3 Youths Seen Leading Along a Reeling Girl


Edgar L. Sentell, lifelong friend of Mary Phagan, says he saw a man answering this description, walking with the girl after midnight Sunday, a few hours before the body was found. He has identified the man as Arthur Mullinax, who, however, was to-day apparently cleared by an alibi established by his sweetheart.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Monday, April 28th, 1913

E. S. Skipper Tells Police He Saw Lads Urging Her Down Street Night of Crime.

The story of three men leading a weeping, unwilling girl on Forsyth Street Saturday night is being sounded to its depths to-day by Atlanta policemen in their efforts to unravel the mystery of Mary Phagan’s death.

The story is told by E. S. Skipper, of 224 1-2 Peters Street. He declared that on Saturday night about 10 o’clock he saw a girl whose appearance fitted the description of the girl-victim. Three men were with her, all of them young and flashily dressed.

The girl was reeling slightly, Skipper declares, as if rendered dizzy by drugs. She was crying, and time and again lagged behind her companions, as if she feared to go farther. Each time they insisted and she seemed powerless to resist them.

Skipper declared that he can identify the three men. He followed in their wake when first he saw the party on Pryor Street, near Trinity Avenue. At Trinity they turned toward Whitehall, he said, the men urging the girl to accompany them. Down Whitehall to Forsyth he accompanied them, and saw them turn north toward Mitchell Street. There he left them, going toward the Terminal Station, his original destination.

Skipper said that the girl did not appear intoxicated, but merely sick and pitifully weak. Continue Reading →