presented, and it was not certain it would be presented this week.

New Arrest Unlikely.

The probability of a new arrest being ordered from the office of the Solicitor became more remote following the statement of the officer who planned it that the evidence was not sufficient.

A person who has attended almost every conference the Solicitor has had with witnesses stated that several had made misstatements, others had not told all they knew and a great many had testified reluctantly.

These were the principal developments yesterday in Atlanta’s greatest murder mystery. Continue Reading →

Phagan Theory is Unchanged After Three Weeks’ Probe

Phagan Theory is Unchanged

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Sunday, May 18th, 1913

Most Searching Investigation Ever Conducted in a Criminal Case in Georgia Brings No New Developments


Fund to Pay Detective Burns is Mounting—Greeks Sent In Subscription Saturday, Grand Jury Acts Soon

The hunt for the murderer of Mary Phagan has now been in progress for three weeks. Never before has there been such a thorough, exhaustive and efficient probe made of a crime committed in this state. And now the authorities are back to the theory which the city detective have claimed since a few days after the crime is the solution of the mystery of Mary Phagan’s death.

Solicitor General H. M. Dorsey’s consistent work on the mystery has served only to strengthen, it is said, the theory of the city detectives as printed exclusively a week ago by The Journal.

In the three weeks which have passed since Newt Lee, a negro night watchman at the National Pencil factory, phoned Call Officer Anderson that he he had found the body of a white woman in the basement of the factory, the probe of what has been termed Atlanta’s most atrocious crime has been in progress.

Practically the entire city detectives has worked night and day on the mystery. Solicitor Dorsey’s detective, the attaches of his office, and the deputy sheriffs have been on the job. The Pinkertons were called into the case shortly after the crime was discovered, and they have had several men continually at work on the case. In addition practically every private detective in Atlanta, and they are legion, has in the hope of fame or reward, been quietly lending his efforts to a solution of the mystery. Continue Reading →

New Phagan Witnesses Have Been Found

New Phagan Witnesses

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Saturday, May 17th, 1913

Solicitor General Dorsey Declares Work of His Greatest Detective Has Been Completed.


Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey said Saturday that his “greatest detective in America” would not figure again in the Phagan investigation, and that it was extremely doubtful whether he would be recalled to testify at the trial.

“He has finished his investigation,” said the Solicitor, “and we have no further need for him. A detective is one thing and a witness is another. His investigation led us to witnesses. It is not necessary for him, or any detective, to tell the jury what a disinterested witness will tell.”

He would not say, however, whether his decision not to put the “greatest in America” on the witness stand would apply to the city, Pinkerton and Burns detectives.

Grand Jury Meets Wednesday.

The Solicitor announced that the Grand Jury would meet next Wednesday for an extra session, but said it was hardly probable the Phagan case would be considered then. He said there were a number of cases that demanded attention and the extra session would more than likely be called to dispose of everything on the calendar to prepare for the session Friday, when the Phagan case would more than likely be presented.

Mr. Dorsey said that his interview of Friday, in which he said the Burns men would work under the same conditions as the Pinkertons, had been misconstrued by some to mean that the services of the great detective were not needed. Continue Reading →

Phagan Case Will Go To Grand Jury in Present Form

Phagan Case Will Go to Grand Jury

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Saturday, May 17th, 1913

State Is Apparently Ready, as Solicitor Says That He is Not Expecting Any New Evidence for Some Time


Attorney Declares Fund for Employment of the Famous Sleuth Has Reached $1,500, About $5,000 is Needed

That the state considers its case as practically complete and is ready to definitely charge the Mary Phagan murder to an individual and to start the legal machinery moving towards a superior court trial is believed from a very significant statement made Saturday by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey.

“I haven’t learned anything new in several days, and do not expect to for some time,” he said.

The solicitor is still busy, and practically all of his time is consumed in interviewing witnesses and conferring with the detectives who are at work on the mystery.

The majority of the witnesses examined are people who testified at the inquest or whose names have been identified with the case from the first. Among the several witnesses, however, whose status remains unexplained is Ernest A. Muller, an expert accountant, of Chattanooga, who has been in Atlanta for about ten days. Continue Reading →

Books and Papers in Phagan Case in Grand Jury’s Hands

Books and Papers in Phagan Case

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Friday, May 16th, 1913

Two Employes of Pencil Company Appeared Before Grand Jury Friday in Answer to Subpenas [sic]


The Journal Subscribes $100, Mr. Felder Declares a Burns Investigator Will Be Put On the Case at Once

By means of a subpoena duces tecum Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey Friday obtained possession of a number of books and papers of the National Pencil company.

The subpoena was served on Herbert G. Schiff and M. B. Darley, two officials of the pencil company, by Deputy Sheriff Plennie Minor, and the two men were ordered to have the papers before the grand jury at 11 o’clock Friday morning for use as evidence in the “case of the state versus Leo M. Frank.”

At that hour Friday morning the grand jury was holding a routine session, and the service of the subpoena occasioned the rumors that the grand jury was ready to go into the case. Continue Reading →

Secret Probe Began by Burns Agent into the Phagan Mystery

Secret Probe Began

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Friday, May 16th, 1913

Investigator for Great Detective Believed To Be in City Hunting Phagan Slayer—Will Be on Same Plane as Pinkertons—State Won’t Aid.

Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey said Friday that William J. Burns and his assistants would work on the Phagan case under the same conditions as the Pinkertons, namely, that while he would welcome any information from them, they would receive none from his office.

Mr. Dorsey issued the following statement:

“Mr. Burns is welcome. We are delighted to have aid in arriving at the truth no matter from what source it comes. However, Mr. Burns would have to get his information first hand so far as this office is concerned. We accept the statement without question that Mr. Burns’ employment is in entire good faith, but our attitude toward him is the same as our attitude toward the Pinkertons, namely, that he will be expected to give and not to receive. The work being done by the city detectives is entirely satisfactory.”

Mr. Dorsey added that there was absolutely no development of any kind in the case to-day except that considerable progress was being made in preparing the evidence.

It was reported the case would go to the Grand Jury to-day. Witnesses in the case were summoned on the form of subpena [sic] used by the Grand Jury. They appeared before Mr. Dorsey, however, and he stated positively the case would not be presented until next week. Continue Reading →