Solicitor Dorsey is Working New Theory in Phagan Mystery

Solicitor Dorsey is Working New Theory in Phagan Mystery

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Tuesday, May 13th, 1913

He Will Not Disclose Its Nature, but He, Lanford and Beavers Declare No Arrests Are Contemplated


But Says He Knows Nothing of Effort to Bring Him Here, Miss Ross, a New Witness, Talks With Dorsey

A new theory about the mysterious murder of Mary Phagan has been presented to Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey in such a convincing manner by an unknown criminologist that the chief prosecuting officer of Fulton county has turned the Phagan investigation towards working out the new idea.

While Mr. Dorsey states that there is yet nothing very tangible about the theory, it is evident that the official considers the theory as well worth investigating.

Mr. Dorsey refuses to divulge the nature of the new theory or tell who first advanced it. In discussing the matter, however, he made the following very significant statement:

“We are not bottled up by any one theory—we have not concluded, and we are open to the truth.”

The new theory, should it prove correct, would eliminate Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee, the two men ordered held by the coroner’s jury, it is said. Continue Reading →

Mystery Within a Mystery Now Baffling Newspaper Men Working on the Phagan Case

Mystery Within a Mystery

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Tuesday, May 13th, 1913

By Thomas Byrd Magath

A veil of mystery so dense as to completely shut off the light from all newspaper men surrounds the identity of the detective who has been employed by Solicitor General Dorsey.

So far nothing can be learned except that the mysterious detective has worked on the case only one week and is now not in Atlanta, but some distance away working on another case.

“This detective, one of the best in the country,” quotes Mr. Dorsey, “did not give up the case because of inefficiency for,” says the solicitor general. “I am absolutely satisfied with his work and hope he will continue work on the case.”

Where Did He Come From?

Where this detective came from is known only to Mr. Dorsey. He declared in an interview on Monday that he had divulged the name to no one and that his movements were unknown to all save himself.

If the detective has discovered anything definite it is not to be told until the whole matter has simmered down and all the evidence that can be gotten together is in hand. Hundreds of affidavits have been pouring in many of which will be excluded.

Case Before Jury Friday.

Mr. Dorsey further stated in the interview that it was not likely that the case would come before the grand jury until Friday, and that Frank and Lee would both probably be considered at once although if a true bill were found against them he could not say which would be tried first.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 13th 1913, “Mystery Within a Mystery Now Baffling Newspaper Men Working on the Phagan Case,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

New Theory is Offered in Phagan Mystery

Solicitor Dorsey in his office; a snapshot of the Phagan case prosecutor taken by a Georgian photographer.

Solicitor Dorsey in his office; a snapshot of the Phagan case prosecutor taken by a Georgian photographer.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Tuesday, May 13th, 1913

Detectives Not Centering All Their Efforts on Frank and Lee Now.

Detectives in Phagan mystery are not centering all their efforts upon Frank and Lee. New theories have been advanced, new clews examined and every possible theory is being investigated.

It was because of these rumors on the streets to-day that a report was spread that an entirely new lead was being followed by Solicitor Dorsey that might eliminate both Frank and Lee.

Solicitor Dorsey paid very little attention to the reports.

“There are no developments so far,” he said, “which would tend to swerve the prosecution from its present course. The cases of the two men held will be placed before the Grand Jury as soon as the evidence against them can be properly shaped, unless other developments justify a change.”

New Theory Investigated.

The new theory alluded to has been submitted by a private detective employed by the Solicitor’s office. The man, whose identity has not been revealed, has been working along lines entirely at variance to those pursued by the prosecutor. Mr. Dorsey stated that while as yet no evidence has been produced to substantiate the proposed solution, that his investigators have taken the matter up and will go to the bottom of it. Every available means will be used to prove or disprove the detective’s theory. Continue Reading →

My Son Innocent, Declares Mother of Leo M. Frank

My Son Innocent

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Tuesday, May 13th, 1913

“I Am Confident That He Will Be Proven Not Guilty of This Terrible Crime,” She Tells Reporter


W. J. Burns Secured to Take Charge of Phagan Mystery Investigation—Engaged by Friends of Murdered Girl


It was reported on good authority this morning that officers working upon the Mary Phagan murder would make a new arrest today or tomorrow which is expected to throw an entirely new light upon the case.

None of the officials have discussed this new phase of the mystery and whether or not their activity of the past few days has resulted in the unearthing of clews leading to an arrest is unknown.

My son is entirely innocent but it is a terrible thing that even a shadow or suspicion should fall upon him I am sure of his innocence and am confident that he will be proven not guilty of this terrible crime.

Mrs. Rudolph Frank, aged mother of Leo M. Frank, who is held in the Tower as a suspect in the Mary Phagan mystery case, made this statement yesterday afternoon to a representative of The Constitution at her home in Brooklyn.

She had just informed her friends of the arrest of her son in Atlanta and of the charge made against him in the Gate City. She had not told them earlier because of her belief that he would be quickly set at liberty.

Mrs. Frank has not seen her son since she came south with her husband to attend his marriage. It is probable, however, that she will soon come again to be with him at the trial. Continue Reading →

Phagan Case is Delayed

Phagan Case is Delayed

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Monday, May 12th, 1913

Not Likely to Go to Grand Jury This Week More Time Taken to Strengthen Evidence

Evidence in the Phagan case may not be presented to the Grand Jury this week. This was the intimation given by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey Monday morning, as he began the process of elimination of the unimportant matter contained in the great mass of evidence collected by the Coroner’s jury and police officials.

The postponement of its presentation to the Grand Jury is to permit the collection in systematic form of all the essential details of the evidence. Dorsey declared Monday that the case would not be given to the Grand Jury until he carefully had sifted all of the evidence obtained.

He explained Monday morning that he had no idea at what time the case would get to the Grand Jury, other than at the earliest possible moment after a “case is made out.” Foreman L. H. Beck, of the Grand Jury, asserted the jurymen were under orders to hold themselves in readiness for a call from the Solicitor to act on the case.

“While the jury has the right to ask the Solicitor to present the case at any [t]ime, we will wait until he says he is rea[d]y,” said Beck. “We are holding ourselves in readiness and can assemble in a compartivly [sic] short while.”

The Solicitor said to-day that developments in the case the last few days led him to believe the case would get to the jury at an early meeting, and that it was not improbable it would be acted upon by Friday, but that as progress was made in the case and new evidence brought to light the necessary work in corroborating it and investigating its reliability made some delay absolutely necessary.

Mr. Dorsey also made it clear to-day that he was depending largely on the efforts of his private detective, “the best in the country,” who was working independently of the Pinkertons or city detectives. He said the man was making progress in the baffling case.

The Pinkertons have instructions to find the murderer, no matter who he may be. Operatives of the agency employed by the National Pencil Company recently put the matter squarely up to Luther Rosser, the company’s attorney. He said:

Urge Diligent Search.

“Find the murderer of Mary Phagan. Work in co-operation with the police, work with anyone, work any way that might lead you to success; let your chips fall where they may. You are employed to hunt the murderer until he is found and convicted. It matters not who is guilty.”

Five men from the detective agency are working on the case, under the direction of Assistant Superintendent Harry Scott. Through City Detective Black the Pinkertons work in connection with the city police.

Leo M. Frank was visited by Mr. Rosser at his cell in the Sower [Tower – Ed.] Sunday. They were together only a short while. Mr. Rosser stated he had only paid a “social visit” and had not discussed the case.

Chief of Detectives Lanford said Monday that he was satisfied with the progress of the case so far. He said that the investigation unavoidably had been slow and burdened with a mass of evidence, much of which would have to eliminated in the final consideration of the case. He was pleased with the new developments which he said added much strength to the line of evidence his men are building up.

* * *

Atlanta Georgian, May 12th 1913, “Phagan Case is Delayed,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Rumor That Frank Married in Brooklyn Not True, Says Eagle

Rumor That Frank Married in Brooklyn

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Monday, May 12th, 1913

At Request of The Journal, One of Numerous Reports About Man Held in Phagan Case Is Investigated


Solicitor’s “Famous” Detective Has Left City-Character Witnesses Not Likely to Be Used

At the request of The Atlanta Journal, the Brooklyn Eagle, one of the most conservative and reliable newspapers in the whole country, has investigated the most serious of numerous rumors which are being persistently circulated about the character of Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil company, who is held in connection with the death of Mary Phagan. That report was to the effect that Mr. Frank, contrary to his sworn testimony before the coroner’s inquest that he had never married but once, namely in Atlanta, about two years ago, married while a resident of Brooklyn, N. Y. The rumor has been persistently circulated in various forms.

The Brooklyn Eagle’s investigation of this rumor is to the effect that Mr. Frank was never married in Brooklyn. His mother, now residing in Brooklyn, says the Eagle declares Mr. Frank married in Atlanta and Atlanta only, and there is no record in Brooklyn to the contrary. This report from a reliable newspaper is given to the public in accordance with The Journal’s policy to print all of the facts and nothing but the facts in connection with this case.

Attorneys declared Monday that even if witnesses who could attack Mr. Frank’s character could be found that they would not be allowed to testify in court should Mr. Frank ever face a jury. The state is never allowed to put the character of a defendant in issue and no past misconduct, however grievous or even if it is a matter of court record, is admitted in evidence unless the defense first makes a point of the character of the man on trial. This is seldom done in criminal cases. Continue Reading →

The Phagan Case Day by Day

The Phagan Case Day by DayAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Monday, May 12th, 1913

The history of the baffling Phagan mystery, daily recorded, is briefly as follows:

Sunday April 26—Girl’s body found in basement of pencil factory. Newt Lee, negro night watchman, who made discovery, arrested. Arthur Mullinax, street car employee, also arrested. Both held on suspicion.

Monday—Leo M. Frank, factory superintendent, detained, but later released. J. M. Gantt, former bookkeeper of pencil concern and friend of dead girl, arrested in Marietta. Negro elevator boy also taken into custody. Pinkertons enter case.

Tuesday—Bloody shirt found at negro watchman’s home. Planted evidence theory advanced. Mary Phagan’s body buried. Sleuths announce they have evidence to convict. Frank confers with negro suspect.

Wednesday—Inquest begins. Newt Lee testifies. One hundred and fifty pencil factory employees summoned before coroner. George Epps, newsboy, tells of ride to uptown with Mary Phagan on her last trip.

Thursday—Frank and Lee ordered to Fulton tower on warrants issued by Coroner Donehoo. Trip made without incident. Continue Reading →

Find Guilty Man, Frank’s Lawyer Told Pinkertons

Find Guilty ManAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Monday, May 12th, 1913

“You Are Employed to Hunt Down Murderer, It Matters Not Who He Is,” Luther Rosser Informs Detectives.


Solicitor Dorsey States That He Wants All the Evidence Ready to Submit to Jurors Before Opening Hearing.

Officials of the Pinkerton National Detective agency, who were brought into the Phagan case through Leo M. Frank, recently went to authorities of the National Pencil company. It is stated, and in the presence of Leo M. Frank’s counsel, Luther Z. Rosser, said:

“We want to make our position clear. The Pinkertons have been employed to apprehend the murderer of Mary Phagan. That is our intention, and if anybody can find her slayer we can. Shall we continue on the case?”

Mr. Rosser, who has been retained as Frank’s attorney since the superintendent was first arrested, spoke up:

“Find the murderer of Mary Phagan. Work in co-operation with the police—work with anyone, work any way which might lead you to success. Let your chips fall where they may. You are employed to hunt the murderer until he is found and convicted. It matters not who is guilty.”

Five Men on Case.

Five picked men, under command of Assistant Superintendent Harry Scott, are working exclusively on the mystery. Scott, through Detective John Black, of headquarters, is working in co-operation with the police. Continue Reading →

Burns Called into Phagan Mystery; On Way From Europe

Leo M. Frank, the pencil factory superintendent, held in the Phagan mystery, in a new photograph. Mrs. Frank yesterday visited her husband in the Tower, where he is a prisoner pending the action of the Grand Jury.

Leo M. Frank, the pencil factory superintendent, held in the Phagan mystery, in a new photograph. Mrs. Frank yesterday visited her husband in the Tower, where he is a prisoner pending the action of the Grand Jury.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Monday, May 12th, 1913

Famous American Detective Cables He Will Return Immediately In Response to Col. Felder’s Plea For His Services to Capture Slayer.

William J. Burns, the world-famed detective, probably will take charge of the Phagan case.

The man who unearthed the dynamite outrages and brought the McNamara brothers to justice, will in all probability come to Atlanta within the next few days and lend his efforts toward clearing up the mystery of the death by strangulation of Mary Phagan.

This information was made public Monday following correspondence between Colonel Thomas B. Felder and Mr. Burns since the discovery of the body in the pencil factory.

Mr. Burns is now on his way from Europe, and will arrive on Tuesday or the following day. Upon his arrival in New York he will confer with detectives there and then proceed to Atlanta.

Credit Largely Due Felder.

The services of Mr. Burns have been secured largely through Mr. Felder’s efforts, it has developed. Upon Mr. Felder’s retention by the citizens of Marietta and relatives of the slain girl to work on the case he journeyed to New York for a conference with Raymond Burns, son of William J. Burns, on the case with a view to getting the great detective to come here.

At that time the elder Burns was in Europe investigating the disappearance of Wilberforce Martin, and upon being cabled of Mr. Felder’s desires replied that he would return immediately. Continue Reading →

Caught Frank With Girl in Park, He Says

Caught Frank With Girl in Park

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Sunday, May 11th, 1913

Robert T. House, a Special Policeman, Gives New Evidence to City Detectives.

In the evidence obtained Saturday in the Mary Phagan case, one piece that the detectives regard as the most important bore on Frank’s alleged conduct when he was in company with a young girl in Druid Hills Park.

The new evidence came from Robert F. House, a special policeman, who is in the employ of the Druid Hills Land Company. House declared that he had ejected a man from the park at one time from whom he obtained damaging admissions.

House visited the county jail and was taken to the cell of Frank. He identified Frank as the man whom he sent from the park. House told the officers that since reading of the Phagan murder he had recalled that the man he ejected from the park told him that he was superintendent of the National Pencil Company.

Came Frequently to Park.

The park guard related that the incident to which he referred occurred more than a year ago. He said that he had noticed the man come frequently to the park with the girl. When they appeared one afternoon shortly after 2 o’clock, he said he was determined to shadow them. He followed them and then suddenly surprised them by jumping into view. Continue Reading →

Frank is Awaiting Action of the Grand Jury Calmly

Frank is Awaiting

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Sunday, May 11th, 1913

Leo M. Frank, calmly and without any apparent fear or apprehension, is awaiting the decision of the 24 men who will determine this week whether or not an indictment shall be returned against him in connection with the killing of Mary Phagan.

Yesterday—which was very much like the other days that he has been confined in the Tower—he read, said a few words now and then to the guards, greeted members of his family as they came to see him and discussed various subjects with them in a quiet, matter-of-fact manner, not at all as though the burden of a great crime were resting on his soul.

Frank Has Privileges.

Except that he is deprived of his liberty and most effectively guarded, Frank is not without the majority of the privileges enjoyed by the rest of the people in Atlanta. He may eat what he wishes. He may read the newspapers, the magazines, the current novels—anything he desires. He may see whom he wishes.

He has not been deprived even of the accounts of the grewsome tragedy whose victim was an innocent and pretty little girl. He has read them dispassionately, as he does everything. He has followed the various theories carefully, reserving comment, so far as is known, for his counsel and members of his family. Continue Reading →

Mystery of 14-Year-Old Mary Phagan’s Tragic End Adds One to Long List of Atlanta’s Unsolved Crimes

Mystery of 14Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 11th, 1913


The mystery surrounding the murder of Mary Phagan, the young factory girl who met a tragic and a terrible death in the heart of a city whose streets were thronged with holiday crowds, may add another chapter to Atlanta’s record of unsolved and unpunished crimes.

Can such things be? is asked. Can murder, red-handed, find a victim in the midst of a populous city when the sun is smiling in God’s skies of blue and where the protecting power of the law and the vengeance of justice are near, and the criminal go uncaught and the crime unpunished? History answers “Yes,” for Atlanta’s criminal annals show that there have been, ever since the city was a village, murder mysteries that remained unsolved, despite the tireless efforts of human ingenuity to bring the murderers to justice.

Murder Will Not Always Out.

That “murder will not always out” is shown by the tragedies that are here recited, for of tragedies that left unfulfilled the mandate of Jehovah, “who sheds man’s blood by man shall his blood be shed,” Atlanta has had its full quota. Nor is this city more flecked with the blood of unavenged victims than other communities. Ever since the first murder of the world, when only fratricide’s God knew of the crime, punishment has come alone from some power greater than that of man.

The stories here recorded of “Atlanta’s Murder Mysteries” had all the elements of boldness and brutality to defy the skill of Gaborian’s “LeCoq” or Conan Doyle’s “Sherlock Holmes.” Many clues were followed up and arrests were made.  In some of the cases the officers were positive they had caught the guilty criminals, as the evidence appeared convincing and conclusive, but in the end the mystery still remained a mystery. Continue Reading →

Mary Phagan’s Death Only Assured Fact Developed

Mary Phagan's Death Only

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Sunday, May 11th, 1913


Mary Phagan is dead. She was murdered.

Leo Frank, and Newt Lee are in jail, upon the findings of a Coroner’s jury, held as suspects for investigation by the Grand Jury.

Here is a case of cause and effect involving the most elusive series of connecting events that ever came under my observation of criminals and crime, through fifteen years of varied newspaper experience in a number of American cities.

It is not my purpose here to try this case. Such comments as I may set down are personal merely.

I did sit through the last day of the Coroner’s inquest, but beyond that, my information as to this strange case came to me by way of the mouths and pens of persons charged with some measure of responsibility for fixing the truth of the matter in such wise as it might be fixed. My facts are authoritative, my conclusions strictly my own.

It is my opinion that the slayer of poor, little Mary Phagan has not yet been found or identified. Moreover within my mind there dwells an ever-increasing doubt that her slayer, or slayers, ever will be apprehended. Continue Reading →

Officer Swears He Found Frank With Young Girl

Officer Swears He Found Frank With Young Girl

Robert House

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 11th, 1913

Robert House, Now a Special Policeman, Tells the Atlanta Detectives of an Incident of Over a Year Ago.


Three More Pinkertons Are Put on the Phagan Case, Under the Supervision of Harry Scott.

Detectives have procured in Robert P. House, a special policeman, a witness who has testified that he once apprehended Leo M. Frank, the suspect in the Mary Phagan mystery, and a young girl in a desolate spot of the woods in Druid Hills Park.

The policeman declares he obtained admission from Frank that he and his companion had come to the woods for immoral purpose.

House is a special officer in the employ of the Druid Hills Land company. Several days ago, he went to the tower in which the suspected superintendent was imprisoned to identify him. When he emerged from the jail, he declared he recognized the prisoner as the man he apprehended in Druid Hills.

Volunteers His Testimony.

He volunteered his testimony. Upon first reading of the Phagan murder, he recalled the incident in the woods. Recollecting that the man had told that he was superintendent of the National Pencil factory, he says he went immediately to the detective department, and an officer escorted him to Frank’s cell in the Tower.

The policeman says the incident occurred a year or more ago, some time after 2 o’clock one summer afternoon. He declares he had seen Frank enter the park frequently with a girl, and on that particular occasion decided to shadow him. As the superintendent and his girl companion stepped from the Ponce de Leon to Druid Hills trolley car at the end of the line, House says he followed them to a swampy section of the woodland, considerable distance from the roadway. Continue Reading →

City Detectives’ Theory of Phagan Murder Outlined

City Detectives

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Sunday, May 11th, 1913

The Journal Presents First Complete Statement of Case Solicitor and His Investigators Seek to Build


They Maintain That Mary Phagan Was Left Unconscious in Factory Near Midday and Killed Later in Afternoon

For the first time since the lifeless body of pretty fourteen-year-old Mary Phagan was found in the basement of the National Pencil factory, this morning two weeks ago, The Journal is enabled to make public the theory of the city detectives and others investigating the murder mystery as to how the crime was committed.


The theory in detail is:

That Mary Phagan arrived at the pencil factory between 12 and 12:10 o’clock on Saturday, April 26; that within a short time after she arrived there she was lured to the metal room on the second floor, where she worked; that the big doors of this room were closed, making it almost impossible for the two men working on the fourth floor to hear any outcries; that she was overpowered and assaulted. Continue Reading →

Weak Evidence Against Men in Phagan Slaying

Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey, in a characteristic pose, examining a witness. On Solicitor Dorsey is placed dependence for the solving of the puzzling Phagan slaying case. He is making every effort to unravel the mystery.

Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey, in a characteristic pose, examining a witness. On Solicitor Dorsey is placed dependence for the solving of the puzzling Phagan slaying case. He is making every effort to unravel the mystery.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.



Atlanta Georgian

Sunday, May 11th, 1913

Detectives in Coroner’s Jury Probe Admit They Have Nothing on Which to Convict Anyone in Mysterious Tragedy of Atlanta.



The most sensational testimony offered at the Coroner’s inquest in the Phagan case was lost sight of entirely by the newspapers.

Juror Langford asked Detective Black, who was on the witness stand: “Have you discovered any positive information as to who committed this murder?”

Detective Black replied, “No, sir, I have not!”

Coroner Donehoo asked Detective Scott of the Pinkerton force on the witness stand:

“Have you any definite information which makes you suspect any party of this crime?”

Detective Scott replied, “I would not commit myself. I am working on a chain of circumstances. Detective Black has been with me all the time on the case and he knows about the circumstances I refer to.”

As you read this over and consider it carefully, you will be impressed by the fact that the two most important detectives engaged for a period of two weeks on the Phagan case testify under oath that they have no positive information as to who committed the crime—in fact really know nothing about it at all.

I am setting down here my own thoughts and ideas, without intending the slightest disrespect to any official, and further, I believe I am at liberty to do so because of Scott’s and Black’s testimony.


In The Sunday American of last week I published an article saying that the developments of the preceding week had led nowhere, and that the mystery was then as dark and deep as any mystery that ever puzzled police and detectives. Continue Reading →

Grand Jury to Consider Phagan Case This Week

Grand Jury to Consider Phagan Case This WeekAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Sunday, May 11th, 1913

Intere[s]ts in the investigation of the mysterious murder two weeks ago of little Mary Phagan centered Saturday in the grand jury.

Two men, Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the pencil factotry [sic], where the tragedy occurred, and Newt Lee, negro night watchman, have been ordered held by a coroner’s jury, but no intimation has been given as to the time when bills against the two men will be presented to that body.

The jury is not due to hold a session until next Friday, but the solicitor general or the foreman can call the body together on a few hours’ notice.

While the solicitor will make no definite statement, it is apparent that he will not present the case to the grand jury until the latter part of this week, Thursday or Friday. However, the grand jury has been especially charged to probe the murder and it is in the power of its members to order the witnesses in the case before it at any time.


Owing to the unusual public interest in the cases it is possible that if the grand jury secures a true bill the trial might be set for the week of May 19, when the criminal division of the superior court, Judge L. S. Roan, presiding, next convenes.

Thomas B. Felder, the well known attorney, who has been retained by citizens in the Bellwood district, where the slain girl lived, returned Saturday morning from a week’s trip to New York and Washington. Mr. Felder made the trip to attend to professional business said to be in connection with the Phagan case.

Mr. Felder denied that he had employed William J. Burns, the famous detective, to come to Atlanta in person in an effort to solve the mystery. Continue Reading →

Public Now Knows All Facts in Murder Case, Say Detectives

Public Now Knows All Facts in Murder Case, Say Detectives

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Saturday, May 10th, 1913

Pinkertons Declare the State Has No Evidence of Importance That Hasn’t Been Given to the Newspapers


Chief Lanford Believes He Is One of Sheriff’s Capable Deputies—Gantt Questioned, Newt Lee Has Lawyer

The probe into the mystery of little Mary Phagan’s death two weeks ago still goes on.

The small army of professional, amateur, city, state and private detectives which took up the chase of the murderer soon after the horrible details of the crime became known still pursues the investigation with unabated vigor.

Solicitor Dorsey’s detective, heralded as the best in the world and admitted by the solicitor to be an A-1man, remains a mystery. Mr. Dorsey refuses to divulge his identity, and even the attaches of his office profess not to know his name. Continue Reading →

Guard of Secrecy is Thrown About Phagan Search by Solicitor

Guard of Secrecy is Thrown About Phagan Search by Solicitor

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Saturday, May 10th, 1913

Names of Witnesses Withheld by Dorsey to Prevent “Manufacturers of Public Opinion” Getting in Touch with Them—Satisfied with Progress.

Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey declared Saturday afternoon that he was very well satisfied with the progress made in the investigation of the Phagan murder mystery and made the significant remark that he would not reveal the names of new witnesses so that manufacturers of public opinion could not get to them.

The Solicitor held a conference with Dr. H. F. Harris, of the State Board of Health, who examined the girl’s body. Dr. Harris said he would rush his report in time for presentation to the Grand Jury when that body takes up the mystery next week. The Solicitor would not reveal just what the physician has learned so far.

The examination of the bloodstained shirt in the back yard of Newt Lee’s home was also continued, and the Solicitor was far from convinced that its significance had been rightly determined.

Mr. Dorsey worked all day Saturday on the case and announced that he would continue all of Sunday so that he could present his evidence to the Grand Jury as early as possible next week.

Confers With City Sleuths

A conference was held with the city detectives, who are working in co-operation with the State, but none of the details could be learned. Strict secrecy is being maintained regarding new developments. Continue Reading →

Girl Will Swear Office of Frank Deserted Between 12:05 and 12:10

Girl Will Swear Office of Frank Deserted

Monteen Stover. Little girl, former employee of National Pencil company, who swears Frank was not in office between 12:05 and 12:10 o’clock.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 10th, 1913

Testimony Considered Important by Officers Because Frank at the Inquest Stated on Stand That He Did Not Leave Between Noon on Saturday and 12:25. When Quinn Came to See Him.


New Evidence, Just Submitted to Detective Department, Leads Chief Lanford to Believe That Mary Phagan Was Murdered in the Basement — Woman Says She Heard Screams on Saturday Afternoon.

A new and important witness has been found in the Mary Phagan murder mystery.

She is Monteen Stover, a girl of 14 years, a former employee of the pencil factory.

After already having attested to an affidavit now in possession of the solicitor general, she will testify before the grand jury that on the day of Mary Phagan’s disappearance, she entered the pencil plant at 12:05 o’clock in the afternoon and found the office deserted.

Also, that she remained five minutes, during which time no one appeared. The building seemed empty of human occupants, she declares, and no sounds came from any part. Expecting to have found the superintendent, she says she went through both the outer and inner offices in search of Frank.

Testimony Important Declare Police.

The police say that this is valuable evidence because of the testimony of Frank at the inquest to the effect that he remained in his office throughout the time between 12 noon and the time at which Quinn arrived, 35 minutes after 12. Also, they recount his statement that Mary Phagan entered the building at 12:05, the time the Stover girl says she arrived. Continue Reading →