Leo Frank Received Fair Trial Declares Chief Newport Lanford

Another in our series of new transcriptions of contemporary articles on the Leo Frank case.

Atlanta Constitution
August 26th, 1913

Chief Newport Lanford made the following statement Monday night in talking with a Constitution reporter:

“It is very gratifying to the members of my department that the jury, after their undoubtedly careful deliberation, found Frank guilty. I am not in the least surprised, nor do I think are any of the detectives, who have been associated with me in this case.”

“Frank was given one of the fairest trials it has ever been my lot to figure in. A body of twelve honorable gentlemen of high standing in the community have found him guilty, as charged, of the murder of Mary Phagan, and I am of the opinion that nearly everyone who is familiar with the case believes him guilty.”

“We, the other detectives and myself, have worked very hard on the case and have been untiring in our efforts to get at the truth regarding this terrible crime. We have been severely condemned by a few persons, most of whom are unfamiliar with the case, and with police methods of obtaining evidence, for the manner in which the city detectives have handled the Frank case, but the verdict rendered by the jury comes as a complete vindication of our department. In my opinion, and we feel that we have received the greatest reward possible, namely, the conviction of the man responsible for the little Phagan girl’s death.”

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Atlanta Constitution, August 26th 1913, “Leo Frank Received Fair Trial Declares Chief Newport Lanford,” Leo Frank case newspaper article series (Original PDF)