Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.
Atlanta Georgian
August 28th, 1913
Solicitor Cites Prisoner’s Statement on Stand, “Now is the Time, This is the Place.”
Solicitor Dorsey was as busily engaged on the Frank case Thursday as he was any day before Leo Frank was convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan. If the factory superintendent finally succeeds in avoiding the penalty fixed it will not be because the Solicitor has not fought to the uttermost of his strength to put the rope around Frank’s neck.
Briefly but pointedly Solicitor Dorsey Thursday morning summed up his opinion of Leo Frank’s latest alleged statement concerning the trial and the Solicitor’s speech.
“Frank,” said the Solicitor in his quiet manner, “declared on the stand that now was the time and here the place, That’s all I have to say.”
The Solicitor declared that the State would ask the new Grand Jury which will be sworn in Tuesday, to indict Jim Conley immediately as an acknowledged accessory after the fact to the murder of Mary Phagan. He declared further that he had no intention of asking for a shortening of the sentence, as this was in the province of the Grand Jury and the judge.
No Vacation for Dorsey.
Although worn out as a result of the long strain, Solicitor Dorsey declared Thursday that it was his intention to keep right at work without taking a vacation. A few days of “taking it easy,” he said, will put him in excellent shape for the remainder of the summer.
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