Three Arrests Expected Soon in Phagan Case

Three Arrests Expected

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 18th, 1913

Members of the Staff of the Solicitor General Are Now Keeping Trio Under Strict Surveillance.


Will Not Divulge Its Nature to Anyone, He Declares. Court Postponed to Allow More Time to Probe Case.


Rumors from office of solicitor general say that three arrests will be made of attaches to pencil plant before case goes to grand jury. Trio will be jailed, it is said, within next few days.

Chief Lanford, of police headquarters, announces he possesses documentary evidence which will convict slayer of pencil factory girl. Will not divulge its nature to even Solicitor Dorsey.

Open breach apparent between detective chief and solicitor’s staff. Lanford refuses to reveal additional disclosures to Dorsey because tri-cornered investigation into mystery still unadjusted.

Dorsey announces that solicitor’s office will co-operate fully with Burns’ forces.

Dorsey postpones first session of May term of criminal court so as to devote entire time to Phagan investigation. Rumored that grand jury will not take action this week, as predicted.

Burns’ agent, now in city, follows new trail to Marietta in search for girl who accompanied Mary Phagan to pencil plant. His movements secret, and his identity unknown.

Three new arrests, all of whom are said to be attaches of the National Pencil factory, will be made, it was reported yesterday around the office of Solicitor General Dorsey, before action is taken by the Grand jury in the Mary Phagan mystery. Continue Reading →

Burns Sleuth Makes Report in Phagan Case

Burns Sleuth MakesAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Sunday, May 18th, 1913

Progress of Investigation Into Girl’s Slaying Very Rapid, Declares Felder.

After 24 hours on the scene of the Phagan muder, the head of the department of criminal investigation of the Burns Detective Agency made his first report to his client, Thomas B. Felder, last night.

The report was so satisfactory that Colonel Felder announced more had been accomplished in the 24 hours than in any week of the investigation before the arrival of the Burns detective.

The fund to secure the services of William J. Burns and defray the expenses of the investigation of his first lieutenant went above the $2,000 mark yesterday.

Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey said that instead of being ready for the Grand Jury the Phagan case was still far from being in shape to be presented, and it was not certain it would be presented this week.

New Arrest Unlikely.

The probability of a new arrest being ordered from the office of the Solicitor became more remote following the statement of the officer who planned it that the evidence was not sufficient.

A person who has attended almost every conference the Solicitor has had with witnesses stated that several had made misstatements, others had not told all they knew and a great many had testified reluctantly.

These were the principal developments yesterday in Atlanta’s greatest murder mystery. Continue Reading →

Phagan Theory is Unchanged After Three Weeks’ Probe

Phagan Theory is Unchanged

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Sunday, May 18th, 1913

Most Searching Investigation Ever Conducted in a Criminal Case in Georgia Brings No New Developments


Fund to Pay Detective Burns is Mounting—Greeks Sent In Subscription Saturday, Grand Jury Acts Soon

The hunt for the murderer of Mary Phagan has now been in progress for three weeks. Never before has there been such a thorough, exhaustive and efficient probe made of a crime committed in this state. And now the authorities are back to the theory which the city detective have claimed since a few days after the crime is the solution of the mystery of Mary Phagan’s death.

Solicitor General H. M. Dorsey’s consistent work on the mystery has served only to strengthen, it is said, the theory of the city detectives as printed exclusively a week ago by The Journal.

In the three weeks which have passed since Newt Lee, a negro night watchman at the National Pencil factory, phoned Call Officer Anderson that he he had found the body of a white woman in the basement of the factory, the probe of what has been termed Atlanta’s most atrocious crime has been in progress.

Practically the entire city detectives has worked night and day on the mystery. Solicitor Dorsey’s detective, the attaches of his office, and the deputy sheriffs have been on the job. The Pinkertons were called into the case shortly after the crime was discovered, and they have had several men continually at work on the case. In addition practically every private detective in Atlanta, and they are legion, has in the hope of fame or reward, been quietly lending his efforts to a solution of the mystery. Continue Reading →

New Phagan Witnesses Have Been Found

New Phagan Witnesses

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Saturday, May 17th, 1913

Solicitor General Dorsey Declares Work of His Greatest Detective Has Been Completed.


Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey said Saturday that his “greatest detective in America” would not figure again in the Phagan investigation, and that it was extremely doubtful whether he would be recalled to testify at the trial.

“He has finished his investigation,” said the Solicitor, “and we have no further need for him. A detective is one thing and a witness is another. His investigation led us to witnesses. It is not necessary for him, or any detective, to tell the jury what a disinterested witness will tell.”

He would not say, however, whether his decision not to put the “greatest in America” on the witness stand would apply to the city, Pinkerton and Burns detectives.

Grand Jury Meets Wednesday.

The Solicitor announced that the Grand Jury would meet next Wednesday for an extra session, but said it was hardly probable the Phagan case would be considered then. He said there were a number of cases that demanded attention and the extra session would more than likely be called to dispose of everything on the calendar to prepare for the session Friday, when the Phagan case would more than likely be presented.

Mr. Dorsey said that his interview of Friday, in which he said the Burns men would work under the same conditions as the Pinkertons, had been misconstrued by some to mean that the services of the great detective were not needed. Continue Reading →

In Loop of Death Dorsey May Have Clue to Murderer

In Loop of Death Dorsey May Have

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 17th, 1913

Noose Found Knotted Around Neck of Mary Phagan Being Carefully Examined by Officers.


Fund Started by The Constitution for Purpose of Bringing Noted Detective to Atlanta Has Reached $1,500.

In the noose found knotted around the throat of Mary Phagan’s lifeless body, Solicitor Dorsey and headquarters detectives aver they possess a valuable clue to the girl’s murderer.

It is being inspected by experts, who also are examining specimens of cord picked up here and there in the factory building in which the child was slain. Expecting to find a knot which compares with that which was used to strangle the victim, detectives are scouring every portion of the plant’s premises.

The knot in the wrapping cord is looped, sailor-fashion, in an inextricable knot. No novice, the sleuths say, could form it so well. When the body was discovered, the noose fitted so tightly around the throat that it had formed a purple trench-like scar in the flesh.

Knot Tied by Professional.

The solicitor and detectives hope to follow up the clue by comparing the death loop with specimens found in the pencil factory. But few amateurs, it is said, outside of professionals in stage craft and aboard ship, are expert enough to tie such an intricate knot as the one with which Mary Phagan was strangled. Continue Reading →

Phagan Case Will Go To Grand Jury in Present Form

Phagan Case Will Go to Grand Jury

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Saturday, May 17th, 1913

State Is Apparently Ready, as Solicitor Says That He is Not Expecting Any New Evidence for Some Time


Attorney Declares Fund for Employment of the Famous Sleuth Has Reached $1,500, About $5,000 is Needed

That the state considers its case as practically complete and is ready to definitely charge the Mary Phagan murder to an individual and to start the legal machinery moving towards a superior court trial is believed from a very significant statement made Saturday by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey.

“I haven’t learned anything new in several days, and do not expect to for some time,” he said.

The solicitor is still busy, and practically all of his time is consumed in interviewing witnesses and conferring with the detectives who are at work on the mystery.

The majority of the witnesses examined are people who testified at the inquest or whose names have been identified with the case from the first. Among the several witnesses, however, whose status remains unexplained is Ernest A. Muller, an expert accountant, of Chattanooga, who has been in Atlanta for about ten days. Continue Reading →

Books and Papers in Phagan Case in Grand Jury’s Hands

Books and Papers in Phagan Case

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Friday, May 16th, 1913

Two Employes of Pencil Company Appeared Before Grand Jury Friday in Answer to Subpenas [sic]


The Journal Subscribes $100, Mr. Felder Declares a Burns Investigator Will Be Put On the Case at Once

By means of a subpoena duces tecum Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey Friday obtained possession of a number of books and papers of the National Pencil company.

The subpoena was served on Herbert G. Schiff and M. B. Darley, two officials of the pencil company, by Deputy Sheriff Plennie Minor, and the two men were ordered to have the papers before the grand jury at 11 o’clock Friday morning for use as evidence in the “case of the state versus Leo M. Frank.”

At that hour Friday morning the grand jury was holding a routine session, and the service of the subpoena occasioned the rumors that the grand jury was ready to go into the case. Continue Reading →

Secret Probe Began by Burns Agent into the Phagan Mystery

Secret Probe Began

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Friday, May 16th, 1913

Investigator for Great Detective Believed To Be in City Hunting Phagan Slayer—Will Be on Same Plane as Pinkertons—State Won’t Aid.

Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey said Friday that William J. Burns and his assistants would work on the Phagan case under the same conditions as the Pinkertons, namely, that while he would welcome any information from them, they would receive none from his office.

Mr. Dorsey issued the following statement:

“Mr. Burns is welcome. We are delighted to have aid in arriving at the truth no matter from what source it comes. However, Mr. Burns would have to get his information first hand so far as this office is concerned. We accept the statement without question that Mr. Burns’ employment is in entire good faith, but our attitude toward him is the same as our attitude toward the Pinkertons, namely, that he will be expected to give and not to receive. The work being done by the city detectives is entirely satisfactory.”

Mr. Dorsey added that there was absolutely no development of any kind in the case to-day except that considerable progress was being made in preparing the evidence.

It was reported the case would go to the Grand Jury to-day. Witnesses in the case were summoned on the form of subpena [sic] used by the Grand Jury. They appeared before Mr. Dorsey, however, and he stated positively the case would not be presented until next week. Continue Reading →

Burns Hunt for Phagan Slayer Begun

Burns Hunt for Phagan Slayer Begun

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Friday, May 16th, 1913

Skilled Aide of Famous Detective Arrives in Atlanta—Keeps Identity Secret.

Contributions for a fund to bring W. J. Burns, the great detective, to Atlanta in the Phagan case follow:

The Georgian ……………$100

The Constitution ………..  100

Homer George …………..   10

More than six substantial subscriptions from persons who asked that their names be kept secret have been added to the above.

The Burns investigation into the Phagan murder mystery began Friday.

William J. Burns, who personally will conduct the case some time shortly after his arrival from Europe on June 1, cabled his orders to the New York office and one of his best men was dispatched to Atlanta to get as much evidence as possible before the arrival of the great detective chief. He left New York shortly after midnight Wednesday and should have been in Atlanta Thursday night or Friday morning.

He will make every effort to keep his identity and the result of his findings secret until the time for him to report to his chief or to Colonel Thomas B. Felder.

Fund Raised by Public.

The fund to secure the services of the great detective and his assistants from New York, being raised by public subscription, was considerably swelled following the announcement in The Georgian Thursday that an appeal had been made to the public.

Colonel Felder said Friday morning that a number of substantial subscriptions had been pledged by telephone and he had directed the donors to send their checks to Charles I. Ryan, cashier of the Fourth National Bank. He said he had not learned the exact sum subscribed so far, but that he had no doubt it was several hundred dollars. Continue Reading →

Coming of Burns is Assured, Says Colonel Felder

Coming of Burns is Assured

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Friday, May 16th, 1913

To Solve Phagan Murder, Joseph Hirsch, Capitalist, Starts Public Subscription to Assure Fund for Burns.


Local Detectives in Conference and Are Believed to Have Secret Documents Bearing on Case.

With The Constitution’s donation of $100 as a nucleus, Atlanta today begins building a fund with which to employ to ferret the mystery of Mary Phagan’s murder Detective William J. Burns, America’s most successful detective.

Assurance that subscriptions will be plentiful and generous came to Attorney Thomas E. Felder last night in telephone messages from numerous public-spirited business men, who informed him that they would send checks this morning for their share of the fund.

One was these was Joseph Hirsch, a leading capitalist and financier, who told Colonel Felder that he wanted to see Atlanta take such means to solve the baffling mystery as to employ the detective by public subscription.

“I have infinite confidence in Mr. Burns’ ability,” he said. “I am assured that he will clear the murder and apprehend the murderer. I will send a check Friday morning for my share of the amount necessary to procure him.” Continue Reading →

Burns Investigator Will Probe Slaying

Burns Will Hunt Phagan

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Thursday, May 15th, 1913

Noted Detective, Himself, to Take Up Case June 1—One of His Experts Coming Soon.

Colonel Thomas B. Felder, noted Atlanta lawyer, Thursday issued the positive statement that William J. Burns would take charge of the Phagan investigation immediately upon his return from Europe, June 1.

In the meantime a criminal investigator will be sent from the Burns Agency’s New York office to prosecute the investigation.

Colonel Felder gave out the following dispatch received from Raymond J. Burns, son of William J. Burns, in New York, which tells of the father’s determination to take up the Phagan mystery:

Father still in Europe. Returns about June 1. He consents to take charge of Phagan investigation immediately upon his return. He suggests I send a good criminal investigator to start investigation immediately before same gets too cold.

Colonel Felder declared his supreme confidence in Burns’ ability to clear up the Phagan mystery and bring to light the person or persons guilty of the murder.

Thinks Fund Can Be Raised.

He declared that his action in securing the detective was given impetus by the demands of Atlanta citizens to clear up the mystery regardless of cost, and he expresses his belief that sufficient funds to cover the investigation will be easily forthcoming. Continue Reading →

Victim of Murder Prepared to Die, Believes Dorsey

Victim of Murder Prepared

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Thursday, May 15th, 1913

Identification Slip Carried by Mary Phagan in Her Pocketbook Causes Theory That the Victim Had Been Threatened With Violence.

Either threatened with death or warned by some dread premonition of an untimely end, Mary Phagan is believed by Solicitor Dorsey to have prepared for her tragic fate by writing the identification slip discovered hidden in a compartment of the metal pocketbook which she carried daily.

The slip was given the solicitor Wednesday morning by a reporter for The Constitution. The reporter also made an authorized statement of the source from which it was obtained. It was given him by J. W. Coleman, step-father of the girl victim.

The slip was written six days before the murder. Her parents have never known her to have possessed such an article. Its presence in her pocketbook is said by them to be as mysterious as her death. Mr. Dorsey values it highly.

Bases New Theory On the Slip.

On it he already has based a plausible theory. Members of his staff have been assigned to investigation of the motive which impelled the slain girl to strive so thoroughly, as she endeavored in the mysterious slip, to establish her identification in case of emergency. Continue Reading →

New Theory Fails to Change Course of Murder Probe

New Theory

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Wednesday, May 14th, 1913

“A Local Celebrity” Is Working Out the New Theory and He Had Not Reported to the Solicitor on Wednesday


Grand Jury to Take Up Case May 22 or 23, Says Solicitor, Criminal Court Postpones Session at Dorsey’s Request

At 2:10 Wednesday afternoon Solicitor Dorsey announced that the grand jury would take up the Phagan case on Thursday, the 22d, or Friday, the 23d, unless something intervened to make it inadvisable. At that time bills will be presented against Leo M. Frank and the negro, Newt Lee, for the grand jury’s consideration.

Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey had received no report Wednesday from the person who is working on the new theory in the Phagan murder mystery. He is continuing his examination of many witnesses, some of whom testified at the inquest, and it is now apparent that the new theory, however plausible, has not turned the investigation from its old course.

One man, whom the solicitor terms “a local celebrity,” is working on the new theory alone, and the solicitor made no intimation as to the time this man is expected to make his report.

The investigation is dragging and Wednesday Mr. Dorsey said again that he was not ready to state when he would present the names of Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee, the two men held by the coroner’s jury, to the grand jury.


The solicitor, his assistant and attaches of his office are so busy with the Phagan investigation that an effort was made to postpone the regular session of the criminal division of the superior court, which is slated to begin on next Monday.

At 2 o’clock it was definitely decided to postpone the session of the criminal court until the week beginning May 26 to permit the solicitor more time to work on the Phagan case. Continue Reading →

Clue is Sought in Handwriting of Mary Phagan

Clue is Sought

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Wednesday, May 14th, 1913

Reporter of The Constitution Is Summoned by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey for Conference.


Much Interest Is Created by the Report That a New Arrest May Be Made in the Near Future.

The handwriting of Mary Phagan is likely to play a prominent part in the investigation of her murder. Rumors came Tuesday from the solicitor general’s office that new clues had been discovered in the form of notes or letters, and that much energy was being concentrated in investigation along that line.

Handwriting experts have been summoned before Mr. Dorsey this morning. A reporter for The Constitution who has several specimens of the murdered girl’s handwriting has also been ordered to appear at the solicitor’s office this morning at 10 o’clock.

It is reported that mysterious notes have been found by a number of the solicitor’s staff, and that Mr. Dorsey’s object is to identify, by the specimens in the reporter’s possession, the Phagan girl’s script. It also has been advanced that the strange notes caused the new theory on which the solicitor is working.

Mr. Dorsey and his entire office staff is unusually reticent about the rumored clues. He will neither deny or affirm the report that notes or letters of any character pertaining to the mystery have been discovered.

“To talk at present,” he said, “would be disastrous. We must have time to verify our theory.”

Dorsey Interviews Mrs. Barrett.

Mrs. Mary Barrett, a woman who is said to have been in the pencil factory the Saturday afternoon that Mary Phagan disappeared, was summoned before Mr. Dorsey Tuesday afternoon. She came with her daughter, a pretty little girl, who was present during her mother’s examination. Continue Reading →

Solicitor Dorsey is Working New Theory in Phagan Mystery

Solicitor Dorsey is Working New Theory in Phagan Mystery

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Tuesday, May 13th, 1913

He Will Not Disclose Its Nature, but He, Lanford and Beavers Declare No Arrests Are Contemplated


But Says He Knows Nothing of Effort to Bring Him Here, Miss Ross, a New Witness, Talks With Dorsey

A new theory about the mysterious murder of Mary Phagan has been presented to Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey in such a convincing manner by an unknown criminologist that the chief prosecuting officer of Fulton county has turned the Phagan investigation towards working out the new idea.

While Mr. Dorsey states that there is yet nothing very tangible about the theory, it is evident that the official considers the theory as well worth investigating.

Mr. Dorsey refuses to divulge the nature of the new theory or tell who first advanced it. In discussing the matter, however, he made the following very significant statement:

“We are not bottled up by any one theory—we have not concluded, and we are open to the truth.”

The new theory, should it prove correct, would eliminate Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee, the two men ordered held by the coroner’s jury, it is said. Continue Reading →

Mystery Within a Mystery Now Baffling Newspaper Men Working on the Phagan Case

Mystery Within a Mystery

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Tuesday, May 13th, 1913

By Thomas Byrd Magath

A veil of mystery so dense as to completely shut off the light from all newspaper men surrounds the identity of the detective who has been employed by Solicitor General Dorsey.

So far nothing can be learned except that the mysterious detective has worked on the case only one week and is now not in Atlanta, but some distance away working on another case.

“This detective, one of the best in the country,” quotes Mr. Dorsey, “did not give up the case because of inefficiency for,” says the solicitor general. “I am absolutely satisfied with his work and hope he will continue work on the case.”

Where Did He Come From?

Where this detective came from is known only to Mr. Dorsey. He declared in an interview on Monday that he had divulged the name to no one and that his movements were unknown to all save himself.

If the detective has discovered anything definite it is not to be told until the whole matter has simmered down and all the evidence that can be gotten together is in hand. Hundreds of affidavits have been pouring in many of which will be excluded.

Case Before Jury Friday.

Mr. Dorsey further stated in the interview that it was not likely that the case would come before the grand jury until Friday, and that Frank and Lee would both probably be considered at once although if a true bill were found against them he could not say which would be tried first.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 13th 1913, “Mystery Within a Mystery Now Baffling Newspaper Men Working on the Phagan Case,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

New Theory is Offered in Phagan Mystery

Solicitor Dorsey in his office; a snapshot of the Phagan case prosecutor taken by a Georgian photographer.

Solicitor Dorsey in his office; a snapshot of the Phagan case prosecutor taken by a Georgian photographer.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Tuesday, May 13th, 1913

Detectives Not Centering All Their Efforts on Frank and Lee Now.

Detectives in Phagan mystery are not centering all their efforts upon Frank and Lee. New theories have been advanced, new clews examined and every possible theory is being investigated.

It was because of these rumors on the streets to-day that a report was spread that an entirely new lead was being followed by Solicitor Dorsey that might eliminate both Frank and Lee.

Solicitor Dorsey paid very little attention to the reports.

“There are no developments so far,” he said, “which would tend to swerve the prosecution from its present course. The cases of the two men held will be placed before the Grand Jury as soon as the evidence against them can be properly shaped, unless other developments justify a change.”

New Theory Investigated.

The new theory alluded to has been submitted by a private detective employed by the Solicitor’s office. The man, whose identity has not been revealed, has been working along lines entirely at variance to those pursued by the prosecutor. Mr. Dorsey stated that while as yet no evidence has been produced to substantiate the proposed solution, that his investigators have taken the matter up and will go to the bottom of it. Every available means will be used to prove or disprove the detective’s theory. Continue Reading →

My Son Innocent, Declares Mother of Leo M. Frank

My Son Innocent

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Tuesday, May 13th, 1913

“I Am Confident That He Will Be Proven Not Guilty of This Terrible Crime,” She Tells Reporter


W. J. Burns Secured to Take Charge of Phagan Mystery Investigation—Engaged by Friends of Murdered Girl


It was reported on good authority this morning that officers working upon the Mary Phagan murder would make a new arrest today or tomorrow which is expected to throw an entirely new light upon the case.

None of the officials have discussed this new phase of the mystery and whether or not their activity of the past few days has resulted in the unearthing of clews leading to an arrest is unknown.

My son is entirely innocent but it is a terrible thing that even a shadow or suspicion should fall upon him I am sure of his innocence and am confident that he will be proven not guilty of this terrible crime.

Mrs. Rudolph Frank, aged mother of Leo M. Frank, who is held in the Tower as a suspect in the Mary Phagan mystery case, made this statement yesterday afternoon to a representative of The Constitution at her home in Brooklyn.

She had just informed her friends of the arrest of her son in Atlanta and of the charge made against him in the Gate City. She had not told them earlier because of her belief that he would be quickly set at liberty.

Mrs. Frank has not seen her son since she came south with her husband to attend his marriage. It is probable, however, that she will soon come again to be with him at the trial. Continue Reading →

Phagan Case is Delayed

Phagan Case is Delayed

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Monday, May 12th, 1913

Not Likely to Go to Grand Jury This Week More Time Taken to Strengthen Evidence

Evidence in the Phagan case may not be presented to the Grand Jury this week. This was the intimation given by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey Monday morning, as he began the process of elimination of the unimportant matter contained in the great mass of evidence collected by the Coroner’s jury and police officials.

The postponement of its presentation to the Grand Jury is to permit the collection in systematic form of all the essential details of the evidence. Dorsey declared Monday that the case would not be given to the Grand Jury until he carefully had sifted all of the evidence obtained.

He explained Monday morning that he had no idea at what time the case would get to the Grand Jury, other than at the earliest possible moment after a “case is made out.” Foreman L. H. Beck, of the Grand Jury, asserted the jurymen were under orders to hold themselves in readiness for a call from the Solicitor to act on the case.

“While the jury has the right to ask the Solicitor to present the case at any [t]ime, we will wait until he says he is rea[d]y,” said Beck. “We are holding ourselves in readiness and can assemble in a compartivly [sic] short while.”

The Solicitor said to-day that developments in the case the last few days led him to believe the case would get to the jury at an early meeting, and that it was not improbable it would be acted upon by Friday, but that as progress was made in the case and new evidence brought to light the necessary work in corroborating it and investigating its reliability made some delay absolutely necessary.

Mr. Dorsey also made it clear to-day that he was depending largely on the efforts of his private detective, “the best in the country,” who was working independently of the Pinkertons or city detectives. He said the man was making progress in the baffling case.

The Pinkertons have instructions to find the murderer, no matter who he may be. Operatives of the agency employed by the National Pencil Company recently put the matter squarely up to Luther Rosser, the company’s attorney. He said:

Urge Diligent Search.

“Find the murderer of Mary Phagan. Work in co-operation with the police, work with anyone, work any way that might lead you to success; let your chips fall where they may. You are employed to hunt the murderer until he is found and convicted. It matters not who is guilty.”

Five men from the detective agency are working on the case, under the direction of Assistant Superintendent Harry Scott. Through City Detective Black the Pinkertons work in connection with the city police.

Leo M. Frank was visited by Mr. Rosser at his cell in the Sower [Tower – Ed.] Sunday. They were together only a short while. Mr. Rosser stated he had only paid a “social visit” and had not discussed the case.

Chief of Detectives Lanford said Monday that he was satisfied with the progress of the case so far. He said that the investigation unavoidably had been slow and burdened with a mass of evidence, much of which would have to eliminated in the final consideration of the case. He was pleased with the new developments which he said added much strength to the line of evidence his men are building up.

* * *

Atlanta Georgian, May 12th 1913, “Phagan Case is Delayed,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Rumor That Frank Married in Brooklyn Not True, Says Eagle

Rumor That Frank Married in Brooklyn

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Monday, May 12th, 1913

At Request of The Journal, One of Numerous Reports About Man Held in Phagan Case Is Investigated


Solicitor’s “Famous” Detective Has Left City-Character Witnesses Not Likely to Be Used

At the request of The Atlanta Journal, the Brooklyn Eagle, one of the most conservative and reliable newspapers in the whole country, has investigated the most serious of numerous rumors which are being persistently circulated about the character of Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil company, who is held in connection with the death of Mary Phagan. That report was to the effect that Mr. Frank, contrary to his sworn testimony before the coroner’s inquest that he had never married but once, namely in Atlanta, about two years ago, married while a resident of Brooklyn, N. Y. The rumor has been persistently circulated in various forms.

The Brooklyn Eagle’s investigation of this rumor is to the effect that Mr. Frank was never married in Brooklyn. His mother, now residing in Brooklyn, says the Eagle declares Mr. Frank married in Atlanta and Atlanta only, and there is no record in Brooklyn to the contrary. This report from a reliable newspaper is given to the public in accordance with The Journal’s policy to print all of the facts and nothing but the facts in connection with this case.

Attorneys declared Monday that even if witnesses who could attack Mr. Frank’s character could be found that they would not be allowed to testify in court should Mr. Frank ever face a jury. The state is never allowed to put the character of a defendant in issue and no past misconduct, however grievous or even if it is a matter of court record, is admitted in evidence unless the defense first makes a point of the character of the man on trial. This is seldom done in criminal cases. Continue Reading →