Others Will Be Involved In New Bribery Charges Intimates Chief Lanford

G. C. Febuary, Secretary to Chief Lanford.

G. C. Febuary, Secretary to Chief Lanford.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

The probability of bribery charges to be made against others as well as Colonel Felder was intimated last night by Chief Lanford to a Constitution reporter.

Documentary evidence involving one or more men is rumored to be in Lanford’s possession. Also, his dictagraph [sic] is said to have reported secret conferences relating to the use of bribe money in the Mary Phagan case.

This new phase of the bribery charges is said to pertain only to the bribing of witnesses in the Phagan investigation. Rumors to this effect have been coming to police headquarters for several days. Corroboration of the reports came recently from Mrs. Mima [sic] Famby [sic], of 400 Piedmont avenue, a witness in the case.

Offered Money to Leave City.

Mrs. Famby declared to a reporter for The Constitution that she had received six offers of large sums of money to leave the city until the Mary Phagan trial has been finished. It is said that she has made an affidavit, naming the men who approached her, and that the document is in the hands of Chief Lanford.

Lanford declared to a Constitution reporter that he would not reveal his new bribery evidence until the trial. He would not state the nature of affidavits said to be in his hands.

Solicitor Dorsey has been apprised by Harry Scott of the position of the Pinkerton agency in the Phagan investigation. The solicitor said last night that Scott had told him that, primarily, the detective organization was in the employ of Frank’s defense, in that it was paid by the National Pencil company, and that reports of his progress were turned over to the suspect’s counsel. Continue Reading →

Frank Indicted in Phagan Case

Frank IndictedAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

He Will Not Go to Trial Before the Latter Part of June, According to Solicitor General Dorsey.

Leo M. Frank, indicted Saturday afternoon for the murder of Mary Phagan, the 14-year-old girl whose dead body was found at 3 o’clock on the morning of April 27 in the basement of the National Pencil factory, will not go to trial before the latter part of June, according to a statement which Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey made last night.

Newt Lee, the negro night watchman, who called the police to the place, was left under consideration by the grand jury. A bill of indictment charging him with the same murder was presented to the grand jury with the bill against the factory superintendent, but the grand jury failed to act, and it is believed that his case will be allowed to rest, pending the trial of the indicted man.

Both Confined in Tower.

Both Superintendent Frank and the negro, Lee, have been confined in the Tower since they were ordered held by the coroner’s jury for the murder of the girl.

In discussing the time of Frank’s trial, the solicitor stated that he could not say when it would be started.

“It will not be possible to hold it before the latter part of June,” he asserted, “and whether or not it is held then depends on a number of things. I have much work to do to get the case ready and there is also the defense to be considered, as they may secure additional time. Continue Reading →

Frank the Guilty Man, Declares Chief Lanford

Leo Frank, an undated family photograph

Leo Frank, an undated family photograph

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

“Frank will be convicted. He is the guilty man, and we will show it beyond a doubt. Evidence that we hold but will not reveal will startle those who believe his innocence into conviction of his guilt. It will not be disclosed until the trial.

“I have been confident throughout the investigation of his guilt. I am satisfied now. Colonel Felder’s charges that we have shielded Frank can find no substantiation. The evidence we have unearthed is proof to the contrary.

“The detectives of police headquarters have solved the mystery of Mary Phagan’s murder. They have combatted against odds heavier than those we ever encountered before. I am proud of my men.

“I know my duty has been done. The murder of the little pencil factory girl has been cleared, and Tom Felder has been shown up in his true colors. That is why the Atlanta detective department sleeps well o’ nights.”

—Chief Newport A. Lanford.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 25th 1913, “Frank the Guilty Man, Declares Chief Lanford,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

“Knew It Was Coming,” Declares Cole Blease

Knew it was Coming

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

Columbia, S. C., May 24.—(Special.—Governor Cole Blease, on whom the dictagraph [sic] was first sprung in the south, and by a strange coincidence through the instrumentality of Colonel T. B. Felder, feels that his time has come, and recent events are pointed to by him as his complete vindication.

“’He that putteth on the sword by the sword he shall perish’—or words to that effect—is my biblical authority for the paraphrase that ‘he who uses the dictagraph against another and fails to prove anything by it, by the dictagraph himself shall be crucified,’” said Governor Blease in talking of the Atlanta situation today.

“And the worst part of it all,” continued Governor Blease, “is that this same man, A. S. Colyar, is the identical sleuth hound turned loose by Felder on me to injure me among my own people—Colyar, this proven criminal and madman. He was the man chosen by Felder to wreck me, and now he turns up by wrecking Felder, and the strangest part of the whole thing is that Felder, now in his own defense, is forced to the dernier resort of proving that the man he sent to get evidence against me is too contemptible to be worthy of either confidence or belief. My own vindication, therefore, comes from Felder himself. Who would have thought it—and this so soon!”

“I do not suppose anybody that knows Tom Felder would be surprised if he is guilty or if this is a scheme worked up by him to get a little cheap notoriety and advertising.

“However, I presume that the members of the Atlanta bar will immediately furnish certificates of character for their darling Tommy and show that he is above suspicion and a gentleman of the highest character, with unblemished reputation as a man and attorney; and if a court of Georgia should order his arrest, that General Anderson will forthwith call out the militia and have him released, as General Anderson, his former partner and lifelong friend, knows of his character and reputation, and will not for a moment allow his Tommy to be interfered with.

“I am satisfied that poor little misled Joe Brown has had his pardon clerk ready fixing up a release for his innocent darling in case of any conviction.

“And as a matter of course the gutter snipes who went over to Augusta from South Carolina will hurry to offer their services to go on sweet Tommy’s bond, and also to appear in the courts, along with ‘Seaboard Bill,’ and his friend, J. L. Lyon, who have heretofore been his bosom friends in his defense; all save Chairman Carlisle, who, I suppose, will be too busy ‘moneying’ to leave his own state just now.

“Consequently, all will be well. Birds of a feather flock together and, of course, if the lead buzzard rings his bell the congregation will assemble.”

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 25th 1913, “‘Knew It Was Coming,’ Declares Cole Blease,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Says Chief is Able to Care for Himself

Says Chief is AbleAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

Marion Jackson Has No Comment to Make on Beavers-Felder Controversy.

Marion Jackson and John J. Eagan, leaders of the Men and Forward Religion Movement were seen strolling down Decatur street last night about 9:30 o’clock. With them was N. A. Best, editor of The Continent, a religious journal published in Chicago. That Mr. Jackson and Mr. Eagan should be seen going down Decatur street in the direction of the police headquarters, at this time, when a new attack on the chief has been made, naturally caused considerable comment.

Mr. Jackson denied, however, that his appearance in that locality had any connection with Chief Beavers and the police department.

“The chief is amply able to take care of himself and needs no assistance from me,” said Mr. Jackson. “I have no comment to make on t[h]e controversy between Mr. Beavers and Mr. Felder.”

Mr. Jackson added that he was on Decatur street to show his friend, Mr. Best, something of life among the negroes in a southern city.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 25th 1913, “Says Chief is Able to Care for Himself,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Police Chairman Confident of Honesty of Officials

Police Chairman

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

“Except to say that I have absolute confidence in the honesty and integrity of Chiefs James L. Beavers and Newport Lanford, I do not care to express myself,” said Carlos Mason, chairman of the police commission, yesterday when asked for an official expression in regard to the charges made by Colonel T. B. Felder that the police and detective departments are full of graft and corruption.

“All that I know of the case has been learned through the evidence and statements made public,” he said added, “and as I have not been drawn into the matter and am not conversant with its details I would not care to say in what light I regard the attack.

“I knew nothing in advance of the efforts of the detectives to fasten evidence upon Colonel Felder through the use of a dictagraph [sic],” he added, “and it has come as a surprise to me.

“As to the charges themselves, as made by both parties to the case I have formed no opinion which I could express. I have no hesitancy, however, in stating my belief in the honesty of the departments.”

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 25th 1913, “Police Chairman Confident of Honesty of Officials,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Colyar a Success in Preacher Role

Colyar a SuccessAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

Professed Conversion During Revival at Cartersville and Married Rich Widow Before the Meeting Was Over.

Athens, Ga., May 24.—(Special.)—A. S. Colyar, now in the public eye in the Felder matter, had a short, hot, meteoric career in Athens in 1905. He came here representing himself as a former law partner of Hon. Andrew Lipscomb, of Washington, ingratiated himself with the bar, passed a forged check on his father at the Georgia National bank, secured the indorsement of Colonel C. H. Brand, then prosecuting attorney for the state, on a fraudulent draft and disappeared.

He was located in Richmond, Va., serving a sentence on the chaingang for a serious offense. Requisition brought him back to Athens and on April, 11, 1905, he faced the charges of forgery, was convicted, and in a speech to the court before he was sentenced, he not only had jurors and attorneys weeping, but actually those he had wronged financially and the court itself, Judge Russell. He broke down and was carried from the room.

The sentence was suspended, a fund was made up in the court room of enough to buy him a suit of clothes and a ticket to Chattanooga. At Cartersville he left the train and was drawn to a revival meeting in progress, professed conversion, and went to preaching with great apparent power. Before the meeting was over, he had married a rich widow whose husband had been dead only a short time and he is said to have absorbed a small fortune left his wife.

He preached in Athens a number of times, billing himself ahead like a circus and filling the old Colonial theater with the curious crowd that wanted to hear him.

He went to Atlanta that summer and spoke at a tent meeting which was being conducted under the direction of Dr. Broughton and the Tabernacle church. On the docket of the superior court today the suspended sentence is still open and stands against Colyar. Judge Russell, who suspended that sentence, is now on the appellate court, which this week decided that a judge cannot effectively suspend sentences.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 25th 1913, “Colyar a Success in Preacher Role,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

“Becker of South” Lanford is Branded by Col. Tom Felder

Becker of South

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

System of Corruption as Poisonous as That of the Mafia Exists in Atlanta, According to Statement Made by Attorney Accused of Trying to Bribe Secretary G. C. Febuary to Steal Affidavit in the Phagan Case—Says Detectives Are Trying to Shield Murderer of Girl.


A. S. Colyar, Leading Figure in Bribe Charges, Is Placed Under Arrest on Warrant From Knoxville, But Is Released on Bond—Connally [sic], Negro Employee of the National Pencil Factory, Tells Officers He Wrote Notes at Dictation of Frank—Police Believe These Were the Ones Found by the Body of Mary Phagan.

Branding Detective Chief Newport Lanford as the “Lieutenant Becker” of the south, and charging that there exists in the Atlanta police department a “system” of corruption that is as poisonous as the deadly society of Mafia, Colonel Thomas B. Felder has issued counter charges to those of attempted bribery made against him Friday afternoon.

He declares that every bit of his sensational accusations can be supported by substantial evidence. He even asserts that the charges against him were made in an effort to shield and protect the murderer of Mary Phagan, whom the detective department are alleged to be assisting by the destruction of damaging evidence and by procuring witnesses.

First, and the most important of Saturday developments, was the indictment by the grand jury of Leo M. Frank, the suspected factory superintendent. The true bill was returned before noon. He now will be tried before Fulton superior court on the direct charge of Mary Phagan’s murder.

Second, was the confession of James Connally, a negro sweeper in the pencil factory, who declares that he wrote, at the dictation of Frank, notes which the detectives believe to be the ones found by the body of Mary Phagan. After making complete acknowledgement to Detective John Black and Harry Scott, he made an affidavit supporting the confession. Continue Reading →

Felder is Charged with Bribe Offer for Phagan Papers

Felder is ChargedAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

City Detective Department Holds Statements Alleging Attorney Made Attempt to Secure Coleman Affidavit.


Report of Conversation Between Col. Felder, Secretary Febuary and A. S. Colyar Taken Down by Gentry

Colonel Thomas B. Felder—the man who brought the dictograph south and used it with such telling effect in the Blease investigation in South Carolina—has himself [several words illegible] and a charge of [several words illegible] against him and [several words illegible] which [several words illegible] the department declared [several words illegible].

Charges are made that Colonel Felder offered a bribe of $1,000 in order to have affidavits [1 word illegible] Phagan murder case stolen from the [1 word illegible] of Chief of Detectives N. A. Lanford and that he offered  [several words illegible] the chief’s secretary if he would make the theft.

The charges are backed up by a detailed dictograph record of [several words illegible] which took place in a room of the Williams house No. 2 last Wednesday [several words illegible] Colonel Felder, Secretary G. C. Febuary and A. S. Colyar, [several words illegible] the [several words illegible] according to sworn statement by George M. Gentry [several words illegible] the expert [several words illegible] who is a nephew of Colonel W. T. Gentry [several words illegible].

Affidavit Says Felder Approached Colemans

The affidavit which the detectives declare Felder offered $1,000 to gain is a statement signed by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coleman and stepfather and mother of Mary Phagan. In this statement they [1 word illegible] that Colonel Felder approached them and [several words illegible] it would not cost them 1 cent.

Affiant told him he did not want to employ him and did not want to have anything to do with him, reads the affidavit. It goes on to explain that Mr. and Mrs. Coleman are satisfied with the work of the Atlanta police department. Continue Reading →

Girl Strangled, Says Indictment

Girl StrangledAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

Grand Jury is Now Engaged in Conducting Investigation of the Murder of Mary Phagan.

That the state in its bills of indictment for the murder of Mary Phagan, brought separately against Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee, charges that the girl was strangled, was learned yesterday afternoon following the adjournment of the grand jury, which took up the case at 11 o’clock in the morning and went into its details until 1:45.

Shortly after the adjournment of the grand jury Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey expressed himself as well pleased with the results of the morning session.

“I am well satisfied with results to the present time,” said the solicitor when asked how the case was progressing.

“No, I can’t say how many or what witnesses I will place on the stand tomorrow,” he replied. “That depends to a great extent on the members of the grand jury and on how they feel in regard to the matter.”

Hearing Resumed Today.

The hearing will be resumed at 10 o’clock today, and according to Solicitor Hugh Dorsey, he is uncertain as to whether or not a conclusion will be reached during the day’s session, which is expected to adjourn shortly after 1 o’clock.

Six witnesses were taken before the grand jury by the solicitor in his attempt to secure indictments. The indictments were drawn separately, but were presented at the same time. Both the men held are charged with murder, that being the charge upon which the coroner’s jury bound them over to the grand jury.

Witnesses Before Jury.

The witnesses examined were Dr. J. W. Hurt, recently elected county physician, who examined the body before it was interred; Police Sergeant L. S. Dobbs, one of the officers who first found the body; R. P. Barrett, the machinist who found the evidences of blood and hair on a machine in the factory; “Boots Rogers, in whose machine the officers rode to the factory on the morning the girl was found, and City Detective J. N. Starnes, whose names appears as prosecutor on both bills of indictment. Continue Reading →

Chief Beavers Not Surprised at Col. Felder’s Statements

Chief Beavers

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

“I am not surprised,” said Chief Beavers when asked to give an expression on Colonel T. B. Felder’s alleged statement regarding graft and immorality in the detective department. “I am not surprised in the least.

“However, I don’t think it would be very nice of him to have me ridden through the streets naked, as he is reported to have threatened. Besides being not nice, he might lay himself liable to prosecution for public idecency.”

Further than this, Chief Beavers maintained the sphinx-like attitude which has characterized him ever since a certain memorable occasion when he closed the red light district.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 24th 1913, “Chief Beavers Not Surprised at Col. Felder’s Statements,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

A. S. Colyar Makes Answer to Charges of Col. Felder

AS Colyar Makes

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

A. S. Colyar, when seen last night by a representative of The Atlanta Constitution, gave out the following statement:

“I have just read Colonel T. B. Felder’s card in the bedtime edition of The Atlanta Georgian, in which he sees fit to call me, behind my back, a liar and a crook. Knowing the colonel as I do, and as his intimate friends know, he is a past grand master on explanations. The Atlanta Journal, in its Friday afternoon home edition, published every detail of the case, with the sworn statements of Mr. February [sic], Mr. Ozburn, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Suries and myself, and I do not care at the present time to dignify this astute politician with any further controversy.”

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 24th 1913, “A. S. Colyar Makes Answer to Charges of Col. Felder,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Solicitor General Dorsey Talks of the Bribe Charge

Solicitor General

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

A merry laugh was the first comment made by Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey when told of the reported dictograph evidence in which Colonel T. B. Felder is quoted as saying that he could control the mayor, the criminal court judge and Hugh Dorsey.

Solicitor Dorsey was at his home at the time, endeavoring to find rest and recreation after the morning’s work of placing the evidence in the Phagan case before the grand jury. Hugh Dorsey, Jr., was in his arms at the time and from the lad’s continuous efforts to express his joy in billing and cooing, he was as happy at having his father with him as the solicitor was to be at home and away from the strain of work in the case to which he has devoted his entire time for weeks.

“Why there is no use for me to deny any such remarks as those attributed to Colonel Felder, and I certainly do not wish to express my opinion in the amtter [sic]. In fact, I know nothing whatever of the affair except what is generally known to the public.

“Colonel Felder never expressed to me any intention of taking steps to attempt to show graft or fraud on the part of the city police or detectives,” replied the solicitor when asked if during his conferences in regard to the Phagan case, Colonel Felder had made any expression in regard to the present situation.

“The latest conference I had with Colonel Felder was when he came to my home last Sunday night to confer upon the Phagan case. As I announced publicly some time ago, I worked with him as I have done with others interested in probing the matter. I received what information I could from them, but kept my own theories and results of investigations to myself.

“As far as I know, there had never been any disturbing force in operation between the city detectives and Colonel Felder,” he replied to a query on this point.

“I really would prefer not to discuss the matter at all,” the solicitor insisted. “I have no connection with the affair whatever it may be, and I don’t care to be drawn into it. I want to devote my entire time and thought to the Phagan case and to securing a conviction of the guilty parties.”

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 24th 1913, “Solicitor General Dorsey Talks of the Bribe Charge,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Coleman Affidavit Which Police Say Felder Wanted

Coleman Affidavit

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

State of Georgia, Fulton County: The affiant, J. W. Coleman and wife, citizens of Atlanta, Ga., who reside at 146 Lindsay street.

The affiant is the stepfather of Mary Phagan, deceased, the child who was foully murdered by a hellish brute on April 26, 1913.

The affiant is in the employ of the City of Atlanta in the Sanitary department.

The affiant, while at the police station during the coroner’s inquest, the exact day he does not remember, was approached by a man somewhat under the influence of liquor, and said to the affiant, “I am working for the law firm of T. B. Felder, and I would like to have you go to his office, as he wants to see you, and I advise you to employ him.” Affiant said, “No, I won’t go to his office.” The Piker then said, “will you talk to Colonel Felder if I bring him here?” whereupon the affiant agreed to see him. He went off and came back in a few minutes with Felder. Colonel Felder then said, “I want you to employ me to prosecute this case, it will not cost you a cent, as certain people have promised to pay me my fee, but I have go to have your consent to the employment before I can get into the coroner’s jury.” The affiant told him he did not want to employ him and did not want to have anything to do with him, as the affiant did not know him and had never seen him before that day, and affiant did not employ him, nor did the affiant’s wife employ him, and the only information the affiant ever had that he was employed was what he read in the newspapers.

Affiant has many good neighbors, and he appreciates their sympathy for him and his broken-hearted wife, but he cannot see how they would come to employ Colonel Felder without his knowledge or consent.

A man met the affiant on the street and offered him one dollar to go upon the fee of this astute counsel, but he declined to accept it and told the party he had not employed Felder.

Affiant is thoroughly satisfied with the great work done by Chief of Police Beavers and Chief of Detectives Lanford and the able men working under them, as he believes, as thousands of others do in Atlanta, that they have the real murderer in jail, and the affiant cannot reconcile himself to the conduct of Colonel Felder, who is posing as a prosecuting attorney, and wanting $5,000 from the people of the city as set out in the afternoon’s papers, to bring a noted detective here, and according to the press of the city, large amounts have been subscribed by people the affiant does not believe are anxious to prosecute the men under arrest. Continue Reading →

Mayor Woodward Reported Caught by the Dictograph Seeking Police Evidence

Mayor Woodward Reported

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

The little dictograph cunningly hidden in Detective Colyar’s room in the Williams House No. 2 is said to have caught a conversation between Mayor James G. Woodward, Secretary G. C. Febuary of the detective department and Edward Miles, Wednesday afternoon, between 3 and 4 o’clock.

Detective Colyar who drew Attorney Thomas B. Felder into the conspiracy was also present at the interview. Colyar sent Miles to the private office of Mayor Woodward in the Empire building, with an invitation that he examine affidavits which Colyar alleged to have in his possession charging police graft.

Mayor Woodward admitted to The Constitution, Friday night, that he went to the room designated by Miles. He charges that Colyar tried to induce him to agree to pay $1,000 for certain information in documentary form which Colyar declared was sufficient to convict the heads of the police department of corruption in receiving money for protections from disorderly houses.

Mayor Had No Money to Give.

They were the only ones who spoke about money, Mayor Woodward said “I told them that if they were looking for money from me I had none to give, but I suggested that if they would make out a list to show just what evidence they had to give there would be no trouble getting up the money to extend the investigation.”

Detective Colyar visited Mayor Woodward’s office in the city hall one day last week, according to Frank Hammond, the mayor’s secretary. He explained that he wanted to see the mayor on important business, and when informed that he would have to wait he became impatient, and declared that there was more red tape in getting to the mayor than to the president of the United States. Continue Reading →

Career of A. S. Colyar Reads Like Some Story In the Arabian Nights

Career of ASAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

The criminal career of A. S. Colyar reads like a story from the Arabian Nights. Probably no man in Tennessee has imposed so successfully upon the public and has escaped so lightly.

The son of Colonel A. S. Colyar, in his day one of the most prominent citizens of Nashville and a grandson of ex-Governor Albert S. Marks with a family connection that includes many of the aristocrats of this section, he has been exceptionally fortunate in escaping the law although on various occasions he has done time.

He has probably been arrested more than a score of times and for years Alex Barth-[illegible], special agent for the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis railway, did little else but follow his trail.

Two of Colyar’s exploits stand out above the others. The first of these was his impersonation of the son of the late John G. Carlisle. Having forged a check on his father, at that time the controlling spirit of the old Nashville American, Colyar went west and finally drifted into Mexico. A newspaper reporter boarded the train and inquired for the son of John G. Carlisle. As the latter was not aboard, Colyar’s quick mind saw an opportunity for a coup. He introduced himself as Carlisle, was received at Mexico City with great éclat and a big dinner was given in his honor which was attended by the president of Mexico and other notables. The following night Colyar gave a theater party, and later informed the American ambassador that he was embarrassed by the failure of funds to arrive, and secured from him the sum of $10,000. He went out to take a smoke and never came back. Later he returned $7,500 of the money, mailing it from a point in Florida.

On his return here he stopped over at McMinnville, Tenn. and stole a mule which he rode into Nashville selling the animal on the Haymarket. Continue Reading →

Bribery Charges False Declares Col. Felder; Calls Them “Frame-Up”

Bribery ChargesAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

Affidavits and Alleged Dictagraph [sic] Record Are Made Public, Accusing Prominent Lawyer, of Offering Bribe of $1,000 to Secretary Febuary, of Police Department, to Secure Affidavit Made for Police by J. W. Coleman, Stepfather of Mary Phagan, in Regard to Felder’s Connection With Case.


Mayor Woodward Also Dictagraphed [sic], According to Report—Admits He Was Called Into Conference by A. S. Colyar, Who Offered Him, He Says, Evidence That the Police Department Is Giving Protection to Disorderly Houses in Atlanta—“I’ve Done My Duty, It’s Up to Grand Jury,” Says Lanford.

Developments came thick and fast yesterday following the publication of affidavits, charging that Colonel Thomas B. Felder—the man who freed Charles Morse, and who used the dictagraph on Governor Cole Blease, of South Carolina—had himself been dictagraphed, and had made an attempt to secure an affidavit in the Mary Phagan murder case now held by the police department, through bribing Secretary February by the offer of $1,000.

Stinging counter charges that the Atlanta detective department is reeking with graft and corruption were hurled at Chief Newport Lanford by Colonel Felder, who asserts that the affidavits now in the possession of Lanford are perjured and the charges prompted by the desire to forestall an investigation of the department.


“I have proved Felder to be an attempted briber,” said the chief. “My duty has been done. It’s now up to the grand jury to take action.”

It also developed that Mayor Woodward has himself been dictagraphed, this instrument being used on the mayor during the course of a conversation at the Williams house, held by the mayor, Secretary February, of police department, A. S. Colyar, who worked up the affidavits against Felder, and Ed Miles, head of the Miles detective bureau.

Felder says he has viewed with his own eyes a police “graft” list, containing the names of owners of disorderly houses in the city, which resorts are given police protection in return for money. This, he said, was shown him by G. C. February, stenographer for Chief Lanford, right hand man of that official. Continue Reading →

Frank Not Home Hours on Saturday Declares Lanford

Frank Not HomeAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

On Night of Murder Prisoner Was Not at Residence, as He Says He Was, States Head of Detective Dept


Leo Frank Swore at Coroner’s Inquest That He Reached Home at 7:30 O’Clock and Did Not Leave House

“I can prove that Frank was not at home during the hours of Saturday night, the night of the murder that he claimed he was. I will have witnesses to swear to this.”

Such was the startling statement by Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford to a reporter for The Constitution Friday night.

Further than this Chief Lanford said he had a great deal of evidence which had not found its way into the papers.

“I will admit though,” he said, “it has been almost as hard to keep evidence out of the papers as it has been to get hold of it in the first place.”

Chief Lanford’s statement that he can prove Frank was not at home during the hours he says he was is the most important one in regard to the Phagan case that has come from the detective department in some days.

Leo Frank, in his statement at the coroner’s inquest, said that he reached home shortly after 7 o’clock Saturday night and did not leave his residence until the following morning when he accompanied the detectives to the undertaking establishment to identify the body of Mary Phagan. Frank’s statement was substantiated by his mother-in-law and father-in-law who stated that they were engaged in a card game that night and that Frank was in the next room reading a magazine.

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Atlanta Constitution, May 24th 1913, “Frank Not Home Hours on Saturday Declares Lanford,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Rooming House Sought by Frank Declares Woman


Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Friday, May 23rd, 1913

Mrs. Mima Famby Swears Suspected Man Wanted a Room for Himself and a Girl on Murder Night.


Mysterious Telephone Message Caused Detectives to Interview Woman Who Conducts Rooming House.

Mrs. Mima [sic] Famby [sic], who conducts a rooming house at 400 Piedmont avenue, near Currier street, has signed an affidavit to the effect that on April 26 Leo M. Frank called her up repeatedly by telephone and endeavored to secure a room for himself and a young girl.

The affidavit was signed Monday, May 11, but had been kept a secret. Mrs. Famby attached her signature to the document in the office of Detective Chief Lanford in police headquarters, and was sworn by Recorder Nash Broyles to the presence of Probation Officer Sidney J. Coogler. The affidavit was then turned over to Solicitor Dorsey.

Detectives say this is one of the most important bite of evidence they hold. It will, in all probability, be submitted to the grand jury when it takes up the Phagan case this morning at 10 o’clock. It was gained through a mysterious telephone call which came to police headquarters only a short while after the body had been discovered.

Some one, who refused to give a name, telephoned Chief Lanford, giving this message:

“Look up Mrs. Mima Famby. She knows more than she has told.” Continue Reading →

Experts Are Here on Finger Prints

Experts Here

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Thursday, May 22nd, 1913

Two Investigators Are Added to Wm. J. Burns’ Forces Already in Atlanta—P. A. Flak in City.

The William J. Burns forces in the investigation of the Mary Phagan mystery have been reinforced by two expert investigators who recently arrived in the city and are assisting Chief C. W. Tobie in his work.

Their identity is being withheld. Both began work Wednesday. One is a noted handwriting and finger print expert, and his first object was to examine the notes found beside the girl’s body and to obtain finger prints at and around the scene of discovery.

Chief Tobie visited the negro night watchman, Newt Lee, in the Tower Wednesday morning for an hours’ interview. Although he will not state positively his views, the impression is gained that he believes the negro innocent, in both the actual murder and as an accessory either before or after the crime.

Finger Print Expert Engaged.

P. A. Flak, one of New York’s most successful finger print experts, has been retained by Solicitor General Dorsey to examine prints found upon the victim’s clothing and on the notes written by her slayer. Flak was brought to Atlanta by the Georgia State Banker’ association, the convention of which recently was held in Macon.

He and the solicitor visited the pencil factory Wednesday afternoon. Later they visited the jail, where, it is said, they secured finger prints from both suspects, Frank, the plant superintendent, and the negro watchman. They spent practically the entire day together. Continue Reading →