Colyar Imputes Arrest to Felder Conspiracy

Colyar ImputesAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

Knoxville Charge Against Him Not Pressed for More Than Four Years

A. S. Colyar was detained late Saturday afternoon on the request of E. D. Conners, chief of police of Knoxville, Tenn. to face an indictment charging forgery returned four years ago by the grand jury at that city. The amount involved is $90.

Colyar hotly maintains that his arrest is a plot of Colonel T. B. Felder’s to get him out of town. He declares that the Knoxville official was prompted to press the old charge against him by a friend of Felder’s.

Colyar was taken into custody by city detectives on the street and accompanied them to police headquarters. He was closeted with Chief of Police Beavers and Chief of Detectives Lanford for nearly an hour. Later he secured bond and was allowed his liberty.


“I have been in Knoxville many times since the indictment was returned against me,” Colyar told Chief Beavers, “and there never was any attempt to press the charge or arrest me. If Felder had not devised the plot, no action would have been taken at this time. Continue Reading →

Long Criminal Record of Colyar is Cited

Long Criminal Record

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

A deluge of statements and affidavits tending to connect him with criminal operations all over the United States and Mexico, and showing that he has served time in half a dozen penitentiaries and been an inmate of a number of insane asylums, poured in Saturday upon the head of A. S. Colyar, the man who has stirred the city with his dictograph plots and his graft and bribery accusations involving Colonel Thomas B. Felder, Mayor James G. Woodward and others.

Twenty-four hours after Colyar fired his first shot he was in jail. He was arrested by detectives at the request of the police of Knoxville, Tenn., who wired Chief Beavers that they hold a Grand Jury indictment against Colyar for forgery. The wire received by Chief Beavers follows:

Knoxville, Tenn.,  May 24, 1913.

J. L. Beavers, Chief of Police, Atlanta, Ga.:

I hold Grand Jury warrant for A. S. Colyar, charge forgery. Age 50 to 55. Six feet high. Long black hair; large Roman nose; smooth shaven; slightly stoop-shouldered. All around crook. Found around hotels. Arrest and wire.


A number of affidavits dealing with the character of Colyar and each declaring him to be the last word in crookedness were made yesterday afternoon by various persons, and are in the possession of Colonel Felder. Extracts from a few of them are printed below: Continue Reading →

Says Chief is Able to Care for Himself

Says Chief is AbleAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

Marion Jackson Has No Comment to Make on Beavers-Felder Controversy.

Marion Jackson and John J. Eagan, leaders of the Men and Forward Religion Movement were seen strolling down Decatur street last night about 9:30 o’clock. With them was N. A. Best, editor of The Continent, a religious journal published in Chicago. That Mr. Jackson and Mr. Eagan should be seen going down Decatur street in the direction of the police headquarters, at this time, when a new attack on the chief has been made, naturally caused considerable comment.

Mr. Jackson denied, however, that his appearance in that locality had any connection with Chief Beavers and the police department.

“The chief is amply able to take care of himself and needs no assistance from me,” said Mr. Jackson. “I have no comment to make on t[h]e controversy between Mr. Beavers and Mr. Felder.”

Mr. Jackson added that he was on Decatur street to show his friend, Mr. Best, something of life among the negroes in a southern city.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 25th 1913, “Says Chief is Able to Care for Himself,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Citizens Deny Authority for Using Their Names

Citizens DenyAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

Capt. English, Robt. F. Maddox and Others Comment on Dictograph Interview

Captain James W. English, president of the Fourth National bank, Saturday gave The Journal a statement to the effect that he has had no connection whatever with Attorney Thomas B. Felder’s investigation of the Mary Phagan murder mystery.

Robert F. Maddox, vice president of the American National bank, made a similar statement.

Captain English said:

“I don’t know what Mr. Felder could have had in mind when he made the statement, if he did make it, that I, among other citizens, was backing him in his efforts to solve the Mary Phagan murder mystery. I never had a conversation with him or with anyone representing him in regard to the Phagan case. In fact, I have not conferred with anyone about the case, beyond casually asking some of the city detectives their theory of the case, and casual discussion of the case with friends. I want to make it clear that I have never talked with Mr. Felder, with anyone representing him, or with anyone associated with him, in regard to his efforts to discover the guilty party.”

Mr. Maddox said: Continue Reading →

Colyar, Held as Forger, is Freed on Bond; Long Crime Record Charged

Colyar HeldAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

Athens Judge Tells Colonel Felder That Dictograph ‘Trapper’ Is Under Suspended Sentence in Georgia. Knoxville Complaint To Be Pressed.

A. S. Colyar, soldier of fortune, who plotted the destruction, by means of the dictograph, of Colonel T. B. Felder and Mayor Woodward, last night was released under bond from the city prison.

The charge of forgery on which he was arrested, he declared, was trumped up in order to take him from Atlanta, and was brought, he says, by Felder or his friends.

Colyar was arrested at Marietta and Forsyth Streets Saturday afternoon by Detectives Chewning and Norris when a telegram came from Ed Conners, of Knoxville, Tenn., to hold him. The charge mentioned in the telegram was that Colyar obtained $90 from Rosa Johnson, of Knoxville, on a forged draft.

Several hours later two friends came to Colyar’s rescue. Detective R. S. Ozburn signed the required bond of $1,000 and an unknown friend delivered $200 as a cash bond for the prisoner. Colyar was released.

Chief Beavers said last night that he arrested Colyar as a matter of courtesy to Chief Conners, possessing no warrant authorizing him to take Colyar into custody. It probably will be Thursday, according to the telegram from Chief Conners, before requisition papers can be had.

“The alleged incident occurred four years ago,” Colyar said last night. “During that period I have been to Knoxville a number of times, and have not been molested. The charge, coming as it does now, is the result of a plot to “get me away from Atlanta.” Continue Reading →

Police Chairman Confident of Honesty of Officials

Police Chairman

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

“Except to say that I have absolute confidence in the honesty and integrity of Chiefs James L. Beavers and Newport Lanford, I do not care to express myself,” said Carlos Mason, chairman of the police commission, yesterday when asked for an official expression in regard to the charges made by Colonel T. B. Felder that the police and detective departments are full of graft and corruption.

“All that I know of the case has been learned through the evidence and statements made public,” he said added, “and as I have not been drawn into the matter and am not conversant with its details I would not care to say in what light I regard the attack.

“I knew nothing in advance of the efforts of the detectives to fasten evidence upon Colonel Felder through the use of a dictagraph [sic],” he added, “and it has come as a surprise to me.

“As to the charges themselves, as made by both parties to the case I have formed no opinion which I could express. I have no hesitancy, however, in stating my belief in the honesty of the departments.”

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 25th 1913, “Police Chairman Confident of Honesty of Officials,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Chief Lanford Calls Felder’s Charges False

Chief LanfordAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

Denies That Police Have Suppressed Evidence in the Phagan Mystery

Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford when apprised of Colonel Felder’s statement as issued Saturday afternoon to the effect that the police had plotted to protect and shield the slayers of Mary Phagan, pronounced the charges as absurd as they were false.

In replying to Colonel Felder’s assertion that Chief Lanofor[d] and some of the men on the detective force hda [sic] leagued themselves with the Pinkertons to suppress evidence in the Phagan case the minute Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee were placed under arrest, Chief Lanford said:

“The people of Atlanta themselves can judge just how much evidence we have suppressed on Frank and Lee from the result of the Phagan investigation thus far. Our efforts have been to find the slayer of Mary Phagan at any event and we believe that we have succeeded.

“The mere fact that my men worked with the Pinkertons spells nothing sinister. The Pinkertons are employed by the National Pencil company, it is true, but they are obligated only to find the murderer of Mary Phagan. Like the city detective department the Pinkertons believe they have succeeded.

“At any event, no matter what Tom Felder may charge against this or any other department of the police, future developments in the Phagan case will vindicate utterly the position of the police.


On Colonel Felder’s accusation that the affidavit of J. W. Coleman, imputed to repudiate Felder’s employment in the case, was forced from Coleman by Chief Lanford, the head of the detectives said: Continue Reading →

Attorney, in Long Statement, Claims Dictograph Records Against Him Padded

Colonel Thomas B. Felder in an earnest attitude, as he denies charges of attempted bribery and sourges Atlanta's police officials.

Colonel Thomas B. Felder in an earnest attitude, as he denies charges of attempted bribery and s[c]ourges Atlanta’s police officials.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

Colonel Thomas B. Felder Saturday night issued an exhaustive statement denying once more that he had offered a bribe of $1,000 to Chief Lanford’s clerk, G. C. February [sic], for evidence involving his superiors; charging that the dictograph records of his conversations with February and A. S. Colyar were padded; denouncing Colyar as a proved crook and ex-convict, and charging wholesale corruption in the police department, particularly against Beavers and Lanford. He said he would furnish positive proof of this corruption later.

Here is Colonel Felder’s statement, in full:

To the People of Atlanta:

The publication of the sensational “story” relating to myself and my connection with the Phagan case is but the symptom of manifestation of one of the most diabolical conspiracies ever hatched by a venal and corrupt “system” to protect crime in a civilized community.

To be more specific, this conspiracy was formed just after the arrest of Newt Lee and Leo Frank, charged with the murder of Mary Phagan. The controlling genius of it is Newport Lanford, chief of the city detectives. Its object is to shield and protect the murderers of this innocent child, and in its wicked ramifications it marks our distinguished (?) chief of detectives as the Lieutenant Becker of our “system,” and renders his co-conspirators as dangerous to the lives, liberty, property and reputation of our citizens as the bloody and deadly Society of the Mafia.

Pity it is that the press of the city has been and is being made the innocent, if effective, instrument in their hands to further and effectuate the object of this wicked conspiracy by prostituting their potential columns to the exploitation of the mass of forgeries, and perjuries which has been given to the public through their columns, for it is known that these papers have tacitly sanctioned the utterances of Colyar by reproducing his affidavits in the face of the fact that [t]he editors and proprietors of all would, without hesitation, swear that they would not believe him on oath if called upon to do so.

Says Police Shielded Frank.

Strangely enough, a portion of the criminal record of this man Colyar is reproduced, showing him to be a man steeped in crime and infamy, while in the parallel columns is published his defamatory utterances against me. Continue Reading →

Colyar Tells Where He and Col Felder Ought to be for Good of Society

Colyar Tells Where

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

Editor The Journal:

I herewith hand you a telegram in answer to one that I got Chief of Police Beavers to send, which explains one of Thomas B. Felder’s visions, which appeared in the Morning Eye-Opener of Saturday, and from my relations and connections with this astute and would-be bribe giver, my conscience tells me that society at large would be better off if T. B. Felder and myself were both in Sing Sing.

(Signed) A. S. COLYAR.

The telegram referred to follows:

Ossining, N. Y., May 24, 1914.

J. L. Beavers.

Chief of Police, Atlanta, Ga.

No record of A. S. Colyar can be found in Sing Sing prison.


* * *

Atlanta Journal, May 25th 1913, “Colyar Tells Where He and Col Felder Ought to be for Good of Society,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Colyar a Success in Preacher Role

Colyar a SuccessAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

Professed Conversion During Revival at Cartersville and Married Rich Widow Before the Meeting Was Over.

Athens, Ga., May 24.—(Special.)—A. S. Colyar, now in the public eye in the Felder matter, had a short, hot, meteoric career in Athens in 1905. He came here representing himself as a former law partner of Hon. Andrew Lipscomb, of Washington, ingratiated himself with the bar, passed a forged check on his father at the Georgia National bank, secured the indorsement of Colonel C. H. Brand, then prosecuting attorney for the state, on a fraudulent draft and disappeared.

He was located in Richmond, Va., serving a sentence on the chaingang for a serious offense. Requisition brought him back to Athens and on April, 11, 1905, he faced the charges of forgery, was convicted, and in a speech to the court before he was sentenced, he not only had jurors and attorneys weeping, but actually those he had wronged financially and the court itself, Judge Russell. He broke down and was carried from the room.

The sentence was suspended, a fund was made up in the court room of enough to buy him a suit of clothes and a ticket to Chattanooga. At Cartersville he left the train and was drawn to a revival meeting in progress, professed conversion, and went to preaching with great apparent power. Before the meeting was over, he had married a rich widow whose husband had been dead only a short time and he is said to have absorbed a small fortune left his wife.

He preached in Athens a number of times, billing himself ahead like a circus and filling the old Colonial theater with the curious crowd that wanted to hear him.

He went to Atlanta that summer and spoke at a tent meeting which was being conducted under the direction of Dr. Broughton and the Tabernacle church. On the docket of the superior court today the suspended sentence is still open and stands against Colyar. Judge Russell, who suspended that sentence, is now on the appellate court, which this week decided that a judge cannot effectively suspend sentences.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 25th 1913, “Colyar a Success in Preacher Role,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

“Felder is the Mouthpiece of the Vice Gang,” Declares Chief of Police Jas. L. Beavers

Felder is the MouthpieceAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

“This is the First Gun in a Fight to Oust Me From Office,” Says the Chief in an Interview Given Out Saturday Afternoon — “This Issue Is Between the Decent People and the Allies of Vice Who Have Controlled the City Politically for Years”


Says He Differs With the Chief on Policy, Not Personally. The Mayor Says Recent Dictograph Episode Has Destroyed His Belief in the Efficacy of That Ingenious Instrument — Charles C. Jones Denies Any Part in Fight to Remove Chief

As one of the many outgrowths of the alleged dictographed conversations of Colonel Thomas B. Felder, Mayor Woodward, Charlie C. Jones and E. O. Miles, in which they are quoted as seeking evidence to impeach Police Chief James L. Beavers and Detective Chief N. A. Lanford, Chief Beavers late Saturday afternoon gave out a red-hot statement in which he charged that the vice gangsters were conspiring to oust him from office because of his activity in closing up Atlanta’s restricted district.

The chief declared that Colonel Felder was the mouthpiece and agent of the gang which seeks his scalp. He said this gang was endeavoring to get him in a corner and that the fight now on and that it would be a fight to the finish.

According to Chief Beavers he has been informed that checks aggregating $1,500 have been deposited to be given over to any woman who could get him into a room with her.

“The houses have been closed eight months and they will remain closed as long as I am chief,” he says. “Those fighting me will resort to any political trick to bring my undoing. I am fully advised as to what they are doing and all I ask is that the decent people of this city continue to give me their support.” Continue Reading →

I’ll Indict Gang, Says Beavers

I'll Indict Gang

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

Declares He Will Die Fighting ‘Foes of Reform’

Felder Denies Bribe Charges and Scores Police

Chief Sees Conspiracy to Overthrow His Rule and Calls Felder Leader in the Plot

Chief of Police James L. Beavers Saturday night gave to The Sunday American a sensational statement in reply to Colonel T. B. Felder’s accusations against him and the police department, and declared that he would go before the Grand Jury, and seek to indict Felder and all others implicated in the “conspiracy” against him. He made it very plain that if there were men “higher up” he would go after them, too.

While the Chief mentioned no names but that of Felder, it is known that the dictograph evidence in the hands of the police involves the names of Mayor Woodward, Charles C. Jones and Edward O. Miles.

The Chief said he would present his evidence to the Grand Jury at its next session. He said further that he does not depend solely on the evidence furnished by A. S. Colyar, Jr.

Has Proof of Plot, He Says.

“I have the testimony of other reputable witnesses that will show up this plot against me,” asserted the Chief.

The Chief declared that the alleged attempt to bribe Detective Secretary G. C. February [sic] to steal the evidence in the Phagan case was but an effort to discredit him and is “the fight of a gang of vice promoters and defenders.” He asserted that the fight is now open and on to the finish, and that he will “fight to the end, even if he dies in his tracks.” Continue Reading →

“Becker of South” Lanford is Branded by Col. Tom Felder

Becker of South

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, May 25th, 1913

System of Corruption as Poisonous as That of the Mafia Exists in Atlanta, According to Statement Made by Attorney Accused of Trying to Bribe Secretary G. C. Febuary to Steal Affidavit in the Phagan Case—Says Detectives Are Trying to Shield Murderer of Girl.


A. S. Colyar, Leading Figure in Bribe Charges, Is Placed Under Arrest on Warrant From Knoxville, But Is Released on Bond—Connally [sic], Negro Employee of the National Pencil Factory, Tells Officers He Wrote Notes at Dictation of Frank—Police Believe These Were the Ones Found by the Body of Mary Phagan.

Branding Detective Chief Newport Lanford as the “Lieutenant Becker” of the south, and charging that there exists in the Atlanta police department a “system” of corruption that is as poisonous as the deadly society of Mafia, Colonel Thomas B. Felder has issued counter charges to those of attempted bribery made against him Friday afternoon.

He declares that every bit of his sensational accusations can be supported by substantial evidence. He even asserts that the charges against him were made in an effort to shield and protect the murderer of Mary Phagan, whom the detective department are alleged to be assisting by the destruction of damaging evidence and by procuring witnesses.

First, and the most important of Saturday developments, was the indictment by the grand jury of Leo M. Frank, the suspected factory superintendent. The true bill was returned before noon. He now will be tried before Fulton superior court on the direct charge of Mary Phagan’s murder.

Second, was the confession of James Connally, a negro sweeper in the pencil factory, who declares that he wrote, at the dictation of Frank, notes which the detectives believe to be the ones found by the body of Mary Phagan. After making complete acknowledgement to Detective John Black and Harry Scott, he made an affidavit supporting the confession. Continue Reading →

Felder’s Fight is to Get Chief and Lanford Out of Office


Burns showing how a dictograph can be concealed in a wall. The arrow points to the dictograph. [Right:] The great detective holding a dictograph ready to place it to collect evidence.

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

Chief of Detectives Newport A. Lanford said Saturday that the whole sinister significance of the charges brought against Colonel Thomas B. Felder lay in the fact that the forces of evil in the city had been steadily laboring for the downfall of himself and Chief Beavers ever since the city was cleaned up and the disreputable resorts put out of business.

He declared that since that time spies and agents of “the interests” that were most harmed had been on the trail of himself and Chief Beavers trying to “get something on them” which would result in their disgrace and dismissal from office.

The theft of affidavits and other papers from his safe, he declared, was only a part of the deep plot to discredit the heads of the police and the detective departments.

Every accusation that is made by Lanford, Colonel Felder has denied to The Georgian, and has replied to Lanford by saying that the detective department has not been seeking to find the real criminal in the Phagan mystery, but has been making every effort to save the guilty man from the consequences of his terrible crime.

* * *

Atlanta Georgian, May 24th 1913, “Felder’s Fight is to Get Chief and Lanford Out of Office,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Beavers Says He Will Seek Indictments

Beavers SaysAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

“Gang of Vice Promoters Have Been After Me,” Declares Police Chief.

Chief of Police J. L. Beavers, in answering the turmoil of accusations of graft and frame-ups which have been cast at himself and Detective Chief Lanford, declared the whole to be the result of a plot of gangsters which has been working against him ever since he closed up the Tenderloin section of Atlanta.

“This whole proposition is a fight against me by a gang of vice promoters,” declared Chief Beavers. “Tom Felder is the leader of it and C. C. Jones is his chief lieutenant.

“They have made repeated attempts to attack me. Only last Christmas I learned that they had offered $300 to a man if he would get me into a room with a woman of ill fame.

“Their action now is the result of the constant prodding I have been giving them. They have had to come out into the open and fight. This is going to be a fight to the finish, too.

“I am going to carry this matter before the Grand Jury. It is going to be a fight to the finish, even though I get killed in the meantime.”

* * *

Atlanta Georgian, May 24th 1913, “Beavers Says He Will Seek Indictments,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Residents of Bellwood Ask The Journal to Say That Mr. Felder Was Not Employed by Them

Residents of Bellwood

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

Certain residents of Bellwood, the part of Atlanta where live Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coleman, the parents of little Mary Phagan, wish The Journal to put them publicly on record in denouncing as absolutely untrue certain published reports to the effect that a subscription has been collected from them to employ Attorney Thomas B. Felder or any other lawyer, to assist in the prosecution of the alleged slayer.

Saturday morning, J. W. Hammond, of 161 Bellwood avenue, delivered the following statement to The Journal:

“There is absolutely no truth in the report that a subscription has been started by the residents of Bellwood to employ Thomas B. Felder to assist in the prosecution of the slayer or little Mary Phagan. I have lived out there for a long time, and certainly would have been approached had such a move been started.

“When I heard of the list, and yet did not see it, I could not understand why the persons circulating it had not been to me.

“I began to inquire around, and soon became convinced that no such move had been started.

“The people out here know of no such thing having been attempted, and certainly all of us would have been more than willing to give—had we wanted Mr. Felder.

“He simply ‘butted in.’”

J. M. Redd, proprietor of a drug store at 195 Bellwood avenue, declared to The Journal, with Mr. Hammond, that he had never been approached for funds and had heard of no such list being circulated.

George C. Barron, of 151 Wheeler street, how is conducting a series of revival meetings in Bellwood, was another who desired to be quoted. He said that he had heard nothing of the subscription being gotten up. Continue Reading →

Blease Ironic in Comments on Felder Trap

Blease IronicAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Georgian

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

COLUMBIA, S. C., May 24.—When asked for a comment upon the Felder dictograph story, Governor Blease dictated the following:

I do not see that it is necessary for me to give out any interview or to have anything to say. It is not inside of my State and I do not suppose anybody that knows Tom Felder would be surprised if he is guilty, or if this is a scheme worked up by him to get a little cheap notoriety and advertisement.

However, I presume that the members of the Atlanta Bar will immediately furnish certificates of character for their darling Tommy and show that he is above suspicion and a gentleman of the highest character, with an unblemished reputation as a man and attorney, and if a court of Georgian should order his arrest that his friends will forthwith call out the militia and have him released, as they know of his character and reputation and will not for a moment allow Tommy to be interfered with. I am satisfied that poor little misled Joe Brown has had his pardon clerk already fixing up a release for his innocent darling in case of any conviction.

And, as a matter of course, the gutter snipes who went over to August from South Carolina will hurry to offer their services to go on sweet Tommy’s bond, and also to appear in the courts, along with Seaboard Bill and his friend, J. F. Lyon, who have heretofore been his bosom friends in his defense—all save Chairman Carlisle, who, I suppose, will be too busy “moseying” to leave his own State just now.

Consequently all will be well. Birds of a feather flock together, and of course if the lead buzzard rings his bell the congregation will assemble.

* * *

Atlanta Georgian, May 24th 1913, “Blease Ironic in Comments on Felder Trap,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Chief Lanford Replies to Col. T. B. Felder

Chief LanfordAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Journal

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

“Where Is Col. Felder’s Fee in Phagan Case Coming From?” He Asks

Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford told The Journal Saturday afternoon that he doesn’t want to make any formal statement at this time regarding the charges of Colonel Thomas B. Felder. The charges were absurd, as any one familiar with the workings of the detective department would know, he said. The “personal attacks” were entirely unwarranted, he said.

“I want Felder to answer this question,” the chief said. “Why was he working without fees? Ask him where were his fees coming coming from.”

Chief of Police Beavers said he did not care to discuss the matter at this time.

* * *

Atlanta Journal, May 24th 1913, “Chief Lanford Replies to Col. T. B. Felder,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)

Felder is Charged with Bribe Offer for Phagan Papers

Felder is ChargedAnother in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

City Detective Department Holds Statements Alleging Attorney Made Attempt to Secure Coleman Affidavit.


Report of Conversation Between Col. Felder, Secretary Febuary and A. S. Colyar Taken Down by Gentry

Colonel Thomas B. Felder—the man who brought the dictograph south and used it with such telling effect in the Blease investigation in South Carolina—has himself [several words illegible] and a charge of [several words illegible] against him and [several words illegible] which [several words illegible] the department declared [several words illegible].

Charges are made that Colonel Felder offered a bribe of $1,000 in order to have affidavits [1 word illegible] Phagan murder case stolen from the [1 word illegible] of Chief of Detectives N. A. Lanford and that he offered  [several words illegible] the chief’s secretary if he would make the theft.

The charges are backed up by a detailed dictograph record of [several words illegible] which took place in a room of the Williams house No. 2 last Wednesday [several words illegible] Colonel Felder, Secretary G. C. Febuary and A. S. Colyar, [several words illegible] the [several words illegible] according to sworn statement by George M. Gentry [several words illegible] the expert [several words illegible] who is a nephew of Colonel W. T. Gentry [several words illegible].

Affidavit Says Felder Approached Colemans

The affidavit which the detectives declare Felder offered $1,000 to gain is a statement signed by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coleman and stepfather and mother of Mary Phagan. In this statement they [1 word illegible] that Colonel Felder approached them and [several words illegible] it would not cost them 1 cent.

Affiant told him he did not want to employ him and did not want to have anything to do with him, reads the affidavit. It goes on to explain that Mr. and Mrs. Coleman are satisfied with the work of the Atlanta police department. Continue Reading →

Chief Beavers Not Surprised at Col. Felder’s Statements

Chief Beavers

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution

Saturday, May 24th, 1913

“I am not surprised,” said Chief Beavers when asked to give an expression on Colonel T. B. Felder’s alleged statement regarding graft and immorality in the detective department. “I am not surprised in the least.

“However, I don’t think it would be very nice of him to have me ridden through the streets naked, as he is reported to have threatened. Besides being not nice, he might lay himself liable to prosecution for public idecency.”

Further than this, Chief Beavers maintained the sphinx-like attitude which has characterized him ever since a certain memorable occasion when he closed the red light district.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 24th 1913, “Chief Beavers Not Surprised at Col. Felder’s Statements,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)