Frank’s Lawyers Again Threaten Move for Mistrial

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta JournalAugust 13th, 1913 Questions Asked by Dorsey Of Office Boy at Factory Ruled Out After Argument Attorney Reuben R. Arnold Declares That Any Further Testimony Along Lines of That Sought by the Solicitor During Examination of Philip Chambers Will Tempt Him to Move for a New Continue Reading →

Frank’s Character Made Issue by the Defense

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta JournalAugust 13th, 1913 ACTION A CHALLENGE TO STATE TO PUT UP WITNESSES IN REBUTTAL WHO OTHERWISE COULDN’T TESTIFY Lemmie Quinn, Foreman In Metal Room, Tells the Jury He Visited Factory on Saturday, April 26, and Found Frank at His Desk Writing at 12:20 o’Clock, the Very Continue Reading →

State Calls More Witnesses; Defense Builds Up an Alibi

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 13th, 1913 In anticipation of the close of the defense’s case, the State Tuesday afternoon subpenaed a number of new witnesses to be called in the event that Frank’s character was put in issue. It was said that Solicitor Dorsey had prepared against this move Continue Reading →

Frank’s Mother Stirs Courtroom

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 13th, 1913 Leaps to Defense of Son at Dorsey’s Question FRANK’S CLASSMATES AT COLLEGE TELL OF HIS GOOD CHARACTER A sensation was created in the courtroom during the cross-examination of Ashley Jones by Solicitor Dorsey at the Frank trial when Mrs. Rea [sic] Frank, mother Continue Reading →

Defense Has Best Day Since Trial of Frank Began

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 12th, 1913 AS WILD GUESSES PHYSICIANS TERM TESTIMONY GIVEN BY DR. ROY HARRIS Assert It Is Impossible to Tell Accurately Just How Long It Takes for the Digestion of Cabbage—One Doctor Tells of Experiments He Had Made on Several Patients to Settle This Point. Doubt Continue Reading →

C. B. Dalton’s Character Shown Up by Frank Defense; Four Witnesses Swear They Would Not Believe His Oath

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta JournalAugust 12th, 1913 DALTON ADMITS HE SERVED A CHAINGANG SENTENCE FOR THEFT OF A “SHOP HAMMER” Miss Hattie Hall Swears She Was In Frank’s Office Between 11 and 12 o’Clock and That Superintendent Did No Work on Finance Sheet During This Hour—Her Testimony Different In This Continue Reading →

State Charges Premeditated Crime

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 12th, 1913 Defense Forces Dalton to Admit Jail Record GIRL DENIES STATE’S VERSION OF FRANK’S WORK ON FATAL DAY Here are the important developments Tuesday in the trial of Leo M. Frank, charged with the murder of Mary Phagan: State announces its theory that Frank Continue Reading →

Murder Evidence May Be Concluded by Next Saturday

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 11th, 1913 Trial May Have Reached the Point By End of This Week Where Lawyers Will Begin Their Argument. FIERCE ATTACK COMING ON HARRIS TESTIMONY The Defense Will Also Make Every Attempt to Break Down Story Told by Jim Conley, Negro Sweeper. The main points Continue Reading →

Many Experts Called by Defense to Answer Dr. H. F. Harris

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta JournalAugust 11th, 1913 DR. GEORGE BACHMAN GIVES TESTIMONY TO SHOW HARRIS SIMPLY HAZARDED A GUESS Professor of Physiology at Atlanta College of Physicians and Surgeons Declares Dr. Harris Is the Only Doctor He Knows Who Would Undertake to Express the Opinion That Dr. Harris Did in Continue Reading →

Interest Unabated as Dramatic Frank Trial Enters Third Week

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 11th, 1913 By JAMES B. NEVIN. The third week of the most remarkable murder trial ever known in Georgia opened to-day with no apparent lessening of the acute interest and grim appeal heretofore attaching to it. The public has come to realize thoroughly and completely Continue Reading →

Defense Bitterly Attacks Harris

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 11th, 1913 Battle of Medical Experts Waged in Court EXPERTS TESTIMONY ON CABBAGE TESTS CALLED WILD GUESS A bitter arraignment of the professional ethics and fairness of Dr. H. F. Harris, secretary of the State Board of Health, and a through-going attack on his theories Continue Reading →

Frank A. Hooper Is Proving Big Aid to Solicitor Dorsey

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 10th, 1913 ROSSER CALLS HIM BEAU BRUMMEL OF BAR By Britt Craig. He has a kind and genial face that makes you feel he is the friend of everybody in the world, but in the midst of a big trial he might be compared with Continue Reading →

Epps Boy Denies Trying to Avoid Being Called to the Stand Again

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 10th, 1913 C. B. Dalton, who was used by the state to corroborate some of Jim Conley’s testimony against Leo Frank, was the first witness called by the defense Saturday morning. He did not respond and George Epps, the newsboy who claims to have ridden Continue Reading →

Witness Found Who Saw Mary Phagan on Way to Factory

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta JournalAugust 10th, 1913 George T. Kendley, Street Car Conductor, Declares He Saw Little Girl About Noon on April 26 as She Stepped From Curb on Forsyth Street Bridge to Cross Alabama Street, Where His Car Was Stopped BOTH SIDES READY TO GRILL EVERY WITNESSES Attorneys Think Continue Reading →

Interest in Trial Now Centers in Story of Mincey

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 10th, 1913 Question of Time Considered of Paramount Importance in Defense Theory of Frank Case EVERY EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO ACCOUNT FOR ALL HIS MOVEMENTS As all interest centered in the dramatic story of Jim Conley while the case of the prosecution in the Continue Reading →

Frank Struggles to Prove His Conduct Was Blameless

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 10th, 1913 Co-Workers in the Factory Declare Stories of Factory Revelries Are Beyond Reason ASSISTANT TELLS HOW ACCUSED MAN MADE OUT COMPLEX ACCOUNTS Testimony of Newsboy Who Said He Accompanied Mary Phagan On Street Car On Day of the Killing Attacked by Defense’s Counsel. With Continue Reading →

Harry Scott and “Boots” Rogers Recalled to Stand by the State

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 9th, 1913 When court convened Friday morning Harry Scott, Pinkerton detective, engaged by the defense in the Phagan case, was recalled to the stand by the state and asked how long it took Jim Conley, the negro sweeper, to write a copy of one of Continue Reading →

Holloway, Witness for Defense, Riddled By Cross-Examination

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta ConstitutionAugust 9th, 1913 E. F. Holloway, watchman and timekeeper at the pencil factory, whose testimony Solicitor Dorsey riddled on cross-examination, followed General Manager Darley to the stand. He gave his answers rapidly, making them frequently even before Attorney Arnold had finished propounding his questions. He is Continue Reading →

State Confronts Watchman Holloway With Previous Affidavit

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta JournalAugust 9th, 1913 Solicitor Dorsey Fiercely Attacks Evidence Given by the Witness For Defense Afternoon Session He Also Implies That Watchman Was Trying to Fix Crime on Conley to Get Reward. Holloway Admits Signing Statement Produced by the Prosecutor—Other Witnesses for Defense Heard After Solicitor Dorsey Continue Reading →

State Attacks Frank Report

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 9th, 1913 Intricacy of Figures Produced by Schiff Under Fire WOMEN NEVER CAME INTO FACTORY OFFICE, WITNESS TESTIFIES The second week of the Frank trial ended at 12:30 Saturday with a bitter battle in progress over the testimony of Herbert G. Schiff, assistant superintendent of Continue Reading →