August 18, *2013*, This Day in Jewish History, One Hundred Years Ago Today on August 18, *1913*: Climax of the Epic Southern Trial of 20th Century in Atlanta, Georgia, Leo Frank Mounted the Witness Stand and Made an Admission that was Delicious Irony!

Leo Max Frank, Twice President of the B’nai B’rith Chapter of Atlanta, Georgia, First Term: September, 1912 – September, 1913. Second Term: September, 1913 – September, 1914. 21st Century Time Travelers of the Imagination Presents: The Leo Frank Trial Transcript from Official Legal Records and Atlanta Newspaper Accounts in 1913 Today on August 18th *2013*, one hundred years ago today Continue Reading →


References: The Atlanta Journal, April 1913

Matt Lebovic, Journalist for the Times of Israel and the Big Lies about the Leo Frank Case

Dear Matt Lebovic, The article you have written, ‘The ADL and KKK, born of the same murder, 100 years ago” and published at the Times of Israel Dot Com, perpetuates the 100 year old, Jewish pathological BIG LIE about the Leo Frank trial, what amounts to an anti-Gentile blood libel and racist hate crime hoax, that people outside were shouting Continue Reading →

The Coroner’s Inquest of the Mary Phagan Murder Mystery

 — PART 1: INTRODUCTION — FOR THE FIRST TIME in history, we now have a full, unexpurgated digital record of all the contemporary reports about the Coroner’s Inquest which took place in the wake of the murder of Mary Phagan. Thanks to the hard work of Penelope Lee of the American Mercury, who typed every word by hand, these articles Continue Reading →

Marc Davis of Perpetuates the Hundred Year Old, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Hate Crime Hoax: “Hang That Jew Or We’ll Hang You!”

“Hang That Jew Or We’ll Hang You!” May 1, 2013 | By Marc Davis One of the most horrific episodes of anti-Semitism in American history – the lynching of Leo Frank – began 100 years ago last week. On April 27, 1913, a night watchman found the bloody body of 13-year-old Mary Phagan in a factory basement in Atlanta. Police Continue Reading →

Study the Leo Frank Case: Primary and Secondary Sources About the Leo Frank Case

Atlanta Constitution Newspaper. Atlanta Georgian Newspaper. Atlanta Journal Newspaper. The prosecutor Hugh Dorsey’s closing arguments (who later became Governor years later). Argument of Hugh M. Dorsey in the Trial of Leo Frank. Some but not all of the 9 hours of arguments given to the Jury at the end of the Leo Frank trial. Only 18 Libraries Continue Reading →

The American Mercury: The Murder of Mary Phagan and Lynching of Leo Frank

The Finest Selection of Articles About Mary Phagan and Leo Frank Case Visit the American Mercury now and read the Leo Frank Trial Transcript Analysis: 100 Years Ago Today: The Trial of Leo Frank Begins… Leo Frank Trial Week One Leo Frank Trial Week Two One Hundred Years Ago Leo Frank Mounts the Witness Stand… Continue Reading →

Jason Robert Brown, Co-Creator of Parade the Leo Frank Musical

Today is the centennial or 100th Anniversary of Mary Phagan’s murder that occurred so long ago on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913, in Atlanta, Georgia. Every level of the United States legal system reviewing the case from 1913 to 1986, has essentially sustained that thirteen-year-old Mary Anne Phagan was murdered by her factory boss, Leo Frank. But here Continue Reading →

Presenting the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (1913) and Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Records (1913, 1914):

Travel down the timeweb to the fall of 1913 in Atlanta, Georgia, you are now a Georgia Supreme Court Justice! How would you rule on Leo Frank’s petitions and appeals, in essence upon his conviction, based upon the official record presented to you? Would you leave undisturbed the verdict rendered against Leo Frank for the Murder of Mary Phagan? The Continue Reading →

Seeking Justice for Mary Anne Phagan (June 1, 1899 – April 26, 1913) Against the Anti-Defamation League’s Racist, Anti-Gentile Campaign, of Perpetuating the Century-Long, Leo M. Frank Trial, Anti-Semitic Hatecrime Hoax, from 1913 to 2013

Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL), Patron Father and Martyr of Anti-Semitism: Leo Frank, Atlanta B’nai B’rith President Serial rapist-pedophile and convicted child killer, Leo Max Frank, violently assaulted, raped, and garroted 13-year-old little Mary Anne Phagan (born Thursday, June 1, 1899) at minutes past twelve-noon, on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913. Phagan was viciously murdered, inside the Continue Reading →

Leo Frank and Other Associated Principals in the Early Print Media of Newspapers and Magazines During the 20th Century, Including the Notable March 9, 1914, Atlanta Constitution, Leo Max Frank Jailhouse Interview Admission Amounting to Leo Frank Murder Confession Number Four.

Clark Howell (September 21, 1863 – November 14, 1936) was a Pulitzer Prize winning American newspaper man and politician from the state of Georgia.  According to Wikipedia: Howell was born on September 21, 1863 in Atlanta, Georgia. During the American Civil War his mother was in South Carolina, while his father, Captain Evan Howell, served in the infantry and commanded Continue Reading →

What are the Most Probable Solutions to the Murder of Mary Phagan?

When we review the official legal records and newspaper accounts of the Leo Frank trial as 21st century observers, traveling down the time web of imagination to explore the possible solutions of the case, we find ourselves coming to three doorways representing the most highly probable solutions concerning who violently assaulted and garroted Mary Phagan. We know with great certainty Continue Reading →

Donald E. Wilkes, Jr. Professor of Law, University of Georgia School of Law, Reviews: Leonard Dinnerstein’s Book, ‘The Leo Frank Case’ (1968, 1987, 1999) and Steve Oney’s Book (2003) ‘And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and Lynching of Leo Frank.

POLITICS, PREJUDICE, AND PERJURY Published in Flagpole Magazine, p. 9 (March 1, 2000). Author: Donald E. Wilkes, Jr., Professor of Law, University of Georgia School of Law. The Leo Frank Case Leonard Dinnerstein University of Georgia Press, 1987, 1999 248 pp., paperback, $15.95 The case of Leo M. Frank, the most important Georgia criminal proceeding of the 20th century, has Continue Reading →

The Biography of Leo Max Frank (Thursday, April 17, 1884, to Tuesday Morning, August 17, 1915) and the Bludgeoning, Rape and Strangulation of Little Mary Anne Phagan on Saturday, April 26, 1913, Between 12:05 pm and 12:10 pm, maybe 12:07 pm.

The Leo Frank Affair (1913 to 1915) and its aftermath (1915 to 1986), What Really Happened? Welcome to the Leo Frank Case Research Library Archive, the largest online collection of primary sources concerning the life, and centarian legacy (1915 to 2015) of Leo Frank, who was convicted August 25, 1913, of having strangled 13 year old “little” Mary Anne Phagan Continue Reading →

American State Trials Volume X 1918 By John D. Lawson LLD

American State Trials Volume 10 (1918) by John D. Lawson, LL.D. Beginning on page 182, an interpretation of the Leo M. Frank case by John D. Lawson is featured and then it is followed by an abridged version of the 1913 Leo Frank trial testimony (July 28, 1913 to August 26, 1913) for the murder of little Mary Phagan on Continue Reading →

Leo Frank Documentary and Film Review: People v. Leo Frank, Directed by Ben Loeterman and Chief Consultant Steve Oney

People v. Leo Frank (2009) directed by Ben Loeterman and Steve Oney (senior consultant). Please watch, transcribe, and fact-check each segment of this 84 minute, 2009 published docudrama by using the 1913 – 1915 primary sources of the Leo Frank case (legal records and Atlanta newspaper reports) to determine what is fact or fiction. When you have completed this task, Continue Reading →

Instauration, The Rehabilitation of Leo Frank, 1986

The Right Wing Perspective on the Leo Frank Pardon This review is written to present the christian right winger view on the Leo Frank Pardon, as opposed to the Frankite (Jewish Community and Leo Frank partisan) view on the Pardon. This review offers a unique and controversial view on the Leo Frank pardon that rarely is given a voice, but Continue Reading →

Leo Frank Case – Open or Closed? By Allen Koenigsberg the World’s Foremost Expert on the Leo Frank Case

Mary Phagan Directory Listing in 1913 Atlanta The Leo Frank Case – open or closed? by Allen Koenigsberg of On April 27, 1913, shortly before the Atlanta Journal had printed all the events of the previous day. (Leo Frank sketch in the Aug 1913 Atlanta Constitution). A congratulatory article had already appeared in their pages: “Grand Opera Helped to Continue Reading →