A. S. Colyar Makes Answer to Charges of Col. Felder

AS Colyar Makes

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

A. S. Colyar, when seen last night by a representative of The Atlanta Constitution, gave out the following statement:

“I have just read Colonel T. B. Felder’s card in the bedtime edition of The Atlanta Georgian, in which he sees fit to call me, behind my back, a liar and a crook. Knowing the colonel as I do, and as his intimate friends know, he is a past grand master on explanations. The Atlanta Journal, in its Friday afternoon home edition, published every detail of the case, with the sworn statements of Mr. February [sic], Mr. Ozburn, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Suries and myself, and I do not care at the present time to dignify this astute politician with any further controversy.”

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Atlanta Constitution, May 24th 1913, “A. S. Colyar Makes Answer to Charges of Col. Felder,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

“We Have Enough Votes if We Get the Evidence,” the Mayor is Quoted by the Dictograph

We Have 1

Main portion of drawing shows how dictograph transmitters were installed in a dresser in room No. 31, where conversations were held. Inserted drawing shows stenographer in room No. 32 recording the conversations brought by dictograph from room No. 31.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

The Journal is Presenting Below the Complete Stenographic Report of the Interview in the Williams House, In Which Mayor Woodward, E. O. Miles, G. C. Febuary and A. S. Colyar Took Part, While the Dictograph Recorded the Conversation

That Mayor James G. Woodward was dictographed by the city detectives on Wednesday afternoon, shortly after Colonel Thomas B. Felder had concluded his interview in Room 31 of Williams House No. 2, 34-36 North Forsyth street, was made public Saturday morning by Chief of Detectives N. A. Lanford.

The Atlanta Journal presents below the complete stenographic report of the conversation imputed to Mayor Woodward by the dictograph. The report also gives in detail the statements accredited to E. O. Miles, the private detective present while the dictograph was at work. Only one or two unprintable words have been omitted from the sworn record which The Journal has secured.

The feature of the interview accredited to Mayor Woodward by the dictograph is the statement by him that he was looking for evidence against the police department and particularly against Chief of Police James L. Beavers. The mayor is also quoted as saying that there were enough votes in the police board to remove Chief Beavers if they could get the evidence.

The sworn statement of Stenographer George M. Gentry, detailing the alleged dictographed conversation in which the mayor figured is given below. Continue Reading →

Dictograph Set by Detectives to Trap Col. Thos. B. Felder; Here is the Dictograph Record

Dictograph Set by Detectives

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Friday, May 23rd, 1913

In Interview With G. C. Febuary, Secretary to Chief of Detectives Newport Lan[f]ord, in Room 31 of Williams House No. 2, Heard by Dictograph and Taken Down in Shorthand, Col. Felder is Alleged to Have Offered Bribe


East Lake Was Agreed Upon as Place for Transfer of Papers, Although Colonel Felder Suggested the Transportation Club, According to Stenographic Report of Conversation That Occurred—All of Alleged Interview That is Printable is Given Below

The Atlanta Journal has in its possession a sworn copy of an alleged dictograph conversation, said to have occurred Wednesday afternoon in Room No. 31, of Williams House No. 2, 34-36 North Forsyth street, between Colonel Thomas B. Felder, well-known Atlanta attorney; G. C. Febuary, secretary to Chief of Detectives Newport A. Lanford, and A. S. Colyar, a citizen.

In this record of the alleged dictographed conversation Colonel Felder is quoted as offering a large sum of money to Secretary Febuary if he would extract certain affidavits and papers relating to the Phagan murder mystery from the safe of Chief Lanford and turn them over to him.

Colonel Felder is also quoted as having promised immunity to Febuary if any attempt was made to prosecute him for extracting the papers, and according to the dictograph record Colonel Felder declared to Febuary that he controlled Mayor Woodward, Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey and the judge of the criminal court.

It is said that Colonel Felder offered one thousand dollars to Febuary for the papers, and that he agreed to have the delivery of the papers and the payment of the money occur at East Lake, although he preferred that the transfer take place at the Transportation club. Continue Reading →