American State Trials Volume X 1918 By John D. Lawson LLD

American State Trials Volume 10 (1918) by John D. Lawson, LL.D. Beginning on page 182, an interpretation of the Leo M. Frank case by John D. Lawson is featured and then it is followed by an abridged version of the 1913 Leo Frank trial testimony (July 28, 1913 to August 26, 1913) for the murder of little Mary Phagan on Continue Reading →

Leo Frank Documentary and Film Review: People v. Leo Frank, Directed by Ben Loeterman and Chief Consultant Steve Oney

People v. Leo Frank (2009) directed by Ben Loeterman and Steve Oney (senior consultant). Please watch, transcribe, and fact-check each segment of this 84 minute, 2009 published docudrama by using the 1913 – 1915 primary sources of the Leo Frank case (legal records and Atlanta newspaper reports) to determine what is fact or fiction. When you have completed this task, Continue Reading →

LiveLeak on the Leo Frank Case

Taking the side of Leo Frank, LiveLeak published an interesting article on the case based on some of the intimate experiences of family members concerning the case. Embed Code from (report if problem) Murder case and the “Leo Frank lynching” live on… Turn back time, more than 90 years, to a cold case that won’t gather dust. It’s a Continue Reading →

Wikipedia Biased on Behalf of Leo Frank

Leo Frank Research Library Disclaimer: Accusations by Christians, Political Conservatives and non-Jews, claiming Wikipedia is biased, have been widely and vociferously made across the Internet. We will present these conclusions here, but it is up to the reader to decide if these accusations have merit or not, by doing their own research and testing on Wikipedia. Try the wikipedia test. Continue Reading →

Leonard Dinnerstein, The Leo Frank Case PhD Dissertation, 1966, Leo Frank Case Book (1968 to 2008)

From the scholarly article, “Leo Frank and the American Jewish Community,” published in the prestigious American Jewish Archive Journal, 1968, volume 20, number 2, by Leonard Dinnerstein author of The Leo Frank Case editions 1968 through 2008. Link: Dinnerstein, Leonard. “Leo M. Frank and the American Jewish Community.” American Jewish Archive Journal, November 1968, Volume 20, Number 2. Leonard Dinnerstein’s Continue Reading →

Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term 1913. Brief of Evidence, 1913.

The month long Leo Frank trial, for the murder of Mary Phagan, took place from July 28, 1913 to Aug 26, 1913. The trial testimony and questions were captured as a stenographic record, in total, numbered approximately 1,080,060 words (Phagan Kean, 1989), in a 7 volume set, on over 3,647 pages of legal cap paper (Rosser, Bass, 1914). Alas, it Continue Reading →

Chronology of Events in the Leo Max Frank Epic Saga

After reading the Leo M. Frank chronology of events, you may want to read the period Leo Frank case newspaper articles from 1913 to 1915 (and beyond), and be sure to also review the Leo Frank Images Archive, which has recently exceeded two hundred images. —- The Leo Frank Case Chronology, based on the compilation originally created by Charles Pou, Continue Reading →

Prosecution Side of the Leo M. Frank Case and Review

The State of Georgia vs. Leo Max Frank (1913 to 2012) These documents support the Honorable State of Georgia’s prosecution team and all of those opposing Leo Frank, led by Solicitor General Hugh Manson Dorsey, the prosecutor for the Atlanta Stone Mountain Circuit. Ironically, the Leo M. Frank legal defense fund that began growing rapidly after the murder of Mary Continue Reading →

Leo Max Frank Bibliography, Chronology, Citations, and References

Leo Frank Saga References and Bibliography1902 and 1903 Pratt Institute Monthly mentions Leo Frank on the Debate team in June 1902 and mentions Leo Frank’s Brooklyn address as an Alumni in February, 1903. Google map is available. 1906 Steve Oney (Dead Shall Rise, 2003) claims, as do other Jewish-American authors that Leo Frank was 5’6″ and 130lbs., but reliable Continue Reading →

The Complete Leo Frank Trial Statement Delivered On August 18, 1913, Between 2:15 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the Fulton County Superior Court House, Atlanta, Georgia and Analysis.

Prelude to Leo Frank’s August 18, 1913, Trial Testimony A large body of peer-reviewed research published by modern psychologists, behavioral scientists, and police interrogators suggests macro and micro body language, demeanor, eye contact, speech patterns, and numerous other outward physical manifestations, known in slang as “tells,” can reveal much about a suspect beneath their surface. Everything you say can and Continue Reading →