Confusion of Holloway Spoils Close of Good Day for the Defense

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 9th, 1913 What promised to be a very favorable day for the defense in the trial of Leo M. Frank, charged with the murder of Mary Phagan, was partly spoiled at its close Friday by the bewilderment of E. F. Holloway, day watchman at the Continue Reading →

Here’s the Time Clock Puzzle in Frank Trial; Can You Figure It Out?

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 9th, 1913 THE RIDDLE OF THE CLOCK IN THE PHAGAN MYSTERY Jim Conley swears Mary Phagan went up the stairs of the National Pencil factory and was murdered before Monteen Stover arrived. He says he saw Miss Stover go up and leave. Monteen Stover, State’s Continue Reading →

Defense May Call for Character Witnesses Today

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 8th, 1913 C. B. DALTON TELLS ABOUT VISITS HE PAID THE PENCIL FACTORY WITH MANY WOMEN Declares He Used Basement for Immoral Purposes at Same Time That Frank Was in Building, But Did Not Attempt to Say What the Superintendent’s Relations With Women Were—Declares Conley Continue Reading →

Defense Begins Introduction of Evidence

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta JournalAugust 8th, 1913 Afternoon Session of Frank’s Trial Thursday Is Without Any Interesting Development Pinkerton Detective Harry Scott Testifies That Conley Never Told Him New Features of Story—Dr. Leroy Childs Testifies in Effort to Break Dr. Harris’ Story When court adjourned Thursday afternoon at 5:10 o’clock Continue Reading →

Defense Attacks State’s Case From Many Angles

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta JournalAugust 8th, 1913 MOTORMAN AND CONDUCTOR SAY NEWSBOY EPPS WAS NOT ON CAR THAT BROUGHT MARY TO CITY They Swear That She Left Car at Broad and Hunter Streets at 12:10, the Very Hour Monteen Stover Claims to Have Left Factory—Daisy Hopkins Swears She Never Visited Continue Reading →

Hugh Dorsey Wins His Spurs; Crowd Recognizes Gameness

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 7th, 1913 By Sidney Ormond When the spectators at the Frank trial Wednesday broke into a ripple of applause, after Judge Roan had announced his decision that the damaging evidence of Jim Conley that he had “watched out for Frank on several occasions prior to Continue Reading →

While Murder Trial Goes on Witnesses While Away Time With Old Camp Meeting Songs

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 7th, 1913 By Britt Craig. There is one woman with no connection whatever with the Frank case who sits undisturbed in an obscure corner of the courtroom. Throughout Jim Conley’s testimony, she remained in her seat while court deputies removed women from all parts of Continue Reading →

Because He is Patriotic Mincey is Here for Trial

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 7th, 1913 W. H. Mincey, witness for the defense in the Leo M. Frank trial whose substantial affidavit that Jim Conley had told him of killing a white girl on the day Mary Phagan was murdered was published some weeks ago was a conspicuous figure Continue Reading →

Spontaneous Applause Greets Dorsey’s Victory

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 7th, 1913 JUDGE ROAN DENIES MOTION OF DEFENSE TO STRIKE PART OF CONLEY TESTIMONY Reuben Arnold Threatens to Call for Mistrial if There Should Be Recurrence of Applause Which Marked Reception of the Decision. Judge Announces That the Court Room Would Be Cleared if There Continue Reading →

Dr. Harris’ Testimony is Attacked by Defense Expert

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta JournalAugust 7th, 1913 STATE FINISHES TESTIMONY AND DR. LEROY CHILDS BEGINS EXPERT EVIDENCE FOR DEFENSE Dr. Childs Characterizes Conclusions Similar to Those Made by Dr. H. F. Harris and Dr. J. W. Hurt as Remarkable Guesses—He Says Cabbage Is Most Indigestible of All Vegetables and Might Continue Reading →

Trial as Varied as Vaudeville Exhibition

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 7th, 1913 Every Change in Chromatic Scale Rung—All Georgia Types Seen in Court. By L. F. Woodruff. Every change in the chromatic scale has been rung in the Frank trial. With the single exception of the skyrocket oratory that will mark the last stage of Continue Reading →

State Ends Case Against Frank

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 7th, 1913 Dalton Corroborates Jim Conley’s Story DR. CHILDS IS CALLED BY DEFENSE TO REBUT DR. HARRIS’ EVIDENCE With the cross-examination of Dr. H. F. Harris, the State Thursday afternoon rested its case against Leo M. Frank accused of the murder of Mary Phagan. Dr. Continue Reading →

Ignorance of Negro Witnesses Helps Them When on the Stand

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 6th, 1913 By Britt Craig. Sometimes it is lucky to be ignorant. Most people don’t believe this, but it has been proven true in the cases of Newt Lee and Jim Conley in facing the nerve-racking cross-examination of Luther Rosser. The average white man in Continue Reading →

Judge Will Rule on Evidence Attacked by Defense at 2 P.M.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 6th, 1913 As soon as court opened Mr. Rosser asked the judge if he was ready to hear argument on the proposition to eliminate parts of Conley testimony. He said he was prepared to support his motion with authorities. Judge Roan replied that he would Continue Reading →

Dorsey Accomplishes Aim Despite Big Odds

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 6th, 1913 By L. F. WOODRUFF. Practically the entire case on which the State of Georgia bases its claim on the life of Leo Frank to pay for that life taken from Mary Phagan is before the jury. Most of the remaining evidence of importance, Continue Reading →

Can Jury Obey if Told to Forget Base Charge?

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 6th, 1913 By James B. Nevin. “Gentlemen of the jury, having heard from James Conley, the blackest, most damning story ever told in Atlanta by one human being against another, having sat there and listened as he smudged with unspeakable scandal the defendant in this Continue Reading →

Negro Sweeper Remanded to Solitude in Jail Over Night

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta JournalAugust 5th, 1913 Jim Conley Grilled for Many Hours By Frank’s Attorney Who Fails to “Rattle” Him Luther Rosser Makes Negro Admit Lies and Terms in Prison, but Sweeper Remains Good Witness for State—Women Excluded From Court Room During Afternoon Session, Numerous Tilts Between Opposing Counsel Continue Reading →

Defense Moves to Strike Most Damaging Testimony

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta JournalAugust 5th, 1913 ON GROUNDS OF IRRELEVANCY ATTORNEY ARNOLD MOVES TO STRIKE PART OF TESTIMONY He Asks That Conley’s Statement That He Acted as “Lookout” for Frank, and Part of Testimony Attacking Frank’s Personal Character Be Blotted From Record — Attorney Hooper eDclares [sic] Defense Has Continue Reading →

Traditions of the South Upset; White Man’s Life Hangs on Negro’s Word

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 5th, 1913 By L.F. WOODRUFF. Sinister as a cloud, as raven as a night unaided by moon, planet or satellite, Jim Conley is to-day the most talked-of man in Georgia. His black skin has not been whitened by the emancipation proclamation. The record of his Continue Reading →

Mrs. Frank Breaks Down in Court

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 5th, 1913 Judge, Favoring Defense, Reserves Decision as to Striking Out Testimony CONLEY CONTINUES TO WITHSTAND FIERCE ATTACKS OF ROSSER Reuben Arnold created a sensation at the opening of Tuesday afternoon’s session of the Frank trial by making a motion that all of the revolting Continue Reading →