Conley to Bring Frank Case Crisis

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 3rd, 1913 Negro’s Testimony Now Supremely Important Both Sides Stake Their All on His Evidence STATE FORGES CHAIN TO TAX ALL THE INGENUITY OF DEFENSES LEGAL ARRAY First Week of Battle Has Fixed the Time Almost Exactly According to Theory of the Solicitor—Doctors’ Continue Reading →

First Week of Frank Trial Ends With Both Sides Sure of Victory

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 3rd, 1913 Solicitor Dorsey Indicates That Real Sensation Will Be Developed for State in Closing Days of Famous Mary Phagan Mystery Case. ANOTHER WEEK OF ORDEAL IN THE HEAT IS EXPECTED Routing of Detective Black and Surprise in the Testimony of Pinkerton Agent Continue Reading →

Frank Juror’s Life One Grand, Sweet Song—Not

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 2nd, 1913 O. B. Keeler. The juror’s life is not unmixed with care. Look him over next time you attend the Frank trial. Size up his little job. Weigh his responsibility. Consider his problems. And then, if seeking employment, go out and sign Continue Reading →

Roan Holding Scales of Justice With Steady Hand

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 2nd, 1913 By L. F. WOODRUFF. Emotion’s entire gamut is daily run on the screen of faces watching the Frank trial. A student of facial expression can find anything he seeks by watching the throng of spectators a half hour. A glance at Continue Reading →

State Hopes Dr. Harris Fixed Fact That Frank Had Chance to Kill Girl

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 2nd, 1913 By JAMES B. NEVIN. The testimony of Dr. Roy Harris, chairman of the State Board of Health, and one of the most learned and approved physicians in Georgia, was dramatic, both in its substance and in the manner of its delivery Continue Reading →

Will 5 Ounces of Cabbage Help Convict Leo M. Frank?

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 2nd, 1913 Are five and half ounces of cabbage to be the principal factor in sending a man to the gibbet? If the prosecution is warranted in its belief in the vital and incriminating importance of the testimony of Dr. H. F. Harris, Continue Reading →

Defense Threatens a Mistrial

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 2nd, 1913 Newspaper on Judge’s Desk Causes Protest DR. HURT UNDER FIRE OF DEFENSE, HITS A DR. HARRIS TESTIMONY A genuine sensation was sprung at the trial of Leo M. Frank Saturday morning when Luther Rosser and Reuben Arnold, attorneys for the defense, Continue Reading →

Girl Slain After Frank Left Factory, Believed to be Defense Theory

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 1st, 1913 Was Mary Phagan killed at or very near the time she entered the National Pencil Factory April 26 to get her pay envelope or was she merely attacked at this time and murdered later? The line of questioning pursued by Luther Continue Reading →

Sherlocks, Lupins and Lecoqs See Frank Trial

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 1st, 1913 There are enough “hists,” “aha’s” and those other exclamations that mark a true detective besides the badge on his left suspender to fill a whole volume of Gaborieau thrillers at the Frank trial. A stranger whirled from the Terminal Station to Continue Reading →

Dorsey Unafraid as He Faces Champions of the Atlanta Bar

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 1st, 1913 Up Against a Hard Proposition Youthful Solicitor Is Fighting Valiantly to Win Case. By L. F. WOODRUFF. Georgia’s law’s most supreme penalty faces Leo Frank. A reputation that they can not be beaten must be sustained by Luther Rosser and Reuben Continue Reading →

Defense Not Helped by Witnesses Accused of Entrapping the State

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 1st, 1913 By JAMES B. NEVIN. Has the State succeeded in thoroughly establishing the fact that little Mary Phagan’s tragic death was effected on the second floor of the National Pencil Factory, in Forsyth street? It has not, of course—but it has set Continue Reading →

Conley Takes Stand Saturday

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianAugust 1st, 1913 Lawyers Wrangle Over Frank’s Nervousness DORSEY WINS POINT AS ROSSER BATTLES TO DEFEND ACCUSED Jim Conley, accuser of Leo Frank, will take the stand Saturday morning, according to all indications Friday, to repeat the remarkable story he told concerning his part Continue Reading →

Red Bandanna, a Jackknife and Plennie Minor Preserve Order

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianJuly 31st, 1913 He Raps With the Barlow Blade and Waves the Oriflamed Kerchief Judiciously. Plennie Minor, chief deputy sheriff, has a man’s sized job on his hands and he handles it with the aid of a red bandanna handkerchief and a pocketknife. More Continue Reading →

Holloway Accused by Solicitor Dorsey of Entrapping State

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianJuly 31st, 1913 Here are the important developments of Thursday in the trial of Leo M. Frank: Harry Scott, Pinkerton detective, is accused of having “trapped” the prosecution by Solicitor Dorsey, when he testifies that Frank was not nervous when he first saw him. Continue Reading →

Scott Trapped Us, Dorsey Charges; Pinkerton Man Is Also Attacked by the Defense

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianJuly 31st, 1913 FRANK NOT IN OFFICE JUST AFTER 12 ON DAY OF SLAYING, SAYS GIRL The deliberate charge that he had been “trapped” by Pinkerton Detective Harry Scott was made by Solicitor Dorsey at the trial of Leo M. Frank Thursday. Scott played Continue Reading →

Crimson Trail Leads Crowd to Courtroom Sidewalk

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianJuly 31st, 1913 By L. F. WOODRUFF. The sun’s heat is broiling. No man can stand it without suffering. And still men stand, not one man, but scores of them, on a blistered pavement gazing on a red brick building as unsightly as a Continue Reading →

State Balloon Soars When Dorsey, Roiled, Cries ‘Plant’

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianJuly 31st, 1913 By JAMES B. NEVIN. Poor John Black! With this unwitting assistance of the Solicitor General and the assistance of Luther Rosser, he furnished all the “punch” there was in Wednesday’s story of the Frank trial. Black evidently was undertaking to tell Continue Reading →

Collapse of Testimony of Black and Hix Girl’s Story Big Aid to Frank

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianJuly 31st, 1913 Although the State’s witnesses were on the stand all of Wednesday the day was distinctly favorable for Frank, partly because nothing distinctly unfavorable was developed against him—the burden of proof being upon the State—but most largely because of two other factors, Continue Reading →

Defense Plans Sensation, Line of Queries Indicates

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianJuly 30th, 1913 That a sensation is be sprung by the defense by the production of the mysteriously missing ribbon and flowers from the hat of the murdered girl was repeatedly indicated by Attorney Rosser’s line of questioning Tuesday and the afternoon before. Beginning Continue Reading →

Frank’s Mother Pitiful Figure of the Trial

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case. Atlanta GeorgianJuly 30th, 1913 Defendant Perfect in Poise, His Wife Picture of Contemptuous Confidence. By L. F. WOODRUFF. Arm akimbo; glasses firmly set, changing position seldom, Leo M. Frank sits through his trial with his thoughts in Kamchatka, Terra del Fuego, or the Antipodes, so Continue Reading →