Traveling Salesman for Montag’s Tells of Conversation With Frank

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913

Harry Gottheimer, a traveling salesman for the Montag firm and the pencil factory, took the stand to tell of an engagement he had made with Frank on the afternoon of the murder.

“Do you remember seeing Frank on April 26?” he was asked by Arnold.

“Yes, I saw him at Montag’s about 10 o’clock that morning.”

“Did you talk with him?”
“Yes, I was at the desk in the office and he came over to speak to me. I asked him of two important orders which had been forwarded and he said that if I would come at 2 o’clock that afternoon he would see about them.”

Mr. Hooper arose to voice an objection on the grounds that the statement was self-serving and that a similar statement made relative to words of Mary Phagan had been ruled out previously by the judge.

After an argument by Mr. Rosser and his colleague, however, Judge Roan ruled that the evidence was admissible and overruled the state.

“Did you go to see Frank?”
“Not that afternoon.”

Dorsey on cross-examination:

“When was it you recalled this talk with Frank?”
“Immediately upon hearing of the tragedy.”

“Did you tell him you would come over that afternoon?”


* * *

Atlanta Constitution, August 16th 1913, “Traveling Salesman for Montag’s Tells of Conversation With Frank,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Mother of Frank Takes Stand to Identify Letter Son Wrote

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913

The more or less listless curiosity of the courtroom spectators was scarcely aroused during the afternoon until the last witness was called who was Mrs. Rae Frank of Brooklyn, N. Y. The mother of Leo M. Frank.

Not the slightest intimation had been given that Mrs. Frank would be called to the stand and a whisper of surprise spread over the room as the leaden-eyed mother, weary with the many days through which she has patiently sat and heard every conceivable blight cast at the name of her son slowly ascended the stand.

As she held up her hand to take the oath there was a glimmer of the hope in her eyes that now she might be able to say some word which might help or at least comfort her son.

Mr. Rosser questioned her.

“Are you the mother of Leo Frank?”

“Where do you live?”
“In Brooklyn.”

“Where did you move from to Brooklyn?”
“New York city.”

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Miss Mary Perk Tells Jurymen She Believes Conley Is Guilty

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913

Miss Mary Perk, a forelady in the polishing department of the pencil factory followed Mrs. Carson to the stand.

“Do you know Frank and his general character?” she was asked by Mr. Arnold.

“Yes, for five years.”

“Is it good or bad?”

“Do you know Jim Conley?”

“I saw him Monday. I accused him of the murder and he tucked his head and walked away.”

“Is his character good or bad?”

Mr. Dorsey on cross-examination.

“You reported your suspicion of Conley to Frank on Monday, didn’t you?”

“What made you suspect Jim?”
“He acted like he was guilty.”

“To whom did you first report your suspicion?”
“To Mr. Rosser and Mr. Arnold.”

“Can you explain why you didn’t tell of your suspicion to Frank when you saw he had Pinkerton detectives at work on the case?”
“I just didn’t think it best.”

“Have you ever known of Frank being accused immorality?”

“Did you know Mary Phagan?”

“Ever see Frank go over and call her off to one side?”

“Ever see Frank scuffling with her?”

“Ever hear of Frank slapping girls?”

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, August 16th 1913, “Miss Mary Perk Tells Jurymen She Believes Conley Is Guilty,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Never Saw Any Women in Office of Frank Says Negro Witness

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913

Walter Pride, a negro employee in the National Pencil factory, who is named in Jim Conley’s story, was put on the stand in the middle of the afternoon.

“Where do you work on Saturdays?” he was asked by Arnold.

“I work every where anything is to be done on the machinery.”

“Have you missed a single Saturday since May?”

“What floors do you work on on Saturdays?”
“From basement to the roof.”

“What do you do on the office floor?”
“Work on the toilets.”

“What time do you generally leave on Saturdays?”
“4:30 o’clock.”

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Leo Frank Innocent, Said Conley, According to a Girl Operator

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913

Mrs. Dora Small, a machine operator for the pencil factory, was the last witness of the afternoon session.

“How long have you been working with the factory?” she was asked by Arnold.

“For five years.”

“Did you know Mary Phagan?”
“Only when I saw her.”

“Did you know Jim Conley?”
“Yes, I saw him the week after the murder.”

“Did you see him with newspapers?”
“Yes, he borrowed money from me to get them with.”

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Host of Witnesses Declare Frank’s Character to Be Good

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913

The greater part of the time Friday was taken up by the defense in producing witnesses to swear to the good character of Frank. One witness placed on the stand, F. F. Gilbert, an employee of Montag Mros. [sic], swore that he did not know Frank well enough to testify to his character.

The witnesses who were used solely to attest his good character were: Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Sommerfield, of 300 Washington street; F. Schiff, of 18 West Fair street; Joseph Gershon, of 390 Washington street; P. D. McCarley, of 24 Hemphill avenue, in charge of the oil business of M. Frank, Leo Frank’s uncle; Mrs. M. W. Myers, of Washington street; Mrs. David Marx, wife of Rabbit Marx, of 354 Washington street; Mrs. R. I. Harris; Al Guinman, of 479 Washington street; M. S. Rice, who formerly boarded at the same place with Frank; Mrs. B. Giogowski, with whom Frank once boarded; Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Moss, Mrs. Joseph D. Brown; E. E. Fitzpatrick, of 105 Sinclair avenue, foreman of the shipping and receiving department of Montag Bros.; Emil Dittler, William Bauer, Miss Helen Loeb, J. C. Mathews, of 86 Sinclair avenue, employee of Montag Bros.; Al Fox, Mrs. Adolph Montag, who said Frank had been discussed by Mrs. Myers, his landlady, who had said how attentive to her wants he was to her when her husband was out of town, and F. F. Gilbert, an employee of Montag Bros., who swore he did not know Frank well enough to tell of his character.

Mrs. Martin May on Stand.

Mrs. Martin May, a petite and stylishly dressed brunette, followed. As she took the stand she bowed and smiled to Mr. and Mrs. Frank. She testified that the defendant’s character was good and was not cross-examined.

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Every Girl on Fourth Floor of Factory Will Go on Stand

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913

Mrs. E. H. Carson, mother of Rebecca Carson, and a forewoman in the pencil factory, was put on the stand late in the afternoon.

“How long have you been employed by the pencil factory?”

“Three years.”

“Did you ever see blood spots around the dressing rooms?”


“When did you see Jim Conely last?”

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Dorsey Questions Witness About Alleged Fund for Frank’s Defense

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913

A. D. Greenfield, one of the owners of the building occupied by the National Pencil company, of which Frank is superintendent, followed the former office boy to the stand. He was questioned about the occupancy of the building by the Clark Woodenware company, and also about Frank’s character.

“How long have you been one of the owners of the building occupied by the National Pencil company?” Mr. Arnold asked.

“Since 1900.”

“Has any new flooring ever been put in on the second floor since you became part owner of the building?”

“Do you know Leo Frank?”

“How long have you known him?”
“For four or five years.”

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Aged Negro Drayman Called As a Witness Against Conley

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913

Truman McCrary, an aged negro drayman, who once was an employee of the pencil factory, was put on the stand during the afternoon session.

“Where do you work at present?” Mr. Arnold asked.

“I run a street dray.”

“Where did you work up to May?”

“At the pencil factory.”

“Did you work there on Saturdays?”
“Every Saturday for a year or more.”

“How late in the afternoons?”
“Sometimes until 3 o’clock and sometimes as late as 5.”

“On any Saturday afternoon did you ever see the front door locked?”
“No, sir.”

“Ever see Conley around the front door?”
“No, sir.”

“What would Frank and Schiff be doing upstairs?”
“Working on their books.”

“Did you see Jim Conley around on April 26?”

“No, sir.”

“Then you didn’t advise him to go into the basement that afternoon?”
“No, sir.”

He was only asked a few words in cross-examination.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, August 16th 1913, “Aged Negro Drayman Called as a Witness Against Conley,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Both Wife and Phone, He Says, Are Expensive and Necessary

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913

Ike Haas, well-known manufacturer, was put on the stand during Friday afternoon.

“How long have you been in Atlanta?”
“Four years.”

“What is your business?”

“I am a manufacturer.”

“Do you know Leo M. Frank and his general character?”


“Is it good or bad?”

“Very good.”

“Did you hear your telephone bell ring on the morning of April 27?”

“No, but I heard my wife answering it.”

Hooper on cross-examination:

“Your wife woke you up?”

“There is some little difference between a wife and a telephone, isn’t there, Mr. Haas?”
“Yes; but both are expensive and necessary.”

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, August 16th 1913, “Both Wife and Phone, He Says, are Expensive and Necessary,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Credit Man is Put on Stand to Identify Frank’s Writing

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913

M. O. Nix, credit man for Montag Bros., of whom Sig Montag is general manager of the National Pencil company, followed A. D. Greenfield to the stand.

He identified Leo Frank’s handwriting on a number of the financial sheets and on the one that he claims to have made up on April 26. When shown a sample of writing Frank did for the police when they desired to compare his writing with that on the murder notes, Nix said it looked like Frank’s, but he refused to swear to it.

“Previous to April 26 did you often see Leo Frank’s handwriting?” Mr. Arnold asked.


“By what means?”
“By seeing the payroll slips and various notes he would write to the office.”

“Ever see one of the financial sheets he made out?”

“How long have you been seeing his handwriting?”
“About four or five years.”

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Factory Employee’s Testimony Causes Laughter in Court Room

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913

Joseph Stelker, an employee of the National Pencil company, followed the Montag’s credit man to the stand.

Stelker was questioned closely about conditions at the factory, and while he was on the stand both sides again took up the much-discussed question of whether or not Frank had a raincoat with him on the day of the murder. Stelker, in his testimony, made the spectators laugh when he told of how Jim Conley had swindled him out of a half a can of beer. He also remarked that he thought Jim was a better negro for having served in the city chaingang.

“Where were you on the day the little girl was killed?” asked Mr. Arnold on direct examination.

“I was at home.”

“Did you see the spots said to be blood and also the white stuff partly covering them?”

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Mrs. Rae Frank Goes on Stand in Defense of Her Son

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913


Testimony Used by Defense to Show That the Prisoner Could Not Have Written This Letter, Which Was of Considerable Length, Had He Been Laboring Under Stress of Excitement Which Would Have Followed the Murder of Mary Phagan.


Witness After Witness Declare That They Never Saw Women in Office of Superintendent—The State Brings Girl Back From Home of Good Shepherd in Cincinnati to Give Evidence Against Prisoner—Her Testimony Is Kept a Secret.

The defense played one of its strong cards Friday, when, at the heel of the day’s session, Mrs. Rae Frank was placed on the stand to identify a letter which Leo M. Frank, on Memorial day, and which was read in her presence at the Hotel McAlpin, New York, Monday following the murder.

The letter was one of some length, and contained a price list which M. Frank had requested his nephew to send him.

The time element, which is playing an important part in the trial, was made more important by this letter. The defense will attempt to show that the letter could not have been written had Frank been guilty of the murder, or had he been laboring under stress of excitement.

Mrs. Frank was perfectly composed while on the stand and answered the questions of Luther Rosser in a clear, distinct voice.

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Eight Character Witnesses Come to Defense of Superintendent

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 15th, 1913

Following Mrs. E. A. Marcus, eight character witnesses were placed on the stand. They were V. H. Kriegshaber, Max Goldstein, Sidney Levy, Rabbi David Marx, D. I. McIntyre, and insurance man and member of the firm of Haas & McIntyre, Dr. B. Wildauer, a dentist, and John Findley, superintendent for Dittler Brothers and formerly master mechanic for the National Pencil company.

“Do you know Frank?” asked Mr. Arnold of Mr. Kriegshaber, who was first called to the stand.


“Is his character good or bad?”
“It is good.”

“How often have you come into contact with Frank?” asked Mr. Dorsey on cross-examination.

“Not frequently,” replied the witness.

“He is a young man, isn’t he?”

“And you a rather old man?”
“Yes, I suppose you’d call me old.”

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Lawyers Appear Very Interested in Raincoat Lent to Leo M. Frank

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 15th, 1913

Charles F. Ursenbach, husband of Mrs. Leo Frank’s sister was put on the stand following Miss Dula May Flowers. He was used by the defense to show what Leo Frank had broken the baseball engagement early on Saturday morning. He also testified to Frank’s demeanor after the crime and was asked a number of questions about lending Frank his raincoat Sunday afternoon. What the importance of the raincoat was, neither side would say, but each asked a large number of questions about it.

“Did you see Frank on Sunday?” asked Mr. Arnold.

“I did.”

“Did you telephone Frank Friday afternoon about going to the Saturday ball game?”
“I did.”

“What did he say?”
“He said he would let me know later.”

“Did he?”
“Yes, when I got home at lunch Saturday I found a message from him saying he could not go.”

“Did you see any scratches on his face Sunday?”
“No, none at all.”

“What was his manner?”
“He appeared a little disturbed.”

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Milton Klein, Visitor of Frank, Is Grilled by Solicitor Dorsey

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 15th, 1913

Milton Klein, a wholesale lumber dealer, a frequent visitor of Frank’s while he was in the tower, was the last witness of the day. He was cross-examined at length by Solicitor Dorsey, whose object apparently was to show that it was Klein who prevented the detectives confronting Frank with Jim Conley.

The direct examination of Klein by Attorney Arnold was as follows:

“How long have you known Frank?”
“Ever since he came here.”

“Was his character good or bad?”
“It was good.”

“When was the last time you saw Frank?” asked Solicitor Dorsey on cross-examination. “Did you see him last Thanksgiving day?”
“Yes, sir.”

“Where did you see him?”
“At a dance at the orphan’s home. I also saw him in the afternoon about 6 o’clock of that day.”

“What was the dance for?”
“It was for the benefit of the B’nai B’rith. Frank had charge of the arrangements, and I assisted him.”

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Defense Witness Admit Barrett is Sensible Fellow

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 15th, 1913

Henry Smith, a mechanic in the pencil factory, who admitted on cross-examination that he had received a raise in salary in the past two weeks, went upon the stand to tell of Barrett’s attitude in the case.

“What department do you work in?”
“The metal department.”

“Do you know of a man named Barrett who used to work there?”

“Ever hear of him getting a reward if Frank was convicted?”
“I’ve heard him talk of it.”

“Did he ever go through the motions of counting money?”
“Yes, he used to go by me and laugh and make motions like counting bills.”

Cross-examination by Hooper.

“This man Barrett was a sensible fellow, wasn’t he?”
Arnold objected, but was overruled.


* * *

Atlanta Constitution, August 15th 1913, “Defense Witness Admit Barrett is Sensible Fellow,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Elevator Made Loud Noise Said Employee of Pencil Company

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 15th, 1913

Harry Denham, an employee of the National Pencil company, was put on the stand after the Pittsburg man had testified to the character of the defendant.

Denham was asked a number of questions about what happened in the building on the day of the murder and through him the defense made the point that the elevator made a loud noise when it ran. Denham swore that the elevator shook the entire building when it stopped and when it started.

“Were you at the factory on Friday, April 25?” he was first asked.


“Were you there Saturday, the following day?”

“What did you do there that day?”
“I worked on the machinery, repairing it.”

Was Using a Hammer.

“What kind of work did you do between 12 and 1?”

“I was using a hammer.”

“How late did you stay there that day?”

“I left about 3:15 o’clock in the afternoon.”

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Frank in Jovial Mood While Poker Game Was Going on at His House on Night of 26th

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 15th, 1913

Mrs. M. Marcus, a relative by marriage of Mrs. Leo M. Frank, was the first witness called at the afternoon session. She was one of the friends of the Franks and Seligs who played cards at their home, 68 East Georgia avenue, on the night of April 26.

She swore Frank acted naturally during all the time that she saw him and that he even got to laughing at a baseball story he was reading in a magazine and tried to break up their poker game by reading it to them.

“Did you see Mr. Frank on April 26, and when?” asked Mr. Arnold.

“I saw him when I went to Mr. Emil Selig’s home to play cards that night. Mr. Frank opened the door.”

“What time did he go to bed?”
“About 10:30 o’clock.”

“Anything unnatural about him?”

“Were you in the habit of playing cards there?” asked Attorney Frank A. Hooper, on cross-examination.

“Well, I often went there for a social game.”

“Did you see Frank often?”
“Yes; saw him most every time I went there at night.”

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Two More Character Witnesses Are Introduced by the Defense

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 15th, 1913

Another character witness was introduced by the defense in Harry E. Lewis, of Brooklyn, N. Y., former neighbor of Frank, and a former assistant to the district attorney.

“Did you ever know Frank?” he was asked by Mr. Arnold.

“Yes, for about twelve years.”

“He was my neighbor.”

“Did you know him until he came south? What was his character?”

Cross-examination by Mr. Hooper.

“Have you known him since he came south?”

“You may come off.”
The second character witness of the Thursday session was Herbert Lasher, of Fleischman, N. Y., a former college mate of the suspected superintendent.

“Did you know Frank?”
“Yes, I was at Cornell with him.”

“You lived in the same house with him?”
“Yes, and ate at the same table.”

“What was his character?”


“Have you known him since he left Cornell?”
“Yes, I corresponded with him for two years.”

“What would not show in his character, would it?”

“You may come down.”

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, August 15th 1913, “Two More Character Witnesses Are Introduced by the Defense,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)