Mary Phagan at Home Last Friday, Says Mother

Mary Phagan at Home Last Friday Says MotherAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Wednesday, April 30th, 1913

Mrs. W. J. Coleman, mother of Mary Phagan, says that the girl was at home during Friday and Friday night, and could not possibly have been the one seen at the Terminal station Friday morning by H. P. Sibley, gateman, and T. R. Malone, special officer.

Just as a young man with a ticket for Washington reached one of the gates to the tracks at the Terminal station, he was stopped Friday morning by a pretty girl, who pleaded with him not to leave her. The girl finally reached such a state of hysteria that the man turned away from the gate, and they left the station together.

Both the gateman and the special officer identified Mary Phagan was this girl. But Mrs. Coleman says that their identification is a complete mistake. Mary Phagan, she insists, was at home during the day and the night on Friday and could not possibly have been at the Terminal station. Continue Reading →

Business Men Protest Sensational “Extras”

Business Men Protest Sensational Extras

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Wednesday, April 30th, 1913

Following an interview between Mayor Woodward and Chief of Police Beavers and Chief of Detectives Lanford, in which the mayor protested that extras on the Phagan murder case which were based on information alleged to have been given out by the officers and the detectives and which were liable to unduly inflame the public, a petition has been circulated among local business men asking the newspapers not to issue so many sensational extras.

The petition states that extras such as have been issued are hurting business and will hurt it still further, that the community is being aroused to a dangerous degree by them, and that they may bring extremely unfortunate conditions. Continue Reading →

Announcement: Original 1913 Newspaper Transcriptions of Mary Phagan Murder Exclusive to! (now


EXCLUSIVE to [url now changed to], original and careful transcriptions of articles from the three major Atlanta newspapers in 1913, concerning the murder case of Mary Phagan, will be appearing periodically on this website. Thanks to complete transcription and hand re-typing, readers can now peruse and search the newspapers of the day (Atlanta GeorgianAtlanta Journal and Atlanta Constitution) in improved clarity and from home, as well as in a more consolidated format. In the past, low quality PDF scans had to be read in their entirety to locate a single fact or word of interest. Before the PDFs, researchers would have to travel to a distant research library to examine the fragile originals. In addition to the text, every relevant photograph is included.

From the front page headlines two days after the murder, the suspicion and arrest of Leo Frank, the coroner’s inquest questions-and-answers sessions to the trial jury’s verdict, now, for the first time, the newspaper coverage of the entire case is readily available for researchers and the public to access at their convenience!