Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.
Atlanta Constitution
August 15th, 1913
Another character witness was introduced by the defense in Harry E. Lewis, of Brooklyn, N. Y., former neighbor of Frank, and a former assistant to the district attorney.
“Did you ever know Frank?” he was asked by Mr. Arnold.
“Yes, for about twelve years.”
“He was my neighbor.”
“Did you know him until he came south? What was his character?”
Cross-examination by Mr. Hooper.
“Have you known him since he came south?”
“You may come off.”
The second character witness of the Thursday session was Herbert Lasher, of Fleischman, N. Y., a former college mate of the suspected superintendent.
“Did you know Frank?”
“Yes, I was at Cornell with him.”
“You lived in the same house with him?”
“Yes, and ate at the same table.”
“What was his character?”
“Have you known him since he left Cornell?”
“Yes, I corresponded with him for two years.”
“What would not show in his character, would it?”
“You may come down.”
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