The ADL Jewish Supremacist Culture War Against Gentile Americans: The Tom Watson Affair October 2013 and Cowardly Liar Georgia Governor Nathan Deal


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Tom Watson Statue To Be Removed From Georgia State Capitol
Posted on October 23, 2013 by Hunter Wallace
ADL exults over the removal of the Tom Watson statue at the Georgia State Capitol

ADL exults over the removal of the Tom Watson statue


Gov. Nathan Deal of Georgia recently signed an executive order authorizing the removal of the Tom Watson statue from the grounds of the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta.

Rather than be seen as a weakling who is capitulating to the demands of a PC lynch mob, Gov. Deal claims that it is only a “safety issue” and that the statue is being removed due to a “big renovations” project on the steps of the State Capitol, but a spokesman for the Georgia Building Authority says that it would be a “prohibitive cost” to restore the statue to its present location and that it is being permanently removed to a nearby park.

In reality, the removal of the Tom Watson statue from the Georgia State Capitol is part of a well organized leftwing agitation campaign to remove the monument which includes a petition on that has gathered nearly 1,000 signatures. The ADL has issued a press release praising Gov. Nathan Deal for acting to remove the Tom Watson statue which has “offended” them for so many years:

“For many years we at the ADL and many Georgians of good will have been offended by the statute of Tom Watson standing in a place of honor at the front entrance of the capitol,” said Shelley Rose, Associate Director of the ADL Southeast Region. “We are grateful to Governor Deal for acting to move the statue. In doing so he sends a clear message that he will not tolerate the hatred and bigotry that defined so much of Watson’s career.”

Gov. Nathan Deal has succeeded in sending a “clear message” to State Rep. Tyrone Brooks, the president of the Georgia Association of Elected Black Officials, who is “elated” by the removal of the Tom Watson statue, and who would like to see the statues of Sen. Richard Russell, Gov. Eugene Talmadge, and Confederate General John B. Gordon also removed from the State Capitol, as well as all the other statues which he considers offensive.

Rep. Brooks has linked the removal of the Tom Watson statue to the NAACP’s victory in the removal of the 1956 Georgia State Flag. He believes that it is “a sign of progress” and that Gov. Deal has decided that it is time to “begin to remove the old racist artifacts” from the grounds of the Georgia State Capitol.

He also hopes that these “old racist artifacts” will be replaced by African-American, Native American, and Asian American monuments which represent “the Georgia of today” rather than “yesterday.”

Note: I’m seriously considering going to Atlanta to protest this.

ADL Praises Georgia Governor Nathan Deal for Moving Statue of Tom Watson from Steps of State Capitol
October 22, 2013
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The Anti-Defamation League today praised Georgia Governor Nathan Deal for ordering the removal the statue of the notorious racist and anti-Semitic political leader Thomas E. Watson from the front steps of the state capitol.

“For many years we at the ADL and many Georgians of good will have been offended by the statute of Tom Watson standing in a place of honor at the front entrance of the capitol,” said Shelley Rose, Associate Director of the ADL Southeast Region. “We are grateful to Governor Deal for acting to move the statue. In doing so he sends a clear message that he will not tolerate the hatred and bigotry that defined so much of Watson’s career.”

“During his long public career as a political leader, Watson used hatred and bigotry to mobilize his voters. Watson was elected to the Georgia General Assembly in 1882, and went on to serve in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. He demonstrated his onerous anti-Semitic views during the trial of Atlanta businessman Leo Frank, who was accused of the murder of a 13-year-old worker at the pencil factory where Frank served as manager. Watson’s poisonous editorials in his magazine The Jeffersonian were so offensive that the New York Times, in a story addressing the poisonous atmosphere surrounding the trial called Watson’s writing “of such character as to preclude their reproduction in any respectable newspaper.”

Rose was interviewed by Fox 5 Atlanta on Monday. Click here to view the video interview and corresponding article. By Our Readers Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013 Letters to Atlanta Journal Constitution

Column lacked context
behind man’s lynching

In “Murder case lives on in ballad” (Metro, Oct. 1), you responded to a reader’s request to print the lyrics to an old song about the murder of Mary Phagan.

Those lyrics, as you published them, point a condemning finger of blame at Leo Frank. While it is true that Frank was convicted of the murder, your column did not put the matter in the context it deserves. Many factors raise serious doubts about Frank’s guilt: The trial took place in a poisonous atmosphere of anti-Semitic bigotry tainting the community against Frank; the eyewitness whose testimony was key to the conviction recanted his version of the story years later, and the then-governor of Georgia found the trial to be so biased, he overturned the death sentence Frank received.

By not pointing out any of this, your column would lead readers to conclude that there is no doubt Frank was guilty.


Atlanta Forward Thomas E. Watson’s legacy

6:55 pm October 30, 2013, by David Ibata

Moderated by David Ibata

As might be expected in a state with as freighted a history as ours, a plan to move the statue of Thomas E. Watson — lawmaker, populist, poor folks’ champion, white supremacist and religious demagogue — from the steps of the state Capitol has prompted wide-ranging reactions. An Anti-Defamation League official is glad to see the statue go. The CEO of the Atlanta History Center says we should not sanitize history, but learn from it.

Statue move distances Georgia from Watson controversy

By Shelley Rose

It’s about time.

The imposing — some would say forbidding — statue of Thomas E. Watson has stood at the front entrance of the Georgia State Capitol since its unveiling in December 1932 and has withstood numerous efforts to remove it over the decades. Now, at long last, Gov. Nathan Deal has ordered its relocation to a less visible park across the street from the Capitol grounds. The Anti-Defamation League applauds this move.

Watson was a powerful Georgia political leader and journalist who began his career as a populist, arguing for better living and working conditions for rural Georgians, black and white. But as the beginning of the 20th century neared, he evolved into a demagogic bully, rallying Georgians around his fiery denunciations of blacks, Jews and Catholics.

Watson railed against them repeatedly in the pages of his magazine, The Jeffersonian. He helped revitalize the Ku Klux Klan and is credited with organizing its first cross-burning. He wrote about the “superiority of the Aryan” and stood “squarely for white supremacy.”

His anti-Semitic attacks on Atlanta Jewish businessman Leo Frank — accused of the 1913 murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan — were so poisonous that many believe he inspired the hatred that led to Frank’s lynching. An article published in The New York Times the day after Frank was killed reported that Watson’s writings about Frank “preclude their reproduction in any respectable newspaper.”

It’s no wonder, then, that the Watson statue has sparked so many cries for its removal from the Capitol.

Some critics of the move acknowledge Watson’s controversial past but argue that it is problematic to try to erase our history — good or bad. They contend that the statue can serve today as a reminder that Georgia’s past does include a dark side represented by bigots like Watson. But the Capitol must represent fair and equal government for all. The statue’s current prominent display implicitly endorses Watson’s dark side, conveying an official message of exclusion and marginalization to many Georgians. Such a message is simply unacceptable in the 21st century.

We recognize that moving the statue from the Capitol grounds is a symbolic gesture and would not greatly change the practical status of race relations in Georgia today. However, symbols matter. Having the Watson statue occupy a place of particular honor, standing at the main entrance to the Capitol building where it cannot escape the notice of thousands of school children and others who visit the Capitol every day, sends the wrong message.

Surely we don’t want to hold him up as an example of a great leader in our state’s history. The statue needs to be moved to a place where Watson’s historical significance can be remembered, but his message of hate and bigotry can be distanced from our state government.

Ironically, it appears that the plaque on the Watson statue will survive its relocation. It reads, in part, “Honor’s the path he trod … a champion of right who never faltered in the cause.” Whatever he tried to accomplish for good early in his public life, by embracing bigotry and hatred, Watson chose an eventual path of dishonor.

Now is the time to show the people of Georgia that we are distancing ourselves from these beliefs. It has been over 90 years since Tom Watson’s death. It is time to remove his statue from our state Capitol grounds.

Shelley Rose is associate director of the Anti-Defamation League, Southeast Region.
We can learn from history

By Sheffield Hale

Putting anyone on a pedestal is a tricky business. Who we commemorate says just as much about the culture and point of view of the majority in political and economic power at the time as it does about the object of veneration itself. As a monument ages, it develops a history separate from its subject, particularly when popular opinions and perspectives change.

The impulse to remove monuments as time passes and perspectives change is natural. On one hand, a once-celebrated individual can come to be regarded negatively in the light of current culture, opinion and attitudes. It seems reasonable, therefore, for those who are personally offended by that person (and that belief system) to object to the community support that they believe is implicit in leaving the monument in place.

Others may wish to distance themselves from that past and prefer that the nuisance simply be removed, since it presents an embarrassing reminder of some aspect of our collective history. After all, it is much harder to wave a bloody shirt after it has been dry cleaned.

As natural and well-intentioned as these impulses are, I believe they do not serve our community well. Although these controversies may serve as a cautionary tale for the erection of new monuments, once erected, these physical embodiments of cultural and political views should be retained for the lessons they can teach us over time about ourselves and how we have grown and changed as a people, a community, and a country.

Preserving such monuments is not the same as implicit support of an ideology, but instead, with broader interpretation, should be viewed as a type of historical waypoint that helps us understand our current situation in relationship to our past.

Inscriptions on monuments beg for context. Today, modern technology, such as QR Codes, can direct the observer to a broader historical and cultural context of the monument. This modern technology and its interpretive authority can be updated, providing evolving perspectives over time.

The great story of this nation is not that we have always been enlightened by current standards, but that we have evolved in our treatment and acceptance of one another. An honest examination of our history requires us to confront a painful, ambiguous past – an examination that for many is difficult, challenging and distressing. That examination can also be provocative, stimulating and inspiring.

We cannot change our history. But, we can learn from it. Controversial history should not be sanitized. Instead, this is an opportunity to address the underlying issues that often divide us. Rather than censoring the past, let us bridge the divide and use the changing interpretation of history to open ourselves to perspectives that can allow all of us to learn from our past and create a better Atlanta. The past has much to teach us about who we are, and where we are — if we let it.

Sheffield Hale is president and CEO of the Atlanta History Center.

Tom Watson on the Leo Frank Case (Please download these PDFs from Watson’s Magazine and Post them to every online library in the world):

Jeffersonian weekly newspaper specifically about the Leo Frank Case from (1914 to 1917):

Individual Issues and Pages:

Watson’s Magazine January, 1915:

Full Page Images (pages 139-163):


Watson’s Magazine March, 1915

Full Page Images (pages 235 – 278):


Watson’s Magazine August, 1915

Full Page Images (pages 182 – 235):


Watson’s Magazine September, 1915



Watson’s Magazine October, 1915




ADL Praises Georgia Governor Nathan Deal for Moving Statue of Tom Watson from Steps of State Capitol. October 22, 2013.

Statue of controversial Ga. politician to be moved

Politically Correct Spineless Coward Georgia Governor Nathan Deal Offers Tom Watson Statue Safety Ruse

Your daily jolt: Statue of white supremacist to be removed from Capitol entrance

Bid to Move Atlanta Statue Opens Window to Past

100 years later Atlanta Jews remove statue of Mary Phagan’s champion

Tom Watson’s Jeffersonian Publishing Company Background by Jewish Supremacist “Georgia Encyclopedia”

Tom E. Watson’s Legacy

Facebook Stand with Tom Watson Rally

Occidental Dissent: Tom Watson Rally

Watson Statue Good Riddance by Shelley Rose of the ADL

Amren on the Erasing of White History

+ + +

Little-known fact: Watson was offered large sums to be Leo Frank’s defense lawyer, but his conscience would not allow him to accept.

by David Sims

ON THE 100th anniversary of the founding of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, that infamous Jewish influence and espionage organization was successful in pressuring a Georgia governor into ordering the removal of the statue of former US Senator Thomas E. Watson (D-GA, 1921-22). Senator Watson offended the Jews by calling for the execution of Leo Frank, a Jewish man who raped and murdered 13-year-old Mary Ann Phagan at the factory he managed in 1913. More than a century later, the Jews are still trying to put a whitewash on the villainy of one of their own kind, and they are still suborning the corruption of public officials to achieve that purpose.

Thomas Watson had no particular antisemitism in him. Just before Leo Frank went on trial for Mary Phagan’s murder, Frank’s relatives approached Watson and requested that he be Frank’s defense attorney. Believing Leo Frank to be guilty, Watson declined the offer of generous compensation from that wealthy Jewish family.

Watson did, however, have a bitter political rival in the gentile Hoke Smith. During a contested election, Watson accused Smith of soliciting Jewish favor (and financing) by taking the side of Leo Frank, who had been convicted of Phagan’s murder. He accused Smith of selling out justice in order to win the election. Watson wrote: “Frank belongs to the Jewish aristocracy, and it was determined by the rich Jews that no aristocrat of their race should die for the death of a working-class Gentile.”

And that’s why the Jewish ADL wanted the statue of the former Senator from Georgia taken down in Atlanta.

Source: David Sims

Answering the question everyone is asking:

Why was the decades-old Tom Watson statue at the Atlanta Capitol entrance moved on the centennial (October 1913 – October 2013) of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith founding year and month?

Because Leo Frank was elected the Atlanta B’nai B’rith president of the Gate City Lodge #144 in 1912 and his Summer of 1913 conviction for the rape and strangulation-murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan had galvanized B’nai B’rith HQ to found the ADL less than two months after the fact.

Even though Leo Frank was convicted in late August 1913, in September 1913 his 500 member Independent Order of B’nai B’rith fraternal organization in Georgia voted UNANIMOUSLY (see Atlanta Constitution, September 24, 1913 at The Internet Archive) to re-elect him their president. So while Leo Frank was incarcerated in the city jail as his appeals were wending their way through the appellate courts (1913-1915), he was running the affairs of this powerful Atlanta Jewish group like a powerful mafia boss behind bars until the Autumn of 1914. He was not re-elected once the affidavits, testimony and evidence of the Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court records were revealed to the public (Available at The Internet Archive).

I encourage everyone to please listen to the Tom Watson 2015 centennial audiobooks Vanessa Neubauer has created from Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine, January, March, August, September and October of 1915.

I promise you won’t be disappointed.

1. Introduction

2. Tom Watson: The Leo Frank Case

3. Tom Watson: A Full Review of the Leo Frank Case

4. Tom Watson: The Celebrated Case of The State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank

5. Tom Watson: The Official Record in the Case of Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert

6. Tom Watson: The Rich Jews Indict a State!

Tom Watson articulated the evidence, testimony and exhibits of the Leo Frank trial with such force and power it is impossible to believe Leo Frank is innocent. Listen and find out why!

The Centennial Founding of the “Ashkenazi Defamers League”, This Day in Jewish History: October 20, 2013, Happy 100th Birthday Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, Born in the immediate aftermath of the Leo Frank Conviction. ADL Coronated on October 20th, 1913. Huzzahs for Abraham Foxman, Zionist Comissar of the USA-Israel Anti-Semitism Lobby.

Behind the Mask of Respectability from on Vimeo.

Defamation (2009) from on Vimeo.


Jews Against the Anti-Defamation League:

ADL: 100 Years of Hate

The Lost Radio Islam Files on the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (Select Archive):

John de Nugent the Solar General on the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (Large Archive):

ADL Watch Organization

The Leo Frank Mary Phagan case and the start of the ADL by Rizoli on Rizoli

John de Nugent’s Analysis of the Leo Frank Case (Click on, ‘Glory to Mary Phagan and the White men who avenged her’ at the top navigator)

Visit our ADL Page:

Last Updated: October 20, 2013

The People v. Leo Frank: Steve Oney, “And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank”

The People v. Leo Frank

The author of the definitive book on the Frank trial and lynching explains why the case still sparks debate a century later

Posted on 9/24/2013 8:00:00 AM by Steve Oney

Photograph courtesy of the Kenan Research Center at the Atlanta History Center

Throughout the rain-threatened spring morning, pilgrims kept arriving at the Marietta City Cemetery. High school kids researching a history project. A Darlington, South Carolina, lawyer who’d been planning his trip for months. A curious college student. All made their way to the grave of Mary Phagan, a thirteen-year-old child laborer murdered in a downtown Atlanta factory on April 26, 1913, exactly 100 years before. Little Mary’s final resting place, with its hauntingly engraved stone (“Many an aching heart in Georgia beats for you, and many a tear, from eyes unused to weep, has paid you a tribute”), has long been a shrine.

But the girl’s mysterious death and the subsequent tragedy it inspired—the lynching of Leo Frank, a Cornell-educated Jewish industrialist convicted of her killing—make the site more than just a place for paying respects. Here, unresolved hostilities still erupt. Among this day’s visitors was eighty-year-old Edward R. Fields, a former Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, an associate of the late racist politician J.B. Stoner, and a founder of the anti-Semitic National States Rights Party. After offering a prayer and placing a flower, Fields told Leo Hohmann of the Marietta Daily Journal that Frank, contrary to most contemporary thinking, was guilty as charged. As to why many now believe otherwise, Fields declared, “Money is power. And the Jews have the money. They came down here from New York and made movies and wrote stories.” So began the centennial of Atlanta’s most infamous criminal case.

Even after 100 years, the questions linger. Was Leo Frank indeed innocent? Did he receive a fair trial? Did America’s Jews, especially those in the press, misplay their hand, inadvertently igniting the sectional hostility that doomed Frank? How did the lynch mob get away with such a brazen crime? Finally: Could it happen again?

From today’s perspective, the case beggars belief. Mary Phagan, who toiled at a Forsyth Street pencil factory run by Frank, was found strangled to death in the factory basement not long after leaving Frank’s office with her weekly pay: $1.20. Next to her body the police discovered two semiliterate notes that purported to have been written by her (“i wright while play with me,” read one) but were plainly the work of someone else. Jim Conley, the factory’s black janitor, claimed that Frank committed the murder when the girl rejected Frank’s sexual advances. Conley added that Frank dictated the notes to him in an effort to pin the crime on another black employee. Following a monthlong trial in the heat of summer, an all-white jury accepted Conley’s word over that of the Yankee Jew and returned a guilty verdict. A black witness had prevailed against a white defendant in a capital case in the Jim Crow South. The judge’s sentence: death by hanging.

Striking as all this was, what happened next proved even more dramatic. The Northern press, led by the New York Times, took up the story. Tom Watson, a fierce Georgia populist offended by what he saw as one-sided accounts in the Jewish-owned Times, responded in his weekly tabloid, the Jeffersonian, with incendiary rants that featured ugly stereotypes and played up Southern grievances. When the U.S. Supreme Court denied Frank’s last appeal, Governor John Slaton, widely seen as having a conflict of interest (his partner was the lead defense lawyer), reviewed the case. In June 1915 he commuted Frank’s sentence. Soon after, a disciplined cadre of vigilantes stormed the state prison in Milledgeville and abducted its now celebrated inmate. They drove Frank in an automobile caravan some 150 miles through the night to an oak grove near Mary’s family home in Marietta. There they carried out what they saw as the court’s verdict: They hanged Leo Frank. No one was indicted (one of the lynch mob leaders conducted the grand jury inquest), much less convicted. It was a perfect crime.

Little wonder the case remains profoundly unsettling. Not only were there two hideous murders, but religious prejudice, racism, and demagoguery ran rampant, and the law was trampled. When it was over, Atlanta’s Jews—previously secure in their social and business standing—retreated into a twilight of suspicion and fear. As for the leading citizens of Marietta who masterminded the hanging, they bore an abiding shame: the stigma of a lynching. For decades, neither group would speak of the subject. Nor would Georgia’s blacks. Conley, one of their own, gave the testimony that convicted Frank—testimony he had every reason to concoct if, as many came to suspect, he was the real culprit.

Not until the 1980s did the veil of repression and denial begin to lift, thanks largely to the late-in-life revelations of octogenarian Alonzo Mann, Frank’s long-ago office boy. Mann told the Nashville Tennessean that on the day Mary was murdered, he had entered the factory’s lobby and seen Conley toting the girl’s lifeless body. Conley, said Mann, threatened him: If he breathed a word, Conley would kill him. Mann’s story formed the basis for a posthumous pardon application for Frank filed by, among others, the Southern counsel for the Anti-Defamation League, an organization that grew out of the lynching. (A second group also emerged from the case: the modern KKK. Three months after the lynching, the hooded fraternity held its first twentieth-century cross-burning atop Stone Mountain.)

In 1983 the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles refused to grant Frank an outright pardon, but three years later it conceded that the state had failed to protect his constitutional rights (the break-in at the prison was unopposed) and issued what amounted to an apology. The affair reentered the public consciousness. NBC broadcast a miniseries starring Peter Gallagher as Frank and Jack Lemmon as John Slaton. In 1998 playwright Alfred Uhry, an Atlanta native, and director Hal Prince mounted a Broadway musical about the case, Parade. Finally, in 2003, And the Dead Shall Rise, my attempt to bring every last bit of the dark tale into the light, appeared in bookstores.

In the hours after Mary Phagan’s body was discovered, Leo Frank seemed unduly agitated. There was credible circumstantial evidence against him as well. According to one witness, he was not at his desk at the hour Mary was slain, even though he’d said he was. Also damning, at the trial many female employees testified to his reputation for lasciviousness. But almost certainly Frank did not kill the girl. The murderer was Conley. On the afternoon of the crime, the janitor was in the factory lobby when Mary emerged from Frank’s office with her wages. Drunk and by his own admission in debt, he had the opportunity to rob her, then a reason to kill her.

True, there will always be doubts. The Atlanta Police botched the forensics investigation, and an autopsy was not conducted on the victim until nine days after her death. Moreover, Conley testified convincingly at the trial, while Frank gave a wooden statement. But William Smith—Conley’s lawyer and a central character in my book—demonstrated that Conley lied about the case’s most important physical evidence. In a careful study, Smith, who’d long entertained doubts about his client, proved that Conley, not Frank, was the author of the notes found beside the girl’s body. Governor Slaton relied on Smith’s work when commuting Frank’s death sentence.

Frank’s trial was demonstrably unfair. There were frequent outbursts against him from spectators, and as the jury deliberated, the judge and the lawyers for both sides struck an agreement to keep Frank out of the courtroom when his verdict was read, for fear he would be lynched if acquitted. Still, there’s no evidence for a later claim that crowds shouted at the jury, “Hang the Jew, or we’ll hang you.” That was an invention by Frank’s supporters and is indicative of the heavy-handedness that would mark their pronouncements.

Although most American Jews believed that Frank was not so much prosecuted as persecuted, there was a fierce debate in the Jewish community about how to respond. American Jewish Committee president Louis Marshall, the constitutional lawyer who handled Frank’s appeals before the U.S. Supreme Court, felt that Frank’s ethnicity should not be a factor in the efforts to exonerate him. Others, among them Albert D. Lasker, the millionaire advertising executive who publicized Frank’s plight, disagreed, and they prevailed, transforming the case into a cause celebre in which religious prejudice was a central issue. Lasker’s daughter, Frances Lasker Brody, told me that in subsequent years her father said he had made a terrible mistake. He’d realized that his tactics had helped foment the backlash in Georgia against Frank.

No one was more convinced of Frank’s innocence than Adolph Ochs, publisher of the New York Times, and his conviction, no matter how well-intentioned, led to journalistic excesses. Ochs turned the paper of record into a pro-Frank propaganda machine. It printed hundreds of stories that played up facts in his favor. How biased was the Times? Researchers examining recently located files in the paper’s archives discovered a trove of photographs of the Phagan crime scene in which models reenact the murder in a sequence staged to establish Conley’s guilt. The pictures were commissioned by Ochs as the courts weighed Frank’s fate, and while he did not run them, they offer proof of the thinking behind what he did publish. The Times’ coverage spurred Watson to the rhetorical extremes that laid the foundation for the case’s awful conclusion.

Whatever the lapses by his allies, Frank’s lynching was an act of infamy. The crime was conceived by Marietta’s elite, men whose family names—Brumby, Clay, Brown, Morris—still resonate in high places and adorn prominent buildings across Georgia. It was carried out by farmers and merchants who answered to these worthies. But it was not merely a local operation. As I make clear in my book, the lynching was underwritten by the state legislature, which in the crime’s aftermath funded new construction at the Milledgeville prison. Georgia financed Frank’s lynching. It’s no surprise Frank’s sympathizers lacked the stomach to call for an investigation. In fact, the most startling discovery in the Times archives is a letter to Ochs from a sister who visited Atlanta after the lynching, telling him the city’s Jews had voted to let the matter rest. To look too deeply, they’d decided, could lead to more violence.

In many ways, 2013 bears a great similarity to 1913. Just as the industrial age is presently giving way to the information age, the agrarian age was then giving way to the industrial age, making people anxious about the future. There’s also another familiar element: proliferating and unreliable sources of news. In the early twentieth century, Atlanta boasted three daily papers (the least responsible was the Georgian, owned by William Randolph Hearst), and they deluged the city with extra editions about the Phagan murder. A detective probing the crime—making an observation that could just as easily apply to consumers of media in the era of Facebook and Twitter—described a witness as being “well-read to the extent that she is crazy.”

But the most worrisome parallel is this: The red state/blue state divide that now transforms elections and court decisions into venomous societal litmus tests finds its origins in events like the Frank affair. Under the right circumstances, the same sort of anarchy that engulfed Frank could be loosed again.

There is, of course, one huge difference between yesterday and today: The FBI, at the time of Frank’s lynching a nonentity, now has the authority to investigate civil rights violations and conspiracies. Indeed, just the threat of federal prosecution has a way of deterring atrocities. Even so, the sentiments articulated by ex-Klansman Edward R. Fields at Mary Phagan’s grave are not uncommon. For the next two years—the centennial will continue through August 17, 2015, the 100th anniversary of the lynching—the Frank case will be rehashed from all sides. The last battle of the Civil War and the first battle in the culture wars, it is not over.

Hear the Author

Steve Oney will talk about the Leo Frank case at Georgia State University on October 3. The event is at Speakers auditorium in the GSU Student Center, 44 Courtland Street SE, at 4:30 p.m. and is free and open to the public. Click here for more details.

This article originally appeared in our September 2013 issue.

[Be There or Be Square] Steve Oney Talk: “And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank”

The GSU Jewish Studies Program and the Southern Jewish Historical Society present Steve Oney, author And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank in a public lecture. Mr. Oney will mark the 100-year anniversary of Frank’s conviction in his talk, “Leo Frank 100 Years Later – It’s Still Not Over” on Thursday, October 3, 4:30 p.m. in the Speakers Auditorium, with a book sale and signing event to follow. This event is free and open to the public.

Location Information: Speakers Auditorium, 150 Student Center

Contact Information:

Name: Kathryn McClymond


The People v. Leo Frank, The author of the definitive book on the Frank trial and lynching explains why the case still sparks debate a century later by Steve Oney, September 24, 2013

Steve Oney Talk on October 3rd, 2013: “And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank” Contact Kathryn McClymond

Audio Interview – 100 Years After: Leo Frank Case Still Raises Questions By Steve Goss, September 30, 2013

Q&A: 100 years after Leo Frank arrest, expert on tragic case will speak at Georgia State (October 1, 2013)

The Legal Significance of the Leo Frank Case by Jewish-American Rodger Citron is a Professor of Law at Touro Law Center.

The Leo Frank Case Isn’t Dead by Steve Oney, October 30, 2009

Steve Oney, The Lynching of Leo Frank, Esquire Magazine September, 1985, page 90 to 104.

Off the Shelf: Letting go of a life’s work, January 10th, 2010

Features: And the Dead Shall Rise, March 2004:

Re-Igniting a Cold Case by David J. Garrow, October 05, 2003.

Buy Steve Oney’s Book, ‘And the Dead Shall Rise’ on

Read a Scathing Book review of Steve Oney’s Leo Frank book: Well Written Sloppy Research, Intellectual Cowardice, Tabloid Style Journalism, Cunning Deception & Shameless Omissions

More than One Thousand Photographs & Images Surrounding the Leo M. Frank Case on FLICKR.COM

Want to see more than 1,000 images pertaining to the Leo Frank Case then visit: Many thanks to who ever created this vast archive.

Leo Frank Testifying at the Leo Frank Trial, August 18, 1913

We have slowly uploaded hundreds of Leo Frank-related images for you on our web site and found thousands more on where someone has built a very detailed Leo Frank mega gallery. We will eventually incorporate these images into pages and create thumbnail galleries that explain their meaning and significance. Here are some of these categories for the images, they are a small snap shot of what is available out there on the Internet. Click on one of them to see all the images for that particular category.

For the Full Leo Frank MEGA Gallery in raw format: (After viewing all the images here try our popup gallery)

Leo M. Frank Easy to Use Popup Gallery:

1200 Roswell Road – The place where Leo Frank was lynched on August 17, 1915, known formerly as Frey’s Gin.
An Unspeakable Crime
Atlanta Constitution 1913
Death Notes
Documents – some, but not all, review the entire site to access all the surviving documents in the case.
Hugh Dorsey
John Slaton
Leo Frank
Lucille Frank
Luther Rosser
Mary Phagan
Milledgeville Prison
National Pencil Factory
New York Public Library
Newt Lee
Reuben Arnold
Steve Oney
Tom Watson

A Rare Post Card of the Leo M. Frank Lynching

Friday, August 20, 1915, Leo Frank is being interred before a weeping and shattered Lucille Selig, Frank Family, Friends and Associates.


Want to see more than 1,000 images pertaining to the Frank-Phagan Case then visit: It appears to be the largest Leo Frank Case images library in the world.

Leo Frank Case Raw Image Gallery:

Leo M. Frank Easy to Use Popup Gallery:

Last Updated: April 26, 2013

August 26, 2013 is the Centennial of the Infamous Conviction of Child Sex Killer Leo Max Frank for The Aggravated Assault, Child Rape and Vicious Strangulation of Mary Phagan

Over 100 years ago on Saturday, April 26, 1913, inside a dingy, shuttered factory at the heart of Atlanta’s industrial sector, an infatuated Jewish serial rapist-pedophile viciously assaulted one of his teenage employees who rejected his sexual propositions for the last time.


Mary Anne Phagan, 13 years old in the spring of 1913 was murdered by Leo Frank for resisting his sexual advances.

On Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913, young Mary Phagan entered the office anteroom of her boss, National Pencil Company superintendent Leo Frank, just minutes after high noon to pick up her pay envelope for her work the week before.

However, for the past week Mary had been laid off from the Atlanta, Georgia, factory because the brass sheet metal required as a precursor to her job, had all been used up on Monday morning, April 21, 1913. Without this one essential material, there could be no bands created and attached to the ends of pencils, so she couldn’t use the knurling machine at her work station to insert the rubber erasers.

Mary Phagan’s job was absolutely critical in the factory’s manufacturing efforts, because adding erasers to the base of pencils was the very last production stage before they were boxed in tissue paper, loaded up in monogrammed boxes and shipped off for distribution nationwide.

Standing in the door frame to his office, Mary looked in and quietly asked, “Mr. Frank?” Leo could feel his heart suddenly beating as he recognized the voice and looked up, especially since he now found himself very much alone with the attractive child laborer under his skillful management — dressed gaily today in lavender and lace for the downtown Parade – a sweet young southern girl whom he had a crush on for some time, and one that had blossomed far beyond her tender age.

Jewish accounts of the Mary Phagan murder case over the coming decades purposefully leave out certain damning facts and details showing what surely happened next…

Leo had only recently fired another worker at the factory, the tall and handsome James Milton Gantt, supposedly because of a $2 shortage in the petty cash box. But all that was nothing more than a ruse. Leo had seen Mary gazing into James’ baby blue eyes like he was her Knight in shining armor, and James did in fact look after Mary, so the superintendent decided to get the prince out of the way, so the jealous dragon could play. Mary was the one employee he was most infatuated with, but couldn’t have because of Gantt and she had spurned Leo’s pesterings and subtle innuendos since the day she began working in the spring of 1912 – humiliating his arrogant ego and making him ever more determined.

For an ambitious man like Leo Frank who doesn’t like taking no for an answer, now he would finally get even!

Frank said “hello Mary” in his nebbish, New Yorker accent. Phagan immediately requested her pay envelope of $1.20, but also quickly asked if the ordered metal supplies had arrived yet. Leo Frank said inquisitively, “I don’t know yet, let’s have a look” as he stood up briskly from his wooden swivel chair. While walking to the machine room located down the hall from Frank’s office, the two made small talk, wondering if Mr. Darley had received the brass in a timely manner. The material was normally stocked in the closet next to the lady’s dressing room, located diagonal to the wall where a lathe work station was situated.

Although Frank told her he “didn’t know,” the requisition papers in his handwritten business ledgers had already indicated the shipment wasn’t to be delivered until early in the following week. Saturday was Confederate Memorial Day – a Georgia State holiday and deliveries would not be made because of the Parade.

The 5′ 8″ tall Leo Frank lured 4′ 11″ Mary Phagan into the metal room on the obvious pretext of determining whether or not she would need to report to work on Monday morning and upon him “realizing” that the brass hadn’t arrived yet, he planned to use her temporary laid-off status for sexual coercion, but something went very wrong and things took an unexpected violent turn.

Inside the metal room, Frank’s heart began to throb and he whispered while sliding his effeminate hand over her shoulder: “Mary, If you still want to work here, I want you to be with me.” He could feel himself getting aroused already, his manhood pressing hard against the insides of his pants. Phagan looked down horrified and tried to swiftly pass by Frank on his left side and run out of the metal room, but he checked her like he was playing basketball for his class team at Cornell University and blocking the escape attempt. This time, there would be no escape.

He seized her with both hands this time, but Phagan jerked, yanking away from his hands and told him “I’m not that kind of girl, take your hands off me or I’m going to tell!” At this point the incident had crossed the line and could no longer be played off as merely a joke.

It was at that exact moment when she spurned the ultimatum of her lecherous boss for the last time – denying the advances of a man who had long earned himself a bad reputation amongst the child laborers at the factory as a lascivious creep – terror unfolded. In a sheer explosion of rage, like a bucket of bricks falling out of the sky, Leo Frank clenched his left fist as his gold wedding band tinkled in the dim light falling from the grimy windows and swiveled, pitching a first curveball hard into Mary Phagan’s right eye as she reeled back screaming in horror. His angry knuckles began raining down in a flurry against her delicate feminine face like sledge hammers breaking rocks on the chain gang.

Jim Conley who was sitting idly on the first floor lobby of the National Pencil Company when the assault was occurring upstairs in the metal room, would later eerily described to the police the sound of Phagan’s bone chilling echoing cry of mortified agony as a stuttering laugh that broke off into a shriek and then absolute silence.

Leo Frank kept pounding Mary Phagan’s face in, blow after blow, while the back of her head slammed against the the bench lathe belonging to Robert P. Barret, leaving behind bloody tresses of her dark strawberry blond hair tangled around its solid iron handle. Why it was never cleaned up after the murder tends to sustain the bespectacled Leo Frank’s irrational state of mind and short-sightedness.

Phagan crumpled at the feet of Leo Frank, towering above her, his heart-pounding chest was heaving in breaths of the stale, factory air. Leo’s face was flushed with blood and shivering with intensity, Frank immediately dragged Phagan to the doorway of the bathroom in the metal room, tossing her on the greasy wooden floor like a sack of potatoes.

Kneeling down, Frank ripped off a three inch strip of Phagan’s petty-coats, tearing upward from the hem to her crotch, then across and down to the hem again. He gathered the bunched cotton material behind her head like a sponge to soak up the slowly leaking blood from the lathe wound.

Next, Frank frantically hiked up and pealed open her torn dress, ripped her knitted underwear all the way to the right seam, unbuttoned his pants, pushed his underwear down. Soon, her innocence was torn away, bleeding. Phagan suddenly awoke from unconsciousness to agonizing pain, putting her arms and hands over her black and blue eyes, sobbing and crying out in pain repeatedly, “No, No, No,” with tears showering from her swollen face. Trying to roll away was impossible.

In a moment of morbid fear, before he could ejaculate, he saw his whole life pass before his eyes in Phagan’s tear-drenched, beaten disfigured face. Knowing his reputation in the Southern Jewish community would be irreparably harmed if she told anyone about what happened; his wife from a prominent Atlanta Jewish family would surely seek divorce and his own family would, without a shadow of a doubt, disown him. Very likely he would also live out his life breaking rocks on a chain gang – so there was now no other way out but to permanently silence this goyish girl and that’s just what he did.

Frank quickly stood up, looking around the room and pulled himself together. With the frightful realization of what he now had to do, he grabbed a nearby seven foot jute cord off a nail on the nearby wall and, with white knuckle fists flexing, hurriedly strangled her to death – burying the cord an eighth of an inch deep into her tender throat. When he knew the dirty, but necessary deed was over, he stepped back, looking down at the dead girl in morbid horror.

In the dark of the yawning night early Sunday morning, Newt Lee, the lanky Negro graveyard shift nightwatchman — who the Jew racist Leo Frank would soon try to frame for the murder — discovered the mauled body of Phagan. She was dumped in the far end of the basement, near the incinerator and barely visible in the darkened space since the gaslight had been strangely turned all the way down by someone recently. Newt Lee immediately went into Leo Frank’s office called the police. For eight minutes he then tried to phone his boss, Leo Frank, several times to no avail.

When they arrived, they found tracks indicating Mary Phagan had been dragged face down 140 feet from the elevator shaft across the hard dirt cinders of the basement, dumped diagonal to the incinerator, but oddly enough the deep pocks and scratches didn’t show any signs of bleeding. This told the coroner and investigators the girl was already dead before being taken down into the basement.

The Rape and Murder of America by the Jew started 100 years ago…

Southern honor, justice for Mary and a completely fair trial (including Jews participating both on the prosecution and Grand jury) — all were sacrificed for arrogant and selfish Jewry’s insistence on being innocent of ANY CRIME, anytime. Just think of all the backstabbing Jew spies down the years, for crying out loud. [INCOG]

Phagan’s underwear that was still attached around her hips, was soaked in dried blood and discharge. Her dress was still moist from top to bottom in urine, suggesting that someone had pissed all over her entire body. Wrapped around her neck was a strip of her blood soaked petty coat, hiding what was underneath, the cinched cord buried an eighth of inch into her neck. Phagan’s face was black and blue, her tongue stuck out an inch from her mouth through her teeth and she had wounds on the side and back of her head, and two below the knees. The upper side of her shirt at the chest level had be torn open revealing her left breast.

Her hair and entire front of her body were caked with black dirt. Her arms were reverently crossed over her bosom. Her pocket book was missing and the red flowers from her blue hat were gone. Her parasol was found at the bottom of the garbage strewn elevator shaft next to a pile of human excrement. The Jewish community would with the most insolent chutzpah, strangely claim for a century, that the feces in the elevator shaft is what exonerated Leo Frank of murdering Mary Phagan.

Police tried many times to contact Frank, but he wouldn’t answer his phone, even though it was ringing just under his second floor bedroom in the dining room below. Finally, Leo Frank picked up the phone in the early morning hours of Sunday, April 27, 1913.

When the police first arrived at Leo Frank’s residence at 68 East Georgia avenue, he was noticeably very nervous and kept delaying leaving the home, asking repeatedly for a cup of coffee. Inside the squad car Leo Frank nervously claimed he didn’t know an employee named Mary Phagan, or any of the girls at the factory, and even denied knowing her name when they showed him the girl’s mutilated corpse on a cooling table at P. J. Bloomfield’s mortuary.

When police and detectives took Frank to his second floor office at the Pencil factory, he opened his payroll ledger, and told the accompanying officers that he had paid off Mary Phagan at 12:03pm. The next day in the presence of his expensive lawyers, Leo Frank made a deposition to the Atlanta police at the station-house that Mary Phagan came into his office between “12:05pm and 12:10pm, maybe 12:07pm”

What Leo Frank did not know at the time of the sadistic rape-murder is that 14-year-old Monteen Stover, another little girl who had been laid off early in the week for the same reason as Mary — because the brass sheet metal had run out — was waiting inside his office all by herself. Stover waited in Leo Frank’s business office from 12:05 pm to 12:10 pm based on the wall clock, hoping to collect her pay envelope, but left after waiting a full 5 minutes, finally getting up to go, because she thought the building might have been deserted due to the holiday.

For three and a half months, Leo Frank swore to the murder alibi that he never left his office when Phagan arrived, until 12:45pm to go upstairs, but then on the witness stand at his trial on August 18, 1913, he — completely reversed himself — making a newfangled and never before heard admission to explain why Monteen Stover had found his office empty during the exact same time he told the police Mary was with him in his office.

Frank seated comfortably on the hard witness stand, said, “NOW GENTLEMEN,” looking the jurors in their eyes and announcing to a packed courtroom, that he might have gone to the bathroom in the metal room to use the toilet or urinate and that those were things that a man does “unconsciously.” He would re-assert this newfangled bathroom admission in the March 9, 1914 edition of the Atlanta Constitution (now called the AJC).

It was deliciously ironic for unbiased observers who simply wanted to arrive at the truth and didn’t care either way about his innocence or guilt, but for Leo Frank detractors it was the equivalent of an inescapable murder trial confession. Frank’s defenders would spend 100 years suppressing this “unconscious” bathroom incident and claim that all the best evidence at the trial indicated that Jim Conley murdered Phagan in the lobby, where no evidence was found after the murder. Except for a bogus claim by a senile octogenarian named Alonzo Mann, coming forward 70 years after Leo Frank’s verdict to say he saw Conley carrying Phagan there. The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith used this obviously imagined story to secure a posthumous pardon for Frank.

The “unconscious” bathroom revelation by Leo Frank was an earth-shattering admission on the witness stand, because earlier in the trial, Jim Conley said he found Mary Phagan dead in the bathroom area of the metal room on behalf of Leo Frank, who confessed to him that day of murdering her there because she wouldn’t have sex with him. Investigators and workers testified to seeing a five inch dried blood puddle diagonal to the bathroom door in the metal room, blood spots and a lock of Phagan’s bloody hair twisted around the solid iron handle of the bench lathe in the same room.

Had you been sitting in the Jury box or behind the judges Rostrum on August 18, 1913, listening to Leo Frank’s explanation for why his office might have been empty, when he claimed he was there alone with Mary Phagan at that exact same time, you would have involuntarily shivered as cold chills spilled down your spine, but for more than 100 years, the Jewish community has waged an anti-Gentile racist defamation campaign against Southern European-Americans, claiming they framed Leo Frank because he was Jewish.

The Leo Frank Case has evolved into the longest anti-Semitic Hate crime hoax and anti-Gentile blood libel slander in the history of the United States of America. Jews continue to relentlessly falsify the evidence, testimony and exhibits of the Leo Frank trial in the 21st century, just as they have in the 20th century. Men like Abraham Foxman, claim Leo Frank was indicted and put on trial without evidence, with anti-Semitism hanging heavy in the court being the reason he was convicted in the summer of 1913.

The conviction of Leo Frank was the galvanizing impetus for the formation of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith in October, 1913, after the 500 member strong Atlanta B’nai B’rith voted unanimously on September 24th, 1913, to re-elect their “wrongfully” imprisoned President Leo Frank to a second term as their leader. Frank ran the affairs of his B’nai B’rith chapter behind bars until September of 1914, when he was not re-elected again for a third term. Ever since, the ADL has been at the forefront of perpetuating the hate crime hoax that people were shouting and chanting “hang the Jew” and “kill the jew” outside the Leo Frank trial courtroom that had all of its windows wide open. This is a vicious racist lie perpetuated by the ADL, Abraham Foxman and Leonard Dinnerstein and many other Jewish domestic extremists.

Why anyone would transform a vicious child molester and convicted child killer into a martyr of anti-Semitism is incomprehensible, but this is what we are up against if we want Western Civilization to survive the coming upheaval that is surely coming at the hands of our Jewish Occupiers. The Jewish community is unanimous in their efforts to rehabilitate Leo Frank and agitate against European-American culture, the same people who consider themselves God’s Chosen, who hold the reigns of power over the mainstream Media, Occidental Governments, U.S. foreign policy and Global Finance, people who hold in total and infinite contempt anyone who is not of their ethno-religious tribe. Jews are people who tell everyone else they should be multicultural but practice brutal racial supremacist Apartheid in Israel, where it is indisputable that Palestinians have few civil and human rights.

If you have even any doubts about Leo Frank’s innocence or guilt, then listen to the silent echo from time and space by his wife, Lucille Selig Frank.

Go to the Mount Carmel Cemetery in Queens, New York City, visit Leo Frank’s grave, and look to the left of it, and you will see an empty grave. It was specially reserved for his wife, Lucille Selig. Ask yourself why is it still empty? If you have doubts, go to the front office and ask them if it is indeed empty or not, because they will tell you it is absolutely empty.

You would think after reading all the insistent, shrill Jewish denials in mass media for the last 100 years; books, made-for-TV movies and docudramas– including heart-tugging plays and even a stage musical (Parade) in New York – that Lucille’s love for her husband Leo Frank was eternal and lasted till the day she died in 1957. So, once again, why did she specifically not want to be buried next to Leo Frank?*

Soon the world is going to find out about another girl Leo Frank raped one year before Mary Phagan was raped and killed. In 1912, Leo Frank raped another one of his child employees, and when he was done ravaging her, he slid down between her legs and bit her so hard on the innermost thigh adjacent to her vagina that he permanently scarred her, but this didn’t come out until after the trial, because the girl had gotten pregnant and shipped off to a home for unwed mothers in 1912! This is the sadistic pedophile who has been used as a bludgeon for a century to attack, defame, slander, libel, and hate-hoax Americans! This is the man that Jews hold up as their iconic holy religious martyr of anti-Semitism.

The Jewish Daily Forward ( is now foaming at the mouth, because 100 years of Jewish pathological lies in the popular mainstream culture are rapidly disintegrating, one by one. The International Jews never dreamed that the entire 1,800 page Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Records would end up online for the whole world to carefully read, and now there is no escape from the truth.

We will Never Forget Mary Phagan and we will never stop fighting for her honor until our very last dying breath and we will never stop fighting against the century old culture defamation war waged by the Jewish community, ADL and SPLC against the South and all of Western Civilization.

If you want to learn what really happened, please visit The American Mercury on the Internet and read their August 2013 Leo Frank Case reports – they are publishing an absolutely superb multi-part series on the centennial of the Leo Frank trial. It’s chock full of images and thoughtful analysis you would never get from Jews who go out of their way to distort what happened in the Fulton County court-house 100 years ago.

Introduction to the Leo Frank Trial:

One Hundred Years Ago Today the Leo Frank Trial Began.

Week One of the Leo Frank Trial:

Week Two of the Leo Frank Trial:

Week Three of the Leo Frank Trial:

Leo Frank mounts the witness stand

More analysis and articles to come, so stay tuned…

Visit The American Mercury:

Other articles about the Leo Frank Case by the American Mercury:

100 Reasons Leo Frank is Guilty

Did Leo Frank Confess?

Who Really Solved the Mary Phagan Murder Mystery?

Leonard Dinnerstein’s Pseudo-History on the Frank Case

LEO FRANK TRIAL LIBRARY: The Internet’s largest repository of Leo Frank case information.

* His wife made a specific request not to be buried there and cremated, although she never remarried. She knew the SOB did it. Also, think about this: If the “evil anti-semitic” southern police detectives and grand jury (which included Jews) had reasonable evidence that one of the factory’s black employees did the actual killing part, don’t you think they would have gladly charged him instead? Leo Frank, and International Jewry ever since, have long tried to pin the brutal crime on the blacks – infuriatingly hypocritical, considering how the Jewish ADL has the nerve to forever slander us White Southerners as racist, etc., etc. [INCOG]

Read More:

Judge Leonard Roan’s Instructions to the Jury and Conviction of Leo Frank, Monday Afternoon, August 25, 1913.

The Jury were given their orders from the Judge Leonard Stickland Roan after Hugh M. Dorsey completed his closing arguments that ended at noon on Monday, August 25, 1913:

Gentlemen of the jury. This bill of indictment charges Leo M. Frank with the offense of murder. The charge is that Leo M. Frank, in this county, on the 26th day of April of this year, with force and arms, did unlawfully and with malice aforethought kill and murder one Mary Phagan by then and there choking her, the said Mary Phagan, with a cord placed around her neck.

To this charge made by the bill of indictment found by the Grand Jury of this county recently empaneled Leo M. Frank, the defendant, files a plea of not guilty. The charge as made by the bill of indictment on the one hand and his plea of not guilty filed thereto form the issue, and you, gentlemen of the jury, have been selected, chosen and sworn to try the truth of this issue.

Leo M. Frank, the defendant, commences the trial of this issue with the presumption of innocence in his favor, and this presumption of innocence remains with him to shield him and protect him until the state shall overcome it and remove it by evidence offered to you, in your hearing and presence, sufficient in its strength and character to satisfy your minds beyond a reasonable doubt of his guilt of each and every material allegation made by the bill of indictment.

I charge you, gentlemen, that all of the allegations of this indictment are material and it is necessary for the state to satisfy you of their truth by evidence that convinces your minds beyond a reasonable doubt of his guilt before you would be authorized to find a verdict of guilty.

You are not compelled to find, from the evidence, his guilt beyond any doubt, but beyond a reasonable doubt, such a doubt as grows out of the evidence in the case, or for the want of evidence, such a doubt as a reasonable and impartial man would entertain about matters of the highest importance to himself after all reasonable efforts to ascertain the truth. This does not mean a fanciful doubt, one conjured up by the jury, but a reasonable doubt.

Gentlemen, this defendant is charged with murder. Murder is defined to be the unlawful killing of a human being, in the peace of the state, by a person of sound memory and discretion, with malice aforethought either express or implied.

Express malice is that deliberate intention unlawfully to take away the life of a fellow-creature, which is manifested by external circumstances capable of proof.

Malice shall be implied where no considerable provocation appears, and where all of the circumstances of the killing show an abandoned and malignant heart.

There is no difference between express and implied malice except in the mode of arriving at the fact of its existence. The legal sense of the term “malice” is not confined to particular animosity to the deceased, but extends to an evil design in general. The popular idea of malice in its sense of revenge, hatred, ill will, has nothing to do with the subject. It is an intent to kill a human being in a case where the law would neither justify nor in any degree excuse the intention if the killing should take place as intended. It is a deliberate intent unlawfully to take human life, “whether it springs from hatred, ill will or revenge, ambition, avarice or other like passion. A man may form the intent to kill, do the killing instantly, and regret the deed as soon as done. Malice must exist at the time of the killing. It need not have existed any length of time previously.

When a homicide is proven, if it is proven to be the act of the defendant, the law presumes malice, and unless the evidence should relieve the slayer he may be found guilty of murder. The presumption of innocence is removed by proof of the killing by the defendant. When the killing is shown to be the act of the defendant, it is then on the defendant to justify or mitigate the homicide. The proof to do that may come from either side, either from the evidence offered by the state to make out its case, or from the evidence offered by the defendant or the defendant’s statement.

Gentlemen of the jury, you are made by law the sole judges of the credibility of the witnesses and the weight of the testimony of each and every witness. It is for you to take this testimony as you have heard it, in connection with the defendant’s statement, and arrive at what you believe to be the truth.

Gentlemen, the object of all legal investigation is the discovery of truth. That is the reason of you being selected, empaneled and sworn in this case — to discover what is the truth on this issue formed on this bill of indictment. Is Leo M. Frank guilty ? Are you satisfied of that beyond a reasonable doubt from the evidence in this case? Or is his plea of not guilty the truth?

The rules of evidence are framed with a view to this prominent end — seeking always for pure sources, and the highest evidence.

Direct evidence is that which immediately points to the question at issue. Indirect or circumstantial evidence is that which only tends to establish the issue by proof of various facts sustaining, by their consistency, the hypothesis claimed. To warrant a conviction on circumstantial evidence, the proven facts must not only be consistent with the hypothesis of guilt, but must exclude every other reasonable doubt hypothesis save that of the guilt of the accused.

The defendant has introduced testimony as to his good character. On this subject, I charge you that evidence of good character when offered by the defendant in a criminal case is always relevant and material, and should be considered by the jury, along with all the other evidence introduced, as one of the facts of the case.

It should be considered by the jury, not merely where the balance of the testimony in the case makes it doubtful whether the defendant is guilty or not, but also where such evidence of good character may of itself generate a doubt as to the defendant’s guilt. Good character is a substantial fact, like any other fact tending to establish the defendant’s innocence, and ought to be so regarded by the jury. Like all other facts proved in the case, it should be weighed and estimated by the jury, for it may render that doubtful which otherwise would be clear.

However, if the guilt of the accused is plainly proved to the satisfaction of the jury beyond a reasonable doubt, not withstanding the proof of good character, it is their duty to  convict. But the jury may consider the good character of the defendant, whether the rest of the testimony leaves the question of his guilt doubtful or not, and if a consideration of the proof of his good character, considered along with the evidence, creates a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury as to the defendant’s guilt, then it would be the duty of the jury to give the defendant the benefit of the doubt thus raised by his good character, and to acquit him.

The “character” as used in this connection, means that general reputation which he bore among the people who knew him prior to the time of the death of Mary Phagan. Therefore, when the witnesses by which a defendant seeks to prove his good character are put upon the stand, and testify that his character is good, the effect of the testimony is to say that the people who knew him spoke well of him, and that his general reputation was otherwise good. When a defendant has put his character in issue, the state is allowed to attack it by proving that his general reputation is not good, or by showing that the witnesses who have stated that his character is good, have untruly reported it.

Hence, the Solicitor General has been allowed to cross-examine the witnesses for the defense who were introduced to testify to his good character. In the cross-examination of these witnesses, he was allowed to ask them if they had not heard of various acts of misconduct on the defendant’s part. The Solicitor General had the right to ask any question along this line he pleased, in order thoroughly to sift the witnesses, and to see if anything derogatory to the defendant’s reputation could be proved by them.

The Court now wishes to say to you that, although the Solicitor General was allowed to ask the defendant’s character witnesses these questions as to their having heard of various acts of alleged misconduct on the defendant’s part the jury is not to consider this as evidence that the defendant has been guilty of any such misconduct as may have been indicated in the questions of the Solicitor General, or any of them, unless the alleged witnesses testify to it. Furthermore,  “where a man’s character is put in evidence, and in the course of the investigation any specific act of misconduct is shown, this does not go before the jury for the purpose of showing affirmatively that his character is bad or that he is guilty of the offense with which he stands charged, but is to be considered by the jury only in determining the credibility and the degree of information possessed by those witnesses who have testified to his good character.

When the defendant has put his character in issue, the state is allowed to bring witnesses to prove that his general character is bad, and thereby to disprove the testimony of those who have stated that it is good. The jury is allowed to take this testimony, and have the right to consider it along with all the other evidence introduced on the subject of the general character of the defendant, and it is for the jury finally to determine from all the evidence whether his character was good or bad. But a defendant is not to be convicted of the crime with which he stands charged, even though, upon a consideration of all the evidence, as to his character the jury believes that his character is bad unless from all the other testimony in the case they believe that he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

You will, therefore, observe that this is the rule you will be guided by in determining the effect to be given to the evidence on the subject of the defendant’s character. If, after considering all the evidence pro and con on the subject of the defendant’s character, you believe that prior to the time of Mary Phagan’s death he bore a good reputation among those who knew him, that his general character was good, you will consider that as one of the facts in the case, and it may be sufficient to create a reasonable doubt of the defendant’s guilt, if it so impress your minds and consciences, after considering it along with all the other evidence in the case; and if it does you should give the defendant the benefit of the doubt and acquit him. However, though you should believe his general character was good, still if, after giving due weight to it as one of the facts in the case, you believe from the evidence as a whole that he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, you would be authorized to convict him.

If you believe beyond a reasonable doubt from the evidence in this case that this defendant is guilty of murder, then you would be authorized in that event to say, “We, the jury, find the defendant guilty.” Should you go no further, gentlemen, and say nothing else in your verdict, the Court would have to sentence the defendant to the extreme penalty for murder, towit: to be hanged by the neck until he is dead. But should you see fit to do so, in the event you arrive at the conclusion and belief beyond a reasonable doubt from the evidence that this defendant is guilty, then, gentlemen, you would be authorized in that event, if you saw fit to do so, to say: “We, the jury, find the defendant guilty, and we recommend that he be imprisoned in the pentitentiary for life.” In the event you should make such a verdict as that, then the Court, under the law, would have to sentence the defendant to the penitentiary for life.

You have heard the defendant make his statement. He had the right to make it under the law. It is not made under oath and he is not subject to examination or cross-examination. It is with you as to how much of it you will believe or how little of it. You may go to the extent, if you see fit, of believing it in preference to the sworn testimony in the case.

In the event, gentlemen, you have a reasonable doubt from the evidence, or the evidence and the statement together, or either, as to the defendant’s guilt as charged, then give the prisoner the benefit of that doubt and acquit him; and in the event you do acquit him the form of your verdict would be: “We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty.” As honest jurors do your utmost to reach the truth from the evidence and statement as you have heard it here, then let your verdict speak it.

The Jury began deliberation at 1:30pm, at one point during the review a vote was taken and the result was 11 to 1. The dissenting voter told the group he didn’t want a fast conviction, but for his fellow jurymen to to spend more time discussing the case. As a result the Jury continued to deliberate, and at 4:39pm after more than 3 hours behind closed doors, the Jury came to an unanimous decision after a second and final vote. The verdict was guilty as charged, and sentencing recommendation was ‘without mercy’ implying a death sentence for Leo Frank. The verdict was delivered to Judge Leonard Stickland Roan at 4:56pm and then each Jury member was polled individually.

Post Conviction

The Leo M. Frank conviction is most often cited as the impetus for inspiring the founding of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) by Sidney Livingston in the fall month of October 1913.


Charge of the Court at the Leo Frank Trial, August 25, Georgia Supreme Court Case File, 1913.

Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913.








Abraham Foxman and Jewish Anti-Defamation League on the Leo Frank Case: 100 Years of Blaming Anti-Semitism and Perpetuating Racist Anti-Gentile Conspiracies to Smear European-American Southerners

ADL Blog: 100 Years Later, Anti-Semitism Around Leo Frank Case Abounds

Press Release ADL: Anti-Semitism Around Leo Frank Case Flourishes on 100th Anniversary

Leo Frank Trial Still Reverberates a Century Later. Anti-Semitism Spurred Creation of Anti-Defamation League by Abraham Foxman, August 27, 2013
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A Century Later, Leo Frank Tragedy Still Resonates


Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith: (Born October 20th, 1913)

“Hang the Jew, Hang the Jew.” 1913-1920 ADL – In Retrospect

Trial of Leo Frank, 1913.

“Hang the Jew, Hang the Jew.” This was the cry of the furious mob outside the Atlanta courthouse where Leo Frank, a Northern Jew, stood trial after his arrest in 1913 for a murder he did not commit. Anti-Semitism hung heavy in the courtroom as Frank was found guilty and sentenced to death. Though a courageous governor later commuted the death sentence to life imprisonment, Frank never did serve the term.

ADL’s “Hang the Jew, Hang the Jew” Big Lie, Suggesting Mob Terrorizing of the Jury and Hate Crime Hoax Against Leo Frank:

In the News – The For­ward (8/20/13) “Neo-Nazis Use Leo Frank Case for Anti-Semitic Pro­pa­ganda Push”:

[Abraham Foxman Director of the ADL Perpetuates a Most Vicious Anti-Gentile Hate Crime Hoax and Blood Libel about the Leo Frank Case:]

Lessons of the Leo Frank Case Still Relevant

By Abraham H. Foxman

Abraham H. Foxman is National Director of the Anti-Defamation League and Author of Never Again?: The Threat of The New Anti-Semitism (HarperSanFrancisco)

Posted: August 18, 2005

August 17, 2005 marked the 90th anniversary of the lynching of Leo Frank by an anti-Semitic mob in Marietta, Georgia. In 1913 Frank was arrested, tried and convicted of murder, but the results of the trial, and subsequent lynching remain tangible reminders of what America was like in the not too long ago. A New York native, Leo Frank was a manager for the National Pencil Company of Atlanta, Georgia when he was falsely accused of murdering a 14-year-old employee, Mary Phagan.

The murder of Mary Phagan was the catalyst for one of the most virulent anti-Semitic episodes in American history. Frank, a northern Jew, was arrested, indicted and tried for Phagan’s murder without evidence. His trial was a spectacle; threats, intimidation, and a boisterous crowd outside chanting “kill the Jew” and “hang the Jew” could easily be heard through the courtroom’s open windows. When all was said and done, Leo Frank was condemned to death by hanging.

After the Georgia appellate courts and the U.S. Supreme Court rejected numerous appeals, the Governor of Georgia commuted Frank’s sentence to life imprisonment, sparking riots in Atlanta. The “Jeffersonian”, a racist weekly newspaper, urged that Frank not be allowed to escape “justice”. That same month, Frank’s throat was slashed by a fellow inmate.

Less then a month after he survived the assassination attempt, Leo Frank was abducted from prison by a group of 30 men, calling themselves the Knights of Mary Phagan. The mob drove Frank to Marietta, Georgia, Mary Phagan’s hometown, and lynched him from an oak tree. Leo Frank remains the only Jewish person ever to be lynched in the United States.

The lessons of the Frank case are as clear today as they were 90 years ago; the diversity that makes America unique is too often used as a scapegoat in difficult times. The violence and intimidation against minorities that was responsible for Frank’s murder is still a modern concern as we were reminded with the horrific racist murder of James Byrd Jr. in Texas, the homophobic murder of Matthew Shepard in Wyoming, the bias-motivated murder of Yankel Rosenbaum in Crown Heights, and after the September 11th, 2001 terror attacks against the U.S., with a series of violent attacks against people of Muslim, Arab and Sikh backgrounds. Leo Frank’s story is a cry for acceptance. Too often people are quick to blame the “outsider” and violent hate crimes are too often the result.

It was through ADL’s campaign to exonerate Frank that The Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles officially pardoned him on March 11, 1986, 73 years after his conviction.

Leo Frank was buried in Mount Carmel Cemetery, Ridgewood, New York. ADL unveiled a memorial to Leo Frank in tribute to the 90th anniversary of his trial on October 20, 2003.

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world’s leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.


Frank’s trial lasted a month. Each day spectators
packed the sweltering courtroom, with hundreds
more waiting outside to catch the latest news.
The proceedings descended into a free-for-all of
hearsay testimony, lurid details, shoddy police
work and mind-boggling contradictions on the
witness stand.
Frank’s nervous and rambling testi-
mony did nothing to help his case. Despite
Conley’s conflicting statements and the lack of
any physical evidence linking Frank to the mur-
, the all-white jurors accepted the word of the
Southern black janitor over that of the Northern
Jewish factory superintendent. Leo Frank was
pronounced guilty and sentenced to death.

Press Release ADL: Anti-Semitism Around Leo Frank Case Flourishes on 100th Anniversary

New York, NY, August 23, 2013 … One hundred years after the maliciously prejudiced murder conviction of Jewish businessman Leo Frank, anti-Semites are using misleading websites about the Frank case to promote anti-Jewish views, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

August 25, 2013 marks the anniversary of Frank’s death sentence after he was falsely convicted of murdering Mary Phagan, a young girl, who worked at his family’s pencil factory. The ugly anti-Semitism surrounding the Frank case served as a catalyst for the Jewish community in America to organize and fight back against bigotry and discrimination.

In 1915, less than one month after Frank survived an assassination attempt, he was abducted from prison by a lynch mob and hanged from an oak tree. He remains the only Jewish person ever to be lynched in the United States.

“The trial and lynching of Leo Frank was one of the most virulent anti-Semitic episodes in American history,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. “Today’s anti-Semites are still attacking Leo Frank by using the Internet as a platform to demonize him and exploit this anniversary by creating distorted websites that ostensibly provide information but actually use deceptive means to relay their own version of events.”

One of the disingenuous websites, “The 1913 Leo Frank Case and Trial Research Library,” accuses Jews of using the Frank case to create a race war against European-Americans. It also claims that Jews control the U.S. government. Another site, which is registered to a known neo-Nazi, has anti-Semitic works cited as resources on the case.

“This is a blatant attempt to turn back the clock and discredit the Jewish community’s historical efforts to fight anti-Semitism,” Mr. Foxman said. “We see this as another example of how the bigots seamlessly use the web to spread their vicious lies.”

The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world’s leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.

100 Years Later, Anti-Semitism Around Leo Frank Case Abounds

Anti-Semites are using mis­lead­ing web­sites to exploit the 100th anniver­sary of the Leo Frank case and to pro­mote anti-Jewish views.

On August 25, 1913, Leo Frank was falsely con­victed of mur­der­ing Mary Pha­gan, whose body was found in the fac­tory he man­aged in Atlanta. A mob later lynched Frank after the gov­er­nor of Geor­gia com­muted his death sen­tence to life impris­on­ment. The Frank case was a sem­i­nal moment in Amer­i­can Jew­ish his­tory when the Jew­ish com­mu­nity united to fight against the anti-Semitism that was ram­pant at that time.

A num­ber of web­sites, osten­si­bly pro­vid­ing infor­ma­tion about Leo Frank actu­ally use decep­tive means to tell their ver­sion of the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the Frank case. These sites pro­vide doc­u­ments and tes­ti­mony from that time, but their aim is to cre­ate con­fu­sion and per­versely to accuse Jews of reverse racism. They claim that Jews used the Frank case to under­mine whites, espe­cially in the South.

One site is par­tic­u­larly mis­lead­ing. Call­ing itself “The 1913 Leo Frank Case and Trial Research Library,” the site con­tains numer­ous doc­u­ments from the Frank case. How­ever, the “About” sec­tion of the site reveals the real impe­tus for its cre­ation. The site, which is reg­is­tered anony­mously, asserts that the Frank case was one of the events of 1913 that started “the Birth of the Jew­ish Race War Against European-Americans.” Accord­ing to the author of the sec­tion, the Frank case led to the cre­ation of a “Jew­ish lobby” and “became a polit­i­cal and social front for sub­vert­ing the major­ity pop­u­la­tion of Gen­tiles by a tiny dis­sent­ing minor­ity of Jews.” The author also accuses Jews of con­trol­ling the government.

Another decep­tive Leo Frank web­site is reg­is­tered to neo-Nazi Kevin Strom. Strom was a leader in the National Alliance and then the National Van­guard, two neo-Nazi orga­ni­za­tions, until he was con­victed on child pornog­ra­phy charges sev­eral years ago. This site cites anti-Semitic works as resources on the Frank case. Strom also pro­motes the arti­cles of “Mark Cohen” on National Van­guard, a neo-Nazi site he runs. Accord­ing to a July 2012 arti­cle on National Van­guard, “Mark Cohen” is “the nom de guerre” of a per­son who writes exten­sively about the Leo Frank case. Arti­cles attrib­uted to Cohen, which assert that Frank is guilty of the Pha­gan mur­der, appear on numer­ous extrem­ist sites.

There are other web­sites on Frank that are also mis­lead­ing. “The Amer­i­can Mer­cury,” an extreme right-wing site with anti-Semitic con­tent, is run­ning a series of arti­cles that pro­mote con­spir­acy the­o­ries about the Frank case. There is also a “Leo Frank” Face­book page that pre­tends to be a per­sonal pro­file page of Frank. This page disin­gen­u­ously lists a num­ber of Jew­ish causes but pro­motes deroga­tory arti­cles on Frank that appear on anti-Semitic websites.

The goal of these fraud­u­lent web­sites is clear. They are using decep­tive means to attack Leo Frank and the Jew­ish community’s efforts to fight back against anti-Semitism.

In the News – The For­ward (8/20/13) “Neo-Nazis Use Leo Frank Case for Anti-Semitic Pro­pa­ganda Push”

“Hang the Jew, Hang the Jew.”

This was the cry of the furious mob outside the Atlanta courthouse where Leo Frank, a Northern Jew, stood trial after his arrest in 1913 for a murder he did not commit. Anti-Semitism hung heavy in the courtroom as Frank was found guilty and sentenced to death. Though a courageous governor later commuted the death sentence to life imprisonment, Frank never did serve the term. In August 1915, the “Yankee Jew” was lynched by a mob calling themselves a “vigilance committee.”

ADL’s History in Brief: The Beginning: 1913

Sigmund Livingston, a Chicago attorney, believed that there was a significant need to form an organization to protect Jews from the blatant anti-Semitism of the day. With the support of the B’nai B’rith organization, Mr. Livingston founded ADL in 1913, with two desks in his office and $200.

In that same year, the Jewish manager of a pencil factory in Atlanta, Georgia was falsely accused and convicted of murdering a young Christian girl who worked at the factory.

Centennial: The 100 Year Anniversary of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith

During this same time, an event in Georgia makes the need for the organization painfully clear. Leo Frank, a Jewish businessman who moves to Atlanta to manage his family’s pencil factory, is convicted of the rape and murder of a 13-year-old female employee, following a trial which was defined by anti-Semitism.

The 90 Year Anniversary of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith

Quote, “Jewish manager of a pencil factory in Atlanta, Georgia was falsely accused and convicted of murdering a young Christian girl who worked at the factory. After a sensational trial, with weak evidence, a jury sentenced Leo Frank to death.”


Quote “ADL was founded in the aftermath of one of the earliest and perhaps most egregious anti-Semitic episodes of the 20th century: the unfair and prejudicial trial of Jewish factory manager Leo Frank, who was lynched by a mob in Georgia after being falsely accused of murdering a Christian girl.”

Further Reading:
Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Records (Trial and State Appeals), 1913, 1914:

Neo-Nazis Use Leo Frank Case for Anti-Semitic Propaganda Push by Paul Berger of the Jewish Daily Forward

In reference to Paul Berger’s article, ‘White Supremacists Exploit Interest in Jewish Lynch Victim’
Read more:

LOL! This Jew Peter Berger writes: “It is impossible to say who is behind most of the neo-Nazi websites.” I can tell them! ;-)

I was talking with a black nationalist radio talk show host named Chad Josiah yesterday and his cell phone went crazy on him — once again — as we were talking… I was telling him we two should do a show on how Leo Frank tried to send two innocent Blacks — his own employees — to the gallows for his own crime….. Chad said “The ONLY time my cell phone malfunctions is when I call YOU, John. ;-) ”

But look at this article by Paul Berger — the Jews love to obsess on Kevin Strom…. and, then as now, on Jim Conley…


John de Nugent on the Murder of Mary Phagan and Lynching of Leo Frank

An Open Letter to Paul Berger, ADL and SPLC by John de Nugent:

Anti-Semitism Taints Leo Frank Murder Case By Eddy Portnoy of the Jewish Daily Forward, Published August 24, 2013

1913 • 100 years ago

Anti-Semitism Affects Frank Case

A committee has been organized to help the cause of Leo Frank, a 24-year-old Jewish factory manager who has been sentenced to death for murdering a 13-year-old girl by the name of Mary Phagan. Frank’s supporters claim that he is innocent and that the anti-Semitic air of the trial unduly influenced the jury. In fact, Frank’s supporters argue that the anti-Semitic atmosphere of the entire city of Atlanta poisoned the case. The supporters point to the celebrations that took place all over the city after Frank was declared guilty. The Jewish community, and those who actually know Frank, continues to be shocked at the charges and the sentence and continues to proclaim his innocence. More and more groups, among them a growing number of Christians, are also protesting Frank’s innocence. It has become evident that the anti-Semitism of a large number of Southerners has infected the outcome of Frank’s case.

Read more:

Telling the Story of Leo Frank from his Jail Cell, Forward Editor Journeyed South To Interview Convicted Jew. By Ab Cahan, Published August 20, 2013
Read more:

The Leo Frank Story, Editorial by the Jewish Daily Forward, Published August 21, 2013
Read more:

Leo Frank Case Stirs Debate 100 Years After Jewish Lynch Victim’s Conviction. Notorious Case Raises Thorny Questions of Race and Hate. By Paul Berger, Published August 19, 2013
Read more:–years-after-jewish/?p=all

Neo-Nazis Use Leo Frank Case for Anti-Semitic Propaganda Push, White Supremacists Exploit Interest in Jewish Lynch Victim. Published August 20, 2013 (Falsely giving Kevin Strom credit for John de Nugent’s websites)
Read more:

Abraham Foxman on the Leo Frank Case, August 27, 2013

2013 Centennial Arguments of Hugh M. Dorsey at the Criminal Trial of Leo M. Frank Indicted for the Murder of Mary Phagan

Click Here for the Long Version: Hugh M. Dorsey

Download: Argument of Hugh M. Dorsey at the Trial of Leo M. Frank in Adobe PDF format. Published in 1914, this 146-page book, based on the trial transcript, contains the text of some, but not all, of the nine hours of closing arguments prosecutor Dorsey made on Aug. 22, 23, and 25, 1913. Copy Available here: Argument of Hugh M. Dorsey at the Trial of Leo M. Frank.


American State Trials Volume 10 (1918) By John Lawson.

For a more thorough treatment of Hugh M. Dorsey, visit: Hugh M Dorsey at the Trial of Leo Frank and for the Aftermath review the massive 1800+ page legal archive on the Leo Frank case 1913 to 1915.

August 18, *2013*, This Day in Jewish History, One Hundred Years Ago Today on August 18, *1913*: Climax of the Epic Southern Trial of 20th Century in Atlanta, Georgia, Leo Frank Mounted the Witness Stand and Made an Admission that was Delicious Irony!

Leo Max Frank, Twice President of the B’nai B’rith Chapter of Atlanta, Georgia, First Term: September, 1912 – September, 1913. Second Term: September, 1913 – September, 1914.

21st Century Time Travelers of the Imagination Presents: The Leo Frank Trial Transcript from Official Legal Records and Atlanta Newspaper Accounts in 1913

Today on August 18th *2013*, one hundred years ago today in the ‘Fulton County Superior Court’ of Atlanta, Georgia, on Monday, August 18, *1913*, during the afternoon session of open court, the most deliciously ironic, newfangled admission, was delivered orally by Leo Frank, seated on the witness stand. What Leo Frank testified to the jury, was witnessed by more than 200 spectators, and when he explained why his office had been empty between 12:05pm and 12:10pm on Saturday, April 26, 1913, it would leave everyone in the courtroom involuntarily shivering as cold chills spilled down their spines.

The audience sat in the Box VIP seats of the most inflammatory, notorious and sensational trial in Southern legal history, waiting with titillating anticipation for the main event!

At the beginning of the third week of the month long trial, when the clock struck 2:00 o’clock pm, the honorable Leonard Strickland Roan’s court was called to order. The judge explained the rules of circumstances about what was about to happen concerning Leo Frank opting not to be either directly examined or cross examined by defense and prosecution counselors, but instead make an unsworn oral statement to the jury. At 2:15pm, Leo Frank mounted the witness stand to make his four hour speech to the court prepared from a hand written notes that he had put together with the help of his wife over the last two weeks. What Leo Frank stated to the jurors was stenographed into the official record (Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913).

Travel back in time with us as we explore the Leo Frank Trial (July 28 to August 26, 1913) for the murder of Mary Phagan, presented by The American Mercury Magazine online. As 21st century observers, looking back on the Leo Frank trial transcript and events in the courtroom, this case will be explored and analyzed without all the prevailing racist anti-Gentilism, Jewish paranoid self-deception, tribal neurosis, and ethnoreligious myopia. It is in this incendiary trial and ultimately its verdict the Jewish community refused to accept, that B’nai B’rith responded by organizing the nefarious, ‘Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith‘, known as ADL, whose official founding date is October 20, 1913.

Jewish Media Domination Waging One Century of Cultural Genocide Against Western Civilization:

While the Leo Frank Case was wending its way through the State and Federal Appeals Courts, the Jewish controlled mainstream media waged an ugly newspaper war that used the Leo Frank verdict as an anti-Gentile blood libel against the South, specifically Georgia. Since 1913 the Jews have remained unrelenting in agitating against European-Americans with newer forms of media expression in an all-out, but undeclared genetic racewar that has been smoldering for millenia. Today a Jewish pedophile and child strangler has become an idol of the Jewish community, held up as an innocent martyr of Anti-Semitism and American injustice. So, fasten your seatbelts, we are traveling back in time to 1913 Atlanta and going find out what really happened.

Never Before Published Trial Transcript:

Experience first hand, out in the open, all the formerly censored details concerning the violent assault, sadistic pedophile rape, vicious strangulation and disfiguring mutilation of Mary Phagan by Leo Frank, that gave birth to the organized Anti-Semitism Lobby. The ADL has for a century smeared and defamed American patriots and critics of Israel’s Apartheid state as: prejudiced, bigoted, anti-Semites, haters, extremists, racists, bigots and Neo-Nazis. We will also be exposing the ADL’s anti-Gentile hate crime hoax and blood libel about Southerners allegedly chanting, “Hang the Jew” and “Kill the Jew” outside the courtroom where the windows were kept wide open as the trial was being conducted.

We the American people demand a public retraction and sincere apology from the ADL for this manufactured fraud perpetuated on their web site, and published in the mainstream media, constantly repeated by Jewish domestic extremists who perpetually re-quote each other: Every re-telling of the Leo Frank Case by Jews stating Leo Frank was innocent, convicted because of anti-Semitism, jury intimidation and that the real killer of Mary Phagan was Jim Conley the chief accuser. Often when Jews state that Leo Frank was posthumously pardoned in 1986, they usually fail to mention it was forgiveness without exoneration of the murder and based on a technicality, but Why? Find Out for the First Time in 100 Years!

The Old City Hall Where the Leo Frank Trial Was Held on the First Floor

Introduction to the Leo Frank Trial: One Hundred Years Ago Today the Leo Frank Trial Began.

Week One of the Leo Frank Trial:

Week Two of the Leo Frank Trial:

Leo Max Frank Circa 1913

GET READY FOR THE BIG SURPRISE! Leo Frank mounts the witness stand

Week Three of the Leo Frank Trial:

Leo Max Frank Circa 1913

The Final Week of the Leo Frank Trial:

Closing Arguments of the Leo Frank Trial: As published in Atlanta newspapers during the last week of August and re-published again years later in American State Trials Volume X, 1918, By John Davison Lawson, LLD. (see references below)

American Mercury presents the Leo Frank Trial Closing Arguments:

Verdict and Judgment by the Jury (August 25, 1913) and Judge (August 26, 1913), Respectively: Was Leo Frank convicted because of anti-Semitism as the Jewish community has been stating for more than 100 years? Let’s find out!


The American Mercury Magazine, Centennial Analysis of the Leo Frank Trial July and August, 1913, 2013.

Leonard Dinnerstein’s Pseudo-History on the Leo Frank Case, almost 50 years in the making (1963 – 2008):

Who Really Solved the Mary Phagan Murder Mystery in 1913?

One Hundred Years Ago: Did Leo Frank Confess?

100 Arguments Leo Frank is Guilty:

Three Atlanta Newspaper Dailies, 1913:

The Atlanta Constitution Newspaper from 1913 to 1915 about the Leo Frank Case:

The Atlanta Georgian newspaper covering the Leo Frank Case from April though August, 1913:

The Atlanta Journal Newspaper, April, 28, 1913, through till the end of August, 1913, pertaining to the Leo Frank Case:

Trial Brief, 1913:

Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913.

Georgia Supreme Court Records:

The Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Records, 1913, 1914 About 1,800 pages.

Closing Arguments and Lynching of Leo Frank:

American State Trials Volume X, John Davison Lawson, LLD, 1918

Jewish Racial Supremacist and Jewish Domestic Extremists Masquerading as Civil Rights Group and Absolutely Silent About Israeli Apartheid and Crimes Against Humanity in Israel:

Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith Officially Founded on October 20, 1913

Read our Review of Parade, the Leo Frank Musical:

Other News….

100 years ago . . .

In Friday, Aug. 22, 1913 edition of the Marietta Journal and Courier, there was a front page story regarding the now famous murder of Marietta’s Mary Phagan and the trial of her accused killer, Leo M. Frank. The story reported how Anna Benton, the 73-year-old grandmother of Mary Phagan, had died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.W. Coleman in Atlanta. Mrs. Benton had been in Atlanta to be present at Frank’s murder trial. On the second day of the trial, “grief and incessant worry over the death of her granddaughter” caused her to take to bed “from which she was never able to rise.”

In Friday, Aug. 29, 1913 edition of the Marietta Journal and Courier, there was a story reporting that Leo M. Frank was found guilty of murdering Mary Phagan of Marietta and sentenced to hang on Oct. 10 by Judge L.S. Roan. The story reported that 4,000 people were in demonstration around the court house when the verdict was announced.

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal – MDJ Time Capsule 22nd and 29th of August 1913

Leo Frank Got Shanked in Prison on July 17, 1915, by William Creen

A Prison dorm at the Milledgeville Prison where Leo Frank was
Incarcerated from June 22, 1915 to August 16, 1915

July 17, 1915 – Leo Frank Shanked

Leo Frank Newspaper

Brief Version:

Leo Frank was attacked at the State Farm Prison in Milledgeville on July 17, 1915, by a fellow convict named William Creen, who slashed Leo’s throat using a 7 inch butcher knife. Two inmate doctors got to Frank in the nick of time and stitched him up. Frank lingered between life and death for several weeks, but finally recovered. The wound was slow to heal in the boiling humid heat of the 1915 Georgian Summer. The wounds would split open again a month later, during the culmination of the Leo Frank case.

Leo Frank Prison

The Detailed Version: The Shanking of Leo Frank in the Milledgeville Prison Dormitory on July 17, 1915.

The photograph above is of the military barracks style dormitory where inmates slept in Milledgeville State Penitentiary. The famous prison housed some of the most high profile criminals in Georgia and served as a work farm located at the Eastern center of the state. At the bottom left, third bed up, was Leo Frank’s cot (‘x’ marks the spot). On the late evening of July 17, 1915, at 11:00pm, fellow inmate, William Creen (like Frank, also imprisoned for murder) — who slept several cots north (‘x x’ marks the spot) — slipped out of his cot in the late evening after the lights had been turned off at 8pm and every one was soundly sleeping. Creen tip toeing southward down the aisle toward Frank’s cot in the inky gloom, concealed in his prison night gown an eight inch butcher knife. Creen’s makeshift weapon of terror had been created from a large file of metal coarsely sharpened against stones in the kitchen, and was regularly used for slaughtering hogs, goats and chickens for feeding the prisoners and staff.

Towering above his snoring victim, Creen in one single swift motion swiftly slid his webbed fingers deeply through Leo Frank’s coarse greasy black hair, seizing it with an angry clenched fist, jerking Frank’s head to expose his jugular, he sliced once across the left lateral side of his neck while uttering a curse. Creen backed away and dropped the bloodied shank to the ground while it clanked on the floor. Leo Frank flexed into the fetal position, fell to the floor screaming in terrified agony, moaning and groaning, sobbing intensely with his hands against his throat, jarred inmates began to awake annoyed in dark confusion. When the nightwatch security guard heard the commotion, he switched on the power breakers and spotted William Creen tip toeing back to his cot. A rapturous cacophony of perplexed voices ensued from the half-sleeping inmates pissed off from being awoken so suddenly under bright buzzing lights. As Inmates popped out of their cots, sitting up, squinting their red tired eyes, looking around to see what was going on, they witnessed the chaotic aftermath of this violent incident as people surged toward Leo Frank.

Someone shouted Franks been cut, two fellow inmate doctors who had both been convicted of murdering their wives, who had already jumped out of their cots and rushed to the scene, pressed through the throng of inmates gawking and helping Frank. The inmate doctors used Frank’s soaked bed sheets, compressing his wound and stitched him up with cotton thread like Frankenstein. They improvised using a clothing needle immediately bent into a curve around the post of his cot. Had these good Dr. Samaritans not improvised at a moments notice, Leo Frank would have likely died on the prison floor from the massive blood lose. Frank’s bed and the floor adjacent to his bed sheets were drenched and spattered in blood like the Boston massacre.

The prison staff rounded up William Creen and made the guilty slasher strip naked. The guards hand cuffed Creen behind his back and hog tied his legs, gave him an unmerciful righteous beating with billy clubs, pent-up frustrated fists and unforgiving boot kicks. The guards took the battered, moaning and bruised Creen to the prison’s dungeon and threw him into one of the pitch black chambers to cool off. Creen would spend a few months in solitary confinement to think things over and would later be unrepentant. When Creen was finally released back into general population at the prison, his “street credit” had soared to that of hero status and people treated him with a new found sense of respect. He had almost killed the infamous Leo Frank.

Leo Frank on the other hand was taken to the infirmary, was given emergency surgery by doctors who re-stitched up his poorly stitched up neck. Leo Frank’s tender throat was slow to heal at the top of the humid summer and he lost a considerable amount of weight from losing his appetite.

One month later the most audacious prison break in US history unfolded on the evening of August 16, 1915. See: American State Trials Volume X, 1918, by John Davison Lawson, LLD, for the details of the Leo Frank kidnapping and lynching.

Last Updated: July 17th, 2013.

Matt Lebovic, Journalist for the Times of Israel and the Big Lies about the Leo Frank Case

Dear Matt Lebovic,

The article you have written, ‘The ADL and KKK, born of the same murder, 100 years ago” and published at the Times of Israel Dot Com, perpetuates the 100 year old, Jewish pathological BIG LIE about the Leo Frank trial, what amounts to an anti-Gentile blood libel and racist hate crime hoax, that people outside were shouting death chants “hang the Jew” into the courtroom during Leo Frank’s trial and intimidating the jury with anti-Semitism to convict him. The unabridged archive of Leo Frank’s appeals records at the Georgia Supreme Court (1913 and 1914) are now published online at the Internet Archive (see Archive.Org) as of April 26, 2013 (the centennial of Phagan’s murder). The three local Atlanta daily newspapers (Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Georgian and Atlanta Journal, April 28 to August 26, 1913) that meticulously covered the trial day-by-day from July 28, 1913 to August 26, 1913, are also now available online to be read at ‘The Internet Archive‘. None of these sources – official legal records or mainstream media newspapers at the time – reported people shouting “hang the Jew” mantras during Leo Frank’s trial outside the courtroom, where the windows were kept wide open during the hot summer. Nothing in Leo Frank’s appeals to every level of the United States legal system at State and Federal courts ever mention any people shouting anti-Semitic hate speech slogans during the trial. Neither the State’s prosecution team, the judge, jury, or Leo Frank legal defense team ever mentioned such disruptions being made in the media or during the two years of appeals. So the question is: Why Matt Lebovic are you perpetuating known Jewish lies and anti-Gentile racism? Why do so many Jews perpetuate this anti-Gentile racist hate crime hoax? Why are so many prominent members of the Jewish community going out of their way to rehabilitate a serial pedophile who raped and strangled this little girl?

Matt Lebovic, please stop spreading bigoted blood libel and defamatory lies about the Leo Frank Case, no one ever shouted, “hang the Jew” inside the courtroom, or outside the courtroom into the open windows of the trial. This fraudulent fabrication invented by Jews is racist anti-Gentile hate-speech, perpetuated by Synagogues, ADL, Abraham Foxman, Leonard Dinnerstein and other prominent Jewish domestic extremists and Jewish racial supremacists, Jewish groups and individual Hebrews, who have relentlessly revised Southern legal history. I encourage you Matt Lebovic or anyone with any doubts about whether or not this incident occurred, to review the 1,800 pages of Leo Frank’s appeals records, petitions to the presiding judge Leonard Strickland Roan, and the Georgia Supreme Court. These documents are no longer buried in the deepest darkest archives at the State of Georgia’s government vaults, they are now available online for the whole world to review, even for you Matt Lebovic. So Matt read the legal records of this infamous case, read the day-by-day newspaper accounts, and please ask the Jewish fear-mongering race hustling high class prostitute, Abraham Foxman, to read them as well. Foxman who has a law degree should be ashamed of himself for claiming Leo Frank was convicted without evidence and solely on the basis of anti-Semitism.

The other misrepresentation in your article is that Leo Frank was exonerated of strangling Mary Phagan, this is another complete falsehood that racist Jewish extremists have been perpetuating as part of their anti-Gentile crusade of defamation against the United States of America and Western Civilization. The Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles, DID NOT exonerate Leo Frank, they only pardoned him (forgave him of his guilt), but they specifically stated they were not addressing his guilt or innocence – thus not disturbing the verdict of the jury that was sustained by every level of the United States legal system. If you read the last page of Governor John M. Slaton’s 29 page Leo Frank commutation letter, you will see with clarity that the appellate tribunals were sustained in leaving the judge and jury’s verdict undisturbed and intact.

You can thank the un-American spy and espionage Anti-Semitism Lobby, known as The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) — lead by its current anti-Gentile Zionist Czar, Abraham Foxman — for growing into the largest pseudo Civil Rights group in the world that turns a blind eye to the Open Apartheid, racism, prejudice, bigotry, bullying and ethnic cleansing against Palestinians, conducted in the rogue pariah and terrorist State of Israel. The ADL was founded in the blood of a raped little girl Mary Ann Phagan, how’s that for a Blood Libel reality check? Thank you ADL and Matt Lebovic for perpetuating the racist anti-Gentile slander against Southerners that European-Americans were shouting, “Hang the Jew” chants – anti-Semitic death threats – into the open windows of the courtroom. Thank you for helping to perpetuate this racist anti-Semitism canard against European-American Gentiles for 100 years.

You posted this image below in your article: “The Leo Frank lynching, August 17, 1915 (photo credit: public domain)” – this photograph came from an estate sale of a long time collector of photographs and is extremely rare, perhaps the only one of its angle in existence, it was sold on for only a few hundred dollars or so, a steal considering I have seen no others like it and a lynching postcard recently sold for $3000 at auction. I guess all those Leo Frank lynching postcards that sold for only several hundred dollars on ebay in the last five years were quite a good investment for the lucky buyers.

The famous image of the trial re-published in your article, was recently re-released online by the AJC in April 2013, and was originally shot in the afternoon of Monday, July 28, 1913, while Newt Lee was being directly examined by the prosecutor, Solicitor General Hugh Manson Dorsey. You can read Newt Lee’s intriguing testimony in the Leo Frank trial brief of evidence available online and learn about Leo Frank’s racially-tinged subplot to frame his Negro nightwatchman. Leo Frank’s racist intrigues are not something his defenders ever want to highlight, especially since they all claim he was framed for the murder of Mary Phagan without evidence and because of anti-Semitism.

Other than that Matt Lebovic, you clearly never took the time to learn about this famous American case and chose to be an irresponsible journalist who simply regurgitated the Jewish pathological lies of this case. Think about actually doing some independent research and reading the official legal records of this case, before you join your fellow co-religionists in waging an anti-Gentile racist culture war against the United States of America and all of Western Civilization.


Curator of the Leo Frank Research Library.

Dear Readers of the Leo Frank Trial and Research Library,

Please politely contact Matt Lebovic at the Times of Israel, and nicely ask him to please stop perpetuating known anti-Gentile blood libel, hate speech fraud and hate crime hoaxes about the Leo Frank Case. Also politely ask him to publicly apologize on his newspaper’s blog, ‘Times of Israel’, that it is indeed a racist fabrication about this so-called “hang the Jew” anti-Semitic death threat chanting that never occurred outside the courtroom, to help dispel this hatefilled, prejudiced, and racist Jewish mythology once and for all.

Source of the racist defamation against European-Americans:

May 27th, 2013

The ADL and KKK, born of the same murder, 100 years ago. How a scandalous Memorial Day strangling led Jews and anti-Semites to rethink survival strategies and form two stalwart organizations

By Matt Lebovic

BOSTON — Few Americans know that Memorial Day evolved from the vanquished southern states’ own “Confederate Memorial Day,” launched in 1866. Even fewer Americans remember what happened in Atlanta on Confederate Memorial Day in 1913, when a young woman’s murder led to the creation of the Anti-Defamation League and reinvigorated its nemesis, the Ku Klux Klan.

Thirteen-year old Mary Phagan was beaten and strangled in the basement of her former place of employment, an Atlanta pencil factory, on April 26, 1913. The factory was managed by 29-year-old Leo Frank, a Jew raised in Brooklyn and educated at Cornell University. After becoming investigators’ top suspect in two days, Frank submitted to a murder trial brimming with anti-Semitic vitriol, hearsay testimony and conflicting statements.

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In an American version of the Dreyfuss Affair, shouts of “hang the Jew!” echoed through the courthouse during the trial. The jury pronounced Frank guilty and he was sentenced to death on August 25, 1913. After a national outcry, Georgia governor John Slaton determined Frank had not received a fair trial, and his sentence was commuted to life in prison.

The commutation set off another outcry, with Slaton hung in effigy and the boycott of Jewish businesses in Atlanta. Particularly outraged were some of Georgia’s top political and civic leaders, one of whom coined the phrase, “Lynch law is better than no law at all.” Some of these men were more public than others about their bigotry, but all were outraged by the governor’s decision and what they viewed as the threat posed by Georgia’s 3,000 Jews.

Determined to enact their own verdict on Leo Frank, the leaders convened technicians and strongmen to craft a plan. Calling itself “The Knights of Mary Phagan,” the well-to-do mob kidnapped Frank from the state prison in Milledgeville and drove him to a farm outside Marietta. After hanging their victim from an oak tree, mob participants snapped photographs and took pieces of Frank’s effects to sell as souvenirs. Several children, brought to witness the lynching, can be seen clutching parents’ hands in the photos.

The Leo Frank lynching, August 17, 1915 (photo credit: public domain)

Half of the state’s Jews fled Georgia following the lynching, and the hanging photographs were turned into postcards for sale at local stores. Anti-Semitic media outlets contributed to the fray, including the Columbia State newspaper, which claimed: “The heroic Marietta lynchers are too modest to give their photographs to the newspapers.”

Georgia’s government covered up the Frank lynching for the better part of a century, refusing to prosecute the perpetrators or posthumously pardon Frank until 1986, years after new evidence had exonerated him. Only in 2000 were members of the lynch mob publicly named – by a private citizen, of course.

Among the ring-leaders were a former Georgia governor, several mayors, and a slew of judges and sheriffs. Incredibly, some of their faces appear in the lynch mob photographs, belying the decades-old claim that no perpetrators could be identified.

It was not evident at the time, but this elite gathering of Georgia’s most prominent bigots to hang a Jew marked the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).

Early Klan cross burning. (photo credit: public domain)

The Klan was started by Confederate war veterans after the Civil War to prevent freed slaves from obtaining rights. It has been called the first true terrorist group founded on American soil. Though the US government managed to dismantle the so-called First Klan, its mission remained alive in the minds of racist whites committed to overturning an unjust order.

The Leo Frank case inspired Klan-sympathizing racists to expand the parameters of hate by including Jews, who they viewed as dishonest and alien to white society. A cross-burning ceremony attended by some of Frank’s murderers in 1917 marked the official launch of the Second Klan. Future US Senator Tom Watson helped reignite Klan activities through incitement in southern newspapers.

However racists and anti-Semites weren’t the only ones to draw conclusions from the Leo Frank trial and refocus on organizational structures.

Immediately after Frank’s wrongful conviction in 1913, the B’nai B’rith Jewish service organization founded the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Frank had been the Atlanta chapter president of B’nai B’rith before his trial, so the ADL’s creation within this network was more than appropriate.

The original B’nai B’rith announcement of the formation of the ADL. (photo credit: public domain)

“The immediate object of the League is to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience and, if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people,” said the League’s 1913 charter. “Its ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens.”

Founded in Chicago, the ADL currently operates 27 regional US offices and one in Israel. Its mandate to prevent defamation of Jews has greatly expanded since 1913, highlighted by decades of work to pass the Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA) in 2009. In recent years, the ADL ramped up efforts to protect Israel from numerous worldwide detractors.

Following Leo Frank’s lynching, the Ku Klux Klan also learned the value of coalitions and clarity of purpose, adopting modern business practices to grow membership.
Klan recruiters – called “Kleagles” – were allowed to keep half of initiation fees, while standardized costumes and rituals consolidated the system.

‘The Birth of a Nation’ film in 1915 helped launch the Klan and ‘invented’ Klan iconography (photo credit: public domain)

D.W. Griffith’s February 1915 film, “The Birth of a Nation,” rolled out First Klan iconography still familiar around the world, including burning crosses and those bulky white robes. Two decades before “Triumph of the Will” and Hitler’s fire-strewn rallies, the Klan nailed down the indoctrination genre much closer to home.

Preaching “One Hundred Percent Americanism,” at its peak the Klan claimed to include more than four-million men as supporters. Klan leader William J. Simmons developed new terminology for his brethren, including Kloran (ritual book), Klavern (local organization), and Klectoken (initiation fee).

This Second Klan ceased activity during World War II, only to reappear in the 1950s as the current Third Klan. More lethal than ever, the civil rights-era KKK murdered African American leaders and their white allies, in addition to bombing blacks’ homes and churches. The Klan continued to receive support from prominent leaders, including when Birmingham police commissioner Bull Connor allowed Klan members fifteen minutes to attack “Freedom Riders” in 1961.

Despite downsizing and the alleged victory of pluralism, the Ku Klux Klan is by no means a relic of the past.

Experts estimate there to be 5,000 active Klan members today, most of them in the American South and Midwest

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) continues to monitor at least 100 Klan chapters, including in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana. Recent years have seen the formation of Klan chapters in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and Germany, proving the power of bigotry to break down national barriers. Experts estimate there to be 5,000 active Klan members today, most of them in the American South and Midwest.

Though modern Klan chapters remain decentralized to prevent infiltration, it’s clear the election of President Barack Obama in 2008 fueled membership across the board. Klan leaders have also formed recent alliances with Neo-Nazi groups to fight against illegal immigration and same-sex civil marriage. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has provided – to some observers’ frustration – ongoing support for Klan members’ rights to hold rallies and run for public office.
This is the cover of the 1999 cast of the Broadway production of Jason Robert Brown’s ‘Parade.’ (photo credit: Michael Sultana, CC BY SA, via wikipedia)

This is the cover of the 1999 cast of the Broadway production of Jason Robert Brown’s ‘Parade.’ (photo credit: Michael Sultana, CC BY SA, via wikipedia)

The epic struggle between the ADL and the KKK’s conflicting worldviews has entered pop culture, including the 1999 musical “Parade,” based on the Leo Frank trial and its aftermath. A Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) special in 2009 signaled a broad approach through its title, “The People v. Leo Frank: Anti-Semitism in the USA.” And shedding light on Atlanta society circa 1913 and the justice system’s deadly breakdown was the 2003 book, “And the Dead Shall Rise,” by Steve Oney.

Leo Frank’s body was buried on August 20, 1915, in the Mount Carmel Cemetery in Queens, New York. Before his mutilated remains were transferred north, a crowd of 15,000 Atlanta citizens – some carrying bricks – surrounded the undertaker’s parlor and demanded to see the body. The most prominent lynching of an American Jew had occurred, giving simultaneous impetus to both Jewish self-defense and the country’s most notorious group of hatemongers.


Also See:

The elusive Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Records, to see how the Leo Frank Defense team tried to bribe witnesses to get their client free after he raped and strangled a little girl:

Op Ed. by Abraham Foxman, August 18, 2005,
Lessons of the Leo Frank Case Still Relevant
By Abraham H. Foxman
Abraham H. Foxman is National Director of the Anti-Defamation League and Author of Never Again?: The Threat of The New Anti-Semitism (HarperSanFrancisco)

Leo Frank was a manager for the National Pencil Company of Atlanta, Georgia when he was falsely accused of murdering a 14-year-old employee, Mary Phagan.

The murder of Mary Phagan was the catalyst for one of the most virulent anti-Semitic episodes in American history. Frank, a northern Jew, was arrested, indicted and tried for Phagan’s murder without evidence. His trial was a spectacle; threats, intimidation, and a boisterous crowd outside chanting “kill the Jew” and “hang the Jew” could easily be heard through the courtroom’s open windows. When all was said and done, Leo Frank was condemned to death by hanging.

‘Leo Frank and the American Jewish Community’, for the American Jewish Archive Journal, 1968, Volume 20, number 2, by Leonard Dinnerstein author of ‘The Leo Frank Case’ editions 1968 through 2008.

Leonard Dinnerstein’s Hatecrime Hoax Can Be Found on Page 110:

Beyond the main testimony, the jurors had little more on which to base their decision than hearsay, rumors, and unsubstantiated accusations. Yet most members of the public were thoroughly convinced of the defendant’s guilt and made their voices heard, The intense summer heat necessitated that the courtroom windows be left open, and remarks from the crowds could be heard easily by those inside. “Crack the Jew’s neck!” – “Lynch him!” – were some of the epithets emerging from the more boisterous. Threats were also made “against the jury that they would be lynched if they did not hang that ‘damned sheeny.’ “

The Leo Frank Case PhD Dissertation by Leonard Dinnerstein (1966)

Crowds Outside the Courthouse Chanted, “Hang the Jew”. Page 118.

Word Count 2997

Last Updated 2013

Jewish Blood Libel: The Jewish Hate Speech Death Threat Fraud and Hate Crime Hoax: “Hang the Jews” Perpetuated by Jews Relentlessly About the Leo Frank Case

Please politely contact Yaakov Astor and ask him to stop his racist anti-Gentile smear and defamation campaign promoting Jewish hate crime hoaxes and hate speech hoaxes concerning Gentiles and the Leo Frank Trial. The anti-Semitism canard has been used by Jewish extremists for the last century as a blood libel against Gentiles.

Yaakov Astor’s Blog


The Tragic Saga of Leo Frank

It launched the Ku Klux Klan and the Anti-Defamation League. It inflamed a community and ignited a nation. It brought out the worst in people and the best in people….

It is the tragic story of Leo Frank – and it happened in America.

Standing trial for murdering a Christian girl as crowds outside the courtroom screamed for his blood — intimidating witnesses, jury members, judges and politicians — the evidence against Leo Frank was so full of holes that the judge later declared that he was innocent. The lawyer of his main accuser eventually acknowledged that the accuser himself was the murderer.

Yet, none of that was able to stem the tsunami of anti-Semitism. Even as convincing new evidence demonstrating his innocence came to surface, a mob – later discovered to include high-ranking politicians and prominent Georgian community members – abducted Frank right out of prison and lynched him.

Terrifying and infuriating, the story of Leo Frank touches on so many raw nerves that even today, almost a century later, people are afraid to bring up the subject for fear of inflaming old passions and stirring old hatreds.

August 6, 1913. The atmosphere in the streets is fraught with tension. Frenzied hordes march around government buildings, wielding rifles and other weapons. They surround the courthouse where the trial of a Jew falsely accused of murdering a young Christian girl is taking place.

“Hang the Jew or we’ll hang you!” the crowds shout raucously, brandishing their weapons.

“Kill the Jews who killed our savior!” resonates in the street.

The atmosphere is reminiscent of the medieval pogroms of Europe. Rabble-rousing sermons by local priests and other anti-Semitic leaders have aroused the passions of the ignorant masses. And the minority of rational, level-headed individuals are simply too intimidated to take a stand against the blatant injustice and rabid anti-Semitism. It is just too risky.

It reads like an old-world legend from the Middle Ages, but incredibly this happened in the twentieth century in the United States – land of the free and home of the brave.

The city was Atlanta, capital of Georgia. The frenzied hordes wielding rifles and other weapons were red-blooded American citizens. The government building they surrounded was the Fulton County Superior Court House of Atlanta.

The governor of Georgia, a respected and popular man, is trying desperately to keep the situation under control. He has called in the National Guard and the military to protect Jewish neighborhoods. Privately, he has prayed that justice prevail and that he will not have to use force. However, he does not, at that point, fathom how deep the hatred runs and how inflamed the passions have become. Neither does he know the steep price he will pay for trying to help the hapless Jew.

Then, just like now, the Jews of Atlanta felt safe and secure as American citizens with equal rights to pursue the American dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They lived under the illusion that their non-Jewish neighbors regarded them as equals, and that anti-Semitism was relatively non-existent in America. Then their illusion was shattered. Abruptly, they were faced with the shocking realization that even after doing their utmost to assimilate into the American melting pot, they were no less immune from virulent anti-Semitism than their openly Jewish relatives in the “alte heim.”

This past August 17 marked the 96th anniversary of that dark chapter in American history, when an innocent Jew named Leo Frank was lynched by a group of Americans, not exclusively by low-class, uneducated street ruffians, but by the elite of Atlanta society, including elected officials and judges. Zman headed south on a fact-finding mission to the Jewish community in Atlanta to speak with community leaders, relatives and others well-read in the Leo Frank saga who have invested much effort clearing Frank’s name decades after his brutal murder.

Read the entire story in this month’s issue…

Please politely contact Yaakov Astor and ask him to stop his racist anti-Gentile smear and defamation campaign promoting Jewish hate crime hoaxes and hate speech hoaxes concerning Gentiles and the Leo Frank Trial. The anti-Semitism canard has been used by Jewish extremists for the last century as a blood libel against Gentiles.

Yaakov Astor’s Blog


August 6, 1913. The atmosphere in the streets is fraught with tension. Frenzied hordes march around government buildings, wielding rifles and other weapons. They surround the courthouse where the trial of a Jew falsely accused of murdering a young Christian girl is taking place. “Hang the Jew or we’ll hang you!” the crowds shout raucously, brandishing their weapons. “Kill the Jews who killed our savior!” resonates in the street. Promotes The Jewish Hate Crime Hoax, Anti-Gentile Blood Libel and Anti-Semitism Canard

Please contact the History Channel and politely ask them to stop promoting the Jewish Community’s Hate Crime Hoax, Anti-Gentile Blood Libel and Anti-Semitism Canard against European-Americans concerning the Leo Frank Case. Politely contact them at

Jewish Pathological Lies at the History Channel:

Thirteen-year-old Mary Phagan is found sexually molested and murdered in the basement of the Atlanta, Georgia, pencil factory where she worked. Her murder later led to one of the most disgraceful episodes of bigotry, injustice, and mob violence in American history.

Next to Phagan’s body were two small notes that purported to pin the crime on Newt Lee, the night watchman at the factory. Lee was arrested, but it quickly became evident that the notes were a crude attempt by the barely literate Jim Conley to cover up his own involvement. Conley was the factory’s janitor, a black man, and a well-known drunk.

Conley then decided to shift the blame toward Leo Frank, the Jewish owner of the factory. Despite the absurdity of Conley’s claims, they nevertheless took hold. The case’s prosecutor was Hugh Dorsey, a notorious bigot and friend of Georgia’s populist leader, Tom Watson. Reportedly, Watson told Dorsey, “Hell, we can lynch a nigger anytime in Georgia, but when do we get the chance to hang a Yankee Jew?”

Frank was tried by Judge Leonard Roan, who allowed the blatantly unfair trial to go forward even after he was privately informed by Conley’s attorney that Conley had admitted to Frank’s innocence on more than one occasion. The trial was packed with Watson’s followers and readers of his racist newspaper, Jeffersonian. The jury was terrorized into a conviction despite the complete lack of evidence against Frank.

Georgia governor John Slaton initiated his own investigation and quickly concluded that Frank was completely innocent. Three weeks before his term ended, Slaton commuted Frank’s death sentence in the hope that he would eventually be freed when the publicity died down. However, Watson had other plans: He mobilized his supporters to form the Knights of Mary Phagan. Thousands of Jewish residents in Atlanta were forced to flee the city because police refused to stop the lynch mob.

The Knights of Mary Phagan then made their way to the prison farm where Frank was incarcerated. They handcuffed the warden and the guards and abducted Frank, bringing him to Marietta, Phagan’s hometown. There he was hanged to death from a giant oak tree. Thousands of spectators came to watch and have their picture taken in front of his lifeless body. The police did nothing to stop the spectacle.

Although most of the country was outraged and horrified by the lynching, Watson remained very popular in Georgia. In fact, he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1920.

Frank did not receive a posthumous pardon until 1986, on the grounds that his lynching deprived him of his right to appeal his conviction.

Please contact the History Channel and politely ask them to stop the racist anti-Gentile Leo Frank hate crime hoax at

B’nai B’rith’s ADL: 100 Years of Deception: Leo Frank, Abe Foxman, & Minister Farrakhan

By Tingba Muhammad, NOI Research Group | Last updated: May 6, 2013 – 12:56:20 PM

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“Throughout the history of Black people, B’nai B’rith leaders are conspicuously found aiding Black enslavement—not Black freedom—and the 512-page Nation of Islam book The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2, makes this abundantly clear.”
—LaRon X

( – This year the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) celebrates 100 years of open hatred and bigotry against the freedom aims of Black people. It is an organization whose foundation and history are as racist and malevolent as any secret society, and it has proved itself to be dedicated to maintaining white supremacy for all time. Last week, its grand ruler Abe Foxman—whose life work bears an uncanny resemblance to Dr. King’s notorious nemesis, Birmingham’s Eugene “Bull” Connor—continued his attack on Black freedom by derisively referring to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s monumental year-long series The Time and What Must Be Done as “52-weeks of hate.”

Today, by Allah’s grace, we have clear guidance that allows us to decipher the tricks of an open enemy through the window of history and the sunlight of truth. To better see the ADL going forward, let us first look backward—more than 52 weeks—to a birth record that goes back 170 years.

In October of 1843, twelve Jewish merchants gathered in New York to establish the ADL’s parent organization B’nai B’rith. The Hebrew words mean “Sons of the Covenant,” a title that refers to the bond God established with the Children of Israel in Genesis 15:13-14:  And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; 
And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.

The claim of these white Europeans to be the biblical Chosen People has been definitively disproved (See Shlomo Sand’s book, The Invention of the Jewish People); nevertheless, these B’nai B’rith founders chose to adopt that mantle on behalf of American Jews. They posed as “strangers” in their adopted land, but Jews were so well entrenched on the profit side of the slave system that they joined Pharaoh’s team and embraced African slavery without reservation. B’nai B’rith organizers put the “covenant” aside and established branches among the many Jewish planters and merchants throughout the South. By the time that civil war broke out in 1861, Africans had faced affliction and slavery for 306 years. But when these ”Sons of the Covenant” met the “Sons of the Confederates” they became one. So many Jewish merchants were collaborating with the Southern Confederates that a Lincoln administration official deemed the B’nai B’rith to be a “disloyal organization” that “help[ed] the traitors.”


“The ADL claims that it’s very first and most-celebrated effort was in the Leo Frank Case in Atlanta, Georgia. Frank was a factory manager and president of the Atlanta chapter of B’nai B’rith. In 1913, he was convicted of murdering a 13-year-old Gentile girl in his factory on the Jewish Sabbath after he tried to rape her. With the evidence mounting against him, Leo Frank—true to B’nai B’rith form—blamed one Black man for the murder, then another.”
—LaRon X


Throughout the history of Black people, B’nai B’rith leaders are conspicuously found aiding Black enslavement—not Black freedom—and the 512-page Nation of Islam book The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2, makes this abundantly clear. “Sons of the Covenant” were slave owners, plantation owners, and bankers financing the purchases of slaves. For another 100 years after slavery Jewish planters, moneylenders, and merchants—dubbed by scholar W. E. B. Du Bois as the “heirs of the slave-barons”—continued to enslave Black people, this time through sharecropping and debt peonage.

Southern senator Zebulon Vance dedicated his life to ensuring that after slavery Blacks would never rise in any capacity above servant and menial laborer. In Raleigh, North Carolina, the B’nai B’rith has held an annual wreath-laying ceremony at his statue, with Nathan Straus, the Jewish head of Macy’s department store, financing it. Arkansas governor Jeff Davis—whose most “trusted lieutenant” was B’nai B’rith president Charles Jacobson—publicly defended the lynching of Blacks. He and Jacobson supported the Arkansas Streetcar Segregation Act of 1903, which established the same discrimination Rosa Parks would fight in Alabama more than a half century later. A B’nai B’rith member helped create and install Birmingham’s inferior “colored” school system, while all of that city’s wealthy Jewish business owners practiced the harshest forms of segregation. The B’nai B’rith was the staunchest supporter of President Woodrow Wilson, even though he systematically eliminated Blacks from government jobs, just as Adolf Hitler would do to the Jews in Germany.

Meanwhile, the national president of B’nai B’rith, Simon Wolf (1836–1923), was speaking publicly and proudly of the true Covenant of Jewish power: “We all know that the first bankers of the world—Rothschilds—are Jews; we know they control not only the money market, but also the political destiny of the European world…” Mr. Wolf could have added that the Rothschilds’ immense fortune was built totally on that family’s marketing of the many products of the slave trade—cotton, sugar, coffee, and tobacco, among them.

Blacks today might be shocked to pull off the hood of a Ku Klux Klansman and find a yarmulke (a Jewish skull cap) underneath. But B’nai B’rith public relations director Bernard Postal wrote that “Jews Played a Part in All of [the] Klan-Like Organizations…” He revealed that “The manufacturers of the ubiquitous Klan night-gown have frequently been Jews.”

Chinese Americans would probably be interested to know that B’nai B’rith official Isidor N. Choynski attacked the Chinese for taking jobs from Caucasian workers: “If ever there was a blot on American civilization it is this Chinese curse,” he wrote in the major Jewish newspaper American Israelite. The Japanese fared a little better: “[T]he Japs look decent and are far preferable to the heathen Chinese; yet [they are] as close and calculating as their moon-eyed cousins.”

And so with its demonstrated record of demolishing Black freedoms, the B’nai B’rith went ahead and established a new division in 1913, calling it the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, a group its founders claim would be dedicated to confronting “anti-Semitism” in America.

The ADL claims that it’s very first and most-celebrated effort was in the Leo Frank Case in Atlanta, Georgia. Frank was a factory manager and president of the Atlanta chapter of B’nai B’rith. In 1913, he was convicted of murdering a 13-year-old Gentile girl in his factory on the Jewish Sabbath after he tried to rape her. With the evidence mounting against him, Leo Frank—true to B’nai B’rith form—blamed one Black man for the murder, then another. When those Blacks stood up and gave testimony that proved Frank’s guilt, he tried to dismiss them as “niggers” and “criminals.” He hired private detectives who planted evidence to frame the Black men, all the while maintaining that he as a white man was not capable of the murder because murder and rape were “negro crimes.” When a Southern white prosecutor, jury, and judge sided with the Blacks, Frank and the ADL cried “Anti-Semitism”!

How do we know that “anti-Semitism” is a phony ADL creation? Because the aforementioned president of B’nai B’rith, Simon Wolf, wrote in 1906 that if there were “anti-Semitism” in America, he “failed to find it.” He added ominously: “There is more danger of anti-semitism arising from our own ranks than from any that may come from those of other faiths.”

By the time Abe Foxman took over in 1987, the ADL had become successor to J. Edgar Hoover’s ruthlessly racist COINTELPRO operation. The ADL was soon spying on 12,000 individuals and more than 950 groups. The NAACP, the Nation of Islam, and even Pres. Nelson Mandela and his African National Congress (ANC) were among the many, many victims of ADL espionage.

And what happened to the ADL’s original mission? In 2009, Israeli documentary filmmakers followed Foxman and his staff around for a few weeks to try to chronicle this alleged “anti-Semitism.” A fascinating sequence shows a nervous ADL official at a computer vainly trying to produce a single case of “anti-Semitism” for the filmmakers, even though the ADL had claimed 1,500 incidents that year! The Israeli-produced film titled Defamation remains the most devastating exposé of the ADL’s farcical operation on record.

So this is the time-honored and white supremacist legacy of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. It teaches Blacks two things: (1) that no people with such a racist legacy could possibly be “The Sons of the Covenant”; and (2) that The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was correct: “The enemy cannot be but a hypocrite who will now try to change to offer you friendship. The same enemy who fought and killed you yesterday cannot turn overnight and become your friend.”

Abe Foxman has stuck out his hypocritical hand of “friendship” to Blacks, his fist full of 170 years of wicked and racist deception. The ADL targets the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan because he knows their well-documented history and has revealed it to the world. The Minister has also revealed the true identity of the Children of the Covenant with these words: “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that Almighty God Allah revealed to him that the Black people of America are the REAL Children of Israel and we are the choice of God and that unto us, He will deliver His Promise.”

We can be Allah’s Chosen or the Jews’ Deceived. The choice is now in our hands.


Marc Davis of Perpetuates the Hundred Year Old, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Hate Crime Hoax: “Hang That Jew Or We’ll Hang You!”

“Hang That Jew Or We’ll Hang You!”

May 1, 2013 | By Marc Davis

One of the most horrific episodes of anti-Semitism in American history – the lynching of Leo Frank – began 100 years ago last week. On April 27, 1913, a night watchman found the bloody body of 13-year-old Mary Phagan in a factory basement in Atlanta. Police arrested the superintendent, a New York Jew named Leo Frank.

The city exploded. Angry anti-Semitic mobs vowed revenge. They gathered outside the courthouse during Frank’s trial screaming: “Hang that Jew or we’ll hang you!”

The jury convicted Frank despite contradictory testimony, and sentenced him to death. After Georgia’s governor commuted Frank’s sentence to life in prison, mobs howled, and hanged the governor in effigy above a sign reading: “John M. Slaton King of Jews.” Eventually, a lynch mob of ostensibly upstanding citizens – including a judge, a mayor and a former governor – kidnapped Frank from jail and hanged him.

In 1986, the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles pardoned Frank, citing the state’s inability to protect him or bring his killers to justice. One good thing came from the affair: the birth of the Anti-Defamation League, a group that, to this day, fights anti-Semitism and bigotry around the world.

Article Source:

Marc Davis grew up in the Old Country (Brooklyn), where he learned to love the Mets. His mom makes perfect chicken soup, and his dad forced him to listen to Mickey Katz records. Marc spent 28 years as a newspaper reporter and editor. He lives in Virginia Beach with his beautiful wife, Sharon.

–End of Article by Marc Davis.

–Beginning of Commentary:

Dear Marc Davis of,

People screaming “hang the jew” or “kill the jew” or “hang the Jew, or We’ll hang you” outside the courtroom is an anti-Gentile blood libel hoax fabricated by Leonard Dinnerstein and Abraham Foxman, this racist anti-Gentile hatecrime hoax that mobs terrorized the Jury and courtroom is a disgusting and vicious BIG LIE that has been perpetuated for a very long time by Jewish domestic extremists to smear Southerners and European-Americans, blaming anti-Semitism on their part and not the facts, which resulted in the conviction of an “innocent” Leo Frank who was “framed”. Please stop perpetuating BIG LIES about the Leo Frank Case, fabricated by known Jewish cultural terrorists, Jewish Racial Supremacists, Jewish Hatemongers, Jewish fearmongers and Jewish bigoted fanatics. There is no record in the newspapers or Leo Frank trial and appeals records ever mentioning people screaming anti-semitic chants outside into the courtroom and there were teams of reporters inside and outside the courtroom where the windows were kept wide open. Below are links daily newspaper reports concerning the Leo Frank Trial, which you can review below, including official legal records.

Racist Anti-Gentile Defamation on the anti-Defamation League web site and Abraham Foxman’s BIG LIE Op Ed:

“Hang the Jew, Hang the Jew.” 1913-1920 ADL – In Retrospect

Trial of Leo Frank, 1913.

“Hang the Jew, Hang the Jew.” This was the cry of the furious mob outside the Atlanta courthouse where Leo Frank, a Northern Jew, stood trial after his arrest in 1913 for a murder he did not commit. Anti-Semitism hung heavy in the courtroom as Frank was found guilty and sentenced to death.

ADL’s “Hang the Jew, Hang the Jew” Big Lie, Suggesting Mob Terrorizing of the Jury and Hate Crime Hoax Against Leo Frank:

Lessons of the Leo Frank Case Still Relevant

By Abraham H. Foxman

Abraham H. Foxman is National Director of the Anti-Defamation League and Author of Never Again?: The Threat of The New Anti-Semitism (HarperSanFrancisco)

Posted: August 18, 2005

August 17, 2005 marked the 90th anniversary of the lynching of Leo Frank by an anti-Semitic mob in Marietta, Georgia. In 1913 Frank was arrested, tried and convicted of murder, but the results of the trial, and subsequent lynching remain tangible reminders of what America was like in the not too long ago. A New York native, Leo Frank was a manager for the National Pencil Company of Atlanta, Georgia when he was falsely accused of murdering a 14-year-old employee, Mary Phagan.

The murder of Mary Phagan was the catalyst for one of the most virulent anti-Semitic episodes in American history. Frank, a northern Jew, was arrested, indicted and tried for Phagan’s murder without evidence. His trial was a spectacle; threats, intimidation, and a boisterous crowd outside chanting “kill the Jew” and “hang the Jew” could easily be heard through the courtroom’s open windows.


From the “scholarly” article, ‘Leo Frank and the American Jewish Community’, published in the prestigious American Jewish Archive Journal, 1968, volume 20, number 2, by Leonard Dinnerstein author of ‘The Leo Frank Case’ editions 1968 through 2008.

Link: “Leo M. Frank and the American Jewish Community” American Jewish Archive Journal, November, 1968, Volume 20, Number 2, by Leonard Dinnerstein.

Leonard Dinnerstein’s racist hatespeech Hoax and anti-Gentile blood libel Manufactured in 1968, perpetuated as popular culture for more than 4 decades (and repeated by people like Abraham Foxman who published an Op Ed on his web site, August 18, 2005, claiming furious mobs of Southerners were shouting “hang the jew” or “kill the jew” outside the trial’s courtroom), Quote:

Beyond the main testimony, the jurors had little more on which
to base their decision than hearsay, rumors, and unsubstantiated
accusations. Yet most members of the public were thoroughly
convinced of the defendant’s guilt and made their voices heard,
The intense summer heat necessitated that the courtroom windows
be left open, and remarks from the crowds could be heard easily
by those inside. “Crack the Jew’s neck!” – “Lynch him!” – were
some of the epithets emerging from the more boisterous. Threats
were also made “against the jury that they would be lynched if
they did not hang that ‘damned sheeny.’ “

(Leonard Dinnerstein, American Jewish Archives, November, 1968, p. 110)

No newspaper ever reported these Jewish Pathological Lies fabricated by Jewish Domestic Extremists, during or after the Leo Frank Trial.

Three Major Atlanta Dailies: The Atlanta Constitution, The Atlanta Journal, The Atlanta Georgian (Hearst’s “Yellow Journalism”), The most relevant issues center around the four months spanning April 28th to August 27th 1913.

1. Atlanta Constitution Newspaper: The Murder of Mary Phagan, Coroner’s Inquest, Grand Jury, Investigation, Trail, Appeals, Shanking and Lynching of Leo Frank Case in the Atlanta Constitution Newspaper from 1913 to 1915.

2. Atlanta Georgian newspaper covering the Leo Frank Case from April though August, 1913.

3. Atlanta Journal Newspaper, April, 28, 1913, through till the end of August, 1913, pertaining to the Leo Frank Case:

Leo Frank confirms he might have been in the bathroom of the metal room at the time Monteen Stover said his office was empty between 12:05pm and 12:10pm on Saturday, April 26, 1913: See the Atlanta Constitution, Monday, March 9, 1914, Leo Frank Jailhouse Interview.

Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Archive (1913, 1914):
Leo Frank Trial and Appeals Georgia Supreme Court File (1,800 pages).

“Leo M. Frank and the American Jewish Community” American Jewish Archive Journal, November, 1968, Volume 20, Number 2, by Leonard Dinnerstein.

Study the Leo Frank Case: Primary and Secondary Sources About the Leo Frank Case

Atlanta Constitution Newspaper.

Atlanta Georgian Newspaper.

Atlanta Journal Newspaper.

The prosecutor Hugh Dorsey’s closing arguments (who later became Governor years later).

Argument of Hugh M. Dorsey in the Trial of Leo Frank. Some but not all of the 9 hours of arguments given to the Jury at the end of the Leo Frank trial. Only 18 Libraries in the world have copies of this books. This is an excellent book and required reading to see how Dorsey in sales vernacular ‘closed’ a Jury of 12 men and Judge Roan. Digital Source:

Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Records and Brief of Evidence (1913, 1914).

Senator Tom Watson of Georgia wrote about the case in his Watson’s Magazine in 1915.

August, 1915. The Celebrated Case of The State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank By Tom Watson (August 1915) Volumne 21, No 4. See page 182 for ‘The Celebrated Case of the State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank”. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga., Digital Source

September, 1915. The Official Record in the Case of Leo Frank, Jew Pervert By Tom Watson (September 1915) Volume 21. No. 5. See page 251 for ‘The Official Record in the Case of Leo Frank, Jew Pervert’. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga., Digital Source

October, 1915. The Rich Jews Indict a State! The Whole South Traduced in the Matter of Leo Frank By Tom Watson (October 1915) Volume 21. No. 6. See page 301. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga., Digital Source:

The first book ever written about the Leo Frank Case in 1913.
The Leo Frank Case (Mary Phagan) Inside Story of Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery 1913

John De Nugent’s Excellent Expose on the Leo Frank Case.

The American Mercury Articles About Leo Frank.

One Hundred Reasons Leo Frank is Guilty

Who Really Solved the Mary Phagan Murder Case?

The Leo Frank Case (by Leonard Dinnerstein): A Pseudo-History.

Did Leo Frank Confess?

The American Mercury: The Murder of Mary Phagan and Lynching of Leo Frank

The Finest Selection of Articles About Mary Phagan and Leo Frank Case

Visit the American Mercury now and read the Leo Frank Trial Transcript Analysis:

100 Years Ago Today: The Trial of Leo Frank Begins…

Leo Frank Trial Week One

Leo Frank Trial Week Two

One Hundred Years Ago Leo Frank Mounts the Witness Stand…

Leo Frank Trial Week Three…

Leo Frank Trial Week Four…

Leo Frank Trial Closing Arguments: Luther Rosser, Reuben Arnold and Frank Hooper

Closing Arguments of Prosecutor Hugh Dorsey at the Leo Frank Trial


One Hundred Reasons Leo Frank is Guilty…

Anti-Defamation League: One Hundred Years of Jewish Hate, October 1913 – 2013

Professor Emeritus of Judaic Studies: Leonard Dinnerstein’s Pseudo-history About the Leo Frank Case…

Review of Tabloid Style Journalist Steve Oney’s the Dead Shall Rise: Who Really Solved the Mary Phagan Murder Case?…

Did Leo Frank Confess to the Murder of Mary Phagan?

Atlanta Constitution Newspaper (1913 – 1915):…

Atlanta Georgian Newspaper (April – August, 1913):…

Atlanta Journal Newspaper (April – August, 1913):

Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913…


Visit: The American Mercury

Jewish Reaction to the Guilt of Leo Frank, April 26, 2013

A special program on the 100th anniversary of the rape/murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan (pictured right) on April 26, 1913 in Atlanta, Ga.

Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager put the emphasis on the Jewish agenda to “overturn the verdict” against Leo Frank in the minds of Americans and people everywhere, and explain how Jewry goes about it. From regular appeals for Leo Frank in the Jewish New York Times; to circulating false stories that the jurors were influenced by mobs outside the courthouse shouting “Hang the Jew”, and were even personally threatened; to bringing up “new testimony” 69 years later from the only surviving witness at the trial (Alonzo Mann); to gaining a meaningless Pardon that does not exonerate Frank, but is only a sort of apology for not protecting him in prison; to creating a musical and television docu-drama about Frank’s innocence — Jewry goes all out in their effort to change the perception toward this pedophile-murderer to that of innocent victim of antisemitism. And they pretty much succeed! But here is a song for Mary by Fiddlin’ John Carson, compliments of Hadding.

The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) also formed in that year to declare Frank’s innocence and continues its work to cover up or minimize all crimes by Jews by labeling any accusations “antisemitism.”

One Hour Radio Program:

26 April 2013
Leo Frank, Jewish Murderer
In April 1913 Leo Max Frank, the superintendant of a pencil factory in Atlanta, Georgia, murdered a 13-year-old White female employee who spurned his sexual advances. In August 1913, after what was then the longest trial in Georgia history, Frank was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death.

When the outgoing Governor of Georgia, John Slaton, then commuted Frank’s sentence amid accusations that he had been bought, a group of respected citizens that included a former governor, the son of a senator, a Methodist minister, a state legislator, and a former state Superior Court judge, went to the prison where Frank was held, took him away, pronounced sentence, and hanged him. By this lynching, it was felt, the rich man who had murdered a poor girl was prevented from using his wealth and influence to escape justice.

Organized Jewry has always tried to obfuscate Frank’s guilt. There are two arguments that are used to this end.

First, there is the claim that Leo Frank was prosecuted and convicted because of anti-Semitism. This claim was rejected by credible prominent Georgians at the time.

Governor John Slaton was asked by the New York Times, in the period after the commutation but before the lynching, about whether hostility toward Jews had been a factor in the prosecution of Frank. Contrary to what is commonly asserted today, his response was in the negative:

No Race Prejudice.

“Do you think the question of race prejudice had anything to do with the case against Frank?

“No. You will find prejudice against foreigners on the part of some people in Georgia just as you will find the same thing in New England, here in New York, or anywhere else. Georgia is as human as any state in the Union.”

“Is there any prejudice against Jews in Georgia as a result of the Frank case?”

“I answer that question by pointing to the fact that one of the Trustees of the Colony of Georgia under Oglethorpe was Minas, a Jew, whose descendants to this day are among the best and most highly respected of Georgians. The head of the Education Board in Atlanta is a Jew, and so is the Vice President of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. My own law-partner, Mr. Phillips, is a Jew. Some of the best of Georgians are Jews.” [New York Times, 30 June 1915]

Although Slaton dodges the question about whether anti-Jewish feeling had developed in Georgia as a result of the Frank case, he indicates that there had not been much hostility toward Jews in Georgia prior to the Frank case, and that the prosecution was therefore unlikely to have been motivated by hostility toward Jews.

In fact some antipathy toward Jews had developed in Georgia as a result of events relating to the Frank case, but the hostility toward Slaton himself, for his actions on behalf of organized Jewry, seems to have been greater. At a public demonstration in Marietta, Slaton was called “King of the Jews” for commuting Frank’s sentence.

On 20 August 1915, three days after Frank was lynched, the New York Times carried comments from Slaton’s successor as Governor of Georgia, Nathaniel Harris, who said that the feeling toward Jews in Georgia had been thoroughly positive — until it became apparent, in the case of Leo Frank, that organized Jewry was attempting to save a Jewish criminal from righteous punishment simply because he was a Jew. The correspondent said to Governor Harris that Georgia had “shocked the Union” and he responded:

“I know it,” said the Governor. “This awful horror hurts the State. But I don’t think the North has had the right idea about the feeling against this dead man. It was not for the reasons that have been given for it. It was not because he was a Jew; there never was any anti-Jewish feeling in Georgia until now. It was because, in the first place, there is something that unbalances men. Here in the South where women are concerned. I won’t call it chivalry, or call it anything’ it is, if you like, something that destroys a man’s ability and even willingness to do cold and exact justice. I have been a lawyer for over forty years, and have had many cases in the courts, and I have found that where a woman is the plaintiff she will get twice the damages a man would who had the same case.

“That is the way it is in the South; it cannot be argued against, and must be accepted as a fact. If a woman is the victim of a crime, a fury seizes upon our men.


“Now, that was the first thing. But there was another thing that roused bitterness against Frank, and it was outside interference. From all over the Union there came an attempt to govern Georgia’s action. Detectives were sent here, petitions circulated, resolutions passed, attacks made upon the State. Whether it should have aroused resentment may be a question, but that it did there is no question whatever.

“These are two things that in the first place created anger against Frank.”

“Not among the ignorant classes, surely,” said the correspondent. “They don’t read papers from other States.”

“But they learned what those papers were saying,” answered the Governor. “What was said outside of the State was commented on by the papers here, and Tom Watson in his weekly published parts of the original criticisms; whether correctly quoted or not, I do not know. All classes in Georgia knew what was being said and done, and knew of the organized efforts to set Frank free, and every one of these efforts deepened the feeling against him.”

“You said a while ago that there had never been any anti-Jewish feeling in the State until now,” said the correspondent. “Is there now?”

“I am afraid there is,” said the Governor reluctantly. “But I hope it is only a flurry and will pass away. It is among the more thoughtless of our people. There has never been an atom, never a trace or a thought of it. The Jews have always been our friends; we have here the best class of Jews. For a man to be known as a Jew was actually an asset to him in a business way. But among the thoughtless elements there has grown up – temporarily, I hope – a feeling that the Jews banded themselves together as a race or a religion to save a criminal, and out of that has grown a feeling of hostility. [New York Times, 20 August 1915]

The second argument is based on the affidavit given 69 years after the crime by Alonzo Mann. Tom Watson Brown, a prominent Georgia attorney who graduated from Harvard Law School, has shredded the claim that Mann’s affidavit proves anything of significance:

The affidavit produced in March of 1982 by 83-year old Alonzo M. Mann truly beggars belief.

Mann was an office boy working in Leo Frank’s second-floor office at the time of the murder and was called as a defense witness during Frank’s murder trial. Mann testified at that trial that he worked with Frank in the latter’s office during the morning of the April 26, 1913 murder and left the office at 11:30 a.m. He also testified as to his belief in Frank’s good character. […]

Of course, Mann’s affidavit does not rise to the dignity of the trial testimony of Jim Conley which it is apparently intended to challenge. Conley testified under oath, pursuant to examination by the prosecution attorneys and was vigorously cross-examined for some three days by the very capable lead attorneys for Frank’s defense team. Trial observers and counsel for both prosecution and defense agreed that Conley’ s testimony had not been broken by the cross-examination. It was a critical element, among many, in corroborating the circumstantial evidence and other evidence leading to Frank’s conviction.

Among the questions which are raised by Mann’s affidavit [of 1982] are:

Why has he come forward only at this late date? He was interviewed in 1913 by the Atlanta police investigating the crime and by defense counsel for Frank. If he had any information to shed on the crime such as he now purports to set forth in his affidavit, would it not have been extracted by skilled interrogators from a fourteen-year old boy? Would he not have volunteered it at that time?

Mann’s assertion that he was afraid of Conley and Conley’s purported threat to kill him if he revealed what he saw that day hardly merits belief. Conley was arrested on the Tuesday after the crime (despite Frank’ s efforts to shield him) and remained in jail from that day throughout the trial and for a year after his own conviction for being an accomplice-after-the-fact in Mary Phagan’s murder, leaving Mann in complete safety. In addition, Conley died in 1962, a fact which must have been known to Mann; hence, why his silence for the following twenty years?

Likewise, Mann’s assertion that his mother’s admonition to say nothing about what he had seen seems most unlikely to be followed by any fourteen-year old youth with the slightest semblance of conscience. Concealing evidence in a murder trial is, of course, a crime in itself. Mann purported to have a regard for Frank and after Frank’s conviction, if not before, surely he would have come forward with whatever favorable evidence he had.

In addition, Atlanta was covered by agents and operatives on behalf of Frank’s defense before, during and for many months after the trial seeking out any scrap of information pertaining to the crime and Frank’s conviction. Large sums of money were expended in this process, rewards were offered, and promises made.

Again, it cannot be believed that Mann would not have come forward during these well publicized searches.

Mann asserts that he saw Conley on the first floor of the building between the elevator shaft and the trap door to the basement, carrying a female body. Mann places himself between Conley and the front door which afforded him a ready way of escape. Mann knew that Frank was (or should have been) upstairs in the second floor office at the time; he also knew workmen were in the building on the upper floors — all affording ready means of assistance to him and to the victim. In addition, the streets outside the factory were teeming with the thousands of people who had assembled to watch the Confederate Memorial Day Parade which Mary Phagan had herself intended to observe. Mann had only to retrace his few steps to the front door and sound the alarm to produce numbers of rescuers who would have been more than eager to mete out punishment to Conley for what was at that time the most heinous offense in Georgia moral structure, the rape and murder of a White girl by a Black male. Could any fourteen-year old boy in the Atlanta of 1913 be so craven or frightened as to not, even if he did not seek to help the victim personally, cry out for assistance from any of these sources? To pose the question is to answer it.

In short, Mann’s affidavit lacks credibility.

Perhaps of greater significance is that Mann’s recitation of the scene that he saw, i.e., Jim Conley carrying the body of a girl towards the trap door leading to the basement, is not inconsistent with the prosecution’s case on which Frank’s conviction was based, i.e., that Frank waited for Mary Phagan to appear in his office for her pay, lured her into the metal room, assaulted her there, struck and killed her when she resisted his advances and, subsequently, called for Conley to come to the second floor, collect the body and remove it to the basement for incineration or later removal. If the scene that Mann now asserts took place, it varies from the prosecution’s case so insignificantly as to be not worthy of any motion to this Board for a new review of Frank’s case, much less a “posthumous pardon.” In particular, it does not explain away all those other factors which pointed to Frank’s guilt. [Tom Watson Brown, Notes on the Case of Leo Max Frank and its Aftermath(1982)]

If there was no particular hostility toward Jews in Georgia prior to the prosecution of Leo Frank for murder, and if Alonzo Mann’s affidavit changes nothing, then there is no sound basis for continuing to claim, as organized Jewry has been wont to do, that Leo Frank was an innocent victim of anti-Semitism.

Listen to Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott discuss the case.

Presenting the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (1913) and Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Records (1913, 1914):

Travel down the timeweb to the fall of 1913 in Atlanta, Georgia, you are now a Georgia Supreme Court Justice!

How would you rule on Leo Frank’s petitions and appeals, in essence upon his conviction, based upon the official record presented to you? Would you leave undisturbed the verdict rendered against Leo Frank for the Murder of Mary Phagan?

The 1,800 page elusive Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case Records, 1913, 1914, that contains within it the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (1913), has been published for the first time here on ‘The Internet Archive’ @ – officially released on Friday, April 26, 2013, the centennial of Mary Anne Phagan’s Murder, the bludgeoning, rape, strangulation and mutilation of a teenage girl so long ago on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913, at the National Pencil Company on 37-41 South Forsyth Street in Downtown Atlanta, Georgia. Leo Frank was lynched or hanged (depending on who you ask) nearly 28 months later at dawn on August 17, 1915, in a sylvan grove belonging to Sheriff William J. Frey.

What you will find in this mega archive is information never before seen or published in any book on the Leo Frank Case in the last 100 years. With the once elusive records that are now open to the public on the centennial of the Mary Phagan murder, we are calling on the citizens of the United States to render a 21st century decision: Either overturn the conviction and generally support the popular culture manufactured over the generations, or leave undisturbed the verdict of guilt rendered against Leo Frank that was sustained by every level of the American Judicial System. Or is their a third path? Connivance.

Look for information about alleged bite marks on Mary Phagan’s neck and shoulder (first mentioned in 1964 by Pierre van Paassen), do they exist? Were Oney, Dinnerstein, Alphin, Golden, Wilkes and other students of the case correct about these bite marks existing? Are they reported in the three daily newspapers (Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Journal & Atlanta Georgian), the trial testimony (Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 318 pages, 1913), the appeals records (Georgia Supreme Court Case Records, 1,813 pages, 1913, 1914), the autopsy reports? Other than Pierre van Paassen, is there really any proof these bite marks existed?

Also available on ‘The Internet Archive’ is the elusive Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (BOE, 1913), separate from the Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case Records (1913, 1914), this too has never before been published online, until it was published for the first on ‘The Internet Archive’ — what is the verdict after you read the BOE?

The Georgia Supreme Court ruled the testimony and evidence presented at the Leo Frank trial was sufficient to sustain a verdict of guilty. Were they correct or anti-Semitic conspirators & murderers? Read the 1,813 page Georgia Supreme Court records, sift them and find out. Is there anything about biting in there? Did the Georgia Supreme Court make the correct decision when it left the verdict of guilt undisturbed? Read it.

The Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Records (1913, 1914) and Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913: