Lanford Claps Lid on Detective News

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, June 7th, 1913

All Information in Future Must Come Through Office of the Chief.

Chief Newport Lanford yesterday morning issued a special order prohibiting the disclosing of information to newspaper reporters.

It was stated in The Constitution in its story Friday morning the investigation in the Phagan case had been seriously hampered by the publication of developments, many of which were made public in premature form. Solicitor Dorsey wrote Chief Lanford requesting him to clap on the lid.

Chief Lanford, in a talk with reporters, said that much of the publication of developments was not caused through his office, but was due to the energy and enterprise of Atlanta reporters, who, independent of detectives, managed to secure their information.

The special order is No. 6 and prohibits an attache of the detective department from giving news to reporters. The only source from which information can hereafter be gained is through the chief’s office. Chief Lanford also established an unprecedented custom Friday, when he announced that newspaper reporters could see him only a scheduled hours. This rule went into effect immediately.

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Atlanta Constitution, June 7th 1913, “Lanford Claps Lid on Detective New,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Grand Jury Probes Detective “Leaks”

grand_jury_probeAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Friday, June 6th, 1913

Court Officials Worried Over News Growing Out of the Phagan Murder Mystery.

It is understood on good authority that the grand jury has been called upon to make a searching investigation in the apparent “leakage” in the detective department, which has enabled the newspapers to publish every important development in the Phagan murder mystery before such development had, often times, been brought to the official attention of the solicitor general’s office. It is said that certain court officials deemed the matter of such importance that they called the attention of the grand jury to it in the hope that the responsibility might be properly placed and a repetition of the “leaks” prevented.

It is a matter of history that as soon as some new angle to the case developed it was given the widest publicity, and the case of the state, in all its details, is today known to the attorney for the defense as thoroughly as it is known to the solicitor general.

Don’t Blame Reporters.

No blame is attached to the newspapers for printing the news. Court officials recognize that that is the province of a paper but they deplore the apparent ease with which the news has been secured.

The policy of Solicitor Dorsey has been one of absolute silence. To all reporters he has stated that he had nothing to give out. Continue Reading →

How the Jewish Press Reported Leo Frank’s Execution in 1915

leofrankforverts-1439823713Accuracy wasn’t much better then than now; these are translations from the Yiddish “Forverts” coverage of 1915.

ATLANTA, August 17, 1915 — A telephone dispatch was received today at 55 minutes past 8 in the morning reporting that Leo Frank was lynched in Marietta (Marietta is the town where the murdered Mary Phagan was from and was buried there.)

No details are known yet.

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