Gentry, Found by Journal, Says Notes Will Show Enough to Justify What Was Sworn To

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

The Atlanta Journal

Sunday, June 15, 1913

“Upon Reading My Notes Before the Court It Will Be Proven That There Is Enough of It There to Justify What Was Written and Sworn to be Me as Being Practically the Gist of What Was Said,” Says Young Stenographer of Dictograph Records Transcribed by Him


“As Far as What The Journal Published, Will Say, as Far as I Can Remember, What They Printed Were the Facts In a General Way, and the Changes Were Immaterial.” Located by The Jounaal’s [sic] Washington Correspondent, Gentry Talks Freely.

By Ralph Smith

WASHINGTON, D. C., June 14.—Living under an assumed name and holding a lucrative position as an expert stenographer, George M. Gentry, of Atlanta, who made the famous dictograph notes, was located in Washington today by the Journal correspondent. He has been here since May 27. He left Atlanta via the Southern railway on the evening of May 26, following the Felder exposure. He claims to have seen no one from Atlanta other than E. O. Miles, and The Journal correspondent, though he is in communication with the members of his immediate family.

Gentry’s real identity is unknown to his employers, and at his request his present address and the place of his employment are withheld by the correspondent. Their publication, he believes, might cause him unnecessary annoyance.

“I left Atlanta because I feared that I might be arrested for perjury,” he said.

Gentry today voluntarily made an affidavit, elaborating and elucidating the statements contained in the affidavit he recently gave to E. O. Miles. This affidavit, made today, was sworn to and subscribed before Isaac Heidenheimer, of 1226 Pennsylvania avenue, notary public, for the District of Columbia. It was witnessed by Senator William Hughes, of New Jersey and Congressman Frank Doremus, of Michigan.

The original and a carbon copy are in the possession of The Journal correspondent, and Gentry himself has a copy. The affidavit was written by Gentry, without suggestion or dictation from anyone.

“Unfortunately I did not go into enough detail in my previous affidavit, hence the necessity of making a further one,” swore Gentry today.

Continuing the affidavit says, “I neglected to mention in same (the Miles affidavit) that I was allowed to read a proof of what The Journal published, in connection with the Felder conference. This conference was transcribed first and printed in Friday’s issue of the Journal. The other conferences, all of which were held Wednesday afternoon and evening, preceding the date of publication, were not published until after the Felder conference was published. I made one or two changes in the proof of the Felder conference, this being the only proof I was allowed to see. As I remember in one instance, I had written the word “intrude” any my notes contained the word “intruding.”

“Further than this I do not remember of any change that I made in same, with the exception of ordinary corrections, such as marking misspelled words, adding periods and commas, and striking them out.” Continue Reading →

Chief Beavers Unable to Locate Gentry

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

The Atlanta Journal

June 12, 1913

He Wires Chief Lanford That Young Stenographer Can’t Be Found

All efforts on the part of Detective Chief Lanford to locate George M. Gentry, the stenographer who wrote the famous dictograph records, have failed.

Following the publication Wednesday of an affidavit from Gentry made in Washington, D. C., in which the young stenographer charged that the dictograp [sic] records were padded after he had written them. Chief Lanford wired to Police Chief James L. Beavers, who is attending the police chief’s convention in that city, to locate Gentry.

Thursday afternoon, Chief Lanford received the following telegram from Chief Beavers:

“Washington, D. C.,
“June 12, 1913.

“N. A. Lanford,
“Chief Detectives.
“Atlanta, Ga.
“Have been unable to locate Gentry.


Chief Lanford takes for granted that Chief Beavers enlisted the aid of the Washington police and detectives in his search for Gentry and their future [sic] to find him indicates that he is not now in Washington.

Members of Gentry’s family state that they have no idea where he is, and E. O. Miles, the private detective, who brought back the Washington affidavit, refuses to divulge the young man’s address.

* * *

The Atlanta Journal, June 12th 1913, “Chief Beavers Unable to Locate Gentry,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Gentry Now Says Dictograph Record Was Tampered With

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Wednesday, June 11th, 1913

Detective E. O. Miles Gives Out Affidavit From Young Stenographer Repudiating Transcript He Swore to


G. C. Febuary Gives Out a Statement, Telling How Notes Were Transcribed and Affidavits Made

The accuracy of the now famous pictograph records of alleged conversations between Thomas B. Felder, Mayor Woodward, C. C. Jones, E. O. Miles, G. C. Febuary and A. S. Colyar is attacked in an affidavit which E. O. Miles has turned over to Mayor Woodward and which he says he obtained from George M. Gentry, the young stenographer who took down the dictograph conversations.

This affidavit was made in Washington D. C., where Miles, one of the dictographed parties, who is a private detective, says he found Gentry. According to this affidavit, Gentry swears that a number of changes were made in the pictograph records after they were transcribed by him. The only specific change set out in the affdavit, however, is that the names of Police Chief Beavers and Detective Chief N. A. Lanford were written into the record of Mayor Woodward’s conversation by some one other than the stenographer.

In this affidavit Gentry explains his disappearance from the city by declaring that when he compared the published records with his stenographic notes he realized that he had been duped and did not care to face the humiliation which he anticipated would follow.

These dictographed records, duly sworn to by young Gentry and others, were published in The Journal, which declined to print these documents unless they were attested before a notary public. These records and affidavits are still in the possession of The Journal, and this paper has no knowledge concerning the alleged changes.


Young Gentry was permitted to use one of The Journal’s typewriters to transcribe his pictograph notes. He and Febuary were left alone in the news department Wednesday night, May 21, to do this work. They left a copy of the records in a desk drawer for The Journal. Early on the morning of May 23 Gentry furnished The Journal with an affidavit attesting the correctness of the records. Later he came to The Journal office with his notebook and read the proofs which compared with this shorthand notes, and in one or two places he made minor changes, as he said, to better conform to the original notes.

He was advised to preserve his notes so that in the event any question was raised as to their accuracy, he would have the stenographic record from which to make answer.

The Journal does not undertake to say whether there are or are not discrepancies in the transcribed records compared to the shorthand notes. It has simply relied upon the sworn records and statements furnished by Gentry and others, which records and statements, as stated above, are still in the possession of The Journal and in exactly the same condition as they were when turned over to this paper by Gentry, February and others. Continue Reading →

Here Is the Dictagraph Record of Woodward’s Conversation

Here is the Dictagraph Record

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

Going to A. S. Colyar’s room in Williams House No. 2, on Forsyth street, Wednesday afternoon to make efforts to get information of alleged grafting on the part of Chief of Police Beavers and Chief Lanford, Mayor James G. Woodward walked into as neat a trap as was ever devised. The same dictagraph which was alleged to take down the statements of Colonel T. B. Felder, is said to have been working while the mayor of Atlanta was in conference with E. O. Miles, a private detective; Febuary, Chief of detectives Lanford’s clerk, and A. S. Colyar.

The mayor admits frankly he was there, but says he offered no money, but that he would subscribe to a fund to unearth graft in any city department; and also said that his visit had nothing whatever to do with the Phagan case.

“These parties told me they had evidence of the corruptness of Beavers and Lanford. I wanted to see what they had,” he is quoted as saying.

Part of the conversation, as alleged to have been taken down by George M. Gentry, nephew of the president of Southern Bell Telephone company, dealt with the early arrival of Miles, who discussed the Phagan case with Colyar.

After Mayor Woodward arrived in the room, Colyar stated that Febuary had the goods on certain members of the police and detective department. There was some discussion about the right of the police to arrest anyone who could get such evidence. Mayor Woodward staying that he didn’t understand how such an informer could be thrown in jail. Continue Reading →

“Charge Framed Up by a Dirty Gang”

Charge Framed UpAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

That’s the Way Mayor James G. Woodward Made Answer Saturday to Published Dictagraph [sic] Record.

After Mayor James G. Woodward and read the published dictagraph record of the conversation alleged to have been held between him, A. S. Colyar, G. C. Febuary and E. O. Miles, in room No. 31, Williams House, Wednesday afternoon, he declared that it was a “frame-up by a dirty gang.”

The mayor told The Constitution that he would be willing to start a fund to employ Burns detectives to trace the motive which inspired Colyar and his companions.

“I haven’t much money to spend, but I would contribute to a fund to carry this investigation to the finish,” he said. “It has just gone that far that it is not complete. There certainly must be more in it than has been published. I haven’t been able to find a thing but froth and no substance. Now, let’s get at the substance.”

All the Record Not Given.

Mayor Woodward says he is sore only because the dictagraph record did not get all he told Colyar and Febuary in the Williams House room. He says that some part of the conversation is reported correctly, and other parts have been eliminated and words put into the record to fit the aims of the conspirators.

“I’ll stand on a drygoods box in the center of the street at Five Points and repeat every word that I uttered in that room,” Mayor Woodward said. “There are some things I said and which were eliminated, which I have stated in print, and which I would like to have in that record as long as they have it. Continue Reading →

Charlie C. Jones Shown by Dictograph to Have Been Foxy; Detective Miles Talks Freely

Charlie C

George M. Gentry, stenographer who heard dictograph conversation in adjoining room and took it down in shorthand.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

Proprietor of “Rex” Near-Beer Saloon and Private Sleuth Are Quoted as Having Negotiated With Febuary for Papers in Phagan Case—Jones Was Very Cautious in His Utterances


Following the alleged dictographed conversations of Colonel Thomas B. Felder and Mayor Woodward Wednesday afternoon an engagement was made by A. S. Colyar for Charles C. Jones, proprietor of the “Rex” near-beer saloon, and E. O. Miles, a private detective, to meet G. C. Febuary, secretary to Chief of Detectives N. A. Lanford, in room No. 31 of Williams House No.2, to further discuss the subject of extracting certain papers from the safe of the chief of detectives.

This alleged discussion was also dictographed, and from the dictograph record it appears that Jones was too foxy for the ingenious machine. He was apparently very guarded in his utterances, although he took occasion to attack Police Chief Beavers and Marion Jackson, of the Men and Religious Forward Movement, for their part in closing up the restricted district.

Miles was more frank in his conversation. The dictograph record quotes him as agreeing to meet Colyar and Febuary outside Fulton county for the transfer of the papers and assuring the latter that he would be protected by Mayor Woodward.


Following is the dictograph record on the Miles-Jones-Febuary-Colyar conversation:

The following conversation occurred in room No. 31 at Williams House, No. 2, 34-36 N. Forsyth street, Atlanta, Georgia, Wednesday evening between eight and nine o’clock, between C. C. Jones, E. O. Miles and A. S. Colyar:

Colyar: It has been very warm today, hasn’t it?

Miles: Yes, it has. I asked Mr. Felder if you mentioned Mr. Jones’ name to him and he said no. Continue Reading →

Miles Says He Had Mayor Go to Room

Miles SaysAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

Wanted Woodward to See Just What Sort of a Crook Colyar Was, He Declares.

Edward O. Miles, a private detective, assumes the responsibility for the presence of Mayor Woodward at the Williams House, resulting in the dictographing of the Chief Executive of Atlanta. He also says it was at his suggestion Colonel Thomas B. Felder discontinued even his acquaintance with A. S. Colyar, the wild-eyed investigator from Tennessee.

Miles’ statement to a Georgian reporter follows:

“Colonel Felder had already been to see Colyar and he asked me to go and see what he had; to examine any papers, etc.

“I went and as soon as I saw Colyar I was disgusted. The Lord doesn’t make mistakes, and the Lord certainly put the brand of a crook on that fellow’s physiognomy if He ever put it anywhere.

“Colyar wanted Mayor Woodward and asked me to get him. I went to the Mayor and said: ‘I want to take you down to see the greatest freak and crook you ever saw in your life. I want you to hear his line of bunk. You don’t have to say anything—just come along and listen to what he hands out.”

Thought Someone Listened.

“That was Wednesday afternoon. I didn’t think anything about a dictograph, but I knew, or at least thought, that he had somebody listening in the next room. I couldn’t help knowing that, because every now and then Colyar raised his voice so they could hear. Anybody on the streets a block could have heard him had they listened.

“After the conversation, practically as reported in the dictograph, Mayor Woodward left.

“Colyar told me not to forget to bring Colonel Felder and the money next morning at 10 o’clock. I asked him what money, and he said the $1,000 for the papers. I told him I didn’t want to buy any papers; that if Colonel Felder or anybody else did, that was their business, but I didn’t believe they did.

“Then I went back and reported to Colonel Felder and advised him to have nothing more to do with Colyar, not to go back to the Williams House and even not answer his telephone calls.

Felder Quit Negotiations.

“They waited all day Thursday, and Colonel Felder didn’t go back and didn’t answer the telephone calls. That’s why it was published in incompleted form. They saw the jig was up, and I believe Colyar then sold the story.

“I know young Gentry, who took down the dictograph report, and I’ll wager $100 he won’t sign an affidavit it has been published in unexpurgated form. Nothing has been added, but some things have been left out. However, I can’t say that the omissions made any material change.

“Yes, I am the one that caused Mayor Woodward to go there. He is all right. I just wanted him to hear the line of bunk that crook had to hand out.”

* * *

Atlanta Georgian, May 24th 1913, “Miles Says He Had Mayor Go to Room,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Mayor Woodward Reported Caught by the Dictograph Seeking Police Evidence

Mayor Woodward Reported

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

The little dictograph cunningly hidden in Detective Colyar’s room in the Williams House No. 2 is said to have caught a conversation between Mayor James G. Woodward, Secretary G. C. Febuary of the detective department and Edward Miles, Wednesday afternoon, between 3 and 4 o’clock.

Detective Colyar who drew Attorney Thomas B. Felder into the conspiracy was also present at the interview. Colyar sent Miles to the private office of Mayor Woodward in the Empire building, with an invitation that he examine affidavits which Colyar alleged to have in his possession charging police graft.

Mayor Woodward admitted to The Constitution, Friday night, that he went to the room designated by Miles. He charges that Colyar tried to induce him to agree to pay $1,000 for certain information in documentary form which Colyar declared was sufficient to convict the heads of the police department of corruption in receiving money for protections from disorderly houses.

Mayor Had No Money to Give.

They were the only ones who spoke about money, Mayor Woodward said “I told them that if they were looking for money from me I had none to give, but I suggested that if they would make out a list to show just what evidence they had to give there would be no trouble getting up the money to extend the investigation.”

Detective Colyar visited Mayor Woodward’s office in the city hall one day last week, according to Frank Hammond, the mayor’s secretary. He explained that he wanted to see the mayor on important business, and when informed that he would have to wait he became impatient, and declared that there was more red tape in getting to the mayor than to the president of the United States. Continue Reading →

“Dirty Gang” Filled Out Record or Else “Fooled Dictograph” — Mayor Woodward.


Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

Big Part of Published Record Absolutely Untrue, Declares Mayor, Though “There’s Nothing In It,” He Says


“It’s all a frame-up of a dirty gang,” declared Mayor James G. Woodward, in commenting Saturday afternoon on the published dictograph record of the conversation alleged to have been held between him, A. S. Colyar, G. C. Febuary and E. O. Miles in Room 31 of the Williams house, No. 2, on Wednesday afternoon.

“The dictograph record has been filled out by some one,” he declared. “I don’t know who. Some one either filled it out or fooled the dictograph after I left.”

Part of the record—almost all the first half of it—was correct, the mayor said. The rest was untrue, he vowed.

“The whole business amounted to employing a detective,” he said. “Certainly I would vote to protect any one who unearthed graft. Certainly I would.

“While there is nothing in this published record, what there is is mostly incorrect. I’m willing to admit anything I said. The record has certainly been filled out after ‘they’ got hold of it.

“I didn’t mention anything about Dozier deserting Beavers. In fact, I didn’t even know he’d ever been with Beavers. I didn’t say anything about any members of the police board. Call it ‘protection’ to Febuary if he unearths graft if you want to. I’d vote to protect any one unearthing graft.

“They told me they could furnish evidence that disorderly houses were protected. I wanted to get it.”

Mayor Woodward declared that the entire portion of the dictograph record from the sub-head “Woodward Says There is Evidence Against Beavers” had been either filled in or spoken by some one after he left “to fool the dictograph.”

Mayor Woodward dictated the following statement to a reporter for The Journal before reading the dictagraph [sic] report: Continue Reading →

Jones Attacks Beavers and Charges Police Crookedness

A. S. Colyar, who figures in the dictograph sensation. Records show he has been confined in two insane asylums and numerous prisons. His operations are alleged to extend from New York to Mexico. He is a member of a prominent Tennessee family.

A. S. Colyar, who figures in the dictograph sensation. Records show he has been confined in two insane asylums and numerous prisons. His operations are alleged to extend from New York to Mexico. He is a member of a prominent Tennessee family.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

The following conversation occurred in room No. 31, at Williams House No. 2, 34-36 N. Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga., Wednesday evening, between 8 and 9 o’clock, between C. C. Jones, E. O. Miles and A. S. Colyar:

Colyar—It has been very warm to-day, hasn’t it?

Miles—Yes, it has. I asked Mr. Felder if you mentioned Mr. Jones’ name to him and he said no.

Colyar—He told me Monday night that Mr. Jones was a friend of his and he thought it an outrage the way they had done him.

Miles—You know I asked you this afternoon why you wanted to see Mr. Jones.

Colyar—If you don’t want to talk, that’s all right.

Jones—In what way?

Colyar—Tom told me they did you pretty dirty down here at the station house.

Jones—Yes. They closed up the houses I had. I had a lot of property.

Colyar—He told me they framed up on you.

Jones—There is no doubt but what it was a frame-up.

Colyar—Tom told me he would like to see the gang out of business.

Jones—The record now is (voice very indistinct just then). They never grafted me. Wouldn’t be any use for me to give them any money.

Miles—You told me you wanted to see Jones. It is not a question of lack of confidence, as what I told you was true as far as I know, but if he knows anything at all about it, I don’t know just what it is.

Jones—I don’t know anything. I just told them to go ahead and build them houses and move them across the street. Even some of them went and paid for them. Three or four days before they closed the houses, the Chief of the City of Atlanta —— —— —— that it would never do to close this district and I was surprised one morning by a telephone message from someone at No. 18, that the Chief had given five or six days notice to get out, I don’t remember which, and I never even went to the trouble to go out to this man to ask him what he meant, as I could not figure it out to save my life what he meant. That is all that I know of. I found out what he was doing. I understand that Jackson was holding conversation with him anywhere from one to three times a day. Continue Reading →

“We Have Enough Votes if We Get the Evidence,” the Mayor is Quoted by the Dictograph

We Have 1

Main portion of drawing shows how dictograph transmitters were installed in a dresser in room No. 31, where conversations were held. Inserted drawing shows stenographer in room No. 32 recording the conversations brought by dictograph from room No. 31.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

The Journal is Presenting Below the Complete Stenographic Report of the Interview in the Williams House, In Which Mayor Woodward, E. O. Miles, G. C. Febuary and A. S. Colyar Took Part, While the Dictograph Recorded the Conversation

That Mayor James G. Woodward was dictographed by the city detectives on Wednesday afternoon, shortly after Colonel Thomas B. Felder had concluded his interview in Room 31 of Williams House No. 2, 34-36 North Forsyth street, was made public Saturday morning by Chief of Detectives N. A. Lanford.

The Atlanta Journal presents below the complete stenographic report of the conversation imputed to Mayor Woodward by the dictograph. The report also gives in detail the statements accredited to E. O. Miles, the private detective present while the dictograph was at work. Only one or two unprintable words have been omitted from the sworn record which The Journal has secured.

The feature of the interview accredited to Mayor Woodward by the dictograph is the statement by him that he was looking for evidence against the police department and particularly against Chief of Police James L. Beavers. The mayor is also quoted as saying that there were enough votes in the police board to remove Chief Beavers if they could get the evidence.

The sworn statement of Stenographer George M. Gentry, detailing the alleged dictographed conversation in which the mayor figured is given below. Continue Reading →

Bribery Charges False Declares Col. Felder; Calls Them “Frame-Up”

Bribery ChargesAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

Affidavits and Alleged Dictagraph [sic] Record Are Made Public, Accusing Prominent Lawyer, of Offering Bribe of $1,000 to Secretary Febuary, of Police Department, to Secure Affidavit Made for Police by J. W. Coleman, Stepfather of Mary Phagan, in Regard to Felder’s Connection With Case.


Mayor Woodward Also Dictagraphed [sic], According to Report—Admits He Was Called Into Conference by A. S. Colyar, Who Offered Him, He Says, Evidence That the Police Department Is Giving Protection to Disorderly Houses in Atlanta—“I’ve Done My Duty, It’s Up to Grand Jury,” Says Lanford.

Developments came thick and fast yesterday following the publication of affidavits, charging that Colonel Thomas B. Felder—the man who freed Charles Morse, and who used the dictagraph on Governor Cole Blease, of South Carolina—had himself been dictagraphed, and had made an attempt to secure an affidavit in the Mary Phagan murder case now held by the police department, through bribing Secretary February by the offer of $1,000.

Stinging counter charges that the Atlanta detective department is reeking with graft and corruption were hurled at Chief Newport Lanford by Colonel Felder, who asserts that the affidavits now in the possession of Lanford are perjured and the charges prompted by the desire to forestall an investigation of the department.


“I have proved Felder to be an attempted briber,” said the chief. “My duty has been done. It’s now up to the grand jury to take action.”

It also developed that Mayor Woodward has himself been dictagraphed, this instrument being used on the mayor during the course of a conversation at the Williams house, held by the mayor, Secretary February, of police department, A. S. Colyar, who worked up the affidavits against Felder, and Ed Miles, head of the Miles detective bureau.

Felder says he has viewed with his own eyes a police “graft” list, containing the names of owners of disorderly houses in the city, which resorts are given police protection in return for money. This, he said, was shown him by G. C. February, stenographer for Chief Lanford, right hand man of that official. Continue Reading →

Dictograph Catches Mayor in Net

Dictograph Catches Mayor

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

Sensational dictograph conversations, in which Mayor James G. Woodward, Charles C. Jones, former Tenderloin proprietor and present owner of the Rex saloon; E. O. Miles, a private detective; A. S. Colyar, accuser of Colonel T. B. Felder, and Chief Lanford’s clerk, February [sic], all figure, are made public by The Atlanta Georgian to-day.

The conversations, all reported by a dictograph installed at the Williams House, in the same room and by the same man who figured to the “trapping” of Felder, tend to throw new and startling light on the alleged plot to “get” Chief of Police James L. Beavers, who wiped out the Tenderloin, and Chief of Detectives Lanford.

As reported by George M. Gentry, who took down the conversation as it trickled over the thin spun wires through the door between Colyar’s room, No. 31, and room No. 32, it is apparently made clear that the Mayor was not only after evidence of graft in the police department, but more directly after evidence on which Chief Beavers could be impeached and discharged. The Mayor has never hesitated to make plain that he was not in sympathy with the chief’s attitude.

The conversation in which the Mayor figured seems to show that he promised protection to the man who would get the evidence if he should get in trouble doing it, and that he gave assurances the work would be well paid for.

The Mayor was present at the conference with February, Colyar and Miles. The entire dictograph conversation in which he figured is given elsewhere.

Far more sensational is the conversation in which Jones, Miles and Colyar took part. Jones viciously attacked the police department, charging graft and crookedness; accused Marion Jackson, Men and Religion Forward Movement leader, of being the beneficiary of vice, and said he had been double-crossed in the wiping out of the Tenderloin.

Colonel Felder’s name is mentioned time and again in the conversation of the three, and more than one reference is made to the alleged offer of $1,000 for evidence. Continue Reading →