Seeking Justice for Mary Anne Phagan (June 1, 1899 – April 26, 1913) Against the Anti-Defamation League’s Racist, Anti-Gentile Campaign, of Perpetuating the Century-Long, Leo M. Frank Trial, Anti-Semitic Hatecrime Hoax, from 1913 to 2013

Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL), Patron Father and Martyr of Anti-Semitism: Leo Frank, Atlanta B’nai B’rith President

Serial rapist-pedophile and convicted child killer, Leo Max Frank, violently assaulted, raped, and garroted 13-year-old little Mary Anne Phagan (born Thursday, June 1, 1899) at minutes past twelve-noon, on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913. Phagan was viciously murdered, inside the National Pencil Company’s machine room / tipping department (colloquially known as the “metal room”), which was located at the rear section of the factory’s second floor. A glimpse of what happened to Phagan during that fateful noon hour, was revealed months later at the Leo Frank trial, when one of the physicians, who performed an autopsy on her, mounted the stand and forensically described in medical detail, what his analysis of the cadaver indicated: (Mary Phagan Autopsy Report, 1913).

Born in the Rape & Strangulation of Mary Phagan: Happy 100th Birthday Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL)

In the days, weeks, and months leading up to and surrounding Sunday, October 20th, 2013, the well organized international Jewish community, will commemorate with much fanfare and maudlin pomp, the monumental centennial founding of ‘ADL’, the infamous organization established October 20, 1913 as ‘Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith’. This well known, impressively funded, and politically powerful Jewish-Israel lobby and activist group that masquerades as a civil rights group, was created by ‘B’nai B’rith’ in direct response to the August 25, 1913, conviction of 29-year-old Jewish industrialist, Leo M. Frank, who was sentenced to hang, for garroting one of his child laborers, 13-year-old Mary Phagan, in downtown Atlanta, Georgia.

Leo Frank the B’nai B’rith President of Atlanta (1912 to 1914):

The commonly held belief, by majority of the Jewish community since 1913, has always been that 29-year-old Leo Max Frank was railroaded for the grisly murder of Mary Ann Phagan, because of Gentile anti-Semitic prejudice, media frenzies/sensationalism and jury intimidation by Mobs of anti-Semites, not because of compelling forensic evidence found in the second floor metal room, testimony of defense and prosecution witnesses, or circumstantial facts. Moreover, Leo Frank had been elected B’nai B’rith President of the Atlanta Gatecity Lodge in the Autumn of 1912 and one year later, less than one month after his sensational trial concluded in the summer of 1913, in open defiance of his guilty verdict and death sentence, he was unanimously re-elected (AC, September 24, 1913) by his local 500-member strong Jewish Fraternal Lodge.

The men who made up the membership of B’nai B’rith ( Hebrew: בני ברית, “Sons of the Covenant”), were more often than not, the social, political and financial elite of Jewry. Frank would continue to proudly manage the affairs of his B’nai B’rith chapter while incarcerated, and as his appeals began wending their way through the State and Federal judicial system. There was great hope for Frank’s vindication amongst his growing allies and supporters, who waited anxiously through two years of defeats. By 1915, the Leo Frank case, that had consolidated as an inflammatory national cause celebre for the American Jewish community, was becoming an international incident on the periphery, with Jewish groups throughout major European cities like Berlin, Paris and even far-off Moscow, organizing and agitating locally on his behalf, to bring awareness to his plight and predicament, while crystallizing Jewish tribal cohesiveness through the epigenetic pathology of persecution and victomology. Anti-Semitism has become the new secular religion and evolutionary strategy for the Jewish community seeking to preserve group identity and protect against assimilation, as a natural response to an astonishingly high number of Jews rejecting Judaism in the 20th and 21st century, because of its picayune, antiquated, convoluted and peculiar teachings found in the Talmud and Torah.

The So-called “Cold Case” that Refuses to Gather Dust:

The Frank-Phagan affair started out as only an embarrassing scandal for the Atlanta Jewish community, primarily because Southerners generally regarded German-Jews as honest and upstanding White citizens — who were rarely known to commit such heinous crimes — and Leo was a high profile factory superintendent and leader in B’nai B’rith, married into a prominent Jewish family, whose maternal line, two generations earlier, had founded the first Synagogue in Atlanta (Levi Cohen).

The spark causing an inferno erupted when Atlanta, Chicago and New York Jews began organizing, conspiring and engineering an agitation war and racist anti-Gentile defamation campaign against White Americans, claiming Leo Frank was railroaded in an unfair trial because of anti-Semitism, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Leo Frank’s legal defense dream team of eight attorneys (Oney, 2003), included some of the best legal minds money could buy in the State of Georgia and there was more than three months time to prepare before his trial began.

The presiding Judge, the Honorable Leonard Strickland Roan, had presided over many of Atlanta’s most high profile murder cases, having established his reputation as being a conscientious and competent jurist. A fact rarely mentioned is that Roan was a former law partner of Leo Frank’s chief defense counselor, Luther Rosser. Roan had given Leo Frank more than a fair chance with a month long trial that was the longest and most expensive at the time, with more than 3,600 pages of stenographed testimony and statements. Moreover, Leo Frank during his trial changed his murder alibi on the stand – witnessed by a packed courtroom – where he made a newfangled admission that was delicious irony (Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, Frank’s Statement, Page 186). This fact is also rarely mentioned by Leo Frank’s defenders then and now.

National Newspaper and Media Defamation Wars

The Jewish defamation war expanded across the national media landscape and Jews began using the case as traducement against Georgia. Atlanta Rabbi Dr. David Marx went North to meet with a coterie of Jewish leaders, resulting in the criminal case going viral after advertising tycoon Albert Lasker and media magnate Adolf Ochs, embraced the drama playing out through the State and Federal judicial appeals system. Ochs made the Leo Frank case his personal crusade, and began using his flagship press organ, the New York Times, to regularly publicize the appeals of Leo M. Frank. With all the forces of organized Jewry united and working behind the scenes, the vindication and liberation of Leo Frank became the most celebrated cause celebre of early 20th century Jewish-American history. Today the case is still presented as a racist anti-Gentile morality tale.

In the aftermath of Leo Frank’s conviction, the ADL of B’nai B’rith has grown into a transnational juggernaut and for more than a century rallied behind Leo Frank as an iconic and innocent martyr of Gentile inspired extrajudicial persecution and American anti-Semitism.

Sadly, this conflict born in 1913, which galvanized the ADL and American Jewry, gave birth to the Jewish-Gentile culture wars that is still smoldering today on a transnational level, having consumed all parts of Western Civilization and successfully put the United States of America into irreversible terminal decline.

July 1913 the most powerful lawfirm in Georgia History Forms: Rosser, Brandon, *Slaton* and Phillips.

The lawfirm lead by Luther Zeigler Rosser and Morris Brandon (Jewish-American attorney), merging with John M. Slaton and Benjamin Z. Phillips (Jewish-American attorney) was considered the most powerful law group in Atlanta at the time, because its political and financial connections reached to the highest echelons of state government with the addition of ‘Slaton’, who was governor-elect when final decisions were being negotiated during the pre-consolidation. This elite law group formed officially via merger in early July of 1913, and represented Leo Frank at his trial (July 28 to August 21, 1913), continuing to represent him during some of his state appeals at the Fulton Country Superior Court and Georgia Supreme Court. Slaton is mentioned several times in the Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court case records as participating in the bribing and subordination of perjury of witnesses who testified at the Leo Frank trial.

On June 21, 1915, the out-going Governor of Georgia, John Marshall Slaton, used his executive privilege, commuting Leo Frank’s death sentence to life in prison. The gross conflict of interest caused demonstrations to form around several regional cities throughout Georgia, in part because it was well known that Governor Slaton was senior law partner and part owner of the now famous lawfirm, ‘Rosser, Brandon, *Slaton* and Phillips’. Word also got out that Slaton’s law office was being used as a place to trick witnesses into signing affidavits that their testimony at the Frank trial was not true.

The prevailing outrage at the time, was the populace’s belief that Slaton’s actions were illegal and he should have been disbarred for what he had done, and without question, most people then and now, believe he was disqualified from commuting the death sentence of his own lawfirm’s client and therefore his commutation was a nullity. In response to Slaton’s betrayal of his oath to the constitution, the highest ranking officials in the Government of Georgia and most prominent citizens of Atlanta and Marietta, felt they would execute the judge-and-jury’s death sentence originally rendered against Leo Frank two years before in August of 1913. Sheriff William J. Frey’s Cotton Gin Estate, was chosen for the location for which at sunrise on August 17, 1915, Leo Frank would be executed by hanging.

21st Century Jewish Racial Activism and un-American Jewish Domestic Extremism:

The popular mainstream culture that has been most prominently cultivated over the last century by the well organized Jewish community, has been one united around the position that leading up to the trial of Leo Frank, he was scapegoated during the Mary Phagan murder inquest and wrongfully indicted by the Grand Jury, because of media frenzies, sectarian divisions and societal tensions at the time, that all came to a focal point, involving: Union-North verses Confederate-South political animosity; class struggle between an ambivalent bourgeoisie, and blue-collar proletariat; transformational growing-pains between the declining agrarian economy in the surrounding regions and surging industrial revolutions on the ground; underlying racial hostilities of White vs. Black, yellow journalism in the Atlanta media; and traditional Christian prejudices against Jews from antiquity. But none of these Jewish Hollywood theories ever directly address the fact the Georgia Supreme Court vetted the Leo Frank trial transcript digest, and ruled the testimony and exhibits sustained the verdict of guilt rendered against Leo Frank. Moreover, every level of the United States legal system from State to Federal tribunals, to pardons boards, from 1913 to 1986, have rendered decisions that left the verdict of the Leo Frank trial jury undisturbed – including the 1986 pardon which was without exoneration. Many Jewish sources play up the pardon as his guilt was overturned when it was not.

In comparison to the most highly qualified appeals judges, why have self-deceiving, self-serving and less qualified Jewish intellectuals, leaders, professors, historians, academics, journalists, and authors, cultivated the mythology over the last hundred years that Leo Frank was innocent?

Why has this century-old Jewish mythology been transformed into a multi-million dollar Hollywood-Broadway popular-culture and mainstream Jewish carnival sideshow?

What would possess Jews to transform a perverted Jewish serial molester of kids and convicted child killer into a deity revered symbol of Anti-Semitic Martyrdom?

Why is the pervasiveness of pedophilia even to this day, in 2013, still the unspeakable taboo and dirty little secret of the Jewish community?

The Jewish Genetic Algorithm: Is DNA an Equation?

The answer is revealed from studying 5,773 years of Jewish history, through the lens of 21st century evolutionary psychology, evolutionary strategy, genetic psychology and behavioral genetics. The ethnoreligious parasite-host symbiosis of Jewish evolutionary strategy and Gentile culture, is based on a sado-masochistically dysfunctional relationship where Jews agitate against and antagonize the nation states of Western Civilization as fundamentally hostile to Jewish racial interests, and this can be lucidly seen throughout the 20th century, but before we can look deeper into Jewish tribal activism and endemic racist Jewish extremism, first, let’s travel back in time to 1913, to witness the beginning of how the species of this 20th century Jewish culture war against European-Americans was born, one that still rages on today in 2013 with ever greater ferocity:

The ADL’s Viciously Racist Anti-Gentile Blood Libel Accusations (2013):

The Anti-Defamation League has been perpetuating one of the longest ongoing racist hatecrime hoaxes in American history since 1913, claiming that an “innocent” Northern Jew, Leo M. Frank, was convicted and sentenced to death in the South — the last holdout and vestige of European-American ethnic solidarity — not because of the circumstantial facts and incriminating evidence presented at Frank’s 29-day trial, but absurd and unfounded anti-Semitic conspiracy theories created by racist Jewish activists and extremists known as Frankites. Most of the rumors, hoaxes and conflations perpetuated by Jewish activists do not measure up to the newspaper reports and legal records of the case, but by using the big lie method, all the of misrepresentations of the Leo Frank Case have become the mainstream orthodoxy in 2013 after 100 years of cultivation.

The ADL also claims that anti-Semitism wasn’t only just “hanging heavily inside the courtroom”, and that the trial was biased and unfair, and based on flimsy or no evidence, but that their were mobs of angry Gentiles chanting anti-Jewish bloody murder outside the Atlanta courthouse, loud enough to be heard inside the courtroom in the midst of the Leo Frank trial. Thus given that air-conditioners hadn’t been invented yet and the ozonators weren’t always working so well, it is widely known the windows were ordered opened during boiling hot summertime. Jewish racial activists often directly imply that anti-Jewish chanting infiltrated the proceedings, terrorized and influenced the outcome of the jury against Frank. Some Jews hide behind cowardly language when making these false assertions and insinuations, yet others like Abraham Foxman, Leonard Dinnerstein, Harry Golden, Robert Seitz Frey and other degreed people like Alan Dershowitz, perpetuate outright anti-Gentile bald-faced lies to perpetuate the Jewish narrative. It’s getting to the point where you simply can not trust most Jewish professors anymore about history, society and politics.

According to Abraham Foxman’s official ADL website and their ADL FaceBook page:

“Hang the Jew, Hang the Jew”. This was the cry of the furious mob outside the Atlanta courthouse where Leo Frank, a Northern Jew, stood trial after his arrest in 1913 for a murder he did not commit. Anti-Semitism hung heavy in the courtroom as Frank was found guilty and sentenced to death.”

(Source: ADL History 1913 to 1920

European-Americans Demand an Apology and a Retraction by the ADL and Leonard Dinnerstein, about people shouting anti-Semitic death chants into the Leo Frank trial courtroom.

These racist anti-Gentile smears have been perpetuated as genuine history by the ADL for nearly a century and species of this hoax have evolved and been repeated numerous times by the majority of Jewish-American authors and even non-Jewish journalists who have written about the Leo Frank case (Oney, Alphin, Melnick, Golden,  Dershowitz, Frey, Wilkes, Dinnerstein, Foxman and many others). However, these claims amount to nothing more than racist defamation, because none of the three major Atlanta newspapers that meticulously covered every detail of the Leo Frank trial ever reported such incidents. Teams of reporters from every major newspaper in Atlanta were not only inside the courtroom, but also outside the courthouse. Moreover, none of Leo Frank’s appeals to the Georgia Supreme Court and United States Supreme Court, ever mention any anti-Semitic mobs of people outside the courtroom shouting death chants.

Is the ADL Falsifying Evidence and Creating a Hatecrime Hoax?

The ADL claims to fight anti-Semitism, bigotry and hate, except when the bigotry and hate is directed at European-Americans or Arabs by Jews. When Gentiles are attacked by Jews with words, the ADL is completely silent, except for its rare token gestures to blunt criticism of its duel policies, Communist Multicultural Leftwing Liberalism for America and Apartheid Racial Separatist Right Wing Conservatism for Israel. Many people, Jews and Gentiles alike, despise the ADL, because they consider it to be deep down a grotesquely racist, zionist, bigoted and prejudiced organization, pretending to be a civil rights group, known to manufacture or exaggerate anti-Semitism, fabricate anti-Semitic hate crime hoaxes and use blood libel canards against Gentiles.

The March 11, 1986, ADL Sponsored Posthumous Pardon of Leo Max Frank

The Alonzo Mann Affair (1913 to 1986) that was born in 1982, turned into another mainstream media Hoax that was meant to vindicate Leo Frank, but the publicity stunt failed to get him exonerated at first, to the outrage of the organized Jewish community in 1983. However the ADL was able to use the 1982/1983 Alonzo Mann media circus as a spring board to secure a highly political posthumous pardon for Leo Frank in 1986, but it was a Pyrrhic victory without actually getting him exonerated of the murder. Most of the time when the Leo Frank posthumous pardon is mentioned by Jews and mainstream media, the fact Leo was not exonerated of the crime is almost always left out, to give people the false impression his guilt was overturned and that he was framed. Then comes the Jewish racist blame game against the African-American community, claiming Jim Conley – the accessory after the fact – did it by himself without Leo Frank. African-Americans who study this case should be outraged and agitate against the ADL and demand an apology.

The ADL One Hundred Years Later

The 21st century reveals the ADL has evolved into one of the many Hydra-Heads of the Anti-Semitism Lobby,  masquerading as a civil rights organization, but what it really is: An un-American Jewish-Israeli lobby, that smears patriots as: extremists, racists, White supremacists or anti-Semites, if they as individuals or as part of groups, dare criticize the unreported history of Jewish War Crimes Against Humanity waged against Gentiles by the Jews from antiquity,  or criticize the Israeli government and North American Jewish lobby groups like AIPAC waging extermination upon Arabs living in the occupied State of Palestine and the surrounding middle east region.

Public Dossiers From a Non Profit: Spying on Gentiles

The ADL has been spying on American citizens and publishes dossiers on their web site as a fear-smear tactic to intimidate, discredit and silence people that criticize Jewish racism, Jewish hate and Jewish chauvinism. One hundred years after its birth, the Anti-Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center and AIPAC, have become the vanguard of the all pervasive and politically-powerful racist Jewish Nationalist (Zionist) movement, that conspicuously promotes one set of values for Western nations and diametrically opposite for Israel. The proof of this is the culture of fear is that no politician can ever get elected to US Congress or stay there, who openly takes the side of Palestinians as victims of the core middle east conflict of ethnic cleansing conducted by Israel, which is ultimately enabled, via U.S. military equipment, and financed with American tax payer dollars. The ADL and SPLC also try to pressure domain registration companies and web hosting companies to shut down politically incorrect web sites in open defiance against the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. What a sick bunch of subversive cowards.

In Leo Frank’s Violent Left Fist We Trust

Born in the blood of 13-year old Mary Phagan’s rape and strangulation, is the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, the Jewish HIV virus infecting Western Civilization and causing the disease of Jewish cultural AIDS, having put the American Superpower into irreversible terminal decline as of 2013. Thank you! Congratulations ADL on 100 years of your success in promoting Left for the West and Right for Israel!

Definitive Proof the Anti-Defamation League is falsifying history and perpetuating a racist and anti-Gentile hatecrime hoax against European-Americans about the Leo Frank trial, which directly led to the ADL founding:

Leo Frank first appeal, motion for a new trial, August 27, through Oct 31, 1913. Note there is nothing about anti-Semitic death threats and chants made at the Leo Frank trial, whether inside or outside the courtroom.

The Atlanta Constitution (focused between 1913 and 1915, with other issues before and after this date range) & Atlanta Georgian newspaper (April 28 through August, 1913). (Atlanta Georgian) and the Atlanta Constitution and the Atlanta Journal which are now archived in our Newspaper section. Nothing in the “yellow journalism” Atlanta Georgian or mainstream Atlanta Constitution newspapers ever mentions anything about anti-Semitic death threats occurring during the Leo Frank trial, whether inside or outside the courtroom. Also see the better organized Newspaper section of the Leo Frank Research Library Archive for the newly added Atlanta Journal and Tom Watson’s witty sarcasm in his Jeffersonian Newspapers and Watson’s Magazine, 1915.

References and Required Reading:

Parental Discretion is Advised: The Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case Records ( in 2 volumes) reveal an ugly conspiracy of criminal activity to liberate Leo Frank, involving Jewish money and the Governor John M. Slaton, who was, as already discussed, senior law partner and part owner of the lawfirm, ‘Rosser, Brandon, Slaton and Phillips’ (Merged July 1913) representing Leo Frank during his Trial in 1913 and his state appeals in 1913, 1914.

Learn About the Subversive ADL that says nothing about the bigotry and racism of Apartheid Israel:

The Dark Side of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL):

Leo Frank and the American Jewish Community for the American Jewish Archive Journal 1968 volume 20 number 2, by Leonard Dinnerstein author of ‘The Leo Frank Case’ editions 1968 through 2008.

Leonard Dinnerstein’s Hatecrime Hoax on Page 110:

Beyond the main testimony, the jurors had little more on which to base their decision than hearsay, rumors, and unsubstantiated accusations. Yet most members of the public were thoroughly convinced of the defendant’s guilt and made their voices heard, The intense summer heat necessitated that the courtroom windows be left open, and remarks from the crowds could be heard easily by those inside. “Crack the Jew’s neck!” – “Lynch him!” – were some of the epithets emerging from the more boisterous. Threats were also made “against the jury that they would be lynched if they did not hang that ‘damned sheeny.’ ”

Leonard Dinnerstein (b. May 5, 1934) completed his Columbia University Ph.D., Dissertation on the Leo Max Frank Case (1966) for the Political Science Department. The central thesis of his dissertation is Anti-Semitism was responsible for an innocent Jewish man, Leo Frank, getting convicted for the murder of Mary Phagan in 1913, because of anti-Semitism. Dinnerstein’s dissertation became the species for his book, “The Leo Frank Case”, which would go through a number of editions in its evolution beginning in 1968 with the first edition (Cohen, 2012).

Leonard Dinnerstein’s Works and Associated References:

Leo Frank and the American Jewish Community (1968) by Leonard Dinnerstein:

The Leo Frank Case (1966) PhD Dissertation: (Fact checking time)

To Number Our Days by Pierre van Paassen (see pages 237, 238 about the Leo Frank case): Leonard Dinnerstein, Steve Oney and others perpetuate the Mary Phagan bitemark hoax.

The Leo Frank Case Georgia Supreme Court Case Records (1,800 pages).

For studying the Leo Frank Case, the Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Georgian and Atlanta Journal are available in PDF format, and should be studied from April, 1913, through till August, 1915, in-order to get the best grasp of the Frank-Phagan case (1913 to 1915) in the the three major local competing daily newspapers, that together defined the heart of Georgia’s mainstream media.

After reading these three local Atlanta Georgia newspapers from 1913 to 1915 on ‘The Internet Archive’, it is time for you to decide the truth, first as the Judge and Jury, and secondly, then as the Georgia Supreme Court Justices, to determine whether or not, the verdict rendered against Leo Frank on August 25, 1913, by the jury, and on August 26, 1913, by the judge, was indeed correct and should stand:

First Step:

1. You are now the Judge and Jury, read the official Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence from beginning to end, sifting it and pass your verdict. Would you leave the verdict of the jury and judge undisturbed?

Second Step:

2. You are now the Georgia Supreme Court, read the Leo Frank Supreme Court Records in either individual images or PDF, from beginning to end, sifting it and pass your verdict. Would you leave the verdict of the jury and judge undisturbed?

Open Discussion Forum:

To discuss the Leo Frank Case, join Brooklyn College Professor Allen Koenigsberg’s, Leo Frank Case Yahoo Discussion Group, from the Leo Frank Case: Open or Closed, website: (The Leo Frank Research Library is NOT affiliated with Professor Allen Koenigsberg or his Leo Frank Case website/yahoo group.)

Last Updated: August 26, 2013.

The Temple of Shame: Valley Beth Shalom Synagogue, ‘Gentlemen’s Agreement: Anti-Semitism in America & American Pogrom: The Leo Frank Incident: January 23, 2013’

Gentlemen’s Agreement: Anti-Semitism in America & American Pogrom: The Leo Frank Incident: Jan,. 23, 2013 from Valley Beth Shalom Synagogue on Vimeo.

Jewish Temples and Synagogues are being used as seditious nests for un-American Jewish domestic extremists waging culture wars of disinformation against Gentiles. Now more than ever, Jewish Temples all across the World are being used as rallying centers to falsify official legal records from the Fulton County Superior Court and Georgia Supreme Court, in an ugly effort to agitate against the United States of America and Western Civilization on behalf of a serial pedophile convicted of murdering his child employee. Compare what these Jewish culture-terrorists say on this video with the official Leo Frank trial brief of evidence and Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court documents, both of these records are available on ‘The Internet Archive’. Http://www.Archive.Org

Gentlemen’s Agreement: Anti-Semitism in America, Amanda Suskin, ADL and American Pogrom: The Leo Frank Incident, Richard Burstein, Past President of VBS.
Original Source:


Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Records (Trial and State Appeals), 1913, 1914:

White Student Union Honors Mary Phagan April 26, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

WSU Honors Mary Phagan

Today members of the White Student Union will be wearing black armbands and black ribbons to mourn for Mary Phagan. Today is the one hundredth anniversary of her brutal rape and murder in a pencil factory in Atlanta Georgia. Her manager, Leo Frank, was convicted of the horrendous crime and was put to death by a posse of Georgia citizens. The case when examined displays just the beginning of our current situation. Leo Frank was a New York Jew who came to Georgia to continue the practice of near enslavement of Southern women in factories. These women were always compensated far less than what Northern women were (which was a pittance to begin with) which allowed huge profits to be made off the sweat and blood of the most innocent members of the Southern community. Both Northern carpetbaggers and Southern scalawags to this day have no qualms about using anyone, as long as it put money in their pocket. Many of the profits made in these factories were shipped back up North to financial bosses who oppressed the working class in the North and the South.

When Frank was on trial in Atlanta, the Northern media, liberals, and Jewish groups all attempted to corrupt the justice system of Georgia. Hundreds of these Northern agitators flooded into Georgia and raised immense amounts of money to try and set the child murderer free by manipulating public opinion. Out of this case the Anti Defamation League was founded, an organization that has been attacking Christians and white interests for a century now. What happened however is that the men and women of Georgia showed the world that they could not be bought off with thirty pieces of silver. Their child had been taken from them, and there would be justice.

One hundred years ago the people of Georgia resisted outside agitators and insidious internal influences to get justice for Mary Phagan, isn’t it time we get justice for all of the victims of our people? WSU members will be wearing the black mourning armbands as a memorial to Mary Phagan, but also all of the members of the folk who have been victimized who still await righteous justice to punish those who harmed them. May God have mercy on the soul of Mary Phagan and may God motivate all of us to fight for justice for our people.

Lord God, source and destiny of our lives, in Your loving providence You gave us Mary Phagan to grow in wisdom, age, and grace. Now You have called her to Yourself. We grieve over the loss of one so young and struggle to understand Your purpose. Draw her to Yourself and give her full stature in Christ. May she stand with all the angels and saints, who know Your love and praise Your saving will. Amen.

The Judicial Conclusion of the Leo Frank Case (1913 to 1915) and it’s Aftermath (1982 to 1986)

What is the official consensus regarding the final legal status of Leo Frank’s innocence or guilt in the case of Mary Phagan?

1. The Coroner’s Inquest (Wednesday, April 30, 1913, to Thursday, May 8, 1913): The Fulton County Coroner Paul Donehoo and six jurymen sworn under oath, visited the crime scenes of the National Pencil Company at 37-41 South Forsyth Street, Atlanta, GA, and questioned more than 160 affiliated witnesses who were sworn under oath. At the conclusion of the Coroner’s inquest on Thursday evening, May 8, 1913, the 7-man tribunal, voted unanimously against Leo Frank, binding him over for murder, to be further investigated by the Fulton County Grand Jury. If one were to keep an accurate running total in these regards, it begins with a vote of 7 to 0 against Leo Frank. Newt Lee was ordered held as a material witness.

2. The Fulton County Grand Jury — including several Jews — on Saturday, May 24, 1913, voted unanimously 21 to 0 against Leo Frank, indicting him for having murdered Mary Phagan on April 26, 1913. If one were to update the running total of votes in these regards, the Coroner’s Inquest (7 to 0) + the Grand Jury (21 to 0), together provided a total vote score update of 28 to 0 against Leo Frank.

3. The Leo Frank Murder Trial (July 28, 1913 to August 26, 1913). The presiding Trial Judge Leonard Strickland Roan and 12 Jurymen, voted unanimously, 13 to 0, against Leo Frank, not only did these thirteen men vote against Leo M. Frank with an affirmed verdict of guilty as charged, but they collectively sentenced Leo Frank to death with a vote of 13 to 0. When the Leo Frank trial petite Jury of 12 men unanimously recommended a death sentence for Leo Frank, if the trial Judge Leonard Strickland Roan had any doubts about the verdict or felt the trial was unfair, Roan could have, respectively, sentenced Leo M. Frank to life in prison instead, or provided him with a completely new trial. The Judge rejected Leo M. Frank’s request for a new trial on October 31, 1913.

When the Coroner’s Inquest Tribunal voted unanimously seven to zero against Leo Frank, and that number is added to the Grand Jury’s unanimous vote of twenty-one to zero against Leo Frank, and that number is added to the trial judge and jury’s unanimous vote of thirteen to zero against Leo Frank – if we keep an accurate vote count in these regards, the total running score update is: 41 to 0 against Leo Frank. The number only ascends from 41 to 0 against Leo Frank, as two years of failed appeals wended their way through the court system between 1913 to 1915, sustaining the verdict of the judge and jury.

4. Georgia Supreme Court’s Majority Decisions were more than once against Leo Frank. The Georgia Supreme Court ruled the evidence against Leo Frank at his summer of 1913 trial was sufficient to render a guilty verdict.

Re-sentencing: On March 7, 1914, the presiding Judge of the Fulton County Superior Court, Judge Benjamin Hill, was so certain of Leo Frank’s guilt, he sentenced Leo Frank to die on his 30th birthday, April 17, 1914. If there was any doubt about Leo Frank’s guilt, would a superior court Judge do something so cruel as to sentence a convicted murderer to hang on their birthday?

The Leo Frank Jailhouse Admission: On March 9, 1914, the Atlanta Constitution published a jailhouse interview of Leo Frank where he once again, as he had done during his trial on August 18, 1913, admitted he was in the metal room bathroom, during the time he formerly told the police, Mary Phagan was in his business office with him. What made this admission by Leo Frank so incriminating is because, James “Jim” Conley, told the court he found Mary Phagan dead in the area of the metalroom’s bathroom at Leo Frank’s behest.

5. United States District Court ensured Leo Frank would be reviewed by the highest tribunal of the United States of America more than once.

6. In 1914 and 1915, the United States Supreme Court Majority Decision ruled against Leo Frank and finally they unanimously voted that no further reviews of the case would be considered. Leo Frank had fully exhausted all of his court appeals.

7. The Death Sentence Commutation of Leo Frank to Life in Prison: In 1915, the Governor of Georgia, John Marshall Slaton, specifically stated in his June 21, 1915, commutation order, that he was sustaining the verdict of the Leo Frank trial jury and appeals courts decisions, and thus ultimately he was preserving the verdict of guilt rendered against Leo Frank by the trial judge and jury. That’s an gubernatorial vote of 1 to 0 against Leo M. Frank for preserving his guilt, especially in light of commuting Leo Frank’s death sentence to life in prison, an equal punishment for the crime of murder. Some could argue a life sentence for a child rapist and strangler is a far worse punishment than hanging, given real-life inmate prison politics. What nearly every Leo Frank partisan book fails to inform their reader is the full weight of the fact that Governor John M. Slaton was a member of the most powerful Lawfirm in Georgia, called ‘Rosser, Brandon, Slaton and Phillips’ (the ‘Slaton’ was Governor John M. Slaton) that represented Leo Frank at his trial and appeals to the Georgia Supreme Court. Governor Slaton had committed a gross conflict of interest and betrayal of his oath of office when he commuted the death sentence of his own law client Leo Frank.

8. Message Beyond the Grave: In 1954, Lucille Selig Frank signed, and notarized her ‘Last Will and Testament’, registering it with the local government of Atlanta, GA. Lucille’s will specifically requested her remains be cremated, and before passing away, she told the closest members of her family to disburse the cremated ashes in an Atlanta park (Oney, 2003, 2004). The empty grave site #1 (Official Real Estate Location ID: 1-E-41-1035-01) that was reserved for Lucille Selig Frank to the immediate left of Leo Frank’s grave #2 (Official Real Estate Location ID: 1-E-41-1035-02) in the Mount Carmel Cemetery, is a silent ballot of affirmation for the guilty verdict rendered against Leo Frank, coming from the woman who once sat by her husband faithfully and invincibly during his two year ordeal of court appearances and hearings.

9. The Jewish Lobby and anti-Semitism Lobby: The Alonzo Mann Affair and Posthumous Pardon of Leo Frank (1982 to 1986): The Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles on March 11, 1986, though issuing a highly political, but ultimately hollow pardon, did not exonerate Leo frank of strangling Mary Phagan. Thus the board did not disturb the verdict of guilt rendered against Leo Frank by the trial Judge and Jury in 1913. By not exonerating Leo Frank of murder, the board also sustained the Coroner’s Inquest, Grand Jury, US appellate tribunals that reviewed the case, and Governor John M. Slaton, that all sustained the verdict of guilt 71 years prior. What the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles did by preserving the verdict of guilt for Leo Frank, for the last and final time, is they also by proxy appeased the powerful Jewish groups and wider community that considers themselves above the law.

By the act of not disturbing the verdict of the jury from 1913 to 1986, every single level of the United States legal system preserved the verdict of guilt originally rendered against Leo Frank by the Judge and Jury during that summer long ago in 1913.

The Vanguard of the Jewish-Gentile Civil War, 1913 to 2013

The guilt of Leo Max Frank convicted for the murder of Mary Phagan is black letter settled law and the case is judicially a closed matter, but for more than 100 years, the Jews and their Goyim sycophants have continued to use the case as another social-political front in their multifront culture, genetic and race war against Western Civilization to viciously agitate, deracinate, subvert, demoralize, divide and antagonize Gentile States and People.

Final Conclusion of the Leo Frank Case in a Millennial Context

The Leo Frank Case represents another Microcosm of the International Jewish Culture War Against Western Civilization that Continues Unabated and Grows More Grotesque Each and Every Year.


Leo Frank Case Bibliography

Read: The Leo M. Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case Records (1913, 1914).

Last Updated: April 26, 2012 at 12:07 p.m.

The Biography of Leo Max Frank (Thursday, April 17, 1884, to Tuesday Morning, August 17, 1915) and the Bludgeoning, Rape and Strangulation of Little Mary Anne Phagan on Saturday, April 26, 1913, Between 12:05 pm and 12:10 pm, maybe 12:07 pm.

The Leo Frank Affair (1913 to 1915) and its aftermath (1915 to 1986), What Really Happened?

Welcome to the Leo Frank Case Research Library Archive, the largest online collection of primary sources concerning the life, and centarian legacy (1915 to 2015) of Leo Frank, who was convicted August 25, 1913, of having strangled 13 year old “little” Mary Anne Phagan on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913.

New updates and materials are added to our library on a regular basis, so please check back often when time permits.

The Leo Frank Epic Saga (1913 to 2013)

One hundred years of smears, rumors, lies, omissions, fabrications, spin, fraud, criminal activity, defamation, misrepresentations, slander, libel and deceit are all about to be exposed to the light of truth, now that finally, the official legal records of the Leo M. Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case File, and 1913 Trial Brief of Evidence are available online as of 2010. Dive into the the most incendiary criminal trial in the annals of Southern United States Legal History.

Primary Sources of the Leo Frank Case:

Learn all the lurid details about the Leo Frank Case, never before published anywhere else in the world over the last century, until they were first made available online through the Leo Frank Research Library Archive born in the Summer of 2010.

Start by reading, studying and cross referencing the official Georgia Supreme Court Case files and documents on Leo Frank 1913, 1914, divided in two high resolution digital volumes numbering in total 1,800 black and white images @ (click on folders 1 and 2). Read, never before revealed by any contemporary and secondary source authors, the minutiae and important information they shamelessly left out. Learn about actual events and case facts that were re-discovered in the 21st century that are not mentioned in anywhere else.

The Official Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913

The Georgia Supreme Court Case Files on Leo Frank also contains the: Official Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (1913). Other legal documents contained in the Leo Frank Research Library Archive are Leo Frank’s Georgia Superior Court, Federal District and United State’s Supreme Court appeals documents and decisions, that were rendered by the respective tribunals – numbering hundreds of pages. Astonishingly, the complete record of Leo Frank legal documents surviving into the 21st century is in the 2,500+ page range. Add the newspaper reports and Governor John M. Slaton commutation hearing papers to that ‘four digit number of pages’ and it surges beyond 10,000 pages. For the purposes of learning essentials of the Leo Frank case with clarity, the central focus will be directed upon the three major newspaper accounts and the Official Georgia Supreme Court Case Records on Leo Frank.

Time Constraints

If you don’t have a few years of free study time available for the shocking and never before published Leo M. Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case file and 1913 Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, and would rather just cut to the chase, read about the four separate and distinct incidents amounting to Leo Frank Murder Confession(s) (If you want to learn what really happened without all the Jewish pathological lies and tribal hysteria).

Leo Frank Admissions Amounting to Murder Confessions Number One and Two

The first and second Leo Frank murder confessions, were both made privately on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913, but at separate times, 10 hours apart. The first murder confession was made to Jim Conley, and the second confession was made to Lucille Selig Frank, but eventually these incidents became public by two African-Americans in a most curious way within May and early June of 1913.

Leo Frank Admissions Amounting to Murder Confessions Number Three and Four

The third and fourth incidents amounting to Leo Frank murder confessions were made publicly by Leo Frank, astonishingly, during his trial on August 18, 1913, and perplexingly, through a Leo Frank authorized jailhouse interview, published in the Atlanta Constitution, March 9, 1914. Two days before on March 7, 1914, Leo Frank had been re-sentenced to hang on his 30th birthday, April 17, 1914, by Judge Benjamin Hill.

Factoid: Out of four incidents amounting to Leo Frank murder confessions, the first, second and third can be sifted from the official Georgia Legal Records.

The Bludgeoning, Rape and Strangulation of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank

The Mary Phagan Autopsy Report provides violent glimpses of what began to happen to the victim on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913, between 12:05 pm and 12:10 pm, while she was in the metal room at the National Pencil Company.

Four Admissions by Leo Frank

The four separate and distinct Leo Frank murder confessions, and the resulting lynching of Leo Frank two years later, speaks volumes about the culture of the Old and New South colliding at the noontide, especially regarding extrajudicial “vigilante justice”, before (pre 1890’s) and during (1890s to the 1920s), the Southern Progressive Era. Ironically, it was the prosecutor Hugh Manson Dorsey who as a progressive governor of Georgia used his political clout and power to openly advocate for the end of lynching as a form of vigilance against crime and criminals, in favor of the rule of law, no matter how heinous the crime.

Daily Newspaper Accounts on the Leo Frank Case (1913 to 1915)

Whether new or familiar to the Leo Frank Case, chances are most people living in the 21st century never had the opportunity or time to research and read the original period Atlanta newspaper accounts of the case for obvious practical reasons. The work effort required to acquire these scarce physical newspapers on microfilm remains the same today, as in the 21st century, compared to acquiring the old newspapers in the early half of the 20th century, it requires some leg work. At least now these newspaper records are slowly making their way online via high resolution digital scanning conducted by archival historians. We are proud to be the first web site in the world to publish these newspapers on our library about the Leo Frank case. We hope you will take the time to read them as they provide fascinating insight into the Leo Frank Case.

Constitution, Journal and Georgian

The Atlanta newspapers provide the earliest coverage of the day to day events from the murder of Mary Phagan onward. Begin first with reviewing the articles published by the major local dailies. The three biggest Atlanta GA newspapers, that provide the best daily accounts of the events and incidents concerning the Case of Leo Frank, from 1913 through 1915, are: the Atlanta Constitution, The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Georgian.

A very brief highlevel history and evolution of these press organs, begins chronologically with the Atlanta Constitution, founded in 1868, the Atlanta Journal founded in 1883, and the Atlanta Georgian founded in 1906. The Atlanta Georgian was purchased by William Randolph Hearst in 1912, invigorating it’s circulation using the Yellow Journalism formula, however, it ceased publication in 1939 after the sheet was sold to James M. Cox, and then consolidated into the Atlanta Journal (another paper Cox acquired). Any learned economist will tell you there is something to be said about the potentially lucrative nature of effective mergers, acquisitions and downsizing, especially when buying up your competitors. More than six decades after the Atlanta Journal digested the Atlanta Georgian, in the final consolidation of Georgian media power, the Atlanta Constitution and Atlanta Journal merged together becoming the Atlanta Journal Constitution ( in 2001. Three separate, once energetically competing newspapers, essentially became one media monolith, perhaps it was inevitable, but whether such tendencies benefit the public in the short, mid and long term is debatable.

Weekly Newspapers on the Leo Frank Case (1914 to 1917)

Seven months after Leo Frank Trial ended and Leo Frank’s appeal for a new trial failed in the Georgia Supreme Court, in March of 1914, Thomas Edward Watson, a notable populist politician, and seasoned Georgian criminal lawyer, joined in the fray with fiery opinion pieces on the Leo Frank Case in his weekly Jeffersonian Newspaper. The reports are filled with invective, poisonous venom, energy, sarcasm and wit, in an effort against what Watson and the majority of Georgians perceived as outside meddling in Georgia’s internal legal affairs by Jewish controlled newspapers, and periodicals, influencing other national media outlets on the Leo Frank case into a national crusade of subversive, perfidious and treacherous actions against Georgia.

Leo Frank became the darling of the National Media that was evolving into the Global “Jewsmedia. The birth of the information wars was animated by the aftermath of the 1913 Leo Frank trial.

Leo Frank became a crucified Christ figure and Cause Celebre for the Jewish Community and Christian European-American’s in the North who never actually read the official Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence. In 1915, Leo Frank would become a Jewish Martyr of anti-Semitism and regional prejudice for pax judaica.

From 1915 onward the Leo Frank Case became a culture weapon for Jews to dig up old ghosts and open old wounds between the North and South. The Jews would take on a new role in Western Civilization become the instigators of a long undeclared political and social race war European-Americans would slowly lose over the decades, as 30 million non-white immigration – legal and illegal – would be used as the most effective weapon to implode the former Caucasian North America.

Gentiles witnessed one of the most well organized Jewish efforts to instigate a successful sectarian culture war between a majority of the United States (primarily in the North) against Georgia. The aftermath of the Leo Frank saga inspired another Jewish intellectual movement using the case to agitate against anti-Semitism and exonerate one of their own prominent tribesman who had committed such an atrocious crime. The way this particular Jewish Intellectual movement works like so many Jewish scholarly movements is, Jewish intellectuals re-inforce each others shared position academically, by quoting and re-quoting each other over and over, until an image of popular culture is created, as with the case of Leo Frank the Innocent who became Apotheosis as “Martyr of Anti-Semitism”.

Monthly Magazines on the Leo Frank Case: Watson’s Magazine vs. “The Jewsmedia”

Watson’s Magazine (1915) August, and September issues provide the best analysis of the Leo Frank trial testimony and the October issue describes the Jewish led press assault on Georgia, by what Watson and his allies perceived as instigated by Jewish cultural terrorists through National Jewish media control machinations.

21st century anti-Semites call the domination of the International media by Jews, “The Jewsmedia”.

For more details about what was reported in local or national newspapers and other periodicals at the time, visit the Leo Frank print media section of the Leo Frank Research Library Archive.

The Official Leo Frank Trial Transcript was Stolen:

The question everyone should ask is which side, the defense or prosecution, benefited the most by obfuscating the subtle nuances from the testimony?

In the early part of the 1960’s, the colossal 7-volume Leo Frank trial (July 28 to August 21, 1913) transcript typed in short hand went missing. After more than 50 years of this official short hand transcript on 3,600 pages of cap paper, having completely vanished without a trace, it is presumed to be lost forever. Fortunately enough documents survived into the 21st century where the transcript can be reverse engineered and rebuilt and it is on the todo list for our library.

The Newspaper Version of the Leo Frank Trial Transcript

Fortunately the three major and local Atlanta pressorgans, The: Journal, Constitution and Georgian, provided reasonably accurate records and transcripts of the Leo Frank trial’s proceedings, day by day, and more importantly, the questions asked during trial examination by the two lead defense counselors (Luther Z. Rosser, Reuben Rose Arnold) and two lead prosecution counselors (Hugh M. Dorsey, Frank Arthur Hooper), with the direct responses by witnesses.

BOE is the Final Arbiter

If there are any conflicts or disputes between the reportage of trial questions and answers within the three major Atlanta newspaper dailies, the 1913 Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence ratified by Judge Leonard Strickland Roan, the Leo Frank Legal Defense Team Counselors, and the State of Georgia’s Prosecution team Counselors, ultimately provides an official final arbiter.

Post Conviction and Judges Affirmation August 26, 1913

After the trial, the three Atlanta newspapers, continued to report on the most significant and noteworthy events during Leo Frank’s dramatic two year long appeals process, that began on August 27, 1913, as the case unraveled for two years to its second violent and tragic conclusion in the late summer of 1915, on the morning of August 17th in Marietta, Georgia at 1200 Roswell Rd, around 7:17 am when Leo Frank hanged, later embalmed and shipped to Manhattan’s Penn Station by train with Lucille.

How to Study the Leo Frank Case Primary Sources

Once you have read, first, Atlanta’s daily newspaper accounts of the events, and second, the official Leo Frank 1913 trial brief of evidence, lastly, read the definitive account never before published online: The official Georgia Supreme Court Case File on Leo Frank in 2 volumes (click 1 and 2) with 1,800 high resolution pages. New information about Leo Frank not published in his 1913 trial brief of evidence is released in the Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case file, making it required reading.

Some of the documents of the case are rated-R, so parental discretion is advised.

Warning: Viewers Must be 21 years of age or older to read the Georgia Supreme Court Case File on Leo Frank.

After studying the primary sources of the Leo Frank case ask yourself the following questions:

1. Barring accusations of racial prejudice in the closing arguments of the case, does the testimony and evidence given at the trial of Leo Frank, accusing him of strangling Mary Phagan, support a murder conviction beyond a reasonable doubt? If so or not, why?

2. Was every level of the United States Legal System from 1913 to 1986 likely correct in not disturbing the verdict of the 1913 Leo Frank Trial Jury and Judge? Why or Why not?

Secondary Sources (1913 to 2013):

With the exception of ‘The Murder of Mary Phagan’ (1989) by Mary Phagan Kean, the great niece of Mary Phagan (1899 to 1913), most secondary source writers, have re-told the Leo Frank case in a manner that deliberately differs significantly from the primary sources, with countless errors and omissions concerning testimony and evidence, thus transforming the Leo Frank case from a true crime story about an incident out of ‘Psychopathia Sexualis’, by a perverted Ashkenazi Jewish serial pedophile, committing a deviant sexual crime of passion, into a kind of pathological mythology about a wrongful conviction rendered against an innocent Jewish man who suffered the worst example of persecution and collective Gentile anti-Semitism in the United States of America.

For the Jewish community the emotional truth is that Leo Frank Affair is the American Dreyfus Affair, but for every level of the United States Legal System, Leo Frank, had a fair trial. Most non-Jews who studied law and read the Georgia Supreme Court Case records on Leo Frank, agree with the final decisions of these tribunals. For some reason (which should be explored by every psychiatrist in the world) Jews have the inability to be rational about things when they involve Jews.

For non-Jewish scholars who study Jewish Evolutionary Strategy, the Leo Frank Case is another example of a Jewish disinformation war meant to divide and conquer Gentile Americans with shame, fear, blood libel, racism and cultural self-doubt.

The Ultimate Goal of the Leo Frank Research Library Archive

It is the highest hope of the Leo Frank Research Library Archive that between 2013 and 2015, when the murder of Mary Phagan, and Leo Frank lynching goes viral in the media, the skeptical and open minded individual members of the public will do a little exploring on the search engines and discover the primary sources of the case.

Final Verdict on Secondary Sources About the Leo Frank Case

Now that finally all the primary sources of the case are online, it is hoped the public will make their own intelligent, informed and independent decisions as to the accuracy and veracity concerning the retelling of the case by Hollywood, the Jewish media, academic Marxists, liberals, PC-leftists, race hustlers, race pimps, secondary source revisionist authors, tabloid journalists, law professors, lawyers, historians, scholars, academics, social and political writers.

Leo Frank Legal Documents Download and Distribute Widely

Finally, it is the hope of the Leo Frank Research Library Archive that the complete set of all Leo M. Frank legal documents are made available online through every Law School Library, in every English speaking country in the world, and that the case becomes a required subject of study for law students in every Law School located within the United States of America and her territories.

Welcome to The Biography of Leo Max Frank:

How to explore the library

Study the Primary Sources of the Case: Newspaper Accounts, and Legal Records first, then explore our distillation of this information.

Introduction: About the Leo Frank Research Library Archive

Chronology of the Leo Frank Epic Saga and aftermath

The Frank Family Background and Early Days of Leo Frank during his most Formative Years

The Premier Education, Business Opportunities and Experience of Leo Frank: The High School Days of Leo Frank and The Alma Mater of Leo Frank and Post College Work Experience.

Leo Frank in Atlanta Georgia between 1907 to 1915, and a European Sojourn:

The Biography of Mrs. Lucille Selig Frank

Mary Phagan Autopsy Report

The Coroner Paul V. Donehoo Opens the Coroner’s Inquest Investigation

The Grand Jury Investigation

Murder Trial Testimony

Conviction and Appeals

The Summer of 1915: The Leo Frank Commutation & Riots, Shanking and Lynching of Leo Max Frank.

The Alonzo Mann Affair or Hoax?


Bibliography of the Leo Max Frank Epic Saga.

Essential Primary Sources of the Leo Frank Trial and State Appeals:

Leo M. Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case File (1,800 Images Volumes 1 & 2)

BOE: Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term 1913 (Click Here).

Leo Frank Discussion Forum:

If you want to ask one of the worlds foremost Leo M. Frank scholar questions about the Leo Max Frank case, contact Allen Koenigsberg. Post your public questions: The Leo Frank Case Library and Archive ( is not affiliated with Professor Allen Koenigsberg of Brooklyn College and the Leo Frank Yahoo Discussion Group.

Last Updated: April 26, 2012 between 12:05 p.m. and 12:10 p.m., maybe 12:07 p.m.

What’s his name?

Mr. Leo Max Frank

The Clearest Picture of Leo Max Frank, Circa 1913

One of the rarest, earliest and clearest vintage photos of Leo M. Frank taken nearly 72 hours after the murder of Mary Phagan by Press Photographer Mr. Price on Tuesday afternoon, April 28, 1913, at the Atlanta Police Station for the Atlanta Constitution newspaper. The brown tweed suit Leo Frank is wearing in the photo is the same one he wore to work on the day of the murder, Saturday, April 26, 1913. Sketches of this famous press photo were often used by numerous different newspapers across the national media landscape when they published reports about Leo Frank.

C.P. Connolly Photo of Leo Max Frank

This portrait of Leo Frank is the front cover of the first noteworthy Leo Frank defense and partisan book ever published called, ‘The Truth About the Leo Frank Case’, by C.P. Connolly. This Leo Frank defense book was published in 1915 by former Montana Prosecutor and radical investigative journalist Christopher Powell Connolly (1863–1935). It’s the unabridged and greatly expanded version of a consolidated view taken from a collection of articles published in part from Collier’s Weekly and other pro Leo Frank sources. “I feel satisfied that the US Supreme Court will be moved to give us some relief” and “I receive a great deal of mail and many of the writers compliment your articles in Collier’s” Frank wrote on January 4, 1915, in a series of letters to C.P. Connolly. This book sent Firebrand Thomas Edward Watson and many Georgians into a rage, because it contradicted the Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case File and the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913.

What is the “Truth” about the Leo Frank Case? How does this book stand up to the primary sources of the Leo Frank Case? Why is Leo Frank holding a cigar vertically in his left hand, directly over his right inner thy at the groin region? How would Sigmund Freud have interpreted this picture? What is the significance of Leo Frank’s left hand? Read the Mary Phagan Autopsy Report to findout.

Leo Max Frank (Thursday, April 17, 1884 – Tuesday, August 17, 1915)

Also stylized as:

1. Leo Max Frank (the name chiseled on his tombstone within Mount Carmel Cemetery, Glendale, Queens, NY, Frank-Stern Family plot, grave site #2, official location ID: 1-E-41-1035-02),

Leo Frank Grave Stone

2. Leo M. Frank (his signature on official legal documents),

Leo Frank Signature

3. Leo Frank, his name commonly known to the general public back in 1913 to 1915, and now in modern times.

Leo Frank image

Last Updated: April 17, 2012

Reuben Rose Arnold

The argument of Reuben Rose Arnold in PDF and OCR Text versions.

Argument of Reuben Rose Arnold at the Trial of Leo M. Frank (PDF version – Right mouse click and save as). The Trial of Leo Frank, Reuben R. Arnold’s Address to the Court on his Behalf in October 1913. Introduction by Alvin V. Sellers. Classic Publishing Co., Baxley GA. Copyright, 1915 by Alvin V. Sellers and The Trow Press, New York. Booklet format, 69 pages and published in 1915. Original booklets are extremely rare and difficult to find in good condition. This original was scanned and brought to you by the Leo Frank Research Archive ( Available here in Adobe PDF and OCR Text. A review of the Final Trial Statement concerning the Leo Frank Trial by Reuben Rose Arnold can be found on Internet Archive.

The OCR Text version of the October 1913 Argument of Reuben Rose Arnold is about 90 to 95% accurate due to the maturity issues of the scanning technology, the PDF provided above is a much better version and is a high resolution scan of the original booklet.

Please Note: The October 1913 speech is one given at a hearing on behalf of Leo Frank after the murder trial in an attempt to have the verdict of guilty set aside and a new trial issued by Judge Leonard Strickland Roan. The October 1913 speech is, not to be, but is often, confused with the late August 1913 criminal trial closing argument given to the Court and Jury by Reuben Arnold, the one where he first openly and publicly claims and makes the charge that if Leo Frank were not a Jew the trial to convict him would have never taken place.

The August 1913 (as opposed to the Oct 1913) speech by Reuben R. Arnold is available in Lawson’s American State Trials Volume X 1918. Most people get the two individual 1913 speeches confused (August trial vs. October post trial), including prominent authors of Leo Frank books and articles.

Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term 1913. Brief of Evidence, 1913.

The month long Leo Frank trial, for the murder of Mary Phagan, took place from July 28, 1913 to Aug 26, 1913. The trial testimony and questions were captured as a stenographic record, in total, numbered approximately 1,080,060 words (Phagan Kean, 1989), in a 7 volume set, on over 3,647 pages of legal cap paper (Rosser, Bass, 1914). Alas, it went missing from the Georgia State Archives in the 1960’s (Oney, 2003; Georgia State Archivist Mr. Smith, 2010), around the time Harry Golden and Leonard Dinnerstein were studying the case. However, the Brief of Evidence 1913, and most of the official legal documents there after, from 1913 to 1915, during the appeals survived (thank goodness), most of which are available exclusively for the time being in this archive. We hope these documents exclusive to our web site, will slowly find their way onto other online libraries and archives.

The Entire Surviving Leo Frank Case Official Records Number More Than 3,000 Pages

The surviving official records of the Leo Frank trial and appeals are more than 3,000 pages in total. Within the entire 1,800+ pages of the 1913/1914 Georgia State Supreme Court Archive of Leo Frank Case legal documents collection, is: The Fulton County Superior Court, July 1913 Term, Official Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (318 pages) capturing the Leo M. Frank murder trial testimony (July 28 to August 26 1913) for the strangulation of Mary Phagan, but not the questions. Atlanta’s three major local newspapers, published accounts of the trial questions as well as the answers, enabling the possibility of a very interesting project, to re-create an abridged version of the trial transcript (Completion Date: 2015). The Georgia Supreme Court records, have the most salient portions of the transcript, including Jim Conley’s testimony and these 1,800 pages will eventually be OCR formatted for searching (Completion Date: 2014).

The 1913 Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence is the Final Arbiter

Within the 3,000 pages of the surviving Leo Frank case documents is the single most important document pertaining to the Leo Frank case. It’s long official name is known as: The State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank. Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court, July Term 1913. Brief of Evidence, 1913. This 318 page document was ratified by three groups, the presiding trial judge Leonard Strickland Roan (Luther Rosser’s former law partner), members of the Leo Frank defense team, and State of Georgia’s Atlanta Prosecution team (Lead by Hugh M. Dorsey). This precious document contains the official record of the witness trial testimony and evidence, but not the questions (See: Leo Frank Newspaper section for the trial transcript).

Unsearchable and Searchable Text Formats:

We provide the original murder trial testimony in OCR text, cleaned-up Adobe PDF, and high resolution photographed image formats from microfilm of the original official documents, for your review to affirm the veracity and accuracy of these documents, we suggest you compare the OCR text, high resolution photographs and PDF’s, evaluate them against each other, they are all available here on the Leo Frank Research Library @ and The Internet Archive @

The Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence and Exhibits (BOE): July 28 to August 21, 1913

This fascinating brief is one of the most sought after official trial records in the legal history of the United States of America, from one of the most infamous, controversial, contentious, scandalous and sensational criminal trials of the 20th century. There is only one physical copy surviving today, and it is securely locked up deep in the vault at the Georgia State Archive (Smith, 2010) and is not available for public viewing. However, copies of the BOE have been made into microfilm, but are difficult to come by, as they are limited in number and are no longer produced by the Georgia State Archive since funding ran out, fortunately there are reasonable alternatives to acquiring and reviewing these dry leaves. There are surviving copies of the BOE in several major libraries around the United States, be we are proud to present it’s original scanned pages in both full color, and gray scale.

1,800+ High Resolution Digital Images of the Georgia Supreme Court Archive on the Leo Frank Case

The digital unaltered copy of the original and elusive Georgia Supreme Court State Archive, that people have eagerly been searching for to obtain over the last 100 years is now finally available to the general public in our online library. We at are proud to be the FIRST to bring the original high resolution photos of this astounding archive of documents to the Internet and we hope you will take the time to read each and every page carefully, and study this case diligently to unlock its mysteries.

97 Years of Elusiveness and Jewish Censorship Comes to an End in 2010

Why are these documents so important to the public? There was a time these elusive records were mostly only available to coke-bottle bespectacled researchers for the last century, and the public would have to take the word of Jewish-American authors about the Leo Frank mythology they created, because the average person was simply not going to go through the trouble of tracking down these primary sources, to read them, sift them and apply commonsense, but today with the click of a button people can access these items effortlessly.

The 21st Century Challenge to every human being alive who can comprehend the English language on a highschool level, all the way up to Ph.D. level, did the Jewish-American’s who wrote about this case from 1956 to 1913, commit conspicious omissions, fabrications, and fraud, or not?

So, now is the time to go, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, page by page, and book by book, to unravel the most disgusting centarian campaign in American history by tribal extremist Jews community, over the last 100 years (1913 to 2013), to falsify the records and events of this well documented legal case.

The original 1,800+ page digital version of these Leo M. Frank official legal documents archive comes live to the Internet here on The Leo M. Frank Research Library and Archive for the first time in history on October of the year 2010, after being buried in the deepest-darkest government vaults, elusive for nearly 97 years. Be sure to download these images and make them available on other free educational libraries for others to review. There is a PDF version and images version of these records on the Internet Archive @

Brief of Evidence 1913 Available in 3 Formats

1. High Resolution Images: Leo Frank Case Research Library

Available for viewing within the massive Leo Frank archive, please visit: Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error, vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term 1913. Brief of Evidence 1913 within the 1,800 page Georgia Supreme Court record, which is broken up into two separate folders of graphic images, a bit of searching and you will find the 1913 trial testimony.

2. Adobe PDF Format: The Internet Archive

Threats and political pressure on our ISP from Jews and Jewish groups to have the Leo M. Frank archive and library web site shut down, requires the necessity to make the 1913 Brief of Evidence available through other online mediums, as a hedge in preparation of their success. The Internet Archive Adobe PDF version of Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error, vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term 1913. Brief of Evidence 1913 is available on, be sure to download it as soon as possible. Also the Leo Frank Trial transcript can be explored deeply by downloading ‘The Atlanta Georgian’, ‘The Atlanta Constitution’ and ‘The Atlanta Journal’ from July 28, 1913 to August 31st, 1913 (newspaper section).

3. OCR Text

Available on the Leo Frank Case Research Library is the OCR text version of the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence 1913, it is 99% accurate.

The Leo Frank trial was the first time in United States History a defendant made delicious irony with a virtual murder confession at his own murder trial trial (Most People Don’t Know This Fact).

Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error, vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term 1913. Brief of Evidence 1913.

The 1913 Brief of Evidence reveals three murder confessions given by Leo Frank, two privately on Saturday, April 26, 1913, and one publicly on August 18, 1913. A fourth Leo Frank admission that amounted to a murder confession was published by the Atlanta Constitution on March 9, 1914.

The first Leo Frank murder confession was given by Leo Frank to Jim Conley between Noon and 1:00PM on April 26, 1913.

The second Leo Frank murder confession was given by Leo Frank to Lucille S. Frank on the evening of April 26, 1913 in their bed chamber. Leo Frank was stone cold drunk and said to his wife, he didn’t know why he would murder and he called for his pistol, so he could blow his brains out. He made Lucille Sleep on the floor. See the Earth Shattering: State’s Exhibit J.

The third Leo Frank murder confession was given on August 18, 1913, when Leo Frank told a stunned Jury he might have “unconsciously” gone to the bathroom in the metal room (see states exhibit A) to counter Monteen Stover’s testimony that Leo Frank’s office was empty between 12:05 and 12:10. It was an ironically shocking admission, because the State had spent 29 days trying to prove Leo Frank murdered Mary Phagan in the metal room between 12:05 and 12:10. Now Compare the testimony of Leo Frank, Monteen Stover and Leo Frank’s State’s Exhibit B. State’s Exhibit A, shows that the ONLY bathroom on the second floor was in the metal room. Now read the testimony given at the Coroner’s Inquest in the Journal, Georgian and Constitution.

Leo Frank had just made another virtual murder confession? True, False, Maybe, Sorta?

The Atlanta Constitution March 9th, 1914, there is an interview with Leo Frank where he affirms his murder confession number 3.

The Centennials: Please Promote the Leo Frank Library Archive

Please help promote our massive Leo Frank archive web site between April 26, 2013 and August 17, 1915, to remember the 100th anniversary of the tragic bludgeoning, rape and strangulation of Mary Anne Phagan (1899 to 1913), and hanging of Leo Max Frank (1884 to 1915).

After reading these three local Atlanta Georgia newspapers from 1913 to 1915, it is time for you to decide the truth, first as the Judge and Jury, and secondly, then as the Georgia Supreme Court Justices, to determine whether or not, the verdict rendered against Leo Frank on August 25, 1913, by the jury & August 26, 1913, by the judge, was correct and should stand:

First Step:

1. You are now the Judge and Jury, read the official Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence from beginning to end, sifting it and pass your verdict. Would you leave the verdict of the jury and judge undisturbed?

Second Step:

2. You are now the Georgia Supreme Court, read the Leo Frank Supreme Court Records in either individual images or PDF, from beginning to end, sifting it and pass your verdict. Would you leave the verdict of the jury and judge undisturbed?

Open Discussion Forum:

To discuss the Leo Frank Case, join Brooklyn College Professor Allen Koenigsberg’s, Leo Frank Case Yahoo Discussion Group, from the Leo Frank Case: Open or Closed, website: (The Leo Frank Research Library is NOT affiliated with Professor Allen Koenigsberg or his Leo Frank Case website/yahoo group.)

The Leo Frank Research Library Welcomes You to Explore:

We welcome you to explore our colossal archive and we will consider all comments, constructive criticism and suggestions for improving and expanding our web site, contact us.

Last Updated: April 26, 2013.