Parade: The Leo Frank Broadway Musical

  A thespian music video by Jo Jo Brown, who sings “It’s Hard to Speak My Heart” from the Leo Frank musical ‘Parade’ (Broadway should hire him, he’s a perfect typecast to perform as Leo Max Frank), JoJo Brown is not affiliated with the Leo Frank Research Library.   Even the ADL Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith promoted showings of Continue Reading →

American State Trials Volume X 1918 By John D. Lawson LLD

American State Trials Volume 10 (1918) by John D. Lawson, LL.D. Beginning on page 182, an interpretation of the Leo M. Frank case by John D. Lawson is featured and then it is followed by an abridged version of the 1913 Leo Frank trial testimony (July 28, 1913 to August 26, 1913) for the murder of little Mary Phagan on Continue Reading →

Leo Frank Documentary and Film Review: People v. Leo Frank, Directed by Ben Loeterman and Chief Consultant Steve Oney

People v. Leo Frank (2009) directed by Ben Loeterman and Steve Oney (senior consultant). Please watch, transcribe, and fact-check each segment of this 84 minute, 2009 published docudrama by using the 1913 – 1915 primary sources of the Leo Frank case (legal records and Atlanta newspaper reports) to determine what is fact or fiction. When you have completed this task, Continue Reading →

Introduction to Leo Frank (1884 to 1915)

Leo Max Frank (April 17, 1884 – August 17, 1915), also stylized as Leo M. Frank, or Leo Frank. Introduction: Leo Frank’s Life Summarized and Distilled to the Essentials Leo M. Frank was a Jewish-American industrialist, raised and educated during his most formative years in Brooklyn, New York City. In the fall of 1902, Frank matriculated into Cornell University in Continue Reading →

Instauration, The Rehabilitation of Leo Frank, 1986

The Right Wing Perspective on the Leo Frank Pardon This review is written to present the christian right winger view on the Leo Frank Pardon, as opposed to the Frankite (Jewish Community and Leo Frank partisan) view on the Pardon. This review offers a unique and controversial view on the Leo Frank pardon that rarely is given a voice, but Continue Reading →

Leo Frank Case – Open or Closed? By Allen Koenigsberg the World’s Foremost Expert on the Leo Frank Case

Mary Phagan Directory Listing in 1913 Atlanta The Leo Frank Case – open or closed? by Allen Koenigsberg of On April 27, 1913, shortly before the Atlanta Journal had printed all the events of the previous day. (Leo Frank sketch in the Aug 1913 Atlanta Constitution). A congratulatory article had already appeared in their pages: “Grand Opera Helped to Continue Reading →

The “Truth” About The Leo Frank Case (1915) by C.P. Connolly

Original 1915 first edition front cover Photo of Leo Frank contained within Connolly’s book (Many people email us asking what’s that phallic looking thing Leo Frank is holding upright in his left hand at his crotch? Answer: Leo Frank is holding a Cigar in his left hand. To Quote Psychology’s most famous Quack, Sigmund Freud, “Sometimes a Cigar is just Continue Reading →

Luther Zeigler Rosser, August 22, 1913, The Final Arguments of Luther Z. Rosser on Behalf of Mr. Leo Max Frank Charged on May 24, 1913, with having Strangled to Death Little Mary Anne Phagan on Saturday, April 26, 1913

Luther Zeigler Rosser (Lawfirm Rosser, Brandon, Slaton and Phillips) Brief Introduction to the August 22nd, 1913, Closing Argument of Luther Zeigler Rosser, in the Concluding Days of the Leo M. Frank Capital Murder Trial (July 28, 1913 to August 25, 1913). First, Meet Attorney Luther Zeigler Rosser, Chief Counsel For the Leo M. Frank Defense Legal Dream Team of Eight Continue Reading →

Leo Frank Was Framed According to Stephen J. Goldfarb, an Atlanta (Fulton County) Librarian

American Heritage Magazine, October 1996, page 108 to 113 Online: PDF: PDF 2: Leo Frank, American Heritage Magazine, October 1996. A newly discovered document casts a disturbing light on exactly how Frank’s prosecutor won his case “FRAMED” by STEPHEN J. GOLDFARB Published in American Heritage Magazine, October 1996, page 108 to 113: The Fate of Leo Frank by Continue Reading →

Mr. Frank Arthur Hooper, Closing Arguments for the Prosecution Team in the Leo M. Frank Murder Trial, August 21, 1913, at the Fulton County Superior Court.

The Handsome and Debonair Mr. Frank Arthur Hooper State’s Prosecutor Frank Arthur Hooper for the State of Georgia vs. Leo M. Frank The Final Speech to the Jury by Mr. Frank Arthur Hooper for the State of Georgia delivered on August 21, 1913 in the Fulton County Superior Court. Mr. Frank Arthur Hooper Speaks: Gentlemen of the Jury, the object Continue Reading →

Leo Frank, Guilty or Not Guilty, Francis Xavier Busch, 1952

Below is the OCR digitally scanned version of the Leo Frank chapter, if you want a crisp version of the book visit the Internet Archive: The Internet Archive: Guilty or Not Guilty. An Account of the trial of the Leo Frank Case By Francis Xavier 1952. The Trial of Leo Frank for the Murder of Mary Phagan (1913) THE Continue Reading →

Wikipedia Biased on Behalf of Leo Frank

Leo Frank Research Library Disclaimer: Accusations by Christians, Political Conservatives and non-Jews, claiming Wikipedia is biased, have been widely and vociferously made across the Internet. We will present these conclusions here, but it is up to the reader to decide if these accusations have merit or not, by doing their own research and testing on Wikipedia. Try the wikipedia test. Continue Reading →

Frank v. Mangum

Leo M. FRANK V. Wheeler MANGUM, 237 U. S. 309 (1915) Case Preview Full Text of Case U.S. Supreme Court Frank v. Mangum, 237 U.S. 309 (1915) Frank v. Mangum No. 775 Argued February 25, 26, 1915 Decided April 12, 1915 237 U.S. 309 APPEAL FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Syllabus Continue Reading →

Magnolia “Minola” McKnight, State’s Exhibit J, June 3, 1913, Leo Frank Admission Amounting to Alleged (Hearsay) Murder Confession Number 2

Meet the Selig Household Servant: Chapter Entitled “The Black Magnolia” Another shocking crescendo occurred within five weeks of the three-month long Mary Phagan murder investigation and pretrial discovery. After the police were tipped off with what amounted to second, third, and fourth hand reports about the African American Albert McKnight concerning alleged conversations revealed to him by his common-law wife, Continue Reading →

Mystery of the Pencil Factory by Sidney Sutherland, 1929

Published in 1929, it is one of the early accounts summarizing the Leo M. Frank case. Unfortunately, the article is filled with mistakes, omissions, and factual errors, but it is an interesting read nonetheless. The article also tends to take the side of Leo M. Frank and can therefore be categorized as taking the defense or Frankite position. THE MYSTERY Continue Reading →

Closing Argument of Hugh Dorsey, Solicitor General for Atlanta Circuit

Download the ARGUMENT OF HUGH M. DORSEY (click here or right mouse click and save as) Arguments of Prosecutor Hugh M. Dorsey, August 1913. Leo Frank murder trial closing arguments by Hugh Manson Dorsey are published under the title, Argument of Hugh M. Dorsey, Solicitor-General, Atlanta Judicial Circuit, at the Trial of Leo M. Frank Charged with the Murder of Continue Reading →

Leonard Dinnerstein, The Leo Frank Case PhD Dissertation, 1966, Leo Frank Case Book (1968 to 2008)

From the scholarly article, “Leo Frank and the American Jewish Community,” published in the prestigious American Jewish Archive Journal, 1968, volume 20, number 2, by Leonard Dinnerstein author of The Leo Frank Case editions 1968 through 2008. Link: Dinnerstein, Leonard. “Leo M. Frank and the American Jewish Community.” American Jewish Archive Journal, November 1968, Volume 20, Number 2. Leonard Dinnerstein’s Continue Reading →