New Audio Book: The American Mercury on Leo Frank – Hooper’s Closing Arguments

THIS WEEK our new audio book of the American Mercury’s coverage of the 1913 trial and conviction of Jewish sex killer Leo Frank moves into the closing arguments of the attorneys to the jury. We will be presenting these extensive arguments in order and in full — a monumental, book-length project that will add another sixteen weeks to the seven weeks already presented here. The closing arguments begin with the earnest, low-key, yet powerful presentation of prosecutor Hugh Dorsey’s assistant, Frank Arthur Hooper (pictured), who makes his case for Leo Frank’s guilt.

Mr. Hooper states in his speech:

I will be fair with [Leo] Frank. When he followed the child back into the metal room, he didn’t know that it would necessitate force to accomplish his purpose. I don’t believe he originally had murder in his heart. There was a scream. Jim Conley heard it. Just for the sake of knowing how harrowing it was, I wish you jurymen could hear a similar scream.

Also covered are details of the successive — and very suspicious — attempts to shift blame for the murder from Frank to James Gantt, to Newt Lee, and finally to James Conley, in three instances using fake evidence that was definitively proved to be planted.

You can follow along with the original text here.


Click on the “play” button to listen to the audio book, read by Vanessa Neubauer.

Click here for a list of all the chapters we’ve published in audio form so far — keep checking back, they will be updated regularly!

Here is a description of the full series which will be posted as audio in future weeks; once all segments have been released, the Mercury will be offering for sale a complete, downloadable audio book of the full series.

1. Introduction

100 Years Ago Today: The Trial of Leo Frank Begins

2. WEEK 1

The Leo Frank Trial: Week One

3. WEEK 2

The Leo Frank Trial: Week Two

4. WEEK 3

The Leo Frank Trial: Week Three

5. Leo Frank mounts the witness stand by Ann Hendon

100 Years Ago Today: Leo Frank Takes the Stand

6. Week 4

The Leo Frank Trial: Week Four

7. Closing arguments of Rosser, Arnold and Hooper

The Leo Frank Trial: Closing Arguments of Hooper, Arnold, and Rosser

8. Closing arguments of Hugh Dorsey

The Leo Frank Trial: Closing Arguments, Solicitor Dorsey

Be sure to look for next week’s installment here at The American Mercury as we continue to follow the trial that changed the South — changed America — and changed the world.

via The American Mercury