January 2015, Centennial Audio Book Variations: U.S. Senator Tom Watson’s Jeffersonian Publishing Company: Watson’s Magazine, January, 1915, The Leo Frank Case

January 2015, Three Audio Book Versions of Tom Watson’s Magazine, January, 1915 article about ‘The Leo Frank Case’: No commentary audiobook by Vanessa Neubauer from National Vanguard audiobooks http://www.nationalvanguard.org/2015/01/tom-watson-the-leo-frank-case/ No commentary audiobook by Omniphi, January 2015, on Tom Watson’s Magazine ‘The Leo Frank Case’, January 1915 http://www.leofrank.info/library/audiobooks/the-leo-frank-case-analysis-tom-watsons-magazine-january-1915-audiobook-2015.mp3 Alex Linder‘s centennial commentary, January 2015, on Tom Watson’s Magazine ‘The Leo Frank Continue Reading →

Jeffersonian Weekly

Tom Watson’s weekly newspaper articles about the Frank-Phagan case or its associated principals.    1913 May 8, 1913: How Atlanta Cleaned Up (Jeffersonian)   1914 March 19, 1914: The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried? (Jeffersonian) April 2, 1914: What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of “The Frank Case” (Jeffersonian) April 9, 1914: The Leo Continue Reading →

The ADL Jewish Supremacist Culture War Against Gentile Americans: The Tom Watson Affair October 2013 and Cowardly Liar Georgia Governor Nathan Deal

  Atlanta News, Weather, Traffic, and Sports | FOX 5 Tom Watson Statue To Be Removed From Georgia State Capitol Posted on October 23, 2013 by Hunter Wallace ADL exults over the removal of the Tom Watson statue at the Georgia State Capitol ADL exults over the removal of the Tom Watson statue Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal of Georgia recently Continue Reading →

Anti-Semitism and the Leo M. Frank Murder Case

Editor’s Note: This is a transcription of “Anti-Semitism and the Leo M. Frank Murder Case” by DeWitt H. Roberts. This document is from the American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, Ohio. DeWitt H. Roberts, 83 Ivy Street, N. E. Atlanta, Georgia ANTI-SEMITISM AND THE LEO M. FRANK MURDER CASE A memorandum for Alex Miller, and the Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai Brith Continue Reading →

Posted in ADL

Enright Archives Added to Leo Frank Case Research Library

LEOFRANK.INFO is pleased to announce that the full book, text, and newspaper archives formerly housed at Jack Enright’s Leo Frank Library site have been added to this, the online Leo Frank Case Research Library. We are deeply grateful for Mr. Enright’s assembling and saving this valuable material. Some of the documents from his site were not previously available here, and Continue Reading →

The 1955 Slaton Memorandum

Very near the end of his life in 1955, former Georgia governor John Marshall Slaton (pictured) wrote this mistake-ridden memorandum justifying his decision to commute the sentence of Leo Frank from execution by hanging to life in prison, a decision which effectively ended his political career. It was found, unpublished, among his papers after his death. Slaton’s career ended because Continue Reading →

New Audio Book: The Murder of Little Mary Phagan

A NEW authorized audio book version of The Murder of Little Mary Phagan by Mary Phagan Kean has just been recorded for The American Mercury. The Leo Frank Case Research Library is proud to offer it to our readers on this, the 103rd anniversary of the tragic death of Mary Phagan. You can download the audio book, free of charge, Continue Reading →

Double Centennial Promotional Media Programs Created By John de Nugent in 2013 and 2015 to Bring Awareness to the Century-old 1913 Rape-Strangulation Murder of Mary Anne Phagan and 1915 Lynching of Leo Max Frank

Free American: 100th Anniversary of the Murder of Mary Phagan and Lynching of Leo Frank by Clayton R. Douglas on August 17, 2015 2015 Centennial of Leo Frank’s Lynching – John de Nugent’s provocative video about Mary Phagan and modern child abusers: https://trutube.tv/video/31631/KILL-THEM-ALL-VIP-child-molesters-Arrest-Try-Sentence-and-Hang 2013 Centennial of Mary Phagan’s Murder – The Leo Frank Research Library promo-video published on TruTube.TV by Continue Reading →

June 2015, the Centennial Honoring of Dishonor, Corruption and Treachery: Governor John Slaton and the Leo Frank Case

by Kevin Alfred Strom 2015 IS THE YEAR of Jewish failure to contain and control the Leo Frank narrative, a narrative they very much want to control in this, the 100th year after Frank’s death. For in the case of Leo Frank we find century-old confirmation of a pattern — a pattern of Jewish sexual license, Jewish racial solidarity even Continue Reading →

Insolent Chutzpah and Atlanta Georgia’s Gubernatorial Political Corruption Honored 100 Years Later: The 60th Governor of Georgia John M. Slaton (Law Partner of Frank’s Lead Trial Attorney Luther Rosser) Commutes the Death Sentence of His Own Law Firm’s Client, Leo M. Frank, to Life in Prison!

[Editor’s Note: Over one hundred years of relentless media demoralization efforts, anti-Southern deracination, “us verses them” agitation, and wildly over-the-top anti-Gentilism by the hyper-ethnocentric and well-organized Jewish community against African-American and European-Americans continues unabated with this latest disgusting outrage: the centennial clemency decision honoring with a prominent sign-post historical marker erected for the 60th Governor of Georgia John Marshall Slaton (1866-1955) Continue Reading →

What’s New? Leo M. Frank Library Addendum and New Additions

The following elusive items were added to the Leo Frank Case and Trial Research Library and Archive:2017, Website Completed! All independently written articles on the web site turned into Audiobooks. 2016, Centennial Publishing: The case of Pinkerton Detective Agency verses National Pencil Company, February 1916. http://www.leofrank.org/trial-and-evidence/pinkerton-detective-agency/ Case Related Newspaper Articles All Transcribed so people can search and mine them for Continue Reading →

Jewish Supremacism and Racist Anti-Gentilism Prevails at New Georgia Encyclopedia www.GeorgiaEncyclopedia.org

Dear New Students of the Frank-Phagan Case, The New Georgia Encyclopedia (NGE) with a disingenuous mask of academic legitimacy, openly falsifies the facts surrounding the principals and events associated with the 1913 murder of Mary Phagan and trial of Leo Frank. Their efforts appear to be part of a much broader Jewish Evolutionary Strategy (JES) propaganda campaign brought against European-Americans Continue Reading →

The Complete Leo Frank Trial Statement Delivered On August 18, 1913, Between 2:15 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the Fulton County Superior Court House, Atlanta, Georgia and Analysis.

Prelude to Leo Frank’s August 18, 1913, Trial Testimony A large body of peer-reviewed research published by modern psychologists, behavioral scientists, and police interrogators suggests macro and micro body language, demeanor, eye contact, speech patterns, and numerous other outward physical manifestations, known in slang as “tells,” can reveal much about a suspect beneath their surface. Everything you say can and Continue Reading →

Book Review: Steve Oney, ‘And The Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank’ (2003)

Steve Oney, Holding an Atlanta Constitution Newspaper, August 18, 1915 Issue   And The Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank (742 pages) by Steve Oney, published in 2003, through Pantheon Books in New York. The book is available from ebay.com, and www.Amazon.com (including many other popular online stores). Background Information on Steve Oney Continue Reading →

New York Times

New York Times fought hard to not get seen as the Jewish Newspaper that works to subvert Western Civilization and falsify historical events on behalf of Jews. However in 1913, Adolph Ochs using his press organ The New York Times, took on the Leo Frank Case as his own personal crusade against anti-Semitism.   1913 May 2, 1913: Troops on Continue Reading →

The People v. Leo Frank: Steve Oney, “And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank”

The People v. Leo Frank The author of the definitive book on the Frank trial and lynching explains why the case still sparks debate a century later Posted on 9/24/2013 8:00:00 AM by Steve Oney Photograph courtesy of the Kenan Research Center at the Atlanta History Center Throughout the rain-threatened spring morning, pilgrims kept arriving at the Marietta City Cemetery. Continue Reading →

State’s Exhibit J, June 3rd, 1913

Before Reading State’s Exhibit J, Learn about the woman who gave it, Minola McKnight. Source of State’s Exhibit J: Internet Archive copy of Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error, vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term 1913. Brief of Evidence 1913 STATE’S EXHIBIT J, Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, Continue Reading →

History.com Promotes The Jewish Hate Crime Hoax, Anti-Gentile Blood Libel and Anti-Semitism Canard

Please contact the History Channel and politely ask them to stop promoting the Jewish Community’s Hate Crime Hoax, Anti-Gentile Blood Libel and Anti-Semitism Canard against European-Americans concerning the Leo Frank Case. Politely contact them at http://www.history.com/support Jewish Pathological Lies at the History Channel: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/girl-murdered-in-pencil-factory Thirteen-year-old Mary Phagan is found sexually molested and murdered in the basement of the Atlanta, Georgia, Continue Reading →